Through their training trip, students can interact
at any time with several existing objects (bolts,
shotcrete, cross-section type for blasting, coating,
ventilation pipe, etc.), receiving instantly a short
theoretical explanation about the element, its reason
for being, etc., and providing them the possibility to
expand the theoretical content by accessing the
section of the syllabus related to that topic. These
objects are called “Intelligent Objects”, and they
involve true training tools.
Following this idea, users can learn what they
are really interested in by “travelling” inside an
underground work, just like in a first person
videogame, and meeting their requirements. The
essence is in fact “watch to learn”, but keeping a
proper theoretic-conceptual basis.
The image below shows one of the 3Di sceneries
included in the version of FONOFF dedicated to
Underground Works.
Figure 3: Interactive 3D Scenery.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies