systems as it solves the problem of ambiguous as well
as synonymous tags. The new tagging facets give
the users new means to navigate through images and
further allow for advanced search and ranking algo-
In our future work we will examine whether it is
possible to learn more fine-grained relations by con-
necting the semantic tags and categories in TagMe!
with external domain ontologies. For example, if two
objects within the same image are tagged with person
or friend (spatial tagging) one could assume that there
is a foaf:knows relation between both persons. Fur-
ther, we will analyze the impact of spatial tagging on
search and try to answer whether the size of a tagged
area matter or whether the proximity of the tagged
area is relevant to the midpoint of the picture. To ex-
plore these research questions on larger data sets, we
would like to integrate the TagMe! tagging features
into an other photo sharing platforms such as Arsme-
teo (http://www.arsmeteo.org).
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies