A Success Case
Diana Perez-Marin
and Ismael Pascual-Nieto
Computing Languages and Systems I Department, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
Computing Science Department, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Motivation, Blended Learning, Assessment Methods, Technology Enhanced Learning.
Abstract: Blended Learning approaches combine face-to-face instruction with some type of computer-based
education. In this paper, the proposed combination is teaching in class and reviewing after class using an on-
line free-text scoring assessment system. In our first experiments with non Computer Science university
students, we asked their teachers to motivate them with the possibility of getting more training for the final
exam. However, only 5 students (11% of the class) reviewed with the computer after class on a regular
basis. Therefore, we studied and applied a set of principles to improve the motivation of using the Blended
Learning approach, and to get more students to review after class. After applying these principles 78% of
the non Computer Science university students reviewed with the computer on a regular basis.
Blended Learning (BL) approaches combine face-to-
face instruction with some type of computer-based
education (Graham, 2005). In this way, it is possible
to combine the advantages of traditional face-to-face
instruction and computer-based education while
minimising the negative features of each (Klein et al.
Some advantages reported for traditional face-to-
face instruction are keeping the contact with the
teacher and thus, having immediate answers to
doubts and questions; and removing the isolation
feeling reported when using on-line education
(McElrath & McDowell, 2008).
Some advantages reported for computer-based
education are: temporal and spatial flexibility
because students can use the computer application
from any place and at any time; the possibility of
getting adaptive and personalised training; and,
allowing students to review at their own rhythm.
Furthermore, there are benefits inherent to the
use of BL approaches such as the ones reported by
Singh (2003) and Kim (2007): to reach more
students; to increase the learning efficiency; to
reduce costs; to improve the teaching methodology;
and, to have better logistics.
The literature on BL has focused on the
description of BL systems and methodologies.
However, up to our knowledge, little work has been
published assessing the relationship between
blended learning and motivation to learn.
In our previous experiments (Pérez-Marín et al.
2007), we have observed that Computer Science
Students are eager to use computer applications as a
complement to their traditional lessons.
However, non Computer Science students, albeit
not having technical difficulties in using computer
applications, are not so eager to use BL systems
without external motivation.
In this paper, several principles to improve the
motivation of non Computer Science students to use
the BL system to review after class are gathered. An
experiment in which these principles were used is
also described. We consider it a success case
because when the principles were applied the
percentage of students using the BL system was
increased from 11% up to 78%.
The organisation of the paper is as follows:
Section 2 briefly reviews the related work; Section 3
provides our proposed list of principles; Section 4
describes the experiment; and, finally Section 5 ends
with the main conclusions and lines of future work.
Perez-Marin D. and Pascual-Nieto I. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 84-89
DOI: 10.5220/0002775700840089
Motivation in the educational field can be defined as
the attention and effort required to completing a
learning task (Moshinskie, 2001).
Motivation is a key factor for learning,
irrespectively of the nature of the learning process:
traditional learning, e-learning, b-learning, m-
learning, etc. (Wlodkowski, 1985; Dick & Carey,
1996; Hodges, 2004; Lynch & Dembo, 2004; Klein
et al. 2006; Keller, 2008).
According to Ryan & Deci (2000), two
important variables have to be distinguished in
relation to the motivation: the level of motivation
(i.e. how much motivation), and the type of
motivation (i.e. the orientation of the motivation).
The level of motivation is difficult to assess
given its subjective nature. Nevertheless, it is
possible to use questionnaires (Keller, 2008).
Regarding the type of motivation, at least three
different theories and two models can be
distinguished (Hodges, 2004), as it is reviewed in
the rest of this section.
The attribution theory holds that learners can
find controllable or uncontrollable reasons when
trying to explain their successes and failures. The
motivation stops when the reasons found are
uncontrollable. It is because students believe that
they are unable to perform the task.
Therefore, instructors should make an effort
to help learners to attribute the learning
outcomes to controllable reasons, and thus to
increase the motivation of the students.
The expectancy-value theory holds that students
expect certain results for their behaviour. The
motivation stops when the students stop thinking
that they are going to achieve the expected results.
Therefore, the bigger the likelihood perceived
by the students of getting the expected results is,
the bigger their motivation to work in the task is.
The goal theory holds that establishing goals is
the key to keep motivation in the time. In fact,
Beatty-Guenter (2001) identified goal orientation as
a significant attribute of those learners who
completed their distance course; and, Thompson
(1998) noted that learners who set clear goals
perform better.
Several types of goals can be distinguished. For
instance, proximal goals can be achieved in short
time, whereas distal goals are to be achieved in a
longer future. Furthermore, it should be explained
how to achieve the goals. The motivation stops when
there are not goals established, there are only distal
goals, or students do not know how to achieve the
established goals.
Therefore, several proximal goals regarded by
the students as feasible should be established
during the course.
It can be observed that these theories are quite
similar. In fact, they share some common underlying
concepts, such as the intrinsic/extrinsic nature of
motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to doing
something because it is inherently interesting or
enjoyable. Extrinsic motivation refers to doing
something because it leads to a separable outcome.
Student with intrinsic motivation can learn in any
situation, therefore the focus should be placed on
students who need extrinsic motivation.
Regarding the models, the Time Continuum
(TC) Model, proposed by Wlodkowski in 1985,
claims that the motivation is crucial in three critical
points of the learning process: at the beginning
(attitude and needs), at the middle (stimulation and
affect) and at the end (competence and
The ARCS model, firstly proposed by Keller in
1987 and studied since then (Keller, 2008), claims
that 6 categories has to be reviewed.
The first four categories are the original that
gave the name to the model: Attention, Relevance,
Confidence and Satisfaction. The last two added
categories are: volition (Kuhl, 1987) and self-
regulation (Zimmerman, 1998).
3.1 Explanatory Notes
Students with intrinsic motivation usually do not
have difficulties in any learning situation. Therefore,
the principles gathered in this chapter are mainly
devised for students who need extrinsic motivation.
In order to make the reading of these principles
easier, they are presented ordered by its source,
according to the previous section. For instance,
principles related to the theories are presented before
than principles related to the models.
If the same principle is related to more than one
theory or model then it is just mentioned the first
time that it appears.
It is out of the scope of this paper to create a
complete list of principles for improving the
motivation, as the focus is on the relevant principles
to improve the motivation in Blended Learning
3.2 List of Principles
1. Learners should attribute the learning outcomes
to controllable reasons (attribution theory).
2. Students should believe that they will get the
expected results (expectancy-value theory).
3. Several proximal goals should be established
during the course (goal theory).
4. The needs of the students should be reviewed
before the course starts (TC model).
5. The goals of the course should be clearly stated
at the beginning (TC model, ARCS model).
6. The activities provided to the student should be
varied (TC model, ARCS model).
7. Immediate and adaptive feedback should be
provided during and at the end of the course (TC
model, ARCS model).
8. The curiosity of the students should be aroused
and sustained (ARCS model – attention).
9. The instruction should be perceived as relevant
to the personal values to the students or
instrumental to accomplish the expected goals
(ARCS model – relevance).
10. Students should have the personal conviction
that they will be able to succeed in mastering the
learning task (ARCS model – confidence).
11. Students should anticipate and experience
satisfying outcomes to a learning task (ARCS
model – satisfaction).
12. Students should be helped in applying volitional
(self-regulatory) strategies to protect their
intentions (new ARCS model – volition and self-
4.1 Settings
In the courses 2007/2008 and 2008/2009, 45
students of the English Studies degree were asked to
participate in an experience of using a Blended
Learning approach for their Pragmatic course
(Pérez-Marín et al. 2007).
The goal was to study the impact of using a
Blended Learning approach in a non-technical
domain with non Computer Science students. The
BL approach was as follows: students could keep
attending to their traditional lessons with their
teacher, while they would also have the possibility
of reviewing after class from any computer
connected to Internet at any time.
However, it was decided that the first session of
using the BL system would be in class. It is because
we wanted to check whether non Computer Science
students found any difficulty in using the system.
The mean age range of the students was 22 years
old with 1 year deviation, except for the 2007/2008
course in which one student was 45 years old.
The participation in both experiences was
voluntary. Students were initially motivated by their
teachers in class. The teachers told them that
although the use of the BL approach would not have
a percentage in the final score of the course, it would
help to solve difficult cases (e.g. students with a near
pass score who would pass the course).
After that initial motivation was told in the first
class of using the BL system, no more reinforcement
messages were given to follow the BL approach.
4.2 Application of the Principles
The list principles presented in Section 3.2 was used
as the starting point to choose which principles
could be applied for our BL approach.
The application of the principles for the
2007/2008 and 2008/2009 courses is shown in Table
4.3 Results
In the 2007/2008 course, 22 students (49% of the
total class) attended to the first session of using the
BL system in class. Figure 1 shows a histogram
representing the frequency of use of the BL system.
In the histogram, each bar represents the number
of questions answered each day. As can be seen,
after the first days in which the system was used up
to the point of answering 38 questions in one day,
the frequency of use decreases until stopping at all.
In general, only 5 students (11% of the class)
used regularly the BL system during the course to
review after class. The rest of the students claimed
that they had too much compulsory work to devote
time to voluntary activities.
Nevertheless, we thought that it could also be
due to the fact that more than half of the principles
gathered from the motivation in learning literature
were not applied (as shown in Table 1).
Furthermore, we wanted to test if the next year
we would obtain the same results. Therefore, we
asked the teachers of the course just to make the
necessary modifications to apply the rest of the
principles, except the last one that is kept as future
work (as shown in Table1).
The use of the BL system changed as
represented in Figure 2. As can be seen, and
although still not all the students used the system
regularly, in the 2008/2009, 35 students (78% of the
class) used it on a more regular basis.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Application of motivation principles in the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 BL experiments.
Application in 2007/2008 Application in 2008/2009
Learners should attribute the outcomes to
controllable reasons.
Students were told that using the BL system
to review is a matter of practise.
Same than 2007/2008
Students should believe that they will get the
expected results.
This principle was not applied.
Students were told that more
exercises would appear if they
keep using the BL system.
Several proximal goals should be established
during the course.
Students could follow their progress in the
BL system.
Same than 2007/2008
The needs of the students should be reviewed
before the course starts.
This principle was not applied. In fact, the
course was created without knowing the
students and their needs.
The teachers of the students who
knew their needs and the lessons
created the course.
The goals of the course should be clearly
stated at the beginning.
Students were told that in order to consider
that they have passed the course in the BL
system, at least half of the questions have to
be answered.
Same than 2007/2008
The activities provided to the student should
be varied.
This principle was not applied. In fact, many
of the questions ask for a definition of a
Although the BL system keeps
asking only questions, their type
changed (comparison,...)
Immediate and adaptive feedback should be
provided in the course.
A model of each student is kept, so that for
each question, immediate and adaptive
feedback can be provided.
Same than 2007/2008
The curiosity of the students should be
aroused and sustained.
This principle was not applied.
Each two weeks new questions
were introduced into the course to
keep the students’ attention.
The instruction should be perceived as
relevant and useful.
This principle was not applied.
Given that their teachers have
created the course, it was more
related to the lessons in class.
Students should have the conviction that they
will be able to succeed.
This principle was not applied.
In the first session in class, we
assured that all students felt that
they could use the system.
Students should anticipate and experience
satisfying outcomes.
Students could observe how they progressed
in the course in relation to the rest of their
As well as the feedback that
students could see, their teachers
answered more mails and followed
their evolution.
Students should be helped in applying
volitional strategies.
This principle was not applied.
This principle was not applied.
Figure 1: Frequency of use of the BL system during the 2007/2008 course.
Figure 2: Frequency of use of the BL system during the 2008/2009 course.
Blended Learning combines the traditional face-to-
face instruction with computer-based education. In
this way, it combines the advantages of both
instructional methods, while minimising their
Many BL experiments have been performed by
Computer Science teachers to Computer Science
students. Those students are usually eager to use
computer applications.
On the other hand, non Computer Science
students may feel disoriented without knowing how
to organise their time to study or how to navigate in
the system. Thus, they may stop using the BL
system altogether.
Motivation is a key factor for learning in general,
and for computer-based education is particularly
Several types of motivation can be distinguished.
For instance, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
should be differentiated. Ideally, all students could
be intrinsically motivated. It would help them to take
full advantage of any learning situation.
However, it is not usually the case. Therefore,
principles should be applied to provide extrinsic
motivation to students.
The review of the literature of motivation in
learning provides several theories and models, from
which 12 principles can be gathered.
In particular, it was our hypothesis that by
applying these principles, there would be an
improvement in using a BL approach in which
students attend to traditional lessons to learn, and
use the BL system to review after class.
An experiment performed during the 2007/2008
and 2008/2009 courses with English Studies
university students has provided evidence to support
that hypothesis.
While in 2007/2008, from the 45 students
enrolled in the course, only 5 students (11% of the
class) regularly used the BL system when it was
offered as voluntary. In the 2008/2009, 35 students
(78% of the class) regularly used the BL system also
being a voluntary activity.
It is our belief that the improvement of the
motivation was due to the application of the
principles. In fact, while in the first year, only 5
principles were applied, in the second year 11
principles (more than the double) were applied.
In particular, the 5 principles applied in
2007/2008 were: learners should attribute the
outcomes to controllable reasons, several proximal
goals should be established during the course, the
goals of the course should be clearly stated at the
beginning, immediate and adaptive feedback should
be provided in the course, and students should
anticipate and experience satisfying outcomes.
The new 6 principles applied in 2008/2009 were:
students should believe that they will get the
expected results, the needs of the students should be
reviewed before the course starts, the activities
provided to the student should be varied, the
curiosity of the students should be aroused and
sustained, the instruction should be perceived as
relevant and useful, students should have the
conviction that they will be able to succeed, and the
principle indicating that students should anticipate
and experience satisfying outcomes was improved.
It has been particularly relevant the introduction
of the ARCS model with the principles of the
2008/2009 year. For instance, the progressive
introduction of the course in the BL system to keep
the attention of the students, and the increase of the
relevance feeling as the course was more related to
the lessons in class.
As future work, we plan to also apply the last
principle (Students should be helped in applying
volitional strategies) to incorporate the volition and
self-regulatory categories of motivation.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
A possible strategy to incorporate that principle
and keep improving the motivation of using the BL
system could be the use of an animated pedagogical
conversational agent (Keller, 2008).
The agent could be a student companion in the
computer application. Students could ask for their
help when they have some doubt, and/or the agent
could also recommend some actions to the students
when they seem disoriented, or it has been detected
that they are having difficulties in completing some
tasks in the system.
This work has been sponsored by Spanish Ministry
of Science and Technology, project TIN2007-64718.
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