Shuying Wang, Jinghui Lu and Miriam A. M. Capretz
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B9, Canada
Keywords: Service Oriented Architecture, Ontology Management.
Abstract: To establish effective information exchange among applications in a distributed B2B environment, the
business participants are not only required to share their functions or service interfaces, but in many cases,
they also need to exchange their data models. Ontology, as a popular semantic form of knowledge
representation, can be used to represent data models, thus allowing applications to locate and integrate these
models in a more intelligent way. In this paper, we introduce a reference ontology based approach for
service oriented ontology management. Specifically, STAR, a domain specific reference ontology, is built
and used for the experiments in a real life case. Furthermore, in order to validate and evaluate our approach
and implementation, a prototype system is developed to provide ontology deploying, browsing and mapping
operations on a service-oriented mechanism. Our experiments have provided promising results, which are
consistent with our original ideas of managing ontologies and optimizing ontology mappings to facilitate
data interoperability in a distributed environment.
In Business-to-Business (B2B) applications, the
interoperability of heterogeneous data sources is an
important issue that is widely recognized in
information technology intensive organizations. To
establish effective information exchange among
applications, the business participants are not only
required to share their functions or service
interfaces, but in many cases, they also need to
exchange their data models. The traditional
message-based approaches (Hohpe and Woolf,
2003) require developers to retrieve data models
through messages and then to perform a one-to-one
mapping in order to identify and characterize
relationships between the models of two
applications. However, it is a major challenge to
create and maintain thousands of mappings for these
models. Furthermore, in order to share their models,
each application needs to publish its data model in a
location where other applications can easily locate
and retrieve the related models for information
As the core of the semantic web, ontology is the
representation of knowledge in a certain domain.
Representing data models by ontologies and
mapping ontologies among the semantic resources is
an important approach for achieving semantic data
interoperability. At the same time, service oriented
architecture (SOA) is a key technology for
supporting interoperability among information and
processing data model interoperability.
Consequently, the significant potential of combining
SOA and ontology provides a promising solution to
improve semantic interoperability. For example, a
well-defined mapping process can be considered as a
component that provides a mapping service, which
can be implemented with various applications.
In this paper, we propose a reference ontology
based approach to support the interoperability of
heterogeneous data sources. The main idea of our
methodology is to make use of background
knowledge in an industry domain to enhance the
performance of alignment. Specifically, terms from
the different data sources are first mapped to
intermediate terms defined in the reference ontology,
and then their mapping is deduced based on the
semantic relation of the intermediate terms.
Furthermore, in order to examine our approach, five
experiments are designed to cover a comprehensive
validation of the ontology mapping strategies. We
examine these experiment results from generic
Wang S., Lu J. and A. M. Capretz M.
DOI: 10.5220/0002787600690074
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ontology mapping to specified case study and
provide analysis of the proposed ontology mapping.
Section 2 introduces the related work on current
research. In Section 3, it introduces reference
ontology based mapping approach and the system
architecture. In Section 4, we design five
experiments aiming to evaluate the proposed
approach. Lastly, Section 5 presents the conclusions
and outlines a number of directions for future work.
Our work aims to extend the principles of the
ontology mapping approach as well as the emerging
Web Services standards in order to support the
manageability and interoperability of heterogeneous
data sources. A fundamental problem with ontology
mapping involves the integration of heterogeneous
data sources, which has been extensively researched
in the last two decades (Rahm and Bernstein, 2001).
Some research approaches (Sabou et al, 2006,
Aleksovski et al, 2006) have considered the use of
external background knowledge as a way of
obtaining semantic mappings between syntactically
dissimilar ontologies. WordNet is one of the most
frequently used sources of background knowledge.
The literature (Li et al, 1995) shows that WordNet
has been used successfully for word sense
disambiguation algorithms in other contexts,
particularly in text. Moreover, SUMO (2009) has
initially been created and further developed to
facilitate data interoperability, information search
and retrieval, and automated inference.
A substantial amount of literature has been
published about the combination of SOA and
ontology improving semantic interoperability (Staab
and Studer, 2004). MAFRA (Silva and Rocha, 2003)
is a toolkit used to maintain an ontology mapping
system and provides support for ontology mapping
tasks, such as the automatic specification of
semantic relations, negotiation and evolution.
Additionally, a distinct project proposed by Korotkiy
and Top is known as Onto-SOA (Korotkiy and Top,
2006). Onto-SOA integrates ontologies and SOA to
provide a mechanism for representing and exploiting
both the conceptual and behavioral domain aspects.
Specifically, it employs an ontology-based domain
model as a direct input to a service and enables the
exchange of messages between a service and its
3.1 Reference Ontology
In addressing the interoperability of heterogeneous
data sources, our approach relies on the reference
domain ontology as a semantic bridge between
different data models. The basic process in this
approach first aligns the concepts of the
corresponding data models involved in the business
process with the reference domain knowledge. Next,
we use the semantic information from this reference
knowledge to infer relationships between the
models. Lastly, the relationships are utilized to
induce an indirect set of mapping pairs and to
generate the required correspondences between data
Figure 1: A Reference Ontology-Based Approach for
Ontology Mapping.
In our approach, we develop local ontologies to
represent different data models and reference
ontology as the semantic bridge between local
ontologies. The reference ontology represents the
shared vocabulary of a domain and defines basic
terms that can be combined to describe more
complex semantics in the local ontologies. For
example, in Figure 1, we show a local ontology Oa,
for the data model of Application A and another
local Ontology Ob, for the corresponding data model
of Application B. Accordingly, these local
ontologies are used for exchanging data between
Application A and Application B. The reference
ontology Or represents the set of basic domain terms
that provide a semantic link between different data
models. Consequently, for concept a in local
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ontology Oa and concept b in local ontology Ob,
there are corresponding concepts a' and b' in the
reference ontology.
The concrete steps of this approach are outlined
1. The reference ontology containing concepts,
Or(a') and Or(b'), correspond to Oa(a) and Ob(b) in
local ontologies;
2. For each pair of concepts:
y If Or(a') is
equivalentClass to Or(b') in the
reference ontology, then Oa(a) from ontology
A can be inferred as equivalent to Ob(b) from
ontology B;
y If Or(a') is
subClassOf Or(b') in the
reference ontology, then Oa(a) from ontology
A can be inferred as child of Ob(b) from
ontology B;
y If Or(a') is
sameAs Or(b') in the reference
ontology, then Oa(a) from ontology A can be
treated as synonym of Ob(b) from ontology B;
y If Or(a') is
differentFrom Or(b') in the
reference ontology, then Oa(a) from ontology
A can be inferred to be different from Ob(b)
from ontology B.
Moreover, if no relationship is found, then no
mapping is inferred.
3.2 STAR Ontology
In our case study, we are using the STAR ontology
as the mediator, which contains rich reference
knowledge for performing the intermediate
Table 1: The Metrics of the STAR Ontology.
Metrics Count
Class 122
Object Property 117
Data Property 1168
Subclass Axioms 185
Object Property Domain Axioms 117
Object Property Range Axioms 115
Data Property Domain Axioms 1081
Data Property Range Axioms 1118
Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail
(STAR, 2009) is a non-profit, unionized
organization whose members include dealers,
manufacturers, retail system providers and
automotive-related industrial organizations. The goal
of the STAR organization is to use non-proprietary
information technology (IT) standards as a catalyst
in fulfilling the business information needs of
dealers and manufacturers. Using the STAR
metadata, we have developed the STAR reference
ontology in order to gain a high level of detailed
knowledge from the automotive retail industry
domain and therefore to facilitate the interoperability
of automotive retail applications.
In general, the STAR ontology is based on the
terminology in the automotive retail industry.
Specifically, it is formalized in OWL-DL. Currently,
it describes 1592 lexical terms; the ontology metrics
are listed in Table 1. STAR ontology covers
concepts in the automotive retail domain and,
accordingly, it is structured in six different
categories. These categories include General,
Dealer, Customer, Parts Management, Vehicle
Management and Sales and Vehicle Repair and
Service. Together, these six categories represent the
main organizational structure of STAR.
3.3 System Architecture
As depicted in Figure 2, our system is divided into
three layers. These layers include the semantic layer,
the service layer and the access layer. At the
semantic layer, the semantic and expressive
descriptions are used to describe the data models.
Data model ontology sources, also known as local
ontologies, are developed to represent different data
models. Subsequently, the information
corresponding to the ontologies, such as the business
entity name and the business process name, are
published using Web Services.
At the service layer, the regular Web Service
technologies are utilized. In particular, we are using
SOAP for messaging, WSDL for service description,
and the service registry for publishing, discovering,
and retrieving data models. Finally, a mapping
engine is used to execute ontology mapping.
For implementing the service registry, we have
also developed three key Web Services:
The Publishing Service allows web users to
submit their ontologies and other related
information to the web. The submitted
information includes the provider of the
ontologies and the business process to which the
ontologies are applied.
The Discovery Service executes a search based
on the information given by business processes
or ontology providers. When a user submits a
request for acquiring a certain ontology, the
service returns the available ontology list as the
search results.
The Mapping Service provides the functionality
of ontology mappings. The mapping engines are
externally developed and imported into system.
Figure 2: System Architecture.
The access layer contains the Web Portal, which
enables users to access the available Web Services.
Users can also execute specific functions, such as
accessing the publishing ontology by using the
publishing services, searching and retrieving
ontologies via the discovery service, and performing
ontology mapping through the mapping service.
4.1 Experiment Design
A web-based prototype called Service Oriented
Ontology Management Framework (SOOMF) is
implemented in order for the end user to manage
ontologies. The implementation uses Struts and
Spring architecture. Apache Tomcat is used as the
container for the development and deployment in
Web services. Also, Jena is used as the OWL parser.
Based on the prototype, we validate the accuracy
improvement for the proposed mapping approach.
We classify five experiments into two categories; the
first category, which includes the first four tests, is
known as generic experiments. These experiments
are used to validate our reference ontology-based
approach in comparison to other existing mapping
methodologies (experiments 1 to 4). The second
category includes the specified experiment,
Experiment 5, where the newly developed STAR
ontology will be examined for the improved utility
and to a broader adoption of ontology mapping in
the automotive retail domain.
In our study, we design two sets of experimental
ontologies. First, in our generic experiments, we use
the data set that has been used in the Information
Interpretation and Integration Conference (I3CON,
2003) experimental ontologies. The second set of
ontologies is created to present specific data models
involved in certain business processes for
specialized terms in the automotive retail industry.
This data set is used in Experiment 5, which is
treated as the specified experiment. In this set, the
local ontologies are created to represent the data
models in the automotive retail industry, while the
SUMO (2009) and STAR ontologies are used as the
reference ontologies.
Experiment 1 - Terminological Approach. In
this experiment, we use the typical Terminological
approach, which uses a combination of lexical and
structural correspondence between source and target
ontologies to compare strings. The correspondence
of terms mapped from the two ontologies is
generated directly by the terminological mapping,
which results in a list of equivalent terms of pairs.
We expect that the result of this experiment assist in
constructing the evaluation baseline.
Experiment 2 - WordNet Hierarchical
Distance. WordNet is a freely available English
lexical database whose design is inspired by current
psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory
(Li et al., 1995). This experiment is to implement the
mapping by using WordNet as the thesaurus for
calculating the hierarchical semantic distance.
Experiment 3 - The Combination of the
Terminological Approach and WordNet
Thesaurus. Experiment 3 combines the
Terminological approach and the use of WordNet to
refine the mapping results. We believe that
combining the Terminological approach and the
WordNet Thesaurus can overcome some of the
lexical limitations and improve the mapping
Experiment 4 - Reference Ontology-based
Mapping using SUMO as the Generic Reference
Knowledge. This experiment is to assess the value
of using standard upper ontologies, thus we utilize
the reference knowledge as an ontological bridge
that indirectly infers mapping between local
ontologies. SUMO is used as reference ontology.
Experiment 5 - Domain Specific Reference
Ontology based Mapping. In this experiment, we
utilize the reference ontology as a source of
background information. Terms from the two local
ontologies are first mapped to terms in STAR, and
subsequently, their mapping is deduced on the basis
of the semantic relation between the terms. The
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
experiment includes three steps. In Step 1, we utilize
the Terminological approach to generate a mapping
baseline. Step 2 introduces SUMO as the reference
ontology, showing the mapping result of this generic
reference ontology. In Step 3, STAR is used to
facilitate the attempt to capture correspondence in
the automotive retail industry.
4.2 Measurement
Basically, a threshold score is a lower limit for the
similarity score of two concepts that belong to the
respective source and target ontologies and that will
be treated as mapping pairs. For instance, if pairs of
mapping results produced have a threshold score of
0.60, indicating that the two concepts are considered
as mapping pairs if the similarity score between
them is greater than or equal to 0.60.
The effectiveness of the mapping approaches can
be measured by the precision of the mapping results.
We define the mapping accuracy as the ratio of
correct mappings N to the number of discovered
mappings M. The formula in Equation 1 shows the
mapping precision as a percentage value.
Equation 1: Mapping Precision.
4.3 Generic Experiment Analysis
The generic experiments consist of Experiments 1,
2, 3, and 4. Accordingly, Figure 3(a) demonstrates
the mapping precision arranged by the threshold
value of similarity, where the left side of the graph
displays the lowest value; the right side shows the
highest value; and the vertical line illustrates the
precision. The Terminological approach in
Experiment 1 is presented as the baseline experiment
in order to evaluate the other mapping results.
Specifically, we are attempting to directly discover
mapping pairs between the local ontologies.
The results of the four generic experiments are
presented in Figure 3(b). In comparison to the
Terminological approach used in Experiment 1, the
WordNet Distance approach in the second
experiment generates more mapping pairs.
For example, when the threshold is 0.8, the
WordNet Distance method (Experiment 2) returns
68 mapping pairs and among them, 16 are correct as
the precision is only 24%, whereas in the
Terminological approach (Experiment 1), the result
is 29 mapping pairs with 16 correct mappings, and
the mapping precision increases as 55%. Overall, the
results indicate that the mapping precision of the
WordNet Distance approach is not necessarily more
effective than the Terminological approach.
Furthermore, the federated mapping approach of
Terminological and WordNet in Experiment 3
demonstrates that the mapping results are more
effective than they are in the two approaches used in
Experiments 1 and 2 respectively, and moreover, a
lot of incorrect mapping results are eliminated in
Experiment 3. For example, when the threshold level
is 0.6, the mapping precision of the federated
approach is 67%; in comparison to the 16% of the
Terminological approach.
We also obtain a high mapping precision when
using the reference ontology based approach in
Experiment 4. However, we also observe while the
similarity threshold is increased, the mapping pairs
are reduced. For example, the number of mapping
pairs is 14 at threshold 0.2, while this number is
reduced to 1 at a threshold of 0.7. This drastic
decrease occurs because the terms used in
experimental ontologies do not have corresponding
definitions in SUMO, and therefore, most terms in
local ontologies cannot be bridged by the reference
ontology. Therefore, in order to overcome this
disadvantage, the appropriate reference ontology
needs to be selected prior to mapping in a specific
domain. Moreover, in order to obtain a more
effective mapping result, the pre-selected reference
ontology should include as many terms as possible.
4.4 Specified Experiment Analysis
In comparison to the traditional Terminological
approach, the domain specific reference ontology
results in improved mapping precision at the same
threshold level. For example, Figure 4(a) shows that
at threshold level 0.2, the mapping precision of
using STAR is 90%. Compared to the 12% achieved
in the Terminological approach, the precision with
STAR is increased by 78%.
The experiment also proves that domain-specific
information can help to improve the mapping results
for the reference ontology based approach. For
example, when using either SUMO or STAR, the
mapping precision curves are very similar; however,
when the threshold level is increased from 0.2 to 0.8,
STAR is more effective than SUMO. In particular,
as shown in Figure 4(b), using SUMO reduces the
mapping pairs from 41 to 3, whereas using STAR
only decreases the pairs from 59 to 34. This
discrepancy occurs since the increased inclusion of
terms in the STAR, has a significant effect on the
mappings. In particular, the resulting similarity
scores of correct concept pairs are increased, therefore demonstrating that the domain specific
Figure 3: The Mapping Results of Generic Experiments. Figure 4: The Mapping Result of Specified Experiments.
specific reference ontology can increase the amount
mapped terms and thus lead to more meaningful
The goal of our research is to show the feasibility
and potential advantages of using a service-oriented
mechanism to build an ontology management
framework and using reference ontology as
background knowledge for ontology mapping. The
implementation and experiments based on real world
case have provided positive results, which are
consistent with our original ideas of ontology
management and mapping in the distributed
environment. Our future work includes building a
new mechanism to facilitate reference ontology to
discover more mapping pairs.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies