statements: the first states that its type is
ProductName in the PHA-ontology, and the second
states that its BrandName in the PHA-ontology is
xmlns : rdf=”
xmlns : xsd=”
xmlns : po=
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”120962-K3”>
<rdf:type rdf:resource=“&po;Patient”/>
<po : PatientName>Lisa Smith</po : PatientName>
<po : Uses>MO-5481</po:Uses>
<po : Performed>H-257L</po: Performed>
</rdf : Description>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=” MO-5481”>
<rdf:type rdf:resource=“&po;Medication”/>
<po : Contains>Voltaren</po: Contains>
<po : StrenghtValue rdf:datatype=
”&xsd;integer”>30</po: StrenghtValue>
<po : StrenghtUnit>Tabs</po : StrenghtUnit>
</rdf : Description>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=” 211708-8”>
<rdf:type rdf:resource=“&po;Source/>
<po : ActorRole>Pharmacy</po : ActorRole>
</rdf : Description>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=” Voltaren”>
<rdf:type rdf:resource=“&po;ProductName”/>
<po : BrandName>Diclofenac</po : Contains>
</rdf : Description>
Figure 4: Representing ontology instances in RDF.
Internet has changed the way people work, bank and
shop, but a similar change in health care has been
small-scale. However, recent interest in social
networking and the evolvement towards patient-
centric healthcare is speeding this change. At the
same time the use of patient-centric e-health tools is
rapidly increasing. These tools cover many fields
including electronic health records, personal health
records, telemedicine, evidence based medicine,
information therapy and disease management.
A problem is that the e-health tools each have
their own interfaces. By integrating the e-health
tools we can achieve two gains: simplify user
interaction and provide new more advanced services.
The situation is analogous with many organizations
having heterogeneous legacy systems each having
own user interfaces. Hence also the solutions
developed for the integration and interoperation of
organizational and business applications can be
adopted for the e-health case as well.
We have designed an e-health tool (PHA) which
captures the functions of a personal health record,
information therapy and health oriented blog. From
enterprise application integration (EAI) point of
view it represents information oriented integration
approach, and from technology point of view it
represents knowledge management technologies
such as RDF and OWL.
Moving from XML-archives to semantic PHA
requires the introduction of the PHA-ontology, and
transforming the XML-based medical and health
information in the format that is compliant with the
PHA-ontology. This transformation can be executed
automatically. However, a specific stylesheet must
be specified for each transformed document type.
The PHA-ontology stores the urls of the
information entities and blog items, and so the
information entities as well as the blog items may be
stored in any server. However, the content of the
PHRs should be stored in centralized way in the
knowledge base as otherwise making expressive
queries on the PHRs is not possible.
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