The result is called "Experton. The Experton is
itself an aggregate view representative of all that
have been considered in the sample. In order to give
a simplified representation of an Experton, can be
used to obtain the expected value (Table 4).
Table 4: Expected value.
The result identifies the expectations of
stakeholders about the content of the sustainability
report related to corporate social performance
through the aggregation of views. In this case, we
observe a very large distance between the
expectations of stakeholders with the draft
sustainability report being prepared by the company.
Therefore, the company needs to devote special
attention to the contents related to “labor practices
and decent work” and “human rights" valuation
receiving 0.4 and 0.5 respectively. The items
"society" and "product responsibility" valuation
were 0.6 and 0.7 respectively. The proposed model
can be extended in accordance with the requirements
of questions and the number of participating experts
and business sectors.
The study on corporate sustainability shows that
compared with the changes we are living is essential
to find models that will help employers in making
decisions, especially in an uncertain environment.
Because of the complexity that is the search for
more sustainable development through dialogue with
stakeholders in our research we try to analyze these
complex systems using fuzzy logic. In implementing
the proposed model, we provide a tool based on the
use of “Method of Experton”. This methodology can
facilitate decision making by obtaining qualitative
data from a dialogue with various stakeholders. This
is an innovation and a useful tool to be used in the
processes of aggregation and unification of views or
differing expectations among its stakeholders. The
model also allows to know the distribution function
at levels characteristic of belonging to the aggregate
values. The result show that has provided us with the
expectations of stakeholders regarding the
implementation of the contents of the sustainability
report. Now the company must revise their
commitments and related management approach
social issues, such as “labor practices and decent
work” and “human rights".
The main contribution of this paper is to provide
a model that assist entrepreneurs in the aggregation
of opinions related to the stakeholders. At the same
time, as the GRI G3, the company serves as
documentation and explanation of how it has
evaluated such factors when drafting the report. We
believe that our contribution will serve to support
future research in the field of sustainability in
business and the application of the methodology in
dialogue with stakeholders.
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