Aya Nishikawa, Ryo Nishimura, Yasuhiko Watanabe, Yoshihiro Okada
Ryukoku University, Dep. of Media Informatics, Seta, Otsu, Shiga, Japan
Masaki Murata
NICT, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan
Writing support system, Notational variant, Context suitable variant, Context sensitive dictionary.
In Japanese, it is difficult to learn which variant is suitable for various contexts in official, business, and
technical documents because there are a large number of notational variants of Japanese words and Japanese
writing rules have many exceptions. From the viewpoint of information retrieval, a considerable number of
studies have been made on notational variants, however, previous Japanese writing support systems were not
concerned with them sufficiently. To solve this problem, we developed a writing support system which detects
notational variants unsuitable for the contexts in students’ reports and shows suitable ones to the students.
This system is based on the idea that context suitable variants are used dominantly in the context of official,
business, and technical documents. In this study, we first show the diversity of notational variants of Japanese
words and how to develop a context sensitive variant dictionary by which our system determines which variant
is suitable for the contexts in official, business, and technical documents. Finally, we conducted a control
experiment and show the effectiveness of our system.
In English, there are few words which are spelled in
several different ways, such as, color and colour. In
contrast, in Japanese, there are a large number of no-
tational variants of words. This is because Japanese
words are written in three kinds of characters:
kanji (Chinese) characters,
hiragara letters, and
katakana letters.
For example, kagi [key] is written in three ways, as
shown in Figure 1. Basic rules of Japanese writing
are announced by the Cabinet, and Japanese students
study them in school for many years. However, it is
difficult to learn the rules because they have many
exceptions. In fact, we often find the confusion of
variant selection in Japanese university students’ re-
ports, including unsuitable notational variants for of-
ficial, business, and technical documents. As a result,
it is important for students to learn which notational
variant is suitable for official, business, and techni-
cal documents. To solve this problem, (Nishikawa
Figure 1: Notational variants of “kagi [key]”.
09a) developed a writing support system which de-
tects unsuitable notational variants in students’ re-
ports and shows suitable ones to the students. This
system is based on the assumption that suitable vari-
ants are used dominantly in official, business, and
technical documents. If the assumption is proper, un-
suitable notational variants can be detected by con-
firming whether they are used dominantly in official,
business, and technical documents. We think the sys-
Nishikawa A., Nishimura R., Watanabe Y., Okada Y. and Murata M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 251-256
DOI: 10.5220/0002789702510256
hiragana katakana kanji
[key] 1 279 198
Figure 2: The frequencies of notational variants of noun
kagi [key]” in the newspaper articles [Mainichi Newspaper
(January 2006 – June 2006)].
hiragana katakana kanji
[key] 0 10 64
Figure 3: The frequencies of notational variants of noun
kagi [key]” in the newspaper articles [Mainichi Newspaper
(2005 2007)] in the case that the word is used with kakeru
tem of (Nishikawa 09a) is promising, however, it has
a problem: The system was based on a context free
variant dictionary. As a result, it is possible that the
system lets users select variants which are most fre-
quent but unsuitable for the contexts. Take kagi [key]
for example. As shown in Figure 2, in newspaper ar-
ticles, kagi is dominantly written in katakana letters.
However, as shown in Figure 3, kagi is dominantly
written in a kanji character when it is used with kakeru
[lock]. As a result, it is important that writing sup-
port systems show variant information of Figure 3,
not Figure 2, when kagi [key] and kakeru [lock] are
used together. To solve this problem, we developed
a writing support system based on a context sensitive
variant dictionary.
Our system shows the frequencies of notational
variants to students because they are objective and
concrete measures. As a result, the system gives stu-
dents chances to consider the reasons why they used
variants unsuitable for the contexts. There are two
reasons why our system does not replace unsuitable
variants to context suitable ones automatically.
it is not appropriate to restrict the use of various
variants because it is one of the sources of the
richness of Japanese expressions.
it is important to consider the reasons why they
used variants unsuitable for the contexts and
choose context suitable ones, especially, in edu-
cational institutions.
From the viewpoint of information retrieval, a
considerable number of studies have been made
on notational variants (Kubomura 03) (Kouda 06)
(Bamba 08), however, spell checkers in Japanese
word processor, such as Microsoft word 2007, and
previous Japanese writing support systems were not
concerned with notational variants sufficiently (Shi-
momura 92) (Araki 93) (Murata 01). This is because
their main purposes were misspelling detection. Stu-
dents often use variants which are not misspelling,
names of plants hiragana katakana kanji
[cherry blossom] 184 39 736
[rose] 0 217 0
[sun flower] 42 8 0
[camellia] 9 25 83
[azalea] 5 15 0
[apple] 8 71 10
[orange] 66 37 2
Figure 4: The frequencies of notational variants of nouns
(plant names) in the newspaper articles [Mainichi Newspa-
per (January 2006 – June 2006)].
however, unsuitable for the contexts in official, busi-
ness, or technical documents. In contrast, Yokoyama
dealt with variants of kanji characters (Yokoyama06),
but not with variants of words. Furthermore, he did
not consider this variant problem from the viewpoint
of contexts.
In this study, we first show the diversity of no-
tational variants of Japanese words and how to de-
velop a context sensitive variant dictionary by which
our system determines which variant is suitable for
the context in official, business, and technical docu-
ments. Finally, we conducted a control experiment
and show the effectiveness of our system.
In this section, we show the diversity and exceptions
of notational variants of Japanese words.
First, we show the diversity and exceptions of no-
tational variants of Japanese nouns. We have shown
an example of notational variants of Japanese nouns,
kagi [key], in section 1. Furthermore, Figure 4 shows
the frequencies of notational variants of plant names
in the Mainichi newspaper articles (January 2006
June 2006). As shown in Figure 4, dominant ways
of writing plant names are inconsistent. In this study,
we will use the term dominant variant of a word to
refer to the most frequent variant of the word, as
(Nishikawa 09a) did. One of the reasons of this in-
consistent is that writers choose variants considering
the contexts.
Next, we show the diversity and exceptions of no-
tational variants of Japanese declinable words. Figure
5 shows the frequencies of notational variants of hiki-
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
hiragana kanji+(1) kanji+(2) kanji+(3)
[pull up] 1 4 774 146
Figure 5: The frequencies of notational variants of verb
hikiageru [pull up]” in the newspaper articles [Mainichi
Newspaper (January 2006 – June 2006)].
hiragana kanji+(1) kanji+(2) kanji+(3)
[pull up] 0 0 2 15
Figure 6: The frequencies of notational variants of verb
hikiageru [pull up]” in the newspaper articles [Mainichi
Newspaper (2005 – 2007)] in the case that the word is used
with “toushi [investment]”.
ageru [pull up] in the Mainichi newspaper articles. As
shown in Figure 5, is the dominant variant
of hikiageru [pull up]. However, as shown in Fig-
ure 6, a nondominant variant of hikiageru, ,
is used dominantly when hikiageru is used with tou-
shi [investment]. This kind of exceptions often con-
fuse learners of Japanese, not only foreign students
but Japanese students. In fact, the authors are often
confronted with the confusion of variant selection in
their reports.
3.1 System Overview
Figure 7 shows the overview of our system based on
a context sensitive variant dictionary. Figure 8 shows
an example of how to use our writing support sys-
tem. As shown in Figure 7, users can access and send
input sentences to the system via web browsers by
using CGI based HTML forms. Input sentences are
segmented into words by using a Japanese morpho-
logical analyzer, JUMAN (JUMAN 05). Then, the
dependency relations between the words were ana-
lyzed by using a Japanese parser, KNP(KNP 05). Fi-
nally, by using the context sensitive variant dictionary,
the system confirms whether variants are suitable for
the contexts in official, business, and technical docu-
ments. When the system detects a variant unsuitable
for the context in an input sentence, the system un-
derlines and turns it red, shows the frequency infor-
mation of the variant in the context, and gives users
chances to consider the reasons why they used the
Figure 7: System overview.
variant. In Figure 8 (a), a user gives the following
two input sentences to the system.
kakugi de zeikin wo hikiageru koto ga kettei sareta
[the plan to raise taxes was approved by the Cabi-
New York no sijyo kara toushi wo hikiageru koto
ni shita [we decided to withdraw our investments
from the New York market]
Then, as shown in Figure 8 (b), the system detects that
variants of hikiageru in both input sentences are un-
suitable for the contexts. In each sentence, the variant
of hikiageru is underlined and turns red, and the con-
text sensitive frequency information of the variant is
shown. In this way, the key to detecting variants un-
suitable for the contexts is a context sensitive variant
dictionary. In section 3.2, we show how to develop a
context sensitive variant dictionary.
3.2 Context Sensitive Variant
In order to develop a context sensitive variant dic-
tionary, we expand a context free variant dictionary
by adding information of context suitable variants
and the contexts. The context free variant dictionary
(Nishikawa 09b), which we used and expanded in
this study, contains dominant variants of 20929 words
which were extracted from 296364 articles published
in the Mainichi Newspaper from January 2006 to June
2006 (Mainichi 06-08) credibly by using binomial
tests. These words can be classified into two types:
TYPE I a word of this type has actually two or more
variants, however, only one of them was found in
the newspaper articles. 14659 TYPE I words were
extracted from the Mainichi Newspaper (January
2006 – June 2006).
TYPE II a word of this type has two or more vari-
ants found in the newspaper articles. 6270 TYPE
(a) two input sentences, both of which include “hikiageru [pull up]”, are given to the system.
(b) the system detects unsuitable variants of “hikiageru [pull up]” for the contexts in the input sentences
and shows the context sensitive frequency information of the variants.
Figure 8: An example of how to use our writing support system. English system messages are inserted ad hoc for convenience
of non-Japanese readers of this paper.
II words were extracted from the Mainichi News-
paper (January 2006 June 2006). Words which
have context suitable variants are classified into
TYPE II words.
In order to show how much the dominant variant of a
word is used dominantly, (Nishikawa 09b) introduced
dominant degree. Suppose that a word has variant i
( I) and the utilization rate of variant i is calculated
as follows:
where u
and f
is the utilization rate and frequency
of variant i, respectively. The dominant degree of the
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
word frequency
dominant degree
TYPE II words (extracted by binomial test)
TYPE II words (all)
Figure 9: The histograms of the dominant degrees of TYPE
II words in the newspaper articles [Mainichi Newspaper
(January 2006 – June 2006)].
word is calculated as follows:
d = max
where d is the dominant degree of the word. Figure
9 shows the histograms of the dominant degrees of
TYPE II words extracted from the Mainichi Newspa-
per (January 2006 June 2006). The broken line in
Figure 9 shows the histogram of the dominant degrees
of all the TYPE II words extracted from the Mainichi
Newspaper (January 2006 – June 2006). On the other
hand, the thick line shows the histogram of the domi-
nant degrees of TYPE II words the variants of which
were extracted credibly by using binomial tests from
the Mainichi Newspaper (January 2006 – June 2006).
We expanded this variant dictionary by adding the fol-
lowing kinds of information
context suitable variants and
the contexts where the variants are used domi-
The information was extracted in the next way.
Suppose that word A has a variant which is a non-
dominant variant of word A but is used dominantly in
the context that word A is used with B. We extracted
the context suitable variant of word A and
the context that word A is used with word B
in the next steps.
Step 1 apply Japanese morphological analysis and
dependency analysis to newspaper articles. In
this study, we used a Japanese morphological an-
alyzer, JUMAN (JUMAN 05) and a Japanese
parser, KNP(KNP 05).
Step 2 From the results of the analyses, extract vari-
ants of word A which have the dependency rela-
tion to word B. In the morphological analysis, JU-
MAN gives variant labels to variants. Variants of
Figure 10: The outline of the experiment.
a certain word can be detected because JUMAN
gives the same variant label to them.
Step 3 determine which variant of word A is used
dominantly in the context that word A is used with
word B. If the variant is not the dominant variant
of word A, go step 4. Otherwise, terminate the
process. The dominant variant of word A is regis-
tered in the variant dictionary (Nishikawa 09b).
Step 4 In order to confirm that the variant is a cred-
ible context suitable variant, measure the credi-
bility of the context suitable variant by using bi-
nomial tests: the variant is regarded as a credi-
ble context suitable variant, when the lower limits
of one-sided 95% binomial confidence interval of
the utilization rates of the variant in the context is
more than 0.5.
In this study, we extracted 3598 context suitable
variant and the contexts from 1786752 articles pub-
lished in the Mainichi Newspaper from 2005 to 2007
(Mainichi 06-08).
To evaluate our method, we conducted a control ex-
periment. Figure 10 shows the outline of the ex-
periment. 20 subjects, university students in com-
puter science, were classified into two groups: control
group and experimental group. As shown in Figure
10, we conducted test 1 and 2 to the control group,
and test 1 and 3 to the experimental group. In these
three tests, we gave the same five problems of variant
selection with the following kinds of information:
test 1 no information
test 2 context free variant information
test 3 context sensitive variant information
Each problem consisted of two sentences, one word
of which was underlined, and variant choices of the
word. From the variant choices of the underlined
word, the subjects were requested to choose one vari-
ant which seemed to be suitable for the contexts in
official, business, and technical documents. One sen-
tence in each problem had a context for which the
Table 1: The choosing rate of variants suitable for the con-
group test 1 test 2 / 3
control 68% 77%
experimental 73% 81%
dominant variant was suitable. The other had a con-
text for which the dominant variant was not suitable.
For example, the following two sentences were used
in a problem of the experiment.
Problem 1(a) kakugi de zeikin wo hikiageru koto ga
kettei sareta [the plan to raise taxes was approved
by the Cabinet]
Problem 1(b) New York no sijyo kara toushi wo
hikiageru koto ni shita [we decided to withdraw
our investments from the New York market]
The dominant variant of hikiageru [pull up] is suitable
for the context of problem 1(a), on the other hand, un-
suitable for the context of problem 1(b) because hiki-
ageru was used with toushi [investment]. When sub-
jects in the control group tried to solve problem 1(a)
and 1(b) in test 2, they received the frequency infor-
mation which is shown in Figure 5 and unsuitable for
the context of problem 1(b). On the other hand, sub-
jects in the experimental group received context sen-
sitive frequency information which
is shown in Figure 5 when they tried to solve prob-
lem 1(a) in test 3
is shown in Figure 6 when they tried to solve prob-
lem 1(b) in test 3
In other words, subjects in the experimental group re-
ceived the same context sensitive frequency informa-
tion which our system gives to users. Figure 8 (b)
shows the advices of our system when problem 1(a)
and 1(b) are given to the system.
Table 1 shows the choosing rate of variants suit-
able for the contexts in test 1, 2, and 3. Table 1 shows
that the notational variant selection is a serious prob-
lem. In test 1, some subjects chose unsuitable variants
for no particular reason and they were totally unaware
of doing it. However, Table 1 also implies that stu-
dents do not have confidence in their notational vari-
ant selection and flexibly change their decisions when
the reasons are given to them. Actually, in test 3,
ve subjects in the experimental group changed their
decisions, and two other subjects did not change but
felt sure of their decisions. Some of them said that
they could obey system’s advices more simply than
teacher’s instructions without concrete evidences. On
the other hand, in test 2, ve subjects in the control
group changed their decisions, and two of them se-
lected variants unsuitable for the contexts because of
the context free variant information.
In this paper, we first proposed a method of devel-
oping a context sensitive variant dictionary by which
our writing support system determines which variant
is suitable for the contexts in official, business, and
technical documents. Then, we conducted a control
experiment and show the effectiveness of our system.
This research has been supported partly by the
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) under Grant
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education