João Luís de Miranda
Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre
Lugar da Abadessa, apt 148, 7301-901, Portalegre, Portugal
Keywords: Computer Aided, Problem-Based Learning, Decision Support, Optimization, Multivariate Analysis.
Abstract: In a Management Science MSc. course, we use a computer-aided approach to conjugate multivariate
analysis with decision support through optimization tools. The targeted decision support is based on a
methodology that relies on specific problems built to promote learning. The optimality of discrete decisions
on uncertain environment is aimed, they are applied computational tools onto multivariate analysis and
optimization frameworks and these tools support the development of decision rules. Case problems
specifically built are focused, as investments programming, financial risk treatment, or supply chain
planning and distribution activities, on a Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach. This PBL methodology
is embedded on a context where we simulate enterprise computer-aided activities and this immersive
approach is encapsulated by a blended learning framework. Considering the intensive schedule that is
defined to cope with the student-workers availability, this approach avoids some dislike related to long
lectures of quantitative kind, which can reach eight hours in continuum.
In this paper, it is presented a computer-aided
approach that we had applied to conjugate
multivariate analysis and decision support, in a
course of a Management Science MSc. program: the
Entrepreneurship and Management of Small and
Medium Enterprise (SME).
The lectures schedule assumes an intensive and
aggregative form, defined this way to accomplish
with student-workers availability. Ours lectures of
mathematics kind are assigned in blocks of four
hours, and this can originate some dislike among
students. Then, we had built specific and realistic
cases, where decision support principles are focused,
based on optimization of probabilistic measures.
Consequently, the computer-aided approach that
underlies the learning process is compulsory.
The case problems are focusing investments
programming and financial risk treatment, or supply
chain planning and distribution activities. We
present a Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach:
this methodology is based on problems, and it is
embedded on enterprise and businesses contexts.
Also, enterprise computer-aided activities are
simulated, and a blended learning framework
encapsulates all the procedures.
The structure of the paper is as follows: in
Section 2, the purposes of the Management Science
MSc. program and the course addressed in this paper
are synoptically described; in Section 3, it is
described how the learning methodologies, based on
problem specifically built are conjugated with the
computer-aided environment and assessment; then,
two illustrative examples are described in Section 4,
focusing supply chain planning and investment and
financial issues; finally, main conclusions are
presented in Section 5.
In this Section, they are synoptically described the
purposes of the Management Science MSc. program
that aims entrepreneurship and small and medium
enterprises (SME), and the course that focuses
optimal decision rules.
Miranda J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 171-176
DOI: 10.5220/0002783401710176
2.1 The Entrepreneurship and
Management of SME MSc.
The MSc. program in Entrepreneurship and
Management of SME is developed (Mourato, 2007)
with the purpose to train business professionals
which are able to:
Develop business plans;
Implement businesses;
Develop, implement and monitor business
strategic plans;
Develop, implement and monitor systems of
performance assessment;
Develop marketing plans;
Engineer and re-engineer financially enterprises;
Develop, implement and monitor innovation
In this program, it is aimed that the student has
competences to develop activities in each level of
the enterprise. That means the student must be able
to design a business plan, to assume risk as
entrepreneur, to design a project and to develop the
related technical activities, and to supervise the
evolution of the planned activities. Also, the student
must understand the environment where he is
placed, together within the main line forces. The
polyvalence targeted is developed through the
conception of a final project.
Accordingly with the described characteristics,
the following professional profiles are targeted:
The entrepreneur, who must be able to transform
and idea in a business, to develop strategic
understanding, to materialize its organization
capacities, to master bargain techniques;
The project coordinator, who must present fine
tuned leadership capacities and to master
planning techniques and tools;
The technical director, who must to master
techniques of several fields, such the financial,
the marketing and the organizational behaviour
The controller, who must be capable to monitor
the enterprise performance in several specialties,
and to promote relationships development.
It must be referred the wide interest revealed in
this MSc. program dedicated to Entrepreneurship
and Management of SME, with a large number of
candidates. The selected candidates are student-
workers, a status that is also addressed by the
intensive schedule of lectures. Some of the students
are in-between jobs, but there is also a group with
responsible posts (Figure 1).
dministrative &
Services - 6
Commercial &
Customer Services -
Direction &
Entrepreneurship - 4
In-between jobs - 9
Teaching & Training
- 2
Figure 1: Function types of the Msc students.
Nevertheless the schedule or the time availability of
the student-workers, a course that treats multivariate
analysis and decision support is crucial on the real
world of entrepreneurship and enterprises.
2.2 The Multivariate Analysis and
Decision Support Course
The course dedicated to multivariate analysis and to
decision support is focusing the treatment of
uncertainty related to decision making, on a context
of enterprise management. The treatment of
uncertainty, together with the assessment of risk, is
based on statistic analysis conjugated with
computational implementation.
The target is the efficient use of multivariate
statistics, from data gathering to data treatment, and
also focusing the insight on results. Then, the
decision support is based on probabilistic methods of
optimization (Mathematical Programming), by
applying parametric and stochastic approaches, to
define and adjust decision rules. The course is thus
formally partitioned in two modules, but there is
built the underlying connection in between, through
the learning methodology that is based in case
problems and supported in computational tasks, as
described in Section 3.
The specific purposes of the first module,
dedicated to multivariate analysis, are related to the
critical use of the methodologies that aims data
gathering, data treatment, analysis of results, and it
The multivariate analysis basics;
The organization and treatment of multivariate
Hypothesis testing with multivariate analysis;
Multivariate regression analysis;
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Several applications, of interest, to be described
later in Section 4.
They are aimed competences on statistical methods
related to multivariate data, and to develop
perspective about computational results due to
several difficulties foreseen from the graduation
background of the students: mainly, the students are
graduated on Management Science specialties, but
they are also students from Engineering and Social
Sciences fields (Figure 2).
Assessoring - 5
ccounting &
Auditing - 3
Communication &
Marketing - 4
Engineering - 1
Management - 11
Social Services - 1
Teaching & Training
- 1
Figure 2: Type of graduates on the MSc course.
The second module is dedicated to decision support,
and it is based on optimization (Mathematical
Programming) tools from probabilistic nature. Then,
recurring to parametric and stochastic methods, the
procedure to build decision rules is addressed. They
are focused the following subjects:
Decision Theory;
Game Theory;
Stochastic Linear Programming;
Network Optimization;
Several applications, complementary to the first
module, to be described in Section 4.
It is aimed to understand, to develop and to use
quantitative methods in a way to optimize decision
rules. As in the first module that addresses
multivariate analysis, the oral presentation, the
treatment of problems embedded on real cases, the
resolution of basic exercises and the computational
application of the notions are the main pedagogic
subjects. The methodologies are presented in next
In this section, the learning methodologies are
focused, and it is also described how they are
conjugated with the computer-aided approaches,
namely, onto the specific problems that are built and
the learning assessment.
The computer support is necessary, due to the
management environment that is intended to
simulate, where statistics and optimization methods
are day-to-day tools. Also, it promotes the learning
success on the referred fields, which are commonly
recognized as very difficult. We must remember the
weak or delicate conditioning in quantitative basics
of the incoming students, originated even from
Social Sciences specialties.
Consequently, we had to search new approaches
in the sense to promote the learning success of
students with quite different profiles. We thus
conjugate various approaches and methodologies,
and we assume a blended learning and encapsulating
framework. It includes a simulation of enterprise
context, assuming characteristics of an immersive
learning or virtual learning environment (VLE)
approaches, and a selection of cases, based in real
situations arising in business context, including a
PBL approach.
Heinze and Procter (2004) developed a definition
for blended learning that states the facilitation of
learning through:
The combination of different modes of delivery –
we distributed ours efforts from oral
presentation, theoretic support, reading of
selected texts and cases and B-On search,
computational applications and assessment;
The combination of different models of teaching
– assuming a virtual environment, like the
student is working on a enterprise where he faced
some problems (specifically built to combine
multivariate analysis and decision support
The combination of different styles of learning –
the personnel way of learn of each one of the
students is allowed, as is usual on the PBL
The effective communication between all the
elements involved – the team work is stimulated,
and faculty simultaneously assumes instructive,
tutoring or mentoring roles.
We intend to conjugate the human intervention with
the electronic learning component, from the themes
introduction and theoretic support (by the faculty),
to the computer-aided jobs (from the student). It
must be noticed that we target difficult fields like
multivariate analysis and optimization, which aim at
decision rules on an enterprise context.
We thus develop an immersive learning
approach, which allows us to apply the same kind of
quantitative tools that are used in enterprise or
business contexts. This contexts that we simulated
promotes the student experiencing, and it draws near
the challenge and the competition occurring in real
businesses situations.
Usually, immersive learning is used to promote
experiencing of critical incidents to security and
rescue staff (riots, plane crashes, terrorist attacks,
etc…), through virtual simulation of the complexity
of such real situations, and the staff personnel must
be able to face the stressful context. The main
purposes of our approach are:
To provide a context, simultaneously innovative
and defiant, in which students can achieve the
professional competencies, as entrepreneurs or
for the careers focused (project coordinator,
technical director, and controller) in enterprise or
business environment.
To facilitate learning, by spreading the
application field of action of lectures to other
information deliveries, we can improve student
self-learning through problem solving
We intend to recreate enterprise or business
challenging situations, through simulations of the
trial-and-error learning cycle: decision, followed by
feedback, new and improved decision. When the
student follows this iterative procedure, he gains
experience on make decisions, he has knowledge of
his difficulties, and he learns with mistakes of his
This immersive approach resorts to critical
understanding of the problematic situations, instead
of the usual passive role of the student: he reads or
hears about some subject, he has to mentally
assimilate it, and to repeat the pre-defined answer in
final. The immersive approach avoids some dislike
or nuisance of the long lectures scheduled, foreseen
in blocks of four hours, which can reach eight hours
in continuum if the blocks are allocated side by side.
In a similar way, we use various information
means (introductory presentation, web-based or
electronic tutorials, texts reading, computer business
applications, computer assessment and self-
assessment), and we tried to recreate realistic
problems. Thus, we simulate problematic situations
that arise frequently in businesses world, namely, we
present in this paper the contexts of logistics and
supply chains operations, and in investments and
financial markets: we thus assume a PBL approach.
In this section, an approach based on realistic
problems is described and two illustrative examples
are focused: logistics and supply chain operations;
and investment planning considering financial
markets. The approach relies on realistic cases
specifically built to address the subjects of decision
support, optimization tools and multivariate analysis.
In the PBL approach, we use the referred
problem situations, originated from real and
professional life, and this also allows the simulation
of the real procedures used to solve them. To solve
these specific problems it is required competences
on basics knowledge, in learning strategies, and
team work skills. The overall purposes of our
approach intend to develop and deepen the
graduation knowledge, to promote innovation and
research activities, to integrate multivariate analysis
within decision support issues, and to promote
autonomous learning on the entrepreneurship and
enterprise contexts.
In a way to hold the interest of the students and
avoid nuisance of long and intensive lectures in
mathematics fields, we included some challenging
elements from real life, from professional cases, to
improve the efficiency of communication.
The student had active role, and his participation
relies on a trial-and-error learning cycle to integrate
knowledge on multivariate analysis and decision
support themes. To achieve this, a combination of
information deliveries is used and we also built
specific problems to create defying situations, even
to stress it up to induce bad decisions. The feedback
on decisions is promptly known, through pre-
established rewards or consequences, despite the fact
the student can gather information from external
sources. We used a combination of technology-
based materials, computer-aided sessions, and oral
communication to present each one of the realistic
case problems.
4.1 Logistics and Supply Chain
The logistics and supply chain case was objectively
written, it included an overview of the situation on
the petrochemical (Julka et al., 2002; Lasschuit and
Thijssen, 2004; Neiro and Pinto, 2004) and
pharmaceutics (Shah, 2004; Kallrath, 2002) multisite
networks, their specific context, and the major
decisions to be made.
There is and introductory presentation of the
open-ended problem, of the possible scenarios, the
critical data of the situation, and the related
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
knowledge is refreshed. The context considers a
petrochemical cluster (Julka et al., 2002) and its
overall strategic management, to make decisions
To select projects from a group of proposals;
To increase the net value generation of the
And to appreciate the support organizations and
shared services of the cluster.
The focus is on the basic concepts behind Stochastic
Linear Programming (SLP): SLP limitations,
probabilistic data, and the trade-offs achieved from
the optimal activity analysis. The case problem aims
to the comprehension and insight of a SLP
multiperiod problem where the formulation of the
objective function and restrictions are detailed.
It is intended to develop students reasoning, to
frame the problem situation, and the features of
uncertainty and complexity that characterize the
problem-solving approach are incorporated. The
main steps for the student are the development of a
specific problem statement, to list the quantitative or
qualitative information needed, to formulate and test
alternative hypotheses, to present and support the
decisions(s) proposed. Thus, competences to solve
problems are conjugated with the knowledge of data
treatment, forecasting, time series (Tavares et al.,
1996), and possible extensions are balanced.
4.2 Investment and Financial Problems
Following the former supply chain case, instances of
a case of high level of complexity are presented, and
reformulations considering financial and investment
issues are treated.
It is introduced a robustness framework for
planning, with a probabilistic measure of
performance (Suh and Lee, 2001), where the worst
scenario addresses the reference solution and a
Pareto analysis is proposed. Also, it was focused the
decision-making procedure to select the best robust
scenario, which uses the Pareto curve and considers
the trade-off between the expected performance and
the robustness measure.
The main objectives are to develop and deepen the
graduation knowledge, in an innovation and research
environment, where computational applications are
compulsory. The usual paradigm of problem solving
supposes that we know the resolution route, but this
route implies a complex relationship between
reasoning and feeling, involves bad partial decisions,
and some negative results. Consequently, our PBL
approach considers the trial-and-error learning cycle.
The case problem is open-ended, and various
extensions are suggested, like the following ones.
The treatment of risk on investment planning
(Rodera et al., 2002), through a multiobjective
programming that requires an iterative procedure
(Augmented Tchebycheff Algorithm). This
procedure allows the visualization of the efficient
solutions in the multidimensional space and
facilitates the assessment of the economical risk
of the project.
The financial risk assessment and management,
through various probabilistic estimators (Barbaro
and Bagajewicz 2004a). Among others, they are
specifically considered the expected profit, the
financial risk and the downside risk. The
maximization of the first one considers the at the
same time the minimization of the others at every
profit level.
The use of inventory and financial tools such
derivatives (Barbaro and Bagajewicz 2004b),
options and futures, which are balanced in a way
to manipulate risk curves. These notions are
intuitive, but to effectively reduce risk it is
necessary to consider appropriate models for risk
management. Otherwise, the use of inventory or
financial tools can lead to higher risk exposures.
Alternatively, a simplified approach (Guerreiro et
al., 1986) is suitable for students originated from
Social Sciences field.
A computer-aided approach is applied to conjugate
multivariate analysis and decision support, in a
course of a Management Science MSc. program that
aims entrepreneurship and SME management.
The schedule of the program is designed to meet the
needs of student workers. Thus, mathematical
lectures are provided in intensive four-hour blocks.
However, students would prefer shorter blocks of
time, to avoid some nuisance or dislike.
Thus, realistic cases are built, specifically aimed
at Management Science students, and it is featured
some decision support principles, based on
optimization of probabilistic measures. The
multivariate analysis tools are compulsory, such as it
is the computer-aided approach underlying the
learning process. The case problems are focusing,
among others, investments programming, financial
risk treatment, or supply chain planning and
distribution activities.
A Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach is
assumed. This methodology based on problems is
embedded on enterprise and businesses contexts, and
enterprise computer-aided activities are simulated.
Consequently, this immersive approach is
encapsulated in a blended learning framework.
Finally, the faculty’s role is critical as he acts as
learning facilitator, he introduces cases and partial
questions, he supports computational tasks, and he
supervises team work.
The author thanks the support from Technology and
Management College at the Portalegre Polytechnics
Institute (ESTG/IPP) and from the Centre for
Chemical Processes (CPQ/IST).
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education