and acoustic emission diagnostic methods) or on
laboratory devices (vibrodiagnostic method), the
same as mentioned simulator is.
Students gain experience in various NDT
methods, signal analysis, data acquisition and
principles of sensors operation. These experiments
bring to students significant improvement
engineering skills and imagination in addition to
theoretical education.
3.1 Integration of the Vibrodiagnostic
Simulator Device into e-Learning
A meaningful extension of a classic laboratory
education by e-learning depends on providing the
similar perceptions to remote users like students
physically attending a laboratory have. Main these
perceptions are:
visual sensation, students could easily figure out
how does device work and what to do for
successful manage the laboratory task.
control and monitoring a device via PC
data acquisition from sensors
manipulation with a device.
If e-learning laboratory is useful, these
mentioned points will be respected. In case of
vibrodiagnostic simulator device, these points were
solved by the following way.
3.1.1 Visual Sensation
The visual sensation is assured by a video
transmission from IP camera which overlooking
motion and state of device to remote user. There is
used compact 1.3 megapixel network camera with
digital pan-tilt-zoom that enhances viewing and
monitoring. It uses 179 degrees wide angle lens to
view horizontal and 99 vertical degrees of the actual
vision. This cam lets move view around using a
smaller viewing window.
There is even possibility to define a preset path,
and the camera will cruise along the path you
defined. When there is something that catches user
attention, this cam allows zoom-in to see the details.
It also allows recording at the same time.
3.1.2 Control and Monitoring
The vibrodiagnostic simulator device was made as
fully electronically controlled from PC. There arise a
solution in the remote desktop which solve remote
access to device, thus any changes in design of
existent control unit were not required.
Figure 4: A snapshot from IP camera.
3.1.3 Control and Monitoring
The vibrodiagnostic simulator device was made as
fully electronically controlled from PC. There arise a
solution in the remote desktop which solve remote
access to device, thus any changes in design of
existent control unit were not required.
The remote desktop allows a user to log in to a
remote system and access the desktop, applications
and data on the system as well as control it remotely.
However, this is only available in certain Windows
editions, but for instance Windows XP and
Windows Vista have this system pre-installed. A
efficient firewall and regular system are
recommended to block unauthorized access.
3.1.4 Data Acquisition
Data acquisition is provided by unit, connected with
PC via USB interface, as described in 2.2.2. There is
one software environment for control and data
acquisition, equipped by GUI (graphical user
interface), programmed under Matlab software. A
remote user gets access to this application via
mentioned remote desktop.
3.1.5 Manipulation with the Device
Generally, according to principle e-learner has not a
free hand in manipulation with laboratory devices
and must rely on mechanical and software
possibilities which are allowed to them.
In the simulator case, manipulation is not
allowed even to attending students during laboratory
lesson for its complexity. Maintenance and changes
in the structure a supervisor does on its own.
Therefore the remote user has the same access to the
device as an attending student.