The aim of the study was to construct a method of
reducing time and workload costs when developing
new courses in the Mathematics Navigator platform.
The main questions to be studied computationally
were the following: 1) Is the adaptive framework in
tune? 2) Is there out layered content? and 3) Are the
learning paths really unique?
One of the efficient solutions was artificial users
that represents archetypes of human users. The
artificial users was implemented as software agents
using the same application interface as the host
system, which means that they can act as human
users. The host system that they are logged in does
not recognize which connections are from artificial
users and which are from human users.
Questions 2 and 3 could be studied in detail:
Learning paths are relatively unique but not
randomized. There is clear emergence as well as
remarkable entropy in paths formed by human users
and artificial users. Also, out layered content can be
noticed easily. However, Question 1 (Is the
framework in tune?) was challenging: Being in tune
is not only a computational task, it also deals with
curriculum. In the current system, the curriculum
was not in focus and therefore we could not say that
the framework is in tune according to the
curriculum. At best we can say that the framework is
very probably in tune in a solution specific
mathematical context.
In general, the studies show that we can
construct similar group behaviour between human
and artificial users and the saved resources in
development can be significant. In terms of
resources, the development project's savings are
estimated to be as high as 2-4 months of a
developers work and 2-3 months of total time in
project schedule.
The next phase of the study is to apply the
method to other relevant contexts, for example in
game development or in applications of social
media. The game development applications could
use relatively similar mechanics described in this
study. However, social media has brought an
increasing need for intelligent agents, that could
search and pick the most important pieces of content
out of the enormous information overload.
Teachable software agents could be used as
personal media readers that could pick up those
personally meaningful messages. Furthermore,
behaviour on reading messages is relatively close to
navigation behaviour in general level: In both cases
there are individual behaviour patterns and what is
different between individual behaviour and
normal/average behaviour explains something from
the goals of the behaviour.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies