Michał Chora
, Salvatore d’Antonio
, Rafał Kozik
and Witold Hołubowicz
ITTI Ltd., Pozna
n, Poland
Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica CINI, Naples, Italy
Institute of Telecommunications, University of Technology & Life Sciences, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Adam Mickiewicz University, Pozna
n, Poland
Network security, Heterogeneous network, Vulnerability database, Ontology management, INTERSECTION.
In this paper our approach to heterogeneous networks vulnerability handling is presented. Vulnerabilities
of heterogeneous networks like satellite, GSM/GPRS, UMTS, wireless sensor networks and the Internet
have been identified, classified and described in the framework of the European co-funded project, named
INTERSECTION (INfrastructure for heTErogeneous, Resilient, SEcure, Complex, Tightly InterOperating
Networks). Since computer security incidents usually occur across administrative domains and interconnected
networks it is quite clear that it would be advantageous for different organizations and network operators to be
able to share data on network vulnerabilities. The exchange of vulnerability information and statistics would
be crucial for proactive identification of trends that can lead to incident prevention. Network operators have al-
ways been reticent to disclose information about attacks on their systems or through their networks. However,
this tendency seems to be overcome by the new awareness that it is only through cooperation that networking
infrastructures can be made robust to attacks and failures. Starting from these considerations, we developed
two components, namely INTERSECTION Vulnerability Database (IVD) and Project INTERSECTION Vul-
nerability Ontology Tool (PIVOT), for vulnerability data management and classification. Both tools will be
presented in this paper.
INTERSECTION (INfrastructure for heTEro-
geneous, Resilient, SEcure, Complex, Tightly
Inter-Operating Networks) is a European co-funded
project in the area of secure, dependable and trusted
infrastructures. The main objective of INTERSEC-
TION is to design and implement an innovative
network security framework which comprises differ-
ent tools and techniques for intrusion detection and
The INTERSECTION framework as well as the
developed system called IDT S (Intrusion Detection
and Tolerance System) consists of two layers: in-
network layer and off-network layer. The in-network
layer is a distributed system comprising a number of
components aiming at detecting and tolerating intru-
sions in real-time and automated fashion, while the
role of the off-network layer is to support network
operators in controlling complex heterogeneous and
interconnected networks and real-time security pro-
cesses such as network monitoring, intrusion detec-
tion, reaction and remediation.
The knowledge about vulnerabilities is needed to
more effectively cope with threats and attacks, and to
enhance networks security. Therefore network vul-
nerabilities should be identified, described, classified,
stored and analyzed. To achieve these goals, a vul-
nerability database and vulnerability ontology are re-
quired. The framework operator should be able to
control in-network processes and trigger/stop their
reactions on the basis of the vulnerability knowl-
edge provided by vulnerability ontology and vul-
nerability repository. Therefore, both vulnerabil-
ity database and vulnerability ontology are devel-
oped and implemented within the INTERSECTION
security-resiliency system.
In this paper we focus on presenting off-network
layer components devoted to handling network vul-
nerabilities. In Section 2 INTERSECTION Vulner-
ability Database will be presented. In Section 3
ontology-based approach to handle identified vulner-
Chorà ˛as M., dâ
ZAntonio S., Kozik R. and HoÅ
Cubowicz W.
DOI: 10.5220/0002790601710174
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
abilities will be shown. The practical aspects of both
components offered to project end-users will be pro-
One of the INTERSECTION framework components
is the vulnerability database, which stores the infor-
mation about design vulnerabilities of heterogeneous
and interconnected networks.
Design vulnerabilities differ from implementation
vulnerabilities (i.e. application faults) on which NV D
(National Vulnerabilities Database) is focused. The
INTERSECTION Vulnerability Database (IV D) is
based on the CV E (Common Vulnerabilities and Ex-
posures) vulnerability naming standard and uses the
following SCAP (Security Content Automation Pro-
tocol) standards:
Common Configuration Enumeration (CC E)
Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
The Common Configuration Enumeration pro-
vides common identifiers to system configurations in
order to facilitate fast and accurate correlation of con-
figuration data across multiple information sources
and tools. CCE is primarily used to identify security
related configuration issues. The Common Platform
Enumeration is a structured naming scheme for infor-
mation technology systems, software, and packages.
Finally, the Common Vulnerability Scoring System is
an open standard for assigning a score to a vulnera-
bility that indicates its relative severity compared to
other vulnerabilities.
The use of such standards enables automated
vulnerability management, measurement, and pol-
icy compliance evaluation and allows the INTER-
SECTION vulnerability database to interoperate with
other databases, such as NV D (National Vulnerabil-
ity Database) and OSVDB (Open Source Vulnerabil-
ity Database).
The INTERSECTION Vulnerability Database is
accessible by end-users, such as telecom providers
and network operators, via web browser.
IV D enables most of standard database function-
alities (browsing, querying), however some of the
functionalities are available for registered users only.
The database is composed of the following main
Network Asset,
Vulnerability table contains information about
discovered vulnerabilities. The type of vulnerabil-
ity, the threats and attacks exploiting the vulnerabil-
ity, the discovery date and the likelihood of the vul-
nerability are some of the attributes used to describe
a vulnerability. CVSS table provides an overall CV SS
score for each identified vulnerability. Base metrics
and temporal metrics defined by the CV SS standard
are employed in this table to score the impact of each
vulnerability. CCE table provides information about
network system mis-configurations which generate a
vulnerability. The mis-configuration is specified by
means of values of specific configuration parameters.
Technical mechanisms to get the correct values of
such parameters are also described. Network Asset
table is used to provide information about network
platforms, systems, and devices affected by vulner-
abilities. Finally, solution table contains a description
of the patches, solutions, and countermeasures which
are recommended to fix a vulnerability.
The INTERSECTION Vulnerability Database is
available at: htt p : // : 81/ivd/.
In both computer science and information science, an
ontology is a form of representing data model of a
specific domain and it can be used to e.g.: reason
about the objects in that domain and the relations be-
tween them. Since nowadays, we can observe the in-
creasing complexity and heterogeneity of the commu-
nication networks and systems, there is a need to use
high-level meta description of relations in such het-
erogeneous networks. This need and requirement is
particularly apparent in the context of Future Internet
and Next Generation Networks development. From
operators point of view, two important issues concern-
ing communications networks are: security and Qual-
ity of Service.
In the past years critical infrastructures were phys-
ically and logically separate systems with little inter-
dependence. As digital information gained more and
more importance for the operation of such infrastruc-
tures especially on the communication part. Com-
munication part of critical infrastructures are the one
of the most important part that represents the infor-
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
mation infrastructure on which critical infrastructures
rely and depend.
The communication part is typically related to
telecom operators or separate department inside com-
pany that manages the network. The last decade has
seen major change in telecommunication market in
most of European countries. There are two main fac-
tors that cause those changes:
market deregulation enables new telecom
providers to enter the market
new technologies and solutions lower costs, new
services, increase telecom traffic.
This provides to create many different networks that
uses different technologies and equipment that have
to cooperate each other. Unfortunately, the increasing
complexity and heterogeneity of the communication
networks and systems increase their level of vulnera-
Furthermore, the progressive disuse of dedicated
communication infrastructures and proprietary net-
worked components, together with the growing adop-
tion of IP-based solutions, exposes critical informa-
tion infrastructures to cyber attacks coming from the
Internet and other IP based networks. From the tele-
com provider point of view the security and depend-
ability of their network and IT systems depends on
two main factors security and dependability of their
own solutions and interconnections to other.
To deal with those problems there is a need to
create good information security management system
that will allow the administrators to deal with a great
amount of security information and make the decision
process effective and efficient. To support those tasks
we propose to develop the security framework con-
sisting of several modules as well as of the applied
3.1 Intersection Vulnerability
Ontology - IVO
One of the goals of the INTERSECTION project is
to identify and classify heterogeneous network vul-
nerabilities (0). To match this goal we have pro-
posed a vulnerability ontology. The major aim of our
ontology is to describe vulnerabilities beyond single
domain networks and to extend relations/restrictions
onto heterogeneous networks.
Networks vulnerabilities tend to be often mistaken
with threats and attacks. Therefore we decided to
clearly define vulnerability as asset-related network
weakness. Obviously, then such weaknesses are ex-
ploited by threats and attacks. Such vulnerability def-
inition is based on ISO/IEC 13335 standard (0).
Networks assets should also be defined and de-
scribed. We decided to use Shared Information/Data
(SID) Model in which networks assets and relations
between them are defined. SID Model provides Phys-
ical Resource Business Entity Definitions (0). SID
assets description is specified in UML and visualized
using UML diagrams.
In our ontology approach, we found Resources
and Vulnerabilities classes as a the most important
components. Class Resources is based on division
proposed in SID (Shared Information/Data Model).
It includes following subclasses:
Physical Resources,
Logical Resources,
Class Vulnerabilities is connected with Resources
(exposed by them). That is why subclasses of Vulner-
ability class are:
Physical Resources Vulnerabilities,
Logical Resources Vulnerabilities,
Software Vulnerabilities.
We propose to apply ontology into the security-
resiliency framework. Ontology knowledge and
PIVOT (Project INTERSECTION Vulnerability On-
tology Tool) are crucial elements of the off-network
part of the INTERSECTION framework (so called
off-network Intrusion Detection Tolerance System).
In our understanding, to successfully apply the
created ontology, the following elements have to be
taken into account:
Classes and their attributes with restrictions (cre-
ated in OW L (0))
Rules for these classes and attributes (created in
SW RL (0))
Instances stored in a related relational database.
To apply the ontology, restrictions and rules are cru-
cial without them ontology would not be functional.
3.2 Ontology-based Tool - PIVOT
PIVOT (Project INTERSECTION Vulnerability On-
tology Tool) is the ontology-logic based manager tool.
Our goal was to apply ontology in a real-life applica-
It is end-user oriented application, which allows
to modify and browse the vulnerability ontology. One
of the biggest advantages is tool has client-server ar-
chitecture, what allows to share one ontology by mul-
tiple users (e.g. by network operators). The ontology
interface built in PIVOT is user-friendly and intuitive.
PIVOT is designed to be serve transactional op-
erations over single ontology model. To accom-
plish this goal transactional SQL database is adopted
to store ontology model and make dramatic perfor-
mance improvements during I/O operations. Trans-
actional provide also better ontology model integrity.
Client-server architecture allows to share one ontol-
ogy model with multiple users.
PIVOT basic functionalities:
Searching vulnerabilities matching prompted cri-
Adding, modifying ontology instances
Removing ontology instances
Searching instances that relations matches partic-
ular criteria
Current version of PIVOT allows to establish two
types of connection - the RMI and the HTTP. RMI
(Java Remote Method Invocation API) is a Java ap-
plication programming interface for performing the
remote procedure calls. This type of PIVOT inter-
face was developed to be use with other components
in local network. This gives opportunity to share
ontology among other processes running on remotes
machines. The HTTP interface is developed to per-
form easy OWL model maintenance and management
through the web browser.
PIVOT benefits from easy XML document gen-
eration. This format allows to define own elements
and to help share structured information via network,
what makes PIVOT more universal. That gives oppor-
tunity to create interaction with other systems running
in the network (such as IDS-Intrusion Detection Sys-
tem), that can take advantage from information stored
in ontology and reconfigure if necessary.
In this paper we presented the results of FP7 ICT
Firstly, INTERSECTION Vulnerability Database
(IV D) has been developed and described. The major
contribution of this paper is a new approach to vulner-
ability description and handling based on the ontol-
ogy logic. INTERSECTION Vulnerability Ontology
has been motivated and presented in detail. We also
showed how to apply IVO in the security-resiliency
framework. Moreover, PIVOT - ontology-logic based
application has been developed and presented.
Both, IVD and PIVOT, can be used by end-users
such as networks operators and telecoms to share and
use knowledge about vulnerabilities as well as related
threats and attacks affecting heterogeneous, complex
and interconnected networks.
It is worth to mention that identified, classified and
stored vulnerabilities have been provided by opera-
tors involved in the INTERSECTION Project (Polska
Telefonia Cyfrowa, Telefonica, Telespazio). There-
fore, IVD, IVO and PIVOT are based on real-life and
actual information repositories.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Community’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
agreement no. 216585 (INTERSECTION Project).
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies