environment do not differ significantly from their
needs in the paper environment (Fu 2005). In
addition, Spreadcrumbs supports different user tasks,
not only private annotations, but also personal
reminders, refinding enhancer, and social
bookmarking/annotation with a unique form of
supporting social navigation and collaboration.
We also presented empirical results that show the
important role of annotations in the digital
environment, the outperformance of in-context
annotations over bookmarks in terms of supporting
information refinding, the analysis and the impact of
in-context annotations on social and collaborative
scenarios and finally the usability and users’ opinion
Although we have seen the importance and
benefits of annotations, no annotation system is
widely adopted. This implies that there are still
several issues to be studied and solved. The main
challenge for annotation systems is on the user
interface level. It is necessary to balance the classic
tension between full-fledged features and ease of
use. Particular attention should be paid to the
question to what extent annotation systems should
provide and emphasize social bookmarking features.
Addressing issues such as this is intended in our
future work.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies