3.3 Ad-hoc Variables
3.3.1 Attitude Construct in Social Networks
Social networks have combined their basic
applications, with other functionalities that reinforce
the attitude of their usage (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
As one of the participants described: "...the time
spent in social networks is enjoyable and fun...".
Therefore, it is expected that Attitude influences
directly the Social Relationship Improvement
Expectancy, but it is also expected Others’
Favourable Opinion to directly drive use Attitude.
Hence, the authors hypothesize:
H12: Others' Favourable Opinion on using social
networks is positively related to Attitude.
H13: Attitude on social networks is positively
related to Social Relationship Improvement
3.3.2 Trust Construct in Social Networks
Trust is defined as “the willingness of a party to be
vulnerable to the actions of another party based on
the expectation that the other will perform a
particular action important to the trustor, irrespective
of the ability to monitor or control that other party”
(Mayer, Davis & Schoorman, 1995).
Based on respondents answers it is expected that
Trust will be related to Behavioral Intention, thus
high levels of Trust could encourage high
Behavioral Intention. Furthermore, Trust could
improve Perceived Ease of Use. It also expected that
trust will be influenced by individual Open Cultural
Orientation. Hence, the authors propose the
following hypotheses:
H14: High Individual Open Cultural Orientation
is positively related to Trust.
H15: Trust is negatively related to Perceived
Ease of Use.
H16: Trust is positively related to social
networks Behavioral Intention.
This research studies the influence of individual
cultural values in the use behavior of social
networks. In this position paper, the authors propose
a model that hypothesizes a causal relationship
between individual cultural values and the use of
social networks privacy threatening features. The
model is built up from previous theories and has
been completed using information from social
networks users' interviews.
In the following steps of this research project, the
authors aim to design and build a questionnaire to
validate the model hypotheses. A structural equation
model (SEM) is going to be issued to assess the
support for the causal relationship between the
model variables.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies