It is not the primary intention of this approach to
visualize process models. Nevertheless, it provides a
n extension to process tools. On one hand, the
immediate environment in which the business
processes run is shown; on the other hand, such
activities which appear unsystematic or have no
direct value-added character are presented and can
also be taken into consideration. Information on
such informal activities (i.e. conversations in the
corridor, spontaneous discussions, long-term
training in a subject) cannot be extracted from
databases. There are modeling and survey methods
such as KMDL (Knowledge Modeling and
Description Language) to formally capture informal
trains of thought, typical for any personal form of
knowledge (Gronau et al., 2005, Fröming and
Fürstenau, 2007).
A visualization of one’s own collaboration is
only one purpose for the presented model. It can also
apply to the activities of competitors that are
developing similar products, where often the same
regional partners are involved. The crucial keyword
here is product piracy and its defense (Bahrs and
Vladova, 2009). Important decisions will provide the
average amount of one’s own Topic Map, and those
representing the competitors. Who, from where and
to which network has had contact with whom, when,
how and why? This tool can be used as a monitoring
device to control one's own network so that the
contacts and knowledge flow to competitors and
their partners can be purposely channeled out.
Search engines are used to quickly locate
required objects and always exist in data from a
collected part and from a query part. The introduced
method for the visualization of collaborative
networks as well as the navigation through the
functions of these is covered by a search engine.
However, it is a semantic search, which allows the
user an entry point in the Topic Map, graphically
processed and examined about the advisability,
semantically relevant neighboring objects context-
specific search. The visual background of using
Web3D technologies provides an extensive GUI
(Graphical User Interface) for semantic search, and
additionally prepares the search results without
omitting the visual context.
An implementation of the approach presented in
this work is done here at the University of Potsdam.
Addressed here are the various sub-disciplines of
applied and practical computer sciences, such as
semantic technologies, process management,
geographic information systems, experience from
the software engineering, knowledge management
and web technologies.
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MULTI-TIER BASED VISUAL COLLABORATION - A Model using Semantic Networks and Web3D