Facial Features’ Localization using a Morphological
Kenz A. Bozed, Ali Mansour and Osei Adjei
Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Bedfordshire
Park Square, Luton, LU1 3JU, U.K.
Abstract. Facial features’ localization is an important part of various applica-
tions such as face recognition, facial expression detection and human computer
interaction. It plays an essential role in human face analysis especially in
searching for facial features (mouth, nose and eyes) when the face region is in-
cluded within the image. Most of these applications require the face and facial
feature detection algorithms. In this paper, a new method is proposed to locate
facial features. A morphological operation is used to locate the pupils of the
eyes and estimate the mouth position according to them. The boundaries of the
allocated features are computed as a result when the features are allocated. The
results obtained from this work indicate that the algorithm has been very suc-
cessful in recognising different types of facial expressions.
1 Introduction
Developments in digital image processing have grown with different algorithms for
various applications of Computer vision techniques. Such applications have been
reported by Lekshmi et al. [7] for face detection, Hannuksela et al. [3] for facial fea-
ture extraction and Mohamed et al. [10] for face recognition.
Face detection is one the active research applications in these areas. Face detection
is defined by Yang et al. [13] to find the location and the size of the face in the input
image. Some of face detection approaches do not have any assumptions regarding the
number of faces in the image but they assume that a face exists in the image in order
to classify as face and non-face regions [1], [4]. In the facial localization, it is nor-
mally assumed that the input image has at least one face. Generally, facial recognition
problems are based on the features in the face. Salient features can be recognized
easily by human eyes but it is challenging to locate and extract these features using a
machine. The challenges of these applications are associated with pose, structural
components, facial expressions, illumination, occlusion, and image quality of the
subjects [11], [13]. Previous research has been concerned with the applications of face
detection and recognition [9]. Many methods have been developed to locate and ex-
tract facial features. These methods classify into two categories: Feature based and
Holistic. In the feature-based method, face recognition relies on the detection and
localization of facial features and their geometrical relationships [1]. In a holistic
method, a full face image is transformed to a point on a high dimensional space such
as Active Appearance Model (AAM) [8], neural nets [5].
A. Bozed K., Mansour A. and Adjei O. (2010).
Facial Features’ Localization using a Morphological Operation.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Bio-inspired Human-Machine Interfaces and Healthcare Applications, pages 35-43
DOI: 10.5220/0002787000350043
The morphological operation is a well-known technique used in image processing
and computer vision for manipulating image features based on their shapes [2]. How-
ever, some methods need a considerable amount of computational or intensive mem-
ory to implement, and improve the speed and accuracy [7]. Our research aims to de-
velop a simple and an accurate method that can be used in facial systems such as
emotional detection.
In facial detection systems, eyes detection is a significant feature in the human
face, where the detected eyes are easier to locate than other features. Also, the local-
ization of the eyes is a necessary stage to help in the detection of other facial features
which can be used for facial expression analysis as they convey the human expres-
Although research have been done in this area, the process of solving the problem
of facial features’ detection is still incomplete due to its complexity [6], [7]. For ex-
ample face posture, occlusions and illumination have effects on the performance of
the features’ detection.
In this paper, a facial localization algorithm for salient feature extraction is pre-
sented. The algorithm consists of three steps: (1) a morphological process is applied
to search the darkest parallel features in the upper face as a result of eyes localiza-
tions; (2) the distance between the estimated pupils is used to locate the mouth. (3)
Localization of the salient features is used to compute their boundaries.
2 Facial Feature Localization
Features that are commonly used to characterise the human face are the eyes and
mouth. It is normally assumed that the facial region is present in the input image and
the features are searched within this region. The algorithm is based on the observation
that some features such as the pupils of the eyes are darker than other facial features.
Therefore, morphological operations can be used to detect the location of the eyes.
The morphological operations are compatible with rough feature extraction for their
fast and robust nature [3], [12].
The method proposed in this paper involves the morphological technique to detect
the pupil of the eyes, and then the distance between them is used to detect the position
of the mouth. The method is also simple and less computationally intensive. It has the
advantage of using three facial features points instead of using the holistic face such
as Active Shape Model with 58 facial feature points to locate the features [14].
The morphological erosion operation is applied on a grayscale face, using this op-
eration to remove any pixel that is not completely surrounded by other pixels. The
operation is applied when assuming 8-pixels are connected in order to reduce the
unnecessary pixels in the boundaries of the face. Fig. 1 shows the some faces after
applying the erosion operation. The eyes localization is determined based on the dark-
est pixels that are close to each other. The positions of the eyes allow the distance
between them to be computed and also to locate the mouth.
Fig. 1. Face after apply the erosion.
2.1 Eyes Detection
The upper face is scanned individually to search for the pupils of eyes. However,
when the darkest pixel is obtained for every eye, the algorithm is searched again for
all the pixels that have the same value as the darkest one. Fig. 2 shows correct eyes
detection where the search algorithm of the darkest pixel is satisfied. Also, Fig. 3
shows the final eyes detection where the pupil of the eyes estimated the darkest pixels
of each eye.
Fig. 2. The eyes region detection.
Fig. 3. The final eyes detection
The location of the pupils is calculated based on the average of the darkest pixel of
each eye. Some experiments gave unsuccessful eyes location detection. These were
corrected by adjusting the distance between them in the order of 15 to 20 pixels. Fig.
4 shows some unsuccessful eyes detection, and correcting this fault detection based
on the distance between the averaged dark pixels.
(a) (b)
(a) Unsuccessful detection is left eye.
(b) Unsuccessful detection is left and right eye.
Upper image is false detection and lower is right re-
Fig. 4. Re-correct eyes detection.
2.2 Mouth Detection
The mouth detection algorithm is presented when the localization of the eyes is
known. Otherwise, the algorithm ignores this face. The mouth position is calculated
according to the distance
between the estimated pupils of both eyes.
represents the computed centroid point of the left eye (i.e.
pupil of the left eye), and the
represents the computed centroid point
of the right eye (i.e. pupil of the right eye).
The distance between the eyes
is computed as follows:
The average of the pupils is used to estimate the mouth position that repre-
sents the middle of distance between the eyes illustrated in equation (4). Therefore, it
is computed by averaging the
and as shown in equations (2) and (3).
The centroid point of the mouth
is computed based on equations (1), (2)
and (3) as follows:
In this work, the facial features are segmented from the face image based on the
Fig. 5 illustrates the centroid point of the left eye
, the centroid point
of the right eye
, the distance between the eyes , and the centroid
point of the mouth
Fig. 5. Final eyes detection with eyes distance and mouth position estimated.
3 Facial Feature Boundaries
After the possible facial features are detected, the distances , ,
and are applied to evaluate the features’ boundaries.
The boundaries are determined according to the
based on the experimental
evaluation. The width and height of the facial features are calculated, where
are the width and height of the rectangles of each eye illustrated in equations (7)
and (8) respectively. Also, equations (9) and (10) show
and represent the
width and height of the rectangles of the mouth.
The left eye coordinate can be calculated as:
is the upper left corner coordinate of the left eye. In the same way, the
right eye coordinate can be calculated as:
is the upper left corner coordinate of the left eye.
Furthermore, the upper corner of the mouth coordinate
can be calculated
The boundaries and the centroid points are illustrated in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. The relationships and positions of facial detection.
Briefly, once the eyes are identified correctly, the mouth is detected from the dis-
tance between the eyes. Then, the boundaries are computed as the following Fig.
Fig. 7. Some facial features boundaries.
4 Experimental Results
The efficiency of this algorithm was tested on individuals’ images captured as frontal
faces using a digital camera from the same distance and with normal room lighting
conditions. It is well known that the difficulties to locate the features exactly on each
face due to the face structure and the difference of face features. The proposed algo-
rithm located the face features based on the erosion operation on the greyscale facial
cropped image and distance between the pupils of the eyes were computed and ig-
nored any image that did not satisfy the location of the eyes correctly. The eyes detec-
tion based on darkest pixels of each eye. As the localization of the eyes is identified,
the mouth location is computed based on the distance between the estimated pupils of
both eyes. The boundaries of facial salient features are computes according to position
based on calculated distance.
This algorithm needs adjusting due to the presence of some incorrect detection of
the location of the eyes as a result of lighting and some occlusions such as glasses. A
success rate of over 91% has been achieved based on a sample rate of 318 images.
The following table shows the ratio detection for every facial feature.
Features Ratio of Feature detected
Left Eye 96.3%
Right Eye 95.6%
Mouth 91.9%
The experiments’ results show that locating the eyes is more accurate compared to
the mouth. Therefore, further work is needed to increase the accuracy of features
5 Summary and Future Work
This work presents a new algorithm based on morphological process to detect the
eyes localization and use the distance between them to locate the mouth position. The
method defines a morphological operation to extract the important contrast regions of
the face. These features are robust to lighting changes.
Future work will concentrate on improving the mouth detection to reduce the false
rate detection. The false eyes detection can be enhanced as well, which will increase
the ratio of features detected. The outcome of this algorithm can be used in other
facial detection systems such as the analysis of facial expressions.
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Mr. Xiao Guo, a PhD researcher at
University of Bedfordshire University, Computer Science and Technology, who
kindly allowed the use of his photos in this paper.
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