Stamatia Chatzisavva, Georgios Tsoulouhas, Anastasia Georgiadou and Alexandros Karakos
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, GR 67 100, Xanthi, Greece
Keywords: Learning Management Systems, Wikis, Moodle, Asynchronous Distance Learning.
Abstract: Research was conducted concerning Learning Management Systems (LMS) resulting in ‘Moodle’ being an
efficient tool in dynamic distance learning environment. The fact that Moodle is an open source program
allows the programmer to modify and extend it thus provide the possibility to develop a chat module that
allows online communication in real time. Chat is in ‘question - answer’ form. The characteristic of this
module is a virtual user. This user will be used in future development, in relation with data mining
technology, in order to answer to students’ questions. In addition, wikis was embedded into the system due
to their wide range of implementations in education. Both types of wikis, closed and open, were included
into the system. ‘MediaWiki’ was used in order to create the open wiki. Additional tools involved in the
environment enable users to upload files, create quizzes, forums, calendar, questionnaires and more, aiming
to the creation of a dynamic environment of distance learning. Regarding the dynamic environment
developed, the program was tested in a high school as a tool, in terms of asynchronous learning
environment, in order to ensure that is functional and easy to use.
The kind of education, which incorporates various
means of communication like mail, e-mail, video,
computers and many others, is called “distance
learning”. This form of education does not require
the physical presence of the students in a specific
space in order to conduct the lesson. Instead, in
distance learning the communication between the
teacher and the student is very brief and in many
cases there is none.
In our days, in order distance learning to work,
the personal computer and the use of the internet is
essential, that is why some times the term “distance
learning” is mixed with terms such as “e-learning”,
“computer assisted learning”, “online learning”,
“online education” and “web based education”.
There are two types of distance learning, the
synchronous and the asynchronous (Gregory, 2003).
In the first type, the education process is in real time.
The student watches the lesson at the same time but
at a different place. Characteristic examples are:
video conferencing, telephone, chat, web
conferencing and web based VoIP
In the second method, the lesson takes place both
at a different time and place. The student can watch
the lesson in a totally different time with that of the
presentation via mail, email, printed material, CD-
ROM, DVD and other.
In many cases these two forms of distance
learning can be combined. This way, the opportunity
is given to the student follow his own pace of
learning and at the same time with the synchronous
distance learning a chance is given for interpersonal
and communicational skills between the teacher and
the student to be created.
In several occasions, education management
systems are used in order to electronically record
files, reports and others, as well as for registration of
teachers and students in classes. They are also used
by many other educational institutions, as an extra
tool of enhancing their lesson procedure. Most
education management systems, in order to make the
access to educational material and its management
easier, are internet based. Nevertheless, there is a
differentiation of the platform on which the lessons
deploy, depending on the system. There systems
such as Moodle and Atutor that have been activated
with PHP and MySQL while others have been
activated with ASP.NET and MSSQL Server.
Similarly, there are systems that are open coded and
others that are not.
Some of the most known Learning Management
Systems and their websites are:
Atutor (http://www.atutor.ca)
Moodle (http://moodle.org/)
Claroline (http://www.claroline.net/)
Dokeos (http://www.dokeos.com/)
Chatzisavva S., Tsoulouhas G., Georgiadou A. and Karakos A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 398-401
DOI: 10.5220/0002776803980401
ILIAS (http://www.ilias.de/)
JoomlaLMS (http://www.joomlalms.com/)
Desire2Learn (http://www.desire2learn.com/)
The term wikis concerns wiki websites or software
used to create this type of websites. Wiki websites
are a collection of interconnected documents and
files (McKiernan, 2005), to which a person has free
access and can process them with the simple help of
a browser. This means that the readers of a wiki
webpage have the ability to process and modify
existing wiki web pages and also to create new ones.
Wiki software is the tool that gives its users the
ability to create their own webpage through the
Wikis are divided in three categories, public,
private and hybrid (Klobas, 2006). In the first
category, access is free for everyone and they can all
read and process these wiki web pages. In the
second category, access is limited to specific groups
of people.
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment) constitutes a free software
(open source) of education management system. It
was created by Martin Dougiamas who in the past
was the manager of WebCT. It was designed with
the purpose to manage the education activities and it
is mostly used for the needs of asynchronous
distance learning.
Moodle can be installed in Unix, Linux,
Windows, Mac OS X, NetWare environment and in
any other operational system that supports PHP. The
data are stored in a SQL database. It is better
combined with MySQL or PostgreSQL but can also
be used with Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL
Server. 1.9.4+ Moodle edition was installed in
‘D.A.Lab. server’ of Democritus University of
Thrace at: http://dalab.ee.duth.gr/~schatzi/moodle/
Moodle provides a useful environment which
gives teachers the ability to create a website for their
lessons. Moodle has been chosen basically because
of its open source nature, which supports
modification and expansion of the system according
to the user needs. Thus, in relation with Moodle,
users are distinguished to admin, teacher, student
and guest depending on the roles, the provided tools
are differentiated. All the enrolled users can have
access to this site. In order for this lesson to be
functional and more dynamic Moodle provides a
variety of tools. According to Uzunboylu et. al.,
(2006), some basic characteristics of the system are:
Discussion Forums: The messages may enclose
attachments of pictures or web addresses. For the
creation of the messages a text writer is used with
tools similar with those of Microsoft word. The
students can receive the synopsis of the discussion
messages via web mail, on a daily basis.
File Sharing: Students can submit their assignments
E-Mail: Students must have an external email
Chat: It provides a discussion tool, which supports
the images. It creates history files for the teachers,
which can be shared with the students. Students are
able to see who else, from their department, is
online. Teachers can manage the discussion by using
the department calendar as well.
Help: Context sensitive help where users can have
Group work: Teachers can create groups.
Student Community Building: Moodle, on the main
page has a large community of users.
Eschool was implemented with Moodle, since the
latter was primarily developed for distance learning
needs exclusively for schools.
Other than moodle in ‘D.A.Lab. server’ an edition of
‘MediaWiki 1.14.0’ program was installed.
The name is ‘Eschool wiki’ its relevant website is:
The open code software MediaWiki which is written
in PHP, is a software used to create wiki pages.
Wikipedia is an example of such application.
The distance learning environment that was created
is called Eschool. It is created as a tool for
asynchronous distance learning with the purpose to
enhance the learning ability of the students.
The main page of the implementation (figure1),
displays the list of the lessons in its central part. To
the right a calendar is displayed right below the
search tool of the E-school wiki library. At the
bottom of the page links are provided addressing to
other web sites as well as links providing
information and contact details relevant to Eschool.
The environment of Eschool is multilingual so the
user has the choice between English or Greek
Figure 1: Eschool main page.
language, the environment can be easily subjected to
modifications with the potential to add more
languages. The user can also choose the “login” link
in order to enter the system after typing his
username and password. After entering the system,
the menu of the web page appears which depending
on the user’s rights it differentiates. Specifically,
there are four types of users: administrator, teacher,
student and guest. At first the lesson “Computing
applications” was created as well as accounts for
students and teachers. This particular lesson is
taught in the fourth year of all the high schools in
Greece. Twelve thematic units have been created
that match the chapters of lesson’s book. The teacher
can add material to the lesson such as text files,
presentations, questionnaires, wiki pages, exercises,
assignments, voting, forums, chats and others.
Specifically, text files are added to the lesson as
well as presentation files, relevant to the material of
the book chapters. Questions were created and used
in an exercise, the types of which were multiple
choices and can vary. “Exercise 1” is displayed as an
activity in the lesson. Student has the ability to
project and solve the exercise. The teacher can check
which students worked on the exercise and at
what point did they find the answers. Furthermore an
assignment was put together for file uploading
which was displayed in the first chapter of the lesson
as well as in the list of assignments. Students can
read the subject of the assignment and can send their
file electronically after its completion. Grades can be
displayed for each assignment.
Beside the assignments and exercises the teacher
has the ability to display news and announcements
to the lesson and also add facts to the calendar. The
students can also take part in electronic voting and
watch the results at the end. The teachers can create
a forum by entering a discussion topic. The user can
create wiki pages that can be displayed in a list and
also individually. For every thematic unit of the
lesson there is also chat tool. The tool displays
which users are connected through a list from which
a user can choose someone for conversation, a
virtual user seems to be constantly connected in
order to be used for further studies in the future.
At the same time, the Eschool wiki was created,
which is a public wiki where articles and material
concerning lessons of high school education can be
published. At the main page of the application some
categories are created for a possible future
attachments of articles related to them.
The main page of the environment involves the
navigation menu, the search tool and the tool menu
that are projected at the left. At the center of the
page, the index of the article/page is projected and at
the upper section, the option of “Discussion”, “Edit”
and “History” are given, which concern the current
article of the page. To the upper right, the choice
“Create Account/Login” transfers the user to the
login page where, in case of a registered user, can
register username and password. Otherwise, just
choosing “Create an account” and typing his
personal data on the appearing page can register
The Eschool distance learning program was applied
in real conditions, in order to gain information
regarding its efficiency and functionality.
Specifically, the application took place at a high
school of Greece (Lyceum of Iasmos). The dynamic
environment of distance learning was implemented
during the lesson in terms of asynchronous distance
learning in order to enhance the teaching process,
students were gradually familiarised with the
application so that in the future this application will
be incorporated in their school.
In this application two questionnaires were
created, in order to be answered by students. The
application was complete in three stages. In the first
stage, a visit took place at the computer laboratory
of the school, and lasted for two hours. During the
first hour, there was a briefing about the program
and the students experimented with the application
so that they would be familiarized with it. After that,
they worked on some of the tools this program has
to offer, such as: reading wiki articles from the
incorporated Eschool wiki library, reading lesson
material, participation in voting and finally
completing a questionnaire concerning the Eschool
environment. During the second hour, the students
used the chat tool of the application. The chat had
the form of question-answer. Every student had the
ability to exchange knowledge with one or many
students. The purpose of this chat was to record data
to the database, which will be used for future
studies. At the end of the school hour, filled a
questionnaire regarding the subject of the chat.
During the second and third stage, there were
two more visits to the school in different time of
period. The students that took part, were asked to
use, exclusively, the conversation tool, because the
purpose was the enrichment of the database. It
should be pointed out, that the students that were
chosen for this part were the students from the
previous session, since they were already
familiarized with the application.
The students used all the tools of the application
with success and without facing any difficulties. The
chat tool draws their attention and expressed their
enthusiasm during its use.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
As Vygotsky (1978) pointed out, “in a collaborative
scenario, students interchange their ideas for
coordinating when they working for reaching
common goals. When dilemmas arise, the discussion
process involves them in learning”. According to
Juan et. al., (2009), when the learners work in
groups they reflect upon their ideas (and those of
their colleagues’), explain their opinions, consider
and discuss those of others, and as a result, learn. In
this way, each learner acquires individual knowledge
from the collaborative interaction. As the importance
of collaborative learning is widely accepted in
learning theorists, implementation of collaborative
learning in Learning Management Systems (LMSs)
arises as of crucial interest. The three basic factors in
collaborative learning are: the tutor, the learner and
his/her co learner. The role of the late is crucial.
Many students emerge from basic science courses
with inabilities to apply the scientific concepts or
principles that they ostensibly learned, with
significant misconceptions, and with poor problem
solving abilities. They need to, and they use to
address questions and so they expect to get answers.
Tutors respond to their questions with accuracy and
their responses are also characterized for their
educational value. This is not the case when the
learner addresses questions to his co learner. A co
learner responds inaccurately and in many cases
gives fault answers. Even so, the presence of a co
learner is meaningful. Aim in future studies is to
expand chat module in order to transform virtual
user, using data mining algorithms, into a virtual co
learner. The goal of building a computerized
Simulated Student (VanLehn et al. 1994) is to
facilitate the learner’s own efforts at learning by
employing cooperative learning techniques.
As mentioned before, Moodle is an efficient tool in
dynamic distance learning environment. Its main
characteristic is its open source nature which gives
the opportunity to the programmer to expand,
modify and adjust it to a particular case in order to
cope successfully with the user needs analysis. The
extra chat module that has been developed -
allowing online communication in real time - is a
robust example of system’s flexibility. In future
studies, chat tool can be enhanced, so as a virtual
user to become a virtual co learner, being able to
answer automatically to student’s questions.
In addition, the system could easily connect with
an external page such as Eschool wiki. This can be
done either by following a simple link or through a
search engine that has been placed in the main page
of Eschool. Both types of wikis, closed and open,
were included into the system.
Moodle is an application which is easy to install
and use, providing unlimited capabilities to its users.
Eschool proved to be a useful tool in asynchronous
distance learning for enhancing students learning
abilities. The program was tested in a high school as
a tool, in terms of asynchronous learning
environment, in order to ensure that is functional and
easy to use. Students faced some difficulties in
adding wiki pages but could easily find and read the
ones already created. Nevertheless, they found the
whole idea of eschool charming and they felt
enthusiastic in terms of future incorporation to their
school teaching program.
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