An Easy Way to Annotate, Refind and Share
Ricardo Kawase, Eelco Herder and Wolfgang Nejdl
L3S Research Center, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Appelstr. 4, 30167 Hannover, Germany
Keywords: Annotation, Trail, Social Media, Social network, Online Collaboration, User Interface, SpreadCrumbs.
Abstract: Annotations have been shown to be an important activity during reading, especially during “active reading”.
Annotations support understanding, interpretation, sensemaking and scannability. As valuable as in paper-
based contexts, digital online annotations provide several benefits for annotators and collaborators. To study
the impact of these benefits we present in this paper SpreadCrumbs, a straightforward Web annotation tool.
SpreadCrumbs offers simple annotation’s interactions and metaphors that support most of the users’
annotations needs in the digital environment by enhancing the web experience with “in-context” annotations
and providing a unique form of social navigation support with hypertrails. The results of our studies with
the tool show the importance of annotations, the empirical outperformance of “in-context” annotations over
other methods, and the outcome benefits of supporting social navigation.
The World Wide Web is arguably the biggest source
of information nowadays. Whereas the exchange of
ideas on the Web was predominantly one-way, the
Web 2.0 now offers a new means of interactions and
has shifted more power and influence to users.
However, there are still a number of features missing
that are essential for supporting information
classification, retrieval, processing and
Most of these issues have been reported already
during the early inception of the Web, mainly from
the hypertext community (Halasz 1991) (Vitali
1999). In particular, frequently mentioned are: the
lack of typed or annotated links; the absence of
hypertrails; limited browser history mechanisms;
and the lack of support for annotations.
In order to bring these missing features into the
Web, a common workaround is to create
applications that enhance the Web usability, such as
search engines, tagging systems, annotation systems,
social networks and others. The competitive
character within the Web 2.0 has arguably led to a
more powerful reincarnation of the rich features that
once were part of the classic hypertext systems
(Millard 2006); albeit as a collection of diverse,
disconnected applications, interoperating on top of a
common Web platform. Surprisingly, despite the
prevalence of interactive applications and social
networking, thus far Web annotation systems
haven’t seen a significant take-up (Karger 2003).
Given the absence of any dominant mature
annotation system, it appears that there is still no
generally accepted, concrete method for
straightforward online annotation. This is surprising,
given the abundance of literature showing the
importance of annotations for comprehension and
their benefits for reading and writing proposes
(O’Hara 1997). Similar to the paper-based
environment, digital annotations are expected to be
useful for supporting comprehension and
interpretation (Marshall 1998). Moreover, comments
and references are known to stimulate associative
thinking, which can be even better reproduced
digitally, by what we call “hypertrails”. For this
reason, our research goal is to understand users’
annotation behaviors and identify the benefits and
drawbacks of online annotations and trails.
Based on insights gained from earlier work and
an analysis of the reasons that hampered wide-
spread adoption of earlier annotation systems, we
created SpreadCrumbs (Kawase 2009a).
SpreadCrumbs is an online annotation tool that
allows the users to place annotations within Web
resources, either for themselves or for other users. In
this paper we introduce the application, its main
functionalities and present a system evaluation.
Kawase R., Herder E. and Nejdl W.
DOI: 10.5220/0002778100050012
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: First,
in section 2, we discuss related works on the fields
of annotations and annotations systems followed by
the description of Spreadcrumbs. Later, in section 4
we present a concise summary of a set of
experiments and studies using our tool and the
respective results. We finally draw our conclusions
in section 5.
2.1 Paper Annotations
We adopt the definition of annotations as set forth
by MacMullen (MacMullen 2005) and Marshall
(Marshall 1997) – as any additional content that is
directly attached to a resource and that adds some
implicit or explicit information in many different
forms. Annotations may serve different purposes,
such as: signalling a foreshadow, aiding memory
and interpretation or triggering reflection.
Additionally, annotations may occur in many
different forms; for example: by highlighting,
encircling or underlining text, we emphasize the
importance of a certain part of the document; a
strikethrough indicates that something is wrong,
misplaced or not relevant; arrows signal relations
between two or more elements.
Interacting with a document is known to
stimulate critical thinking and reflection, a process
that can be called ‘active reading’ (Adler 1972),
which is in contrast to passive consumption of text.
In particular, text in the margin of a document may
support a better understanding of the topic during
later reading.
In (Millard 2006), the authors draw a comparison
between the early Hypertext pioneers visions and the
present-day Web applications, commonly known as
Web 2.0. The results of their analysis show that most
of these systems support both private and public
annotations and provide support for collaboration.
Even though these features are identical with the
first ideas of the Hypertext, the annotations are
limited, because they reside exclusively bound to
individual Web 2.0 services providers and they are
not “in-context” – More specifically, they are not
visualized together and associated with the
annotated content (the topic of interest), which the
benefits will be exposed later.
2.2 Digital Annotation Systems
The Fluid Annotations projects (Zellweger 2002)
introduce an online annotation system that supports
in-context annotation in an extension of the open
hypermedia Arakne Environment (Bouvin 1999).
Their studies focused on evaluations and the
presentation of the annotations in terms of visual
cues, interactions, accommodation and animated
transactions. Their main approach to in-context
notes uses between-lines annotations. Their
evaluations give valuable insights into the usability
and manipulation of annotations. Nevertheless, we
believe disrupting the original layout of the
annotated content may be more confusing and
disruptive than beneficial.
Another annotation system is MADCOW
(Bottoni 2004) (Bottoni 2006) a digital annotation
system organized in a client-server architecture,
where the client is a plug-in for a standard web
browser allowing users to annotate Web resources.
Although MADCOW supports different
representations for annotations, previous work
comparing paper-based and digital annotations
(Kawase 2009b) suggests that paper-based
annotations should not be mimicked by similar
representations but by providing the means to
achieve the same goals. In addition, the placeholders
of the annotations are inserted between the HTML
content which can be disruptive, distractive and may
lead to the problem of orphan annotations. Finally,
usage complexity will impact the dissemination of
any new technology, and in particular, will always
be an obstacle for the non engaged users. The
annotation interface in their work has not been
A more full-fledged annotation tool is Diigo
Using the Diigo toolbar, users can highlight text or
attach 'inline sticky notes' to Web pages. Despite the
wealth of features, Diigo cannot boast a big user
population. According to online user comments, this
is due to both usability issues and the fact that all
annotations are public by default. We understand
that sharing annotations is one of the main possible
advantages of digital annotations systems; however
in light of Diigo, we believe that a ‘shared’
annotation must not be mistaken for a ‘public’ one.
The benefits of reliable collaborators are not fully
applicable in the ‘public’ scenario; we elaborate,
further on this point in sub-section 2.3.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In summary, there are numerous and similar
annotations systems - most of them are discontinued
works which have neither developed further nor
been presented in further studies.
2.3 Social Navigation
Social navigation support (SNS) describes
techniques for guiding users through specific chosen
resources (Brusilovsky 2001). In AnnotatEd (Farzan
2006) the authors introduce two types of SNS:
traffic-based and annotation-based. Our model more
is related to the annotation-based style, in that every
annotated page becomes a step in a trail.
Annotation-based social navigation support has
been shown to be more proficient and reliable than
traditional footprint-based social navigation support
(Farzan 2005). When the annotated resource reflects
the interest of the annotator, it appends more value
to the SNS. Annotation based SNS assists users in
gathering information by making it easier to re-
access the information and by showing the collective
wisdom of the collaborators.
Allowing users to “attach” their personal insights
to a resource increases the reliability of annotation-
based navigation support. Previous study of
annotation-based SNS shows that users are
particularly interested in being informed about
resources annotated by others. Annotated resources
are significantly more likely to be visited by users,
specifically after being annotated (Farzan 2005).
SpreadCrumbs is an in-context Web annotation
system, which has been implemented as an
extension of the Mozilla Firefox Web browser. The
underlying assumption of SpreadCrumbs is that
users can annotate Web resources with keywords or
sentences and create hypertrails through a set of
annotations. These annotations can not only be used
for one’s own reference, but can also be shared
within a social network. The design of
SpreadCrumbs has deliberately been kept
minimalistic. Following the approaches seen in
related work, we chose the basic visual metaphor for
the annotations: Post-it notes.
The Post-it representation has an optimized
approach to simulate the most common paper based
annotations forms namely underlining, highlighting
and notation in margins. The idea is not to mimic
different representations but to provide a way to
achieve the same goals: signalling for future
attention, comprehension and summarization. In
addition post-it notes are extremely efficient as “in-
context” landmarks which are the main purpose of
the research.
Furthermore, by bringing the annotation
behaviour to the digital online environment we also
add valuable features that are not applicable in the
paper-based scenarios. The most prominent are the
re-finding and the social sharing possibilities. The
content of an annotation is easily searchable within
the tool and shareable with other users.
3.1 The Browser Add-on
The SpreadCrumbs Browser add-on is a Javascript
implementation based on AJAX principles. We used
the AJAX and Javascript library from Yahoo, The
Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). The library
provides functionalities for drag & drop and other
manipulations used in SpreadCrumbs. A simple
client server architecture stores all the data on the
server providing the user the possibility to access her
data anytime from any computer where the client
application is installed.
Once the client add-on is installed to the browser
the user can access the sidebar. Through the sidebar
the users have access to straightforward ordinary
actions like creating account, profile management,
login and logout. Additionally, the user has direct
access to a contact managing webpage and a tabbed
annotation-browser-window. From the right-click
context menu an option is available to annotate the
page, the same as from a small annotation button
near the address bar.
3.2 Networking
As a non-mandatory step, new users may add their
social network contacts to become collaborators in
SpreadCrumbs. From the sidebar the users have
access to the ‘contact manager’ webpage, from
which they can import their contacts from their
Facebook Network using Facebook Connect
technology. Once the contacts are imported they
become part of the user’s SpreadCrumbs network
and the user is able to share annotations with her
contacts. If at some point these contacts join
SpreadCrumbs and grant permission to Facebook
Connect; their accounts will be synchronised and all
the annotations previously shared by some other user
will be retrieved.
3.3 Annotating
Annotations (which we will refer to as ‘crumbs’) are
added via the right-click context menu by the option
“Add Crumb”, which results in the opening of a
pop-up window that contains three fields: the
receivers of the annotations, a topic and the content.
By default, annotations are private. An auto-
completion drop-box helps the user in adding
receivers from her contact list.
Once the annotation is created, a post-it note
appears in the screen, originally on the clicked spot
but easily relocated by drag and drop (Figure 1).
When any of the involved users in the annotation
accesses the annotated website, post-it note will be
displayed. Additionally, if the user keeps her
connection to Facebook through SpreadCrumbs, the
receivers of the annotation will get a notification on
Facebook and a notifying e-mail about the new
Figure 1: Conference page annotated with SpreadCrumbs.
3.4 Reacting
Each annotation is an entity in a thread (a crumb in a
trail) and diverse actions can be taken over it. When
visualizing an annotation, any of the involved users
has the ability to interact with it: moving it around,
closing it, following trails and replying.
3.4.1 Connect and Disconnect
Each user has her individual status in the context of
one annotation. The status “Connected” is the
normal status to visualize the annotations;
“Disconnected” means that she will not visualize the
annotation anymore once she comes back to the
website; and “Stand by” means that she will not
visualize the annotation again until some
modification has occurred in the annotation thread.
3.4.2 Replying
The reply link on an annotation brings up the same
window pop-up as adding an annotation offering to
the user just the content field to be filled. Once
confirmed, the reply is attached to the first post-it
note and the same notifications actions are triggered.
Any user involved in the annotation is able to add a
reply to the running thread, which is visible to all
participants. This action simulates a micro in-context
forum on each annotated web page.
3.4.3 Following Trails (SNS)
What makes SpreadCrumbs unique is that the
annotated pages are not simply a loose collection,
but the resources become interconnected. Each
annotation is associated with links that can be
followed from the crumb: the user trail and the topic
trail. Near the name of each user who annotated the
page and near the topic text there are two small
linked arrows indicating the path to the previous and
to next annotation in the hypertrail. Following the
previous/next link next to the name of a user will
redirect the current user to the next/previous
annotated page where both users share another
Following the topic trail will lead the user to web
pages on which the user has annotations with the
same topic description. A simple illustrative
example: one user privately annotates five different
pages with the topic “Conference” adding specific
content for each annotation. Once it is done, each
conference page annotated has a link connecting to
each other. A temporal defined (and connected)
collection of web resources was created and at any
time the user is able to remove, edit or add new stop
points in this trail. The final output is a simulation of
the Memex idea where the resources are now
annotated and associated in accordance with the
user’s preferable organization.
Providing sharing capabilities of these trails,
SpreadCrumbs grants Social Navigation Support in a
very concrete and defined manner. Differently from
others SNS systems, the resources are not only a
collection of links but they have a well-defined
temporal order, each resource becomes
interconnected and they hold in-context insights
from the annotation authors.
3.5 Browsing Annotations
The SpreadCrumbs’ sidebar contains a browser pane
with three different tabs that shows the three facets
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
of the organizational dimensions of a trail: topics,
pages, people. Additionally, a small pane in the
bottom shows detailed information on the selected
The tab topics shows the trails grouped by topic
description. The user visualizes distinct items that
represent the different trail-topics she created. From
this pane, the user is able to access the annotated
page, edit the topic description and change her status
in the topic. By clicking or selecting one of the
topic-trails the bottom pane loads and displays all
the crumbs belonging to this trail assembled by
page. In this pane the user has the same possibilities
to directly access the annotated page, to edit the
crumb and to reply it.
The second tab, page, shows the trails grouped
by the resource annotated. The visualization has the
title extracted from the Webpage and the trail last
modified date as well. The user has the possibility to
edit the name of the page, if she wants to. It is
important to notice that although trails mainly
contain the same page title in this facet they will not
be grouped together since the grouping is based on
the URL location of the annotation. By clicking or
selecting one of the page-trails the bottom pane
loads and displays all the crumbs belonging to this
trail assembled by the different topics existing on the
selected page with same management capabilities.
Finally, the people tab shows items that represent
the trails from the user’s contacts. The item
visualization shows the name of the contact and her
last activity on the trail. It also indicates whether the
contact is already connected to SpreadCrumbs’
network or not (due to the fact that is possible to
share annotations to imported contacts that are not
subscribed to SpreadCrumbs). By clicking or
selecting one of the people-trails, the bottom pane
works in the way as the topics tab previously
To evaluate the usability and performance of
SpreadCrumbs, we ran a series of laboratory
experiments and processed the usage logs. The aim
of our experiment was threefold: 1) more fully
understand the desired annotation features needed on
the web, 2) examine the possible benefits of
annotations over bookmarks, and 3) evaluate social
navigation support in an arbitrary scenario. In this
section we will describe the experiments and
significant results.
4.1 Understanding Annotations
In order to better understand the real use of
annotations and Web annotations we conducted a
field-study examining the paper-based annotations
of 22 PhDs students and pos-Docs in their own work
environment (Kawase 2009b). For each participant,
we looked at the last 3 research papers or articles
that they have printed and read. In total we have
collected 66 articles, covering a total of 591 pages of
text. We found 1778 annotations and an average of
3.08 annotations per page. The Table 1 below shows
the average of each type of annotation based on
Marshall’s proposed classification (Marshall 1997)
by forms and functions.
Table 1: Collected annotations classified by type.
Annotation types
Highlighting/Mark sections headings 153 8.6%
Highlighting/Mark text 1297 73%
Problem solving 2 0.1%
General notes (Notes in the margins) 326 18.3%
Although most of the annotations consist of
highlighting activities, we identified in our previous
study that it does not imply that mimicking this
feature is the most appropriate approach to be
followed. We identified that paper-based highlights
are used for signalling and attributing different
levels of importance and to help memorization
during the reading activity. However, digital
highlight is usually a non-persistent activity to help
focusing on the text and re-finding – users highlight
the text with the mouse cursor while reading.
Excessive amounts of digital highlighting turns out
to be more distractive than helpful. The conclusion
of this work led us to the consideration that
annotation systems should emphasize re-finding,
visual overviews, grouping, sharing and
collaborating rather than to try and mimic the ‘old-
fashioned’ paper-based annotation.
4.2 Annotations vs. Bookmarks
For the comparison of Annotation and Bookmarks
we had a pool of participants consisting of 24 males
and 10 females, with an average age of 28. Our
participants were randomly and equally split into
two groups: the first group created annotations using
the Delicious social bookmarking service, the
second group made use of SpreadCrumbs.
After a short introduction to the basic features of the
tool (either SpreadCrumbs or Delicious), each
individual session was conducted. We asked the
participant to find answers for ten random questions.
All questions were specific information-finding
tasks that could be solved by a brief internet search
with any popular search engine. We ensured that the
questions were sufficiently obscure, to minimize the
chance of participants knowing the answers
Five months after the initial round of the studies,
the participants were invited to participate again.
This time, their task was to relocate the answers that
they had previously found during the first task. The
long time interval ensured that the participants
remembered neither the answers they had provided
nor the resources they had used to find the answers.
In total, 30 out of the initial 34 participants were
involved in this phase of our study (21 males and 9
females, average age 28 years).
The participants were divided into three
equivalent groups of 10 people, each one
corresponding to a specific refinding methodology
and corresponding tool. As a base line, the first
group used a search engine in their efforts to carry
out their tasks (in other words, they had to search
again for the same information). The second group
used bookmarks to refind the information. This
group consisted of those subjects that used Delicious
in the previous session and had the URLs of the
visited resources at their disposal. The third group
consisted of the SpreadCrumbs users. The members
of this group had the in-context annotations at their
We ensured that all participants accomplished all
of their tasks under the same conditions and that
their performance is compared on an equal basis.
After the appropriate Web resource was found, thus
completing the ‘searching stage’, the participant had
to locate the answer in the page and highlight it
using the mouse – the browsing stage. There were
no instructions or restrictions on how to proceed at
this stage: the participants were allowed to perform
this task the way they would in a non- controlled
environment. Upon completion of all tasks, the
subjects were asked to fill out two questionnaires,
one regarding the information refinding experience
and another one investigating their opinion on the
tool they used. The necessary data for estimating and
evaluating the average and overall browsing time per
individual were collected using screen capture and
data-logging software that recorded all participants’
From this refinding task we collected a total of 297
successful activities, evenly distributed across the
conditions. With an average mean of 21 seconds, the
annotation group was significantly faster than the
bookmarking group (38 seconds; t(98)=3.88, p<0.01,
r=.36) and the search engine group (46 seconds;
t(98)=4.07, p<0.01, r=.38) plotted in figures 2 and 3
. The differences between the two latter groups
turned out to be non-significant.
Figure 2: Distribution of refinding tasks by time.
Figure 3: Average refinding time per participant in
ascending order.
We have seen that current digital annotation systems
mainly address the goals of future refinding and
sharing – which makes them very similar to social
bookmarking systems.
A full description of the entire experiment is
beyond the scope of this paper. As an ongoing
activity, we will detail the usability analysis and
present design issues. For example, we consider how
annotations diminish wasted time on refinding tasks
by providing landmarks and improving scannability.
We also intend to present work with reduce the
usage of browser's find functionality (CTRL+F).
Our experiments to date are promising and insightful
and we have identified significant benefits and
crucial need for annotations. Apart from the
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
cognitive support for understanding and
interpretation while reading, these annotations
enhance scannability upon later reading,
outperforming bookmarks for refinding tasks.
4.3 Shared Trails and Annotations
To evaluate the usability and benefits of annotations
we asked the same 34 participants from the previous
study to play a role in a scenario on collaborative
decision making. The participants were asked to
plan a trip to London, by reviewing the options, as
collected by their ‘partner’ (the experimenter). Via
either SpreadCrumbs or, the participant
received a number of annotations/bookmarks on
suitable hotels, restaurants, museums and musicals
in London. The participants evaluated the given
options – by visiting the bookmarked sites and/or by
reading the annotations – and finally decided for one
option in each category. After having finished both
tasks, the participants were asked to fill out a short
usability questionnaire and to evaluate the tools.
In this study, 50% of the users who received the
suggestions from their ‘partner’ via Delicious did
not read or even did not notice the additional
comments on each bookmark, which were displayed
just below the page title and the URL. One
participant explicitly told us that she noticed them
only in the middle of the task. Another participant
said that she noticed the comments, but did not read
all of them because she thought they were irrelevant.
By contrast, all the participants who received the
suggestions via SpreadCrumbs did notice and read
the comments, which were displayed as post-it
notes. They all accessed the bookmarked pages and
read the shared comments in the context. During the
interview after the task, some of them confirmed that
their choices were influenced by those comments.
The results show that if annotations are meant to
provide additional information and to influence the
receiver’s opinion or choices, they should be
presented as such, in the context. A text snippet
below the title, as provided by many social
bookmarking sites, is clearly not sufficient to catch
the receiver’s attention and may be overlooked
during a collaborative knowledge building process.
4.4 User Feedback
After completing the set of tasks, each participant
was asked to fill out a questionnaire, with the aim of
distilling opinions on the tool used as well as the
experiments in general. The answers were given by
selecting the appropriate value on a 7 point Likert
The user experience survey consisted of 13
questions, taken from established surveys on user
satisfaction, frustration and disorientation. The
Crombach a of 0,762 indicated a good reliability and
the results were grouped nicely into the three factors.
Without going too much into detail, the error bar
charts show that participants from the Bookmarking
and the Annotating group reported less frustration
than participants from the Search group. Further, the
participants from the Annotation group reported a
marginally significant lower value of difficulties in
finding the right information (see Figure 4)
Figure 4: Error Bars for survey questions on frustration
(left) and difficulty in finding information (right).
Whereas most other questions did not result in
significant differences in answers, the overall trend
indicated positive effect of bookmarking - and of
annotation in particular - on the subjective user
It is also worth mentioning that five participants
of the annotation group marked the same page, a
page that had been changed during the time interval
between the first and the second session of the study.
As a result, the annotations they had posted were
misplaced in all the five cases, which caused a slight
delay in the refinding task. Two of them suggested a
more intuitive way of attaching annotations that
involved arrows. Even though this way could well
solve the issue of misplaced annotations, it will still
be of no help for orphaned ones, which is in the
cases where the annotated information has been
completely removed. This issue is actually
considered as one of the most complicated and
challenging problems of the in-context annotation
approach (Cockburn 2001) (Wang 2005).
In this paper, we presented the SpreadCrumbs Web
annotation tool and demonstrate how it is able to
overcome the limitations of previously existing
annotation. In SpreadCrumbs, users can place Post-
it-like notes at any location of a Web page. From our
user studies and a literature survey we identified that
users’ needs for making annotations in the Web
environment do not differ significantly from their
needs in the paper environment (Fu 2005). In
addition, Spreadcrumbs supports different user tasks,
not only private annotations, but also personal
reminders, refinding enhancer, and social
bookmarking/annotation with a unique form of
supporting social navigation and collaboration.
We also presented empirical results that show the
important role of annotations in the digital
environment, the outperformance of in-context
annotations over bookmarks in terms of supporting
information refinding, the analysis and the impact of
in-context annotations on social and collaborative
scenarios and finally the usability and users’ opinion
Although we have seen the importance and
benefits of annotations, no annotation system is
widely adopted. This implies that there are still
several issues to be studied and solved. The main
challenge for annotation systems is on the user
interface level. It is necessary to balance the classic
tension between full-fledged features and ease of
use. Particular attention should be paid to the
question to what extent annotation systems should
provide and emphasize social bookmarking features.
Addressing issues such as this is intended in our
future work.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies