M. Casals, A. Fuertes, N. Forcada
Group of Research and Innovation in Construction GRIC, Dept. of Construction Engineering
Technical University of Catalonia, C/Colon,11, 08222 Terrassa, Spain
F. Ballester, R. Diego, J. M. de la Horra
Construction Technology Research Group GITECO, School of Civil Engineering, University of Cantabria
Avda de los Castros, s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain
Keywords: Knowledge management, Underground construction, e-learning, Research project.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe a Knowledge management system (SGAC- Active Knowledge
Management System) and an e-learning system that have been developed to manage the knowledge
generated inside a research project, to transfer this knowledge from the research project to society and,
moreover, to facilitate the e-learning tasks. This paper approaches the problem of knowledge transfer from a
case study angle. The systems are implemented in “The Multidimensional City” which is a multi-
disciplinary research project that promotes the development and implementation of Spanish technological
innovation in underground construction. The SGAC system aims at achieving full integration of large set of
contents created in research projects related to underground construction sites. Then, the project has
developed several types of metadata for tagging and enriching contents. All this enriched information
becomes the base of different e-learning courses in underground construction, promoting an updated
education in this knowledge area and the dissemination of the results generated in the research project.
These courses are accessible from an interactive e-learning platform.
Currently, there are thousands of research projects
running. The majority have a web page for the
society to know about the project and an intranet for
the partners to exchange documentation, planning
and information. Once the project has finished, this
information still remains in the web but it easily
becomes old because nobody updates it. Moreover,
normally the information is disorganised and
difficult to retrieve.
This paper presents, on one hand, a tool
developed to transfer the knowledge generated in a
very big national research project: “The
Multidimensional City”. The objective is to create a
starting point of generating knowledge and to carry
on once the project is finished. This system is called
Active Knowledge Management System (SGAC)
and pretends, through a single access web portal, to
promote the dissemination of the research results, to
provide tools to make the knowledge management
tasks easier along the lifecycle of the project and to
provide useful and updated information to
academics, researchers and industries in the
underground construction field.
On the other hand, an e-learning platform is also
presented in this paper. This platform has been
developed inside the same national research project
and is aimed at offering useful tools and up-to-date
courses and educational contents in general, as well
as at increasing the dissemination of the research
results in another community of users, such us
academics and industry professionals.
The Multidimenisonal City is a Spanish strategic
Casals M., Fuertes A., Forcada N., Ballester F., Diego R. and M. de la Horra J.
DOI: 10.5220/0002784201870190
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
scientific-technological project from the Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación PSE 10-2005. It is a multi-
disciplinary research project that promotes the
development and implementation of Spanish
technological innovation in underground
The Multidimensional City is a project endorsed
by the “Plataforma Tecnológica Española de
Construcción - Hacia el 2030: Innovación y cambio
eficiente del Sector de la Construcción”. It focuses
on five strategic lines: Underground construction,
Cities and buildings, Safety and Health, Sustainable
construction and Cultural heritage, promoting an
efficiency improvement of the productivity and
safety and a significant reduce of environmental
The project´s partners integrate not only the on-
the-field engineering experience and technical
know-how of the industry, but also the research
capabilities and conceptual innovation of the
academic sector.
The Multidimensional City is fully committed to
contributing to an increased quality of life by
reducing construction time and cost of planned and
future underground infrastructures.
3.1 Introduction
The Multidimensional City project, moreover,
pretends to create a net of knowledge from all the
results and knowledge obtained along all the
research carried out inside the project. This net is
managed by the Active Knowledge Management
System (SGAC in Spanish terms), which is aimed at
boosting an efficient exchange of knowledge and
experiences inside the research project and the
dissemination of the obtained results to all the
underground construction community.
3.2 Objectives
The Active Knowledge Management System
(SGAC) pretends to be an access web portal to all
the knowledge generated inside the The
Multidimensional City project:
Promoting the dissemination of all the results.
Providing tools to make the knowledge
management tasks.
Providing useful and updated information to
academics, researchers and industries.
3.3 The SGAC System
3.3.1 SGAC Contents Classification
Currently, the SGAC contains all the knowledge
generated along lifecycle of the project.
In order to assure efficient searches and to
accomplish the users’ requirements, all this
information has been enriched with different kinds
of metadata.
When analyzing the knowledge, the metadata to
be incorporated in each information object (IO) was
defined. With the aim to create an interoperable
infrastructure with other possible databases, the
system uses as a basis the LOM IEE 1484.12.1
Standard for Learning Object Metadata (IEEE,
2002). Some of the standard fields were adapted to
the specific project needs. At the end, seven types of
metadata were incorporated: Content metadata,
Media metadata, Formal aspects metadata,
Copyright metadata, Educative metadata, Users’
metadata and Contextual metadata.
One of the most important metadata is the
content metadata. This metadata contains different
keywords related to the content of each IO. These
keywords are included inside a concept map of the
underground construction field. To develop the
concept map, different classification methods such
as thesaurus for underground construction were
analyzed (AFTES, 1998, AETOS, 1989, CONNET
2008, ITA, 2005, ISTT, 2005, etc.). From this
analysis, it was decided to design the thesaurus
basing on the ITA thesaurus, always bearing in mind
the project purpose.
Not only content metadata was organized in
different classes and subclasses, but also media
metadata. Media metadata contains keywords related
to the type of information included in each IO.
Technically, metadata is stored in a relational
database implemented in PostgresSQL. This
database contents 35 tables. The physical support is
a Dell Power Edge 1950 server.
3.3.2 SGAC Tools
The SGAC system is composed by two different
tools, both of them accessible from the SGAC web
portal ( with a previous
user’s validation: the Introduction of contents tool
and the Search of contents tool.
The Introduction of contents tool enables the
user, with a previous validation, to upload the
desired IO to the system and enrich it with the
defined metadata fields (12 from 30 fields are
compulsory). These metadata fields are grouped in
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the seven LOM standard categories (General,
Lifecycle, Technical, Educational, Rights, Relation
and Classification).
On the other hand, the Search of contents tool
provides three different kinds of searches: Simple
search, Filtered search and Conceptual search. The
Simple search can search by title and/or description.
The Filtered search filters the results by their source,
the format, the language and the year of creation.
And finally, the Conceptual search enables the
search of contents through the different categories
and subcategories of both Media thesaurus and
Content thesaurus.
4.1 Introduction
As aforementioned, inside the research project The
Multidimensional City, a big amount of research
works in the field of underground construction is
being carried out. All the obtained results not only
are interesting from a scientific or technologic point
of view, but also from an educational point of view.
For this reason an e-learning platform has been
developed with the aim of taking profit of all the
knowledge generated inside the research project,
already introduced and classified in the SGAC
system, to be included in e-learning courses for
academics, researchers and industries in the
underground construction field. Moreover, the
preparation of these e-learning courses will highly
contribute to the dissemination of all the research
project results.
4.2 Objectives
The e-learning platform pretends to be a versatile
educational and training tool for academics,
researchers and industries in the underground
construction field:
Providing e-learning courses for different
levels of competences, contexts of application
and end users.
Providing a wide range of useful and updated
information in the field of underground
Providing different user-friendly e-learning
tools and repositories to make the learning
tasks easier (images repository, 3D models
repository, interactive three-dimensional
Disseminating the results obtained in The
Multidimensional City research project
through the underground construction
community of practice.
4.3 The e-Learning Platform
4.3.1 e-Learning Platform Contents
The e-learning platform contains some e-learning
courses, a wide repository of images and videos, a
repository of 3D models and a group of interactive
three-dimensional scenarios, all of them related to
the underground construction field.
The e-learning courses are addressed to a wide
range of users and levels of difficulty. Most of their
contents come from the knowledge already included
and classified in the Active Knowledge Management
System (SGAC), assuring the transmission of up-to
date information and promoting the dissemination of
the results obtained in the research project between
the underground construction community of
Currently, a basic tunnelling course is introduced
in the e-learning platform and is being carried out by
a wide group of engineering university students.
On the other hand, the e-learning platform
provides a repository of images and videos. On the
other hand, each image and video has its own
Moreover, the repository of 3D models is also
available from the e-learning platform and it is
pretended to be accessible from the SGAC.
And finally, the platform contains different
interactive three-dimensional scenarios that consist
of 3D visualisations where the student can select
some of the objects and find out related information.
These objects are called intelligent objects.
4.3.2 e-Learning Platform Tools
The e-learning platform is composed by four
different tools, all of them accessible from the e-
learning platform web portal, with a previous user’s
validation: the e-learning courses platform, the
repository of images and videos, the repository of
3D models and the interactive three-dimensional
scenarios platform.
The e-learning courses platform currently
contains a basic course of underground construction.
The repository of images and videos contains a
wide up-to-day images and videos in the
underground construction field. All of them are
classified in different categories and subcategories,
coming from the Content thesaurus developed in the
Both the repository of 3D models and the
interactive three-dimensional scenarios are also
available and easily visualized in the e-learning
platform, using a web system without any specific
software. The interactive three-dimensional
scenarios consist of 3D visualisations where the
student can move in using the keyboard and interact
with some of the objects that constitute the 3D
The discuss forum is a user meeting point for
stakeholders of the Multidimensional City Projects
Currently, the majority of the research knowledge is
shared in face-to-face interactions (project
presentations, meetings, etc.) and it is dispersed in
different supports (paper based, on line, etc.). With
the development of the Active Knowledge
Management System (SGAC) all this knowledge is
centralized and accessible for all the project
community from a unique web portal. All this
information has been analysed and codified with
metadata to assure efficient searches and to
accomplish the users’ requirements. From the study
of all this knowledge the users have realized that
some of them are working in similar or
complementary research areas. Therefore, the SGAC
helps all project partners to know what is being done
in other sub projects. On the other hand, the system
is becoming a useful tool to manage all the
knowledge generated in the project along its
This work has been partly funded by the Spanish
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PSE 10.2005).
The authors wish to acknowledge the Ministerio for
their support. We also wish to acknowledge our
gratitude and appreciation to all the project partners
for their contribution during the development of
various ideas and concepts presented in this paper.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies