schemas. Schema matching is a manipulation
process on schemas that takes two heterogeneous
schemas as input and produces as output a set of
mapping rules that identifies relations between the
elements of the two schemas (Huynh, 2008). This is
required in many database applications, such as
integration of web data sources, data warehouse
loading and XML message mapping. As a future
work, we would like to focus to an automatic
process by reusing a set of previous RDF rules. In
fact, it consists in reusing the mapping knowledge
capitalized during different mapping processes. In
addition the concatenation rules and the regular
expression rules are being prototyped. This implies
that new boxes have to be defined and will be
connected to XSD boxes and OWL boxes.
Authors would like to thank Romain Brochot, Yoan
Chabot, Florian Genton for their important
contribution on the application instantiation.
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