Lucia Rapanotti and Jon G. Hall
Computing Department, The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.
Virtual worlds, Second life, Immersive learning environments, Distance education, Software development.
Virtual worlds are rapidly spreading beyond gaming and entertainment into education and the corporate world.
Should this trend continue, as forecast by the industry, then immersive applications will become more promi-
nent, with bespoke software developed in the metaverse affording both opportunities and challenges. This
paper reflects on the experience of developing a learning virtual space based on Second Life as part of an
innovation project at The Open University, UK. The paper focuses on the lessons learnt from the viewpoint of
managing the development of the learning environment, and could be of benefit to educators and educational
technologists who are thinking to engage in this sort of development.
Immersive technologies have known an unprece-
dented growth in recent years, due to faster, cheaper
computers and widespread broadband connections
(Castronova, 2006). Besides traditional gaming and
entertainment applications, some serious propositions
are starting to emerge for their use both in educa-
tion (ReLive, 2008; de Freitas, 2008; Otto et al.,
2006; Heldal et al., 2005; Daily et al., 2000) and
in the corporate world (Bartholomew, 2008; IBM,
2010; Nguyen et al., 2008), particularly to foster re-
mote collaboration within increasingly globally dis-
tributed institutions and industries. Industry forecasts
(Driver and Driver, 2009) predict that within the next
decade an immersive layer will be added to current
web technology, providing a high-degree of integra-
tion between immersive technology and the web, and
making virtual worlds a mainstream technology for
business and education.
Among existing technology, Second Life (SL,
2010) has proved particularly popular in recent years,
due to its distinctive combination of 3D simulation
with social networking concepts into an open-access
commercial grid offered by Linden Labs. While the
underlying server and simulation technology is under
the company’s control, access to the grid is free and
the data content is largely provided by the user com-
munity: users can acquire virtual land, on which to
develop their own content, from Linden Labs through
the payment of purchase and maintenance fees; alter-
natively they can rent or even buy some virtual space
from other virtual land owners, usually also for a fee.
Currently, Second Life is a grid of tens of thousands
of connected virtual worlds, often shaped as sunny is-
lands and moulded by their virtual land owners to of-
fer bespoke immersive experiences to visitors. The
embodiment of users as avatars affords a powerful
sense of presence in comparison to more traditional
2D web technology, and the high degree of customi-
sation, both of land and avatars appearance, is highly
appealing to users.
For the past 18 months, the first author has driven
an innovation project (vMPhil, 2010) in the Comput-
ing Department at the Open University, part of which
has concerned the development of a Second Life en-
vironment for eResearch, a virtual campus for Com-
puting academics, their research students and collabo-
rators, called deep|think (deepthink, 2010) (A detailed
description of the campus and its pedagogical under-
pinning is outside the scope of this paper and can
be found in (Rapanotti et al., 2009) instead.) The
virtual environment is meant to support academics
and research students at a distance, this being the
default mode of operation of our institution. The
project complexity stemmed from the large number
of stake-holders involved, the relatively large-scale
of the virtual world development, and the strategic
significance of such a development within the eRe-
search programme. The Problem Oriented Engineer-
ing (POE) framework (Hall and Rapanotti, 2009a;
Hall and Rapanotti, 2009b), developedby the authors,
Rapanotti L. and G. Hall J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 33-38
DOI: 10.5220/0002777200330038
was adopted for project management, and to guide
the overall product design and stake-holder validation
throughout the project: an account of how it was ap-
plied can be found in (Rapanotti and Hall, 2009).
In this paper we focus on development issues
which pertain to the Second Life component of the
project, with a view to expose both barriers and en-
ablers which other practitioners wanting to engage in
similar enterprises may like to consider. After report-
ing some of the key issues we encountered, we reflect
on our experience and offer some practical advice.
In this section we report some of the issues which
emerged during the software development of the Sec-
ond Life environment and which are distinctive of the
technology we used. There were, of course, other
generic software issues, like accessibility, privacy or
access control, but these were not substantially differ-
ent from those one may encounter in any other soft-
ware development, hence are not addressed here.
By following the POE philosophy, project man-
agement decisions were guided by an assessment of
risk and validation activities involving project stake-
2.1 In-house vs Third-party
Although the Second Life user community is large
and still growing, sculpting and scripting
still remains quite rare. At the start of the project,
such in-house expertise was very limited within the
authors’ institution, and the cost and time of develop-
ing it would have been disproportionate to the needs
and means of the project. Therefore the involvement
of third-party software developerswas deemed a more
cost-effective solution.
Two separate contractual agreements were set up.
One was with Linden Labs for the purchase of the
virtual land and its continuous maintenance; the sec-
ond was with a UK software development company
to shape the land and introduce fixtures to our speci-
The third-partydevelopmenteffort was quite com-
pressed: it consisted of twenty-two development
days, spread out over two months in real time, with
Sculpting refers to the creation of 3D objects within
Second Life, while scripting is a form of software develop-
ment used to add interactive behaviour to those objects.
three software developers sharing the work on the
project. Development was punctuated by inworld
project reviews on a weekly basis in which both aca-
demics and software developers took part.
2.2 Fluidity of Design vs Contractual
Currently, the provision of immersive solutions re-
mains very much in the realm of craft rather than
engineering (Driver and Driver, 2009). Each project
is unique, each solution radical, and partnership and
collaboration, rather than customer-provider relation-
ships are the norm. In our project, by commissioning
third party development, the need to establish a con-
tractual product specification very early on had to be
measured against the need to accommodate the emer-
gence of innovative design, this being a desirable out-
come of working collaboratively.
A set of requirements were gathered based on
what the academic team envisioned the pedagogical
use of the space should be, but also informed by the
design of other Second Life educational locations in
existence at the time. As this happened very early in
the project life, such requirements were very generic
and open to interpretation. Nevertheless they were
used as the basis of the customer-provider contractual
agreement. Their inadequacy soon became obvious,
and while they were a necessary basis to start develop-
ment, they also led to time consuming re-negotiations
of deliverables. In particular, as the environment was
shaping up both limitations and new opportunities be-
came apparent, as well as mismatches in the way the
requirements had been interpreted by the two parties.
Although this is not unusual in software development,
even with more conventional types of software, the
peculiar nature of Second Life and an initial lack of
understanding by the academic team (the customer in
this project) of what such technology could actually
deliver were exacerbating factors, and led to some
2.3 Skill Mix
The academic team on this project was made of Com-
puting academics, with prevalent expertise in Re-
quirements and Software Engineering, as well as the
preparation of distance higher education materials.
On the other hand, the third party developer team
came from a tradition of broadcasting and commu-
nication technology for business and education, these
representing the company’s core business. This is not
The immersive equivalent of ‘online’.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
unusual in the current immersive landscape, where in-
novation has been driven from many directions, not
just software specialists. The effect on the project
was an interesting and unexpected mix of expertise
and culture, with the third party developers providing
some highly effective visual solutions, and the aca-
demic team driving both the pedagogical content and
the engineering process.
2.4 From On-site to Inworld
POE promotes assurance-driven design (Hall and Ra-
panotti, 2009a), which portrays validation from stake-
holders (customer, users, software architects, etc.) as
a main driver for design in software as well as in other
forms of engineering. A high level of stake-holder in-
volvement in software development is a recognised
key success factor (see e.g., (Agile, 2010; Beck,
1999)), as it allows for prompt validation of require-
ments and problem understanding, testing of the prod-
uct being developed, and for timely corrective actions
to take place. In other words, stake-holder validation
should be pervasive throughout development, rather
than a bolt-on activity towards the end of the software
Immersive technology adds new dimensions to
this concept. In this project, the academic team (the
customer) was not just in regular contact with the de-
velopment; instead through the immersive technology
it became part of it. The academic avatars could wan-
der around the virtual world being created for them
and materially affect its design, appearance and be-
haviour. This was very effective during development
allowing the academic team to make some material
contribution to the end product. It was also invaluable
post-delivery: through such a process the academic
team gained such an intimate knowledge of the soft-
ware, to be able to alter and adapt it subsequently to
their changing needs. The added bonus was that all
this could be done with no travel involved: a broad-
band connection and the freely available Second Life
client software was all that was required for these pro-
cesses to take place. In fact, academic and devel-
opment teams remained physically distant throughout
the development and never met in real-life.
2.5 Change as a Way of Working
Virtual worlds, like Second Life, are rather different
from traditional software applications. First of all,
Second Life is a live open grid, which is updated on
a very regular basis, and with a high turnover of users
and simulations: in this respect, it is not so dissimi-
lar to the ever-changing Web, with the added compli-
cation that application developers are not in control
of the underlying server technology. Moreover, each
is very malleable: users with editing rights (e.g.
land owners, like the academic team on this project)
can, and do, keep changing the appearance and be-
haviour of their SIMs. This is due in great part to
users coming online and interacting with the land, re-
vealing any shortcomings in the design or prospecting
new opportunities. It is also partly due to human na-
ture: people like to affect their virtual world just like
they would their physical world, except that it is much
easier to do it in software. This phenomenonis partic-
ularly acute in Second Life, which has as part of their
business model to allow users to release their creativ-
ity through a thoroughly malleable medium. (This is
in contrast, for instance, to some internet gaming en-
vironments, like World of Warcraft, in which the vir-
tual environment is essentially fixed).
The need to cater for a changeable world moti-
vated the academic team to employ a land manager on
a long term basis as well as instigating a programme
of monitoring, evaluation and continuous improve-
ment of the environment. The latter is particularly
critical to this project, which had the added require-
ment to demonstrate the effectiveness of the virtual
space to allow distributed research to flourish. Note
that land management goes well beyond traditional
software maintenance: it is not just about fixing bugs
or adding new features; instead it is about continuous
reshaping and repurposing.
2.6 Tracking Software Assets
A key activity in software development is the manage-
ment of software assets, and traditional software engi-
neering makes use of automatic systems and reposito-
ries for tracking and versioning control. This is not a
possibility when working within a live grid like Sec-
ond Life. Besides the basic landscape which comes
out of the box when a simulation is purchased, every-
thing is created inworld by generating and/or putting
together virtual objects, called prims
. The current
appearance and behaviour of a SIM is the result of
the prims which are currently rezzed
within the SIM
together with their associated scripts, and it is this
current state which is preserved and restored by the
underlying simulator. There is no tracking from one
SIM is short for simulation or simulator. Essentially
each island provided by Linden Lab is rendered graphically
as a 3D simulation. Users can purchase and link together
more than one SIM at a time.
Short for primitives.
Rezzing means to make prims appear within a virtual
state to the next, hence no backtracking to restore any
previous state. However, when prims are created or
acquired by an avatar they can be stored in the avatar’s
inventory, a rather primitive repository of virtual as-
sets private to that avatar. In the context of third party
software development, such as in our project, it is re-
ally down to the developers to keep their avatars in-
ventory in good order and manually version control
their assets. Of course, manual control is not con-
ducive of large scale software development. More-
over, with more than one developer on a project, as
in our case, there was no obvious way to assemble all
assets in a single repository and maintain consistent
versioning. Overall, however, this did not turn out to
be a problem: possibly because of the participative
nature of the development, convergence towards a de-
sign satisfactory to all appeared to occur very quickly,
and only few small adjustments were necessary on a
weekly basis, which could be easily accommodated
by making use of the available rudimentary inventory.
2.7 Virtual Ownership
The concept of ownership is very strong within Sec-
ond Life, which to some extent tries to emulate own-
ership in the material world, albeit for virtual assets:
everything, from the virtual land to its tiniest prim,
has its owner, either an avatar or an avatar group.
Ownership relates to rights and to permissions; for
instance, owners may decide who can use their prims
and to which extent; they can choose to sell their
prims to other avatars for a revenue (there is a full
market economy based on this (Castronova, 2006)) or
simply donate them for free; while doing so they can
establish which rights the new owner may have, like
modifying, making copies or transferring ownership
subsequently. This creates a rather complex mecha-
nism of rights and permissions, when compared, for
instance, to traditional software assets within a di-
rectory structure on a conventional computer. More-
over, when prims with different permissions are put
together, the resulting combined permissions are not
often easy to disentangle. This fact, compounded by
the multi-repository issue discussed earlier, resulted
in a major technical headache for the project at hand-
over time, when the third party developers tried to
transfer assets from the developer avatars to the aca-
demic avatars (the contract required all assets to be
handed-overboth in executable and source forms): al-
though all of the assets were transferred, not all their
permissions were correctly assigned, and some edit-
ing rights were lost.
2.8 Tracking Ideas and Decisions
POE advocates that as well as tracking software arte-
facts, tracking ideas and design rationale is key to
risk management and decision making, and an in-
tegral part of stake-holder validation. When design
and development become participative, as in our case,
with many distributed players, a real issue is to keep
track of conversations, decisions and agreed actions.
This could not be easily done within Second Life it-
self, due to the limited support for recording infor-
mation whether textual or in other forms. In the first
phase of development, alongside the inworld review
sessions, the project leaders at both ends— academia
and software company—corresponded primarily via
email, exchanging summaries, project plans, etc. This
created a certain amount of overhead to keep track
of messages and documents, as well as communicat-
ing essential facts and co-ordinating with the other
team members. In the second stage of development,
post-delivery, a private Ning (Ning, 2009) social net-
work was set up for communication between the aca-
demic team and the contracted land manager. This
remains in use to this day and has shown to be a supe-
rior solution for project communication and tracking.
Not only does it provide a common repository, but all
communication can be made transparent and all team
members can participate and contribute ideas.
In this section we provide some practical advice we
have derived from reflection on the reported issues.
Before embarking in a virtual world development
project, it is advisable to become familiar with the
technology and gain a good understanding of its affor-
dances and limitations. For Second Life, this is rela-
tively straightforward as the gird is openly accessible
and most common operating systems are supported.
Although a high spec computer is required for best
performance, any recent desktop or laptop computer
is likely to work well with the grid. From an educa-
tional perspective, it is worth visiting existing educa-
tional sites to see examples of how the technology is
being used.
Similarly to all software projects, it is well worth
thinking about one’s requirements in some detail be-
fore embarking on design and development activi-
ties. Many educational virtual worlds tend to be rather
generic, used mainly to allow people to meet up or for
advertising purposes. Understanding and envisioning
how teaching and learning can take place is a com-
pletely different matter.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Getting starting with sculpting and scripting in
an environment like Second Life is not too complex,
but achieving a professional look-and-feelwith usable
and reliable user interactions requires some degree of
sophistication. An audit of in-house skills may help
decide whether third-party developers should be em-
ployed. If the budget does not allow for a full devel-
opment to be contracted out, it is still possible to pur-
chase specific services from within the Second Life
market place, which includes a lively community of
skilled ‘scripters’. Some fixtures can simply be pur-
chased and installed, so, it is worth doing some virtual
A long term view of how the technology fits
within a pedagogical program or institutional strat-
egy is also advisable as costs do not stop after the
initial software development. As well as the ongo-
ing maintenance fees to keep the virtual world sim-
ulations running, a serious amount of effort may be
required in order to reshape and repurpose the space
as new needs emerge, and to look after the virtual as-
sets. The ever changing underlying services and new
community trends are other factors to be taken into
account in long term planning. One also needs to con-
sider how to engage with users. It is highly likely for
user training and support to be needed, particularly for
adult users who may not have encountered this type
of technology before. Considerations of accessibility
are also paramount, as is the relation of this technol-
ogy with more traditional technologies which may be
available to users, and how such a relation may affect
the overall teaching and learning experience.
In setting up a virtual world development project,
it is worth choosing an appropriate development
method or philosophy which fits the needs of your
project and team culture, and adhering to its design
principles. The choice of POE on this project was par-
ticularly fruitful, especially the guidance it provides
to handle risk, validation and traceability of artefacts
and decisions.
When the development team is distributed, some
consideration should be given to which practical tools
should be used to track artefacts and decisions, as well
as which decision processes should be followed, with
a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities. In
case of contractual work, IP issues should be explored
and a formal agreement reached.
Finally, a successful team will have a good mix
of skills, including understanding pedagogy, soft-
ware design, and user-centred design: virtual worlds
are very graphical and interactive, so a major effort
should go into envisaging the 3D rendering of any
learning or teaching experience one may like to in-
clude in the simulation.
The paper has reported on our experience of devel-
oping a virtual world for higher education using Sec-
ond Life. The context was an innovation project in
which virtual worlds are used as one of the key tech-
nologies to support an eResearch programme. The
project is noteworthy as a case study due to its rela-
tively large-scale and the strategic significance of the
virtual worlds within the programme. By sharing our
experience on key development issues which we have
encountered, we hope to be of help to educators and
educational technologist wanting to embark in similar
From our personal perspective as Computer Sci-
entists, our experience has highlighted some chal-
lenges and opportunities arising from developing im-
mersive software, and has shown how some of the
basic assumptions and practices which characterise
more traditional forms of software development do
not always sit comfortably within this new paradigm,
while others are enhanced by it. Perhaps the most
striking effect of this paradigm on practice which we
have observed is the way it changes the nature of
the customer/user/developer relation, yielding more
participative forms of design and problem solving.
The effect is that customer and user validation be-
comes pervasive throughout the development pro-
cess, rather than a bolt-on activity towards the end
of the life-cycle. From our experience, it appears the
paradigm offers much potential for distributed collab-
orative problem solving and decision making, which
could be exploited within software engineering activ-
ities, particularly in the establishment and validation
of system requirements and early design. The project
has however also highlighted a number of shortcom-
ings, some that can be attributed to the immaturity of
the technology itself, e.g., the lack of proper repos-
itories, others which are intrinsic to the paradigm,
which is highly visual and does not afford any sophis-
ticated handling of, for instance, textual information.
The project, nevertheless, has illustrated how the use
of more traditional 2D social networking technology
could mitigate such shortcomings. Still an open ques-
tion remains as to the extent the two paradigms could
be blended and enhanced for best effect.
Also from a Computing perspective it was inter-
esting to notice how POE, a fully-fledged engineer-
ing design framework with a track record in high-
assurance systems, could still be employed effectively
on this project, albeit in a distilled form. From what
we have observed, a light version of POE appears to
be highly suitable for socio-technical projects, such as
that reported here, particularly when a large number
of stake-holders are involved. Further work is planned
to test such an hypothesis.
Many thanks go to other academic members of the
Virtual MPhil team, namely Leonor Barroca and
Maria Vargas-Vera. We are also thankful to: Shai-
ley Minocha, for her Second Life input at the start of
the project; Darrel Ince, for championing the project
while Head of Department; to Non Scantlebury and
James McNulty, from the OU Library, who made sug-
gestions for the design of the inworld library services;
to Ahmad Reeves, who is helping with the Virtual
MPhil evaluation; and Graham Roberts, our Second
Life land manager. Finally, we would like to acknowl-
edge the development team at TwoFour Communica-
tions, UK, particularly Andrew Jinman, Sim Quayle
and James Abraham.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education