all the tangible and intangible traits of a brand, such
as beliefs, values, prejudices, features, interests, and
heritage. A brand personality makes it unique. Brand
personality is seen as a valuable factor in increasing
brand engagement and brand attachment, in much
the same way as people relate and bind to other
people. Researchers have proposed that brand
personality is an aspect of brand image (Keller,
1993, 1998; Plummer, 2000) and results from
empirical studies indicate that brand personality
have a statistically significant positive influence on
brand image (O'Cass & Lim, 2001).
According to previous studies (Chang & Chieng,
2006; Keller, 1998), brand association is defined as
the information linked to the node in memory. This
information reflects an association between a range
of aspects and the brand in the mind of the
consumer. Brand associations have been presented
as critical components in developing a brand image
(Keller, 1993) and empirical studies have shown that
brands associations lead to the formation of a
distinct brand image in the minds of consumers
(Hsieh, 2002).
In this study brand relationship is defined as the tie
between a person and a brand that is voluntary or is
enforced interdependently between the person and
the brand (Chang & Chieng, 2006). A relationship
between the brand and the consumer results from the
accumulation of consumption experience.
Finally, loyalty is the intention to recommend a
product to other people and to buy it again
(Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1996).
In this work, the above concepts are transposed
to the context of web site brand. We postulate that
web site brand personality, web site brand
association, web site brand image, and web site
brand relationship all hold different information that
link to web site brand, as happens with other
products (Aaker, 1991). Furthermore, we defend that
brand personality, brand association, brand image,
and brand relationship are antecedents of loyalty to a
web site brand (Chang & Chieng, 2006; O'Cass &
Lim, 2001).
2.2 Structural Equations Explained
A structural equation model approach using Partial
Least Squares (PLS) (Ringle, Wende, & Will, 2005)
is used to test the hypotheses of this study. PLS is
based on an iterative combination of principal
components analysis and regression, and it aims to
explain the variance of the constructs in the model.
In terms of advantages, PLS simultaneously
estimates all path coefficients and individual item
loadings in the context of a specified model, and as a
result, it enables researchers to avoid biased and
inconsistent parameter estimates. Based on recent
developments (Chin, Marcolin, & Newsted, 2003),
PLS has been found to be an effective analytical tool
to test interactions by reducing type II error. By
creating a latent construct which represents the
interaction term, a PLS approach significantly
reduces this problem by accounting for the error
related to the measures. In fact, PLS models are
based on prediction-oriented measures, not
covariance fit like covariance structure models
developed by Karl Jöreskog, or LISREL program
developed by Jöreskog and Sörborn.
LISREL estimates causal model parameters
aiming at minimizing the discrepancies between the
initial empirical covariance data matrix and the
covariance matrix deduced from the model structure
and the parameter estimates (Barclay, Higgins, &
Thompson, 1995). PLS seeks to maximize variance
explained in constructs and/or variables, depending
on model specification. In addition, LISREL offers a
number of measures of overall model “fit” such as
the χ
goodness-of-fit, which are related to the
ability of the model to account for the sample
covariance. PLS does not possess these kind of
overall fit measures, relying instead on variance
explained (i.e., R
) as an indicator of how well the
technique has met its objective (Barclay et al.,
1995). In spite of that, there are several fit indices
available on PLS software (Ringle et al., 2005) such
as communality and redundancy measures and
Stone-Geisser’s Q
measure, which can be used to
evaluate the predictive power of the model.
As a substitute to parametric global goodness of
fit measures that are used in LISREL technique, the
geometric mean of the average communality (outer
model) and the average R
(inner model) (going
from 0 to 1) has been proposed (Tenenhaus, Vinzi,
Chatelin, & Lauro, 2005) as overall goodness of fit
(GoF) measures for PLS (Cross validated PLS GoF),
according to equation (1).
.GoF communality R=
2.3 Hypothesis Proposed
Five hypotheses are formulated in this study and
tested with PLS:
H1: Web site brand personality significantly and
positively influences web site brand image
H2: Web site brand association significantly and
positively influences web site brand image
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies