The Collaborative Action Function Example
Sébastien Iksal, Christophe Choquet and Diem Pham Thi Ngoc
Computer Science Laboratory, University of Maine, Le Mans, France
Keywords: TEL Engineering, Activity Tracks Modeling, Modeling Language, Capitalisation, Reusing.
Abstract: Capitalising the know-how of educational data analysis techniques in order to share and re-use them is one
of the major stakes today in the specific Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) field. We have proposed a
Usage Tracking Language (UTL) to formalize data analysis techniques with a goal of capitalisation and
reusability. In this paper, we present an example of use on the collaborative action function which is an
indicator proposed in the ICALTS Project. After a short presentation of UTL and its conceptual model, we
introduce the declarative Data Combination Language for UTL called DCL4UTL and we detail the
Collaborative Action (CA) indicator modeling.
Educational Data Mining (EDM) techniques are
often complex. Their implementation and use for a
specific Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
system is time spending. Thus, as many authors
claims (see for example (Mostow, 2004)), one of the
major bottlenecks in this field is to find solutions for
easily sharing and reusing such techniques. With this
in mind, the EU research community has driven five
significant research actions for exploring the
European know-how in this field (“ICALTS, 2004),
(“Interaction Analysis”, 2005), (“TRAILS”, 2004)
and for proposing solutions for the capitalisation and
the reuse of EDM and data analysis techniques
(“CAViCoLA”, 2006), (“DPULS”, 2005).
With the help of these projects results, we have
proposed the Usage Tracking Language (UTL) for
formalising data mining and data analysis techniques
and for capitalising them as Design and Analysis
Patterns (Choquet and Iksal, 2007). Recently, we
have proposed a new version of this language where
the automatic methods for collecting data from a
TEL system and for elaborating significant
indicators (in the meaning of (Harrer, Martinez-
Mones and Dimitracopoulou, 2009)) for the users
(researchers, TEL designers, teachers, students)
could be expressed in a declarative and generic way,
and could be interpreted for mining tracks from
different TEL systems (Pham Thi Ngoc, Iksal and
Choquet, 2009).
This paper will present how an indicator could be
modelled and performed with UTL. Our aim is to
demonstrate that the modeling of the indicator and
its calculation method is (1) generic and reusable,
and (2) understandable by humans who want to use
it in a TEL system and computational, that is to say,
understandable by computers. We have chosen a
well-known indicator of collaboration in a
synchronous Computer-Supported Collaborative
Learning (CSCL) system to exemplify the use of
UTL: the Collaborative Action function Indicator
(CA) which was initially defined and implemented
in the MODELLINGSPACE platform (Avouris,
Dimitracopoulou, Komis and Margaritis, 2003).
The calculation of this indicator is based on two
others, the Agent and the Interaction indicators. As
synthesised below, the Agent indicator computes in
a CSCL system the number of users (learners,
teachers) who have used at least one collaboration or
interaction tool during a collaborative session. The
Interaction indicator expresses the amount of
interactions that have implemented through a
communication channel (e.g. a chat or any
collaborative workplace) during a given period.
Finally, the Collaborative Action Function indicator
combines these indicators for providing a
quantitative evaluation of the collaboration inside a
group of users during a given period.
Consider a collaboration session interval [t
This time interval is quantified using a parameter n:
= t
+ i*d, where d = (t
- t
)/n. Then CA is expres-
Iksal S., Choquet C. and Pham Thi Ngoc D. (2010).
A GENERIC MODELING OF INDICATOR WITH UTL - The Collaborative Action Function Example.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 114-119
sed as follow.
iii )tI(k,*)tA(k, )CA(t
The next section of this paper presents the
conceptual model of UTL. The third section
describes the modeling of the Collaborative Action
Function indicator with UTL. We concludes this
paper by dealing with the benefits and limitations of
the use of UTL regarding the capitalization, the
sharing and the reuse of indicators.
As we said before, UTL was proposed in order to
formalise data mining and data analysis techniques
in a declarative way for capitalising and re-using
them. We first present the DGU Model on which
UTL is based for its descriptions, next, we introduce
the conceptual model of our language and we finish
with the combination language which is used to
describe the data transformation and calculation
2.1 Three Viewpoints on Tracks:
The DGU Model
In our tracks' reengineering framework, we stress the
need for track modeling before the learning session,
and to consider tracks as a pedagogical object, like
any other learning object, such as resources or
scenarios for instance. If this is frequently the case
in existing systems, when the tracking purpose is to
provide learners and/or the system with useful
information, it is more unusual for supporting the
tutor, and it's rare for providing feedback to
With this in mind, we could say that, as far as it
could be possible for him, the designer who is
engaged in the engineering process of a TEL system,
should model the tracking needs of the learning
session. Then, the tracking needs should be
instantiated on the educational environment in order
to model the effective tracking means. Finally, one
should also model the expected uses of these tracks,
in terms of building the descriptive scenario of the
learning session for analysing the usage of the TEL
system. This is the way we have defined the three
facets for the tracks modeling (see Figure 1):
the Defining (D) facet which models the tracks
the Getting (G) facet which models the tracks
the Using (U) facet, which models the tracks
uses purpose.
Figure 1: The DGU model of a Track.
2.2 The Conceptual Model
UTL Conceptual Model falls into three parts (cf.
Figure 2), but we have restricted the focus of this
paper on its re-usable part. This part of the
conceptual model is called UTL/P (for
UTL/Pattern), and corresponds to the
capitalisable/reusable part of the language, details all
transformations and data needed to build an
indicator. We have identified two main data types
for tracks: the derived-datum and the primary-
is relevant of
is modeled by
Figure 2: UTL Conceptual Model.
The primary data are not calculated or elaborated
with the help of other data. They consist of raw-
datum, content-datum and additional-datum. The
raw-datum could be recorded before, during or after
the learning session by the learning environment.
The content-datum concerns to the outcomes
provided by the learning session's actors. The
additional-datum is linked to the learning situation
and could be involved in the usage analysis.
The derived data are calculated or inferred from
primary data and/or other derived data. The indicator
is a derived-datum which has a pedagogical
significance and is always relevant to a pedagogical
A GENERIC MODELING OF INDICATOR WITH UTL - The Collaborative Action Function Example
context. It is always defined for, at least, one
exploitation purpose (for instance, in an instructional
design context, we have proposed to link each
indicator to at least one concept of the learning
scenario). A derived-datum which has to be
calculated but which has no pedagogical
significance is qualified as an intermediate-datum.
All the information models of these data types have
been published in (Choquet and Iksal, 2007).
2.3 The Data Combination Language
In order to build derived data and indicators we have
proposed a data combination language extension
called DCL4UTL (Pham Thi Ngoc, Iksal and
Choquet, 2009). The main aim of this language is to
be used by the analyst as a query language to
describe the way to combine data for producing a
new one. This language is designed to be declarative
and to be processed automatically by the system.
Another research goal concerns the capitalisation of
these combination methods for the re-usability of
them. Our proposal is based on classical languages,
integrated in UTL and works on the Using section of
UTL data. All Using sections have a format field
and a data field. The format describes how the value
has to be represented, and the data field concerns the
result of the combination. The grammar of the
language is too long to be published here, thus we
focus on a UTL example of use.
To elaborate compatible raw data with the
calculation of the CA indicator, we assume the TEL
system is able to provide logs with the following
{logfile}:{time stamp, actionCode,
user, resourceID}
actionCode corresponds to the interaction
user corresponds to the agent involved,
resourceID corresponds to the interaction
channel used.
We compute CA(ti) by parsing that kind of log
files after or during the learning session.
3.1 Some Explanations on the
DCL4UTL Syntax
DCL4UTL is based on classical operators:
Logical operators : and, or, not, …
Comparison operators : <=, >=, =, …
It is possible to use some pre-defined functions, in
this example, we need the following:
'first' and 'end' to get the first and the last
elements of a set of data.
'count' and 'countDis' to get the number of
elements and the number of distinct elements of
a set of data.
'sort' to organise a set of data according to a
'filter' to extract a subset of data according to a
In order to organise the combination, we have the
following keywords:
'cal' to declare the combination
'as' to declare the specific organisation of data
(filter, sort, …)
'for each' is a control for a loop.
'where' allows aliases for data.
3.2 Modeling of the Collaborative
Action Function Indicator
This section presents the Defining (Table 1) and the
Using (Table 2) parts of the UTL modeling. They
correspond to descriptions that are independent from
the calculus which is detailed in the next section.
Table 1: Defining Section of CA Indicator.
Collaborative Action Function
Indicates the degree of
collaborative action […].
Table 2: Using Section of CA Indicator.
Not used in modeling
<indicator type="I-CA">
<ca ti="time">
3.3 Calculation Method of the
In this section, we will not present all data modeling,
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
but the format for primary data and for derived data,
we will give the format and the getting formula.
1. Firstly, we create the RD-AUR raw datum (in
the UTL meaning) to model the log file's
<rawDatum type="RD-AUR">
<timeStamp> time </timeStamp>
<actionCode> string </actionCode>
<user> string </user>
<resourceID> string </resourceID>
2. Secondly, we describe the additional data (in the
UTL meaning) corresponding to the number of
intervals and the list of interaction channels:
a) The AD-Parameter additional datum stands
for the parameter n, which is the number of
<additionalDatum type="AD-Parameter">
<n> integer </n>
b) The AD-Channel additional datum stands for
the interaction channels' set.
<additionalDatum type="AD-Channel">
<channel id="integer"> string
3. To compute CA(t
), I(k,t
) and A(k,t
), we need to
define and calculate (in the UTL meaning) the
following intermediate data.
a) The ID-BET intermediate datum stands for
the beginning and the ending time of the
<intermediateDatum type="ID-BET">
<t0> time </t0>
<tm> time </tm>
The calculation expression is:
cal ID.t0 = first(R.timeStamp);
ID.tm = end(R.timeStamp)
as sort(R.timeStamp)
where ID = ID.BET.using.data ┐
R = RD-AUR.using.data.rawDatum
The ID-D intermediate datum stands for d=(t
- t
<intermediateDatum type="ID-D">
<d> float </d>
The calculation expression is:
cal ID1.d = (ID2.tm - ID2.t0) / AD.n
where ID1 = ID-D.using.data ┐
ID2 = ID-BET.using.data ┐
AD = AD-Parameter.using.data
4. Then, we compute two indicators: I-Interactions
and I-Agents.
a) The I-Interactions indicator stands for the
amount of interactions that have been
implemented via channel k during (t
-ti ].
<indicator type="I-Interactions">
<interactions ti="time"
The calculation expression for all interaction
channels is as follows:
cal for each $k in AD.channel[id] do
for each $value in [1;A.n-1] do
$ti1 = ID1.t0 + $value * ID2.d;
$ti0 = ID1.t0 + ($value-1) *
[channel=$k] =
as filter(R.timeStamp <= $ti1 and
R.timeStamp > $ti0 and
R.resourceID == $k)
where I = I-Interactions.using.data ┐
A = AD-Parameter.using.data ┐
AD = AD-Channel.using.data ┐
ID1 = ID-BET.using.data ┐
.intermediateDatum, ID2 =
ID-D.using.data ┐
R = RD-AUR.using.data.rawDatum
b) The I-Agents indicator stands for the number
of agents that have posted at least one
message through channel k during (t
<indicator type="I-Agents">
<nbagents ti="time"
The calculation expression for all interaction
channels is as follows:
cal for each $k in AD.channel[id] do
A GENERIC MODELING OF INDICATOR WITH UTL - The Collaborative Action Function Example
Table 3: Getting section of the CA Indicator.
Calculation of the Collaborative Action Function
Declarative combination function based on agents and interactions data
Cf. formula located after this table
for each $value in [1;A.n-1] do
$ti1 = ID1.t0 + $value * ID2.d;
$ti0 = ID1.t0 + ($value-1) *
= countDis(R.user)
as filter (R.timeStamp <= $ti1
and R.timeStamp > $ti0 and
where I = I-Interactions.using.data ┐
A = AD-Parameter.using.data ┐
AD = AD-Channel.using.data ┐
ID1 = ID-BET.using.data ┐
ID2 = ID-D.using.data ┐
R = RD-AUR.using.data.rawDatum
5. Finally, we compute CA(t
) by defining indicator
I-CA. The Table 3 represents the UTL modeling
of the Getting part.
cal for each distinct $ti in
I1.interactions[ti] do
I.ca[ti=$ti] = 0;
for each $k in AD.channel[id] do
I.ca[ti=$ti] = I.ca[ti==$ti]
+ (I1.interactions[ti==$ti]
where I = I-CA.using.data.indicator,
I1 = I-Interactions.using.data
I2 = I-Agents.using.data ┐
ID1 = ID-BET.using.data ┐
ID2 = ID-D.using.data ┐
AD = AD-Channel.using.data ┐
With this paper, we have shown how UTL and its
extension DCL4UTL could be coupled for
expressing and modeling indicators in a generic and
reusable way. Each datum required for modeling an
indicator and each calculation method could be
expressed in a generic way. Part of their description
targets the human (and more specifically the teacher,
as the designer or as the tutor), as getting.example or
getting.method.tool.description.text fields, for
facilitating the capitalisation and the sharing of an
indicator, expressed as a Pattern. Some other fields
targets the computer for allowing the reusability and
the interoperability, as using.format or
The only TEL system specifics are the raw data
extraction methods which have to be coded
according to the specificity of the log files.
Even if the major part of UTL is understandable
by a teacher, it is not the case of DCL4UTL
extension we propose: using this language requires
competencies of a data analyst and/or a software
engineer. This is one the limitation of our approach:
actually, a teacher could not be independent during
the indicators modeling task, he should be helped by
specialists. Nevertheless, we think that this
limitation could be bypassed at middle-term: more
indicators will be modelled and capitalised with
UTL, more they can be shared in the community of
practice and reused by end-users, e.g. teachers.
We have actually developed the interpreter of
DCL4UTL, and improved it on existing indicators
we found in the literature and/or we need for our
existing TEL systems (see for instance (Pham Thi
Ngoc et al., 2009)). We have planned also to
develop a user-friendly editor for facilitating the
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
modeling with this language. We have also proposed
a Web server architecture for storing and sharing in-
dicators and other data modelled with UTL.
UTL could be tailored for different uses. As an
example, we have defined add-ons to UTL
specifically for Learning Management Systems
(LMS) such as the Moodle platform where the
learning activities are designed by using an
Educational Modelling Language (Rawlings, van
Rosmalen, Koper, Rodriguez-Artacho and Lefrere,
2002). Basically, one add-on, the UTL-Track (see
Figure 2) allows to model raw-data produced by the
LMS. The other one, the UTL-Scenario allows to
model links between indicators and the pedagogical
scenario. In this way, an indicator could be put in the
context of a specific concept of a scenario (as a
learner role, or a specific resource) and/or limited to
a specific passage of the learning activity.
We actually work on a new add-on tailored for
adaptable TEL systems. In this kind of system, the
user could take decisions of adaptation which impact
on the configuration of the TEL system and on the
pedagogical scenario itself. The add-on will allow to
model the context of such a decision, the modeling
phase could be held during or after the learning
session. This functionality will be useful for
analysing the pertinence of an adaptation and its
impact, for reengineering purposes.
We would like to thank all of the contributors of
European projects for their results reused here as
basis or examples.
Avouris, N., Dimitracopoulou, A., Komis, V., Margaritis,
M., 2003. Participatory Analysis of Synchronous
Collaborative Problem Solving using the OCAF
Methodology and Tools. In Proceedings of CSCL2003
Community events. p. 232-234.
CAViCoLA, 2006. Computer-based Analysis and
Visualization of Collaborative Learning Activities,
European Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope. At:
http://www.noe-kaleidoscope.org (01/10/09).
Choquet, C., Iksal, S., 2007. Modeling Tracks for the
Model Driven Reengineering of a TEL System. In
Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR),
Special Issue Usage Analysis in Learning Systems:
Existing Approaches and Scientific Issues, Vol. 18
n°2. p. 161-184.
DPULS, 2005. Design Patterns for Recording and
Analysing Usage of Learning Systems, European
Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope. At:
http://www.noe-kaleidoscope.org (01/10/09).
Harrer, H., Martinez-Mones A., Dimitracopoulou A.,
2009. Users’ data: Collaborative and social Analysis,
In Technology-Enhanced Learning Principles and
Products, Eds: Nicolas Balacheff, Sten Ludvigsen,
Ton de Jong, Ard Lazonder, Sally Barnes, Lydia
Montandon Dordrecht : Springer Verlag, Chapter 11,
p. 175-193.
Interaction Analysis, 2005. Interaction Analysis
Supporting participants in technology based learning
activities, European Network of Excellence
Kaleidoscope. At: http://www.noe-kaleidoscope.org
ICALTS, 2004. Interaction & Collaboration Analysis'
supporting Teachers & Students' Self-regulation,
European Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope. At
http://www.noe-kaleidoscope (01/10/09).
Mostow, J., 2004. Some useful design tactics for mining
ITS data, In Workshop on Analyzing Student-Tutor
Interaction Logs to Improve Educational Outcomes,
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring
Systems (ITS'04). p. 20-28.
Pham Thi Ngoc, D., Iksal, S., Choquet, C., Klinger, E.,
2009. UTL-CL: A Declarative Calculation Language
Proposal for a Learning Tracks Analysis Process, In
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced
Learning Technologies (ICALT' 2009).
Rawlings, A., van Rosmalen, P., Koper, R., Rodriguez-
Artacho, M., Lefrere, P., 2002. Survey of educational
modelling languages (emls). Technical report,
September 19, 2002.
TRAILS, 2004. Personalised and Collaborative Trails of
Digital and Non-Digital Learning Objects. European
Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope. At:
http://www.noe-kaleidoscope.org (01/10/09).
A GENERIC MODELING OF INDICATOR WITH UTL - The Collaborative Action Function Example