application domain.
Most of these systems are collaborative recom-
mendation engines (ColFi, Cofi, Taste, SUGGEST
and Vogoo). RACOFI, Aura and Duine Toolkit are hy-
brid recommendation engines. RACOFI adjusts a col-
laborative filter prediction with mechanisms coming
from content-based approaches. Aura uses collabora-
tive recommendation but uses a mechanism that as-
signs and processes a set of tags to items to improve
the recommendation. Duine Toolkit uses collabora-
tive and content-based techniques.
GRSK is an hybrid recommendation engine that
employs different basic and hybrid recommendation
techniques. The purpose of including these different
recommendation techniques is to make GRSK able
to work with any application domain, independently
from the number of users, the available user informa-
tion, etc. On the other hand, it is based on the seman-
tic description of the items in the domain.
This paper describes the main characteristics of
GRSK, a Generalist Recommender System Kernel.
It is a RS based on the semantic description of the
domain, which allows the system to work with any
domain as long as the data of this domain can be
defined through an ontology representation. GRSK
uses four Basic Recommendation Techniques (de-
mographic, content-based, collaborative and general
likes filtering) and two disjunctive Hybrid Techniques
(mixed and weighed) that join the recommendations
obtained from each BRT. Through the GRSK config-
uration process, it is possible to select which tech-
niques to use and to parameterize different aspects
of the recommendation process, in order to adjust the
GRSK behavior to the particular application domain.
The experimental results show that GRSK can be suc-
cessfully used with different domains.
Now we are working in the extension of GRSK to
group recommendation (Garcia I., Sebastia L., Onain-
dia E., Guzman C., 2009). We are developing differ-
ent innovative techniques to compute the group pro-
file (such as the Incremental Intersection Technique).
In order to get closer the process of creating the group
profile to human behaviour, we are using agreement
techniques. More specifically, we are working on a
protocol of alternative offers between the group mem-
bers to obtain the preferences that will compose the
group profile.
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MICINN TIN2008-6701-C03-01 and Valencian Gov-
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies