modeling with this language. We have also proposed
a Web server architecture for storing and sharing in-
dicators and other data modelled with UTL.
UTL could be tailored for different uses. As an
example, we have defined add-ons to UTL
specifically for Learning Management Systems
(LMS) such as the Moodle platform where the
learning activities are designed by using an
Educational Modelling Language (Rawlings, van
Rosmalen, Koper, Rodriguez-Artacho and Lefrere,
2002). Basically, one add-on, the UTL-Track (see
Figure 2) allows to model raw-data produced by the
LMS. The other one, the UTL-Scenario allows to
model links between indicators and the pedagogical
scenario. In this way, an indicator could be put in the
context of a specific concept of a scenario (as a
learner role, or a specific resource) and/or limited to
a specific passage of the learning activity.
We actually work on a new add-on tailored for
adaptable TEL systems. In this kind of system, the
user could take decisions of adaptation which impact
on the configuration of the TEL system and on the
pedagogical scenario itself. The add-on will allow to
model the context of such a decision, the modeling
phase could be held during or after the learning
session. This functionality will be useful for
analysing the pertinence of an adaptation and its
impact, for reengineering purposes.
We would like to thank all of the contributors of
European projects for their results reused here as
basis or examples.
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M., 2003. Participatory Analysis of Synchronous
Collaborative Problem Solving using the OCAF
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Choquet, C., Iksal, S., 2007. Modeling Tracks for the
Model Driven Reengineering of a TEL System. In
Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR),
Special Issue Usage Analysis in Learning Systems:
Existing Approaches and Scientific Issues, Vol. 18
n°2. p. 161-184.
DPULS, 2005. Design Patterns for Recording and
Analysing Usage of Learning Systems, European
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Harrer, H., Martinez-Mones A., Dimitracopoulou A.,
2009. Users’ data: Collaborative and social Analysis,
In Technology-Enhanced Learning – Principles and
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Montandon – Dordrecht : Springer Verlag, Chapter 11,
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Supporting participants in technology based learning
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Mostow, J., 2004. Some useful design tactics for mining
ITS data, In Workshop on Analyzing Student-Tutor
Interaction Logs to Improve Educational Outcomes,
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring
Systems (ITS'04). p. 20-28.
Pham Thi Ngoc, D., Iksal, S., Choquet, C., Klinger, E.,
2009. UTL-CL: A Declarative Calculation Language
Proposal for a Learning Tracks Analysis Process, In
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced
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Rawlings, A., van Rosmalen, P., Koper, R., Rodriguez-
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TRAILS, 2004. Personalised and Collaborative Trails of
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A GENERIC MODELING OF INDICATOR WITH UTL - The Collaborative Action Function Example