Christophe Cruz and Christophe Nicolle
Laboratory Le2i, UMR-5158 CNRS, Université de Bourgogne, B.P. 47870, 21078, Dijon Cedex, France
Keywords: Ontology population, Ontology enrichment, OWL ontology, XML data, RDF, Semantic annotation.
Abstract: The paper presents a flexible method to enrich and populate an existing OWL ontology from XML data
based on graph-based rules. These rules are defined in order to populate automatically a new version of an
OWL ontology. Today, most of data exchanged between information systems is done with the help of the
XML document. Leading researches in the domain of database systems are moving to semantic model in
order to store data and its semantics definition. This flexible method consists in populating an existing OWL
ontology from XML data. In paper we present such a method based on the definition of a graph which
represents rules that drive the populating process.
Ontologies are aimed at representing knowledge
about a specific domain that are understandable by
both developers and computers. For this, ontologies
enumerate concepts and relations between concepts
(Guarino, 1995) and define properties, functions,
constraints and axioms (Studer, 1998). The major
issues in ontology development include ontology
representation, ontology acquisition, evaluation and
ontology maintenance (zhou, 2007). Ontology
representation is the main issue in ontology
development because its representation has to be
understandable by computers and humans.
Consequently, an ontology representation language
should provide representation adequacy for humans
and inference efficiency for computers. Ontology
dialects based on description logic (DL) provide a
frame-based knowledge representation and profit
from the expressiveness of DL reasoning systems.
Ontology acquisition refers to the process of the
ontology creation such as concepts, relations,
individuals and axioms. From an empirical point of
view, there are two kinds of ontology modeling
processes. The first one is the ontology modeling,
which is traditionally carried out by knowledge
engineers or domain experts. Actually, these
ontologies are built by humans for humans. The
second one is in fact the point of view of the
semantic Web according to which ontologies are
built automatically by computers for computers
within sources such as dictionaries, Web documents
and database schemas. It has to be noticed that the
resulting ontologies are still understandable by
humans. As a result, ontology acquisition can benefit
significantly from ontology learning (Ding, 2002).
Ontology evaluation aims at enhancing the quality of
ontologies in order to improve the interoperability
among systems and to increase the adoption of
ontologies. Ontologies can be evaluated in different
ways (Staab, 2004) using measures such as
completeness, consistency and correctness (Gomez,
1995). Ontology maintenance concerns the
organization, the search and the update process on
existing ontologies. The constant evolution of the
environment of ontologies makes it very important
for ontologies to be evaluated and maintained (Sure,
2002) in order to keep up with the change.
To reach this goal, this article presents an
automatic population process from XML data to
OWL ontologies, a process which is based on a
manual mapping between the XML schema
elements and the OWL schema elements. If the
OWL schema does not contain the required elements
then the ontology has to be enriched by the system
manager. The ontology enrichment is the activity of
extending an ontology by adding new elements (e.g.
concepts, relations, properties, axioms) (Castano,
2007). Our enrichment process consists in
annotating knowledge which is contained in XML
schemas in order to define the ontology schema
(Faatz, 2004). Some automatic processes from
Cruz C. and Nicolle C.
DOI: 10.5220/0002791501750178
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Snapshot of the XSD2OWL plug-in.
ontology learning can be used but this point is
beyond the scope of this paper. The ontology
population is the activity of adding new instances or
individuals to an ontology (Castano, 2007).
The principle of our solution (Matthias, 2004),
(Bohing, 2005) consists in annotating and linking
the semantic level (OWL schema) and the schematic
level (XML schema). The graphical interface used to
realize this is incorporated in the tool “protégé” from
Stanford as a plug-in (e.g. fig 1) in order to populate
an existing ontology. Once the graph of mapping
rules has been defined, the population process is
automatic. The user has only to select a list of XML
documents which can be validated by the XSD
2.1 The Graph-based Rule Definition
The process of annotating consists in defining
“Basic Mapping Rules” (BMR) which appear in the
graph as nodes or boxes. These boxes represent
annotations on the XSD and OWL documents. Some
of the annotations are defined on the XSD schema
and are represented by grey boxes. (“xsd:element”,
xsd:attribute”). The other boxes are annotations on
the OWL-DL schema (“owl:Class”,
“owl:ObjectProperty”, “owl:DatatypeProperty”).
The color of these boxes follows the colors defined
in the application “protégé” (orange for “Concept”,
blue for “ObjectProperties” and green for
“DatatypeProperties”, e.g. figure 1).
The links between XSD annotations are
“subElement” relationships which are added
automatically by the process because these
relationships already exist in the XSD schema. In
addition, links between OWL annotations are also
added automatically because these relationships
already exist in the OWL ontology.
The process that consists in defining links between
annotations of the XSD schema and annotations of
the OWL-DL is called “Advanced Mapping Rules”.
These rules which are represented graphically are
added manually by the user.
An RDF document is generated from the defined
rules. This document is used to store all information
required during the population process.
The objective of figure 2 is to describe the
relationships between the components of the RDF
rules. They are composed of BMR on XML schemas
and BMR on OWL schemas. These BMR are used
to identify elements required for the mapping
process. Advanced Mapping Rules are defined in
order to allow the conversion of data from XML
data to OWL instances.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Relations between processes and RDF rules.
2.2 Population Process
Concerning the population process more than ten
cases of use have been identified, but due to a lack
of space only few of them can be presented.
Case 1. Population of an isolated concept from an
XSD element
Figure 3: Use case 1.
In this graph the grey box “purchaseOrder”
contains an annotation of the XSD element
“purchaseOrder”. In addition the orange box
“Order” contains an annotation to the concept
“Order” in the OWL schema. In order to populate
the concept “Order” from the “purchaseOrder”
element data, a link “amr:is_a” between both boxes
is defined. This link is an advanced mapping rule.
Case 2. Population of a concept associated to n
“DatatypeProperties” (n not null) from an XSD
complex element that contains m sub-elements
simple and (n-m) attributes.
The population of the ontology is an automatic
process based on the mapping graphs. To realize this
process, we have defined an algorithm that takes into
account the type “bmr:id” in order to avoid
duplicated instances of the ontology. First, it
determines all classes that have to be populated.
Secondly, all “datatypeProperties of each concept
are provided to the instances. In the example given
in this paper no references are made to the
management of restrictions on the properties. Some
rules can be defined in order to specify which
constraints have to be verified. If these rules are not
defined then the restrictions are not checked. The
limitation of our solution becomes apparent by the
fact that we do not generate an XSL document in
order to enrich and populate the ontology. However,
the process is complex enough so that, for the
moment, it is not relevant to add the generation of an
XSL document for the population process.
Figure 4: Use case 2.
This paper presents a flexible method to enrich and
populate an OWL ontology for the integration of
XML data. Basic mapping rules and advanced
mapping rules are defined by users and can be
reused for other conversions and populations of
ontologies. This conversion is the first part of our
work. The second part consists in improving the
process and in making some suggestions in order to
facilitate the mapping to the user. The RDF rules can
be used for the automatic extraction of certain
elements of the XML schemas that can be converted
in order to help users during the mapping. For
instance, a string that contains a date can be detected
automatically to guide the user during the
According to (Cruz, 2004), (Klein, 2002),
(Lakshmannan, 2003), (Cruz, 2006), data integration
can be undertaken by defining rules of mapping
between information sources and the ontological
level. These rules consist in adding a semantic layer
to source elements. They thus provide these
elements with semantic definition with regard to a
consensual definition of the meaning. For that
purpose, ontologies are useful in order to define a
common semantic. Furthermore, schema matching is
a well studied field that allows to find out
automatically identical resources in the different
schemas. Schema matching is a manipulation
process on schemas that takes two heterogeneous
schemas as input and produces as output a set of
mapping rules that identifies relations between the
elements of the two schemas (Huynh, 2008). This is
required in many database applications, such as
integration of web data sources, data warehouse
loading and XML message mapping. As a future
work, we would like to focus to an automatic
process by reusing a set of previous RDF rules. In
fact, it consists in reusing the mapping knowledge
capitalized during different mapping processes. In
addition the concatenation rules and the regular
expression rules are being prototyped. This implies
that new boxes have to be defined and will be
connected to XSD boxes and OWL boxes.
Authors would like to thank Romain Brochot, Yoan
Chabot, Florian Genton for their important
contribution on the application instantiation.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies