Camilo Jiménez and Jorge Villalobos
Systems Engineering and Computing Department, University of Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Keywords: Active Learning, Education, Pedagogical Model, Rich Internet Applications, Web Application
Abstract: Several aspects such as the large amounts of knowledge that can be found in the Internet applications field,
the rapid and continuous evolution of Internet, and methodological problems that have been commonly
reported in computer programming courses, challenge the designing and development of Internet
application courses. In this paper, we present an integral pedagogical approach to design and teach such
courses, considering all of those aspects by means of: (1) The definition of a balance among several
thematic axes, and the generation of high-level programming skills; (2) a structured set of learning resources
along with tools that facilitate the management and evolution of them; and (3) a pedagogical active learning
model that helps instructors teach in a systematic way.
The importance of Internet Applications has been
growing rapidly during the last ten years. Nowadays,
these applications are recognized to be the best way
for doing business efficiently and quickly and, for
this reason, they are considered as a key IT
qualification in any computer scientist (Dörge,
2008). Considering this situation, it is essential for
computing programs to design and teach courses on
Internet applications within their curricula.
Nevertheless, aspects inherent to the rapid evolution
of the Internet field and the current situation of some
computing education environments make this task
The first of these aspects is the large amount of
knowledge that can be found around the field. The
concepts and technologies in this area are so vast
that designing and teaching a course requires great
knowledge from instructors and the ability to select
coherent topics that can be presented (Lee, 2003).
This is also related to another problem: Confronted
to such amount of knowledge, courses on Internet
Applications have been usually designed following
roadmaps around a programming language or a
limited set of technology elements. The consequence
of this is that the courses, and many of the books
around learning Internet Applications, are based on a
review of the syntactical structures of the
programming language or technology elements. This
way, other aspects such as usability, sociability or
even architectural aspects, which are essential to the
construction of current Internet applications, are
viewed superficially or sometimes ignored.
The second aspect is the rapid evolution of Web
technologies. Each current available technology is
constantly changing, requiring a significant amount
of effort from instructors to keep up-to-date with the
latest technology. Similarly, course materials are
also forced to be updated continuously. This
augments the effort from instructors even more since
they have to design, develop, and maintain them.
Finally, another aspect is the set of
methodological difficulties that computer
programming courses have reported for the last
twenty years (Woodley, 2007). Particularly, students
have been the focus of recurrent issues relating to
their frustration, and instructors have shown a lack
of implanted feedback mechanisms. Consequently,
Computing departments have shown difficulties
when managing and supporting knowledge
generated in these courses, which generally depend
heavily on the instructor abilities rather than a clear
pedagogical model (Villalobos, 2009a).
Jiménez C. and Villalobos J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 426-432
DOI: 10.5220/0002794904260432
Several tools and strategies (Gearailt, 2002;
Kölling, Quig, Patterson & Rosenberg, 2003;
O'Kelly, Gibson, 2006) along with different
approaches to design and teach courses on Internet
Applications (Yue, 2004; Lee, 2003; Hu, 2004) have
been developed but none of them seem to tackle the
complete set of challenges associated to the three
aspects mentioned above. In this paper, we present
an integral pedagogical approach that deals with all
these challenges by means of: (1) The definition of a
balance among several thematic axes, and the
generation of high-level programming skills; (2) a
structured set of learning resources along with tools
that facilitate the management and evolution of
them; and (3) a pedagogical active learning model
that helps instructors teach in a systematic way.
This approach is part of a larger project named
Cupi2 whose objective is to search for new ways to
learn/teach computer programming. Particularly, we
adopted, customized, and extended some elements
from a previous experience in which we defined an
approach to design and develop the basic computer
programming courses CS0, CS1, and CS2. This
approach was successfully evaluated (Villalobos,
2006; Villalobos, 2009a,b) and it has conducted
Cupi2 to be recognized by important regional
institutions in two different occasions. In the first
occasion, Cupi2 was awarded the 2007 Colombian
Informatics Award by the Association of Colombian
Computer Engineers (ACIS), based on the quality of
its learning objects and its academic impact in more
than 30 universities in Colombia. In the second
occasion, Cupi2 obtained the first place in the 10
prize of Educational Informatics 2009 by the
Iberoamerican Network of Educational Informatics
(RIBIE), based on its academic and research quality,
its social incidence, and the number of students and
faculty members benefited from it.
Following the integral pedagogical approach we
propose in this article, we designed and developed
an Internet applications course called Rich Internet
Applications (RIAS). This course has been taught in
a yearly basis as an elective course in our
Computing program for three years, showing
promising results.
The structure of this paper is as follows: In the
next three sections we discuss around the three
aspects that challenge the design and development of
an Internet applications course, along with the
solutions that we propose within an integral
pedagogical approach. Then, we analyze some
metrics in order to validate our approach. In the next
section, we discuss some related works, and finally
the conclusions of the paper are presented.
Due to the existence of large bodies of knowledge
around Internet Applications, selecting the concepts
to teach RIAS was a very challenging task. The first
thing we realized was that trying to cover as much
knowledge as possible based on a pass-over of the
syntactical structures of the different Web
programming languages and technologies was
inadequate. In this classic approach, students tend to
ignore other important aspects to Internet
applications giving much more importance to Web
programming languages and technology elements
than the way to integrate them into the process of
building an application. At the end of such courses,
students have the impression that they learnt to use a
lot of languages and technology elements but they
are not explicitly conscious about the abilities they
should have generated in other axes. This usually
generates frustration in students since some cases
they believe that the particular programming
language or the set of technology concepts is not
going to be useful enough in their professional life.
Contrary to this classic approach, we aim at
finding a balance among several thematic axes. This
means that instead of focusing in specific syntactical
structures or technology concepts, we want students
to understand that building an Internet application
requires mastering several concepts from domains
like architecture modelling, usability and sociability,
security, programming tools, technology, etc. With
this, we do not intend to cover all the large bodies of
knowledge around Internet applications. On the
contrary, our intention is to define enough
conceptual fundamentals that can be complemented
by the generation of high-level skills; this means,
abilities to use this knowledge effectively to solve
problems in similar contexts (different technologies
for example). Such skills include understanding and
abstracting a problem, decomposing it, modelling a
solution, analyze it, etc. The complete set of high-
level programming skills is illustrated in (Villalobos,
2.1 Thematic Axes
The first thematic axis in RIAS is the architectural
axis. It refers to the ability to abstract relevant
information from a problem and identify the
necessary structures in architectural models that can
represent a solution to that problem. This axis also
refers to the ability of understanding how an Internet
application works from different viewpoints such as
functional, security, concurrency, data, and
deployment. In the course, we introduce, and in
some cases reinforce, concepts such as client, server,
protocol, session, concurrency, thread, component,
application, control, data flow, communication
methods, etc.
The second thematic axis is the Usability and
Sociability axis. It refers to the ability to understand
and use concepts around usability and sociability
that are defined within the Web 2.0 trend (Anderson,
2007). These concepts become essential in RIAS
due to their great recognition and applicability in
nowadays Internet applications. This axis also refers
to the ability to identify patterns as well as to
analyze inherent standards and best practices related
to these two aspects. In the course, we introduce
concepts such as usability, virtual communities,
community governance, patterns, collaboration,
collective intelligence, Web 2.0 applications, user
experience, etc.
The third axis is the Security, Ethics, and
Privacy axis. It refers to the ability to identify
vulnerabilities in current Internet applications at
various levels of the application from an
architectural perspective. This axis also refers to the
ability to propose strategies and guides that lead to
best practices around security, and to understand
ethics and information management behind Internet
applications. In the course, we introduce concepts
such as secure protocols, attacks, password
encryption, firewall, privacy statements, cross side
scripting, SQL injection, faults, fails, system
recovery, etc.
The fourth axis is the Frameworks and
Technologies axis. It refers to the necessary
technological elements that support the construction
and deployment of an Internet application. In this
course, we use development tools such as Eclipse
and Adobe solutions, application containers such as
JBoss and Glassfish, and frameworks such as
Pushlets, JSF, Google APIs and libraries, etc.
The fifth axis is the Languages and
Programming axis. It refers to both the different
ways to express the architectural structures of an
Internet application into a program, and the set of
strategies and guides that help in this process. In this
course, we introduce and reinforce languages such
as Java, Javascript, HTML, XML, etc.
The sixth axis is the Testing axis. It refers to the
ability to understand testing from two perspectives:
Firstly, as a way to automatically find functional
faults and fails of an Internet application; and
secondly, as a way to evaluate and tune quality
attributes such as performance and usability. This
axis also refers to the ability to define, model and
construct testing scenarios and test cases considering
the two different perspectives. In this course, we
introduce concepts such as unit testing, load
balancing, functional testing, usability evaluation,
application tuning, etc.
Defining the appropriate materials for RIAS
considering the vast and rapidly changing
environment around Internet applications
represented a very challenging issue for several
reasons. First, reference books around Internet
applications are very diverse in scope and
complexity levels. For this reason, it is very unlikely
to find one book that fits within the complete set of
concepts defined in the thematic axes. On the other
side, finding several books, each one specialized in
certain group of concepts, would confuse students
since methodologies and learning activities defined
in each one of them are different and various.
Second, public tutorials and learning objects
available on the Web usually lack of an academic
validation and most times they are not adequately
aligned with the development of programming skills.
Additionally, some of them are subject to copyright
norms and others are simply not continuously
Considering the problems finding suitable
existing course materials for the course, we decided
to create our own set. Particularly, we defined
learning objects focused on the generation of high-
level skills, a virtual book for covering the complete
set of concepts defined in the thematic axes, and two
corresponding collaborative tools that facilitate the
management and evolution of both the learning
objects and the contents of the virtual book.
3.1 Learning Objects
According to the pedagogical active learning model
explained in the next section, different activities in
the course should be supported by a considerable
amount of learning objects that engage students as
the main role in the learning process (Villalobos,
2009a). We categorized these important elements of
the course material as: Examples, laboratory
workshops, working sheets, tutorials, animations,
demos, discussion workshops, mind maps, exams,
and interactive learning objects (Villalobos, 2009b).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
To facilitate the planning, management and
evolution of learning objects we created a profile for
RIAS within the Cupi2 online community
(Villalobos, 2009a). This community promotes the
generation of collective knowledge around learning
objects and also offers a continuous support to
instructors involved in active learning approaches. In
order to do this, instructors are allowed to create
learning sequences and blogs online, facilitating the
planning of class sessions and their association with
particular learning objects, and allowing the
management of the records of their own experiences.
3.2 Virtual Book
The virtual book is a structured set of contents
derived from the compendium of lecture notes and
slide presentations that have been generated by
instructors in the last three years. It not only covers
the fundamental concepts defined in the thematic
axes of the course, but it is also focused on the
generation of high-level skills, and grounded in the
pedagogical active learning model explained in the
next section.
Currently, the contents of the book are managed
in a wiki with limited access to students and
instructors. Nevertheless, we are working on the
nurturing of an online community around the
contents of the book that promotes the generation of
collective knowledge around it. This way, the
contents evolve in a collaborative environment
facilitating the inclusion of concepts from different
thematic axes. The virtual book is out of the scope of
this paper and the beta version of the online
community around its contents is planned to be
released next semester.
Since 2004, the Cupi2 project
( has been working on
the definition of different active learning
pedagogical approaches to support computer
programming teaching/learning. Specifically, these
approaches have managed to overcome the well-
known methodological problems around basic
computer programming courses, such as CS0, CS1,
and CS2, (Villalobos, 2009a) by means of the
definition of a constructivist pedagogical foundation.
Each foundation is based on four main components
that engage students as the main role in the learning
process, and establish a well balanced solution to
these problems (Villalobos, 2009b).
4.1 Active Learning
The first component is Active Learning. According
to this, teachers must act less as instructors but more
as promoters of activities that ensure the generation
of relevant skills for problem analysis and solution
modelling (Villalobos, 2009a). This changes the
class and laboratory structures of courses
completely and the challenge of instructors becomes
to define an adequate set of scenarios where
students are motivated to work, with clear objectives
related to evaluation.
Class and laboratory structures in RIAS are
categorized in lecture and practice sessions. For
every two lecture sessions, there is a practice session
in the laboratory. This lab session aims at putting the
concepts reviewed from the lectures in practice
using technology concepts and software tools.
Each of the class sessions in active learning
environments must be supported by a set of
scenarios that engages students in activities beyond
listening to a lecture. These scenarios must be
supported by appropriate learning objects with
different objectives (Villalobos, 2009b). In RIAS,
we have defined and developed more than 100
learning objects. All of them are managed in the
Cupi2 Community within the corresponding course
4.2 Problem-based Learning
The second component is Problem-based Learning
(PBL). In PBL, students should learn through
facilitated problem solving where concepts are
bound to specific issues and explained through their
relation with a specific part of the problem
(Villalobos, 2009a). This offers the potential to help
students develop flexible understanding and high-
level skills (HMelo-Silver, 2004), and it increases
their motivation since they are confronted with
problems that reflect real-world challenges.
In RIAS, each level begins with the presentation
of a given problem to be solved in groups of three
students. Particularly, these problems correspond to
specific issues that can be solved by completing a
specific part of a big Internet application. This way,
we intend to keep the balance among the different
thematic axes since students are constantly faced
with the “big picture” of these applications.
4.3 Incremental Learning
This component is essential in the pedagogical
foundation considering the large number of concepts
in computer programming courses. These concepts
must be introduced in a gradual way so that the
balance between their complexities can be
preserved. To accomplish this, we define the notion
of levels. Each of these levels is defined to (1)
introduce or reinforce some knowledge using
learning objects in different class sessions, and (2)
generate or strengthen of a set of skills defining a
particular problem to solve. The relationship
between levels and other elements in the foundation
is depicted in Figure 1.
In RIAS, we defined three levels that
incrementally introduce concepts around Internet
applications. As an example, the first of them
focuses on the user and his behaviour. In this level
we introduce concepts from different axes related to
usability, sociability, content and presentation, and
fundamental architectural styles to build Internet
applications. The problem associated with this level
is intended mainly to generate skills in the
understanding, abstracting, and analysis of the
architectural aspects around current Internet
applications. This way, students are challenged to
analyze and design an online community, and
implement explicit functional requirements in a
simple Internet application that supports such
community. This problem continues to grow in
complexity each level. The idea is to reuse the
implemented solution and incrementally augment it
without losing the “big picture” of the application.
We have realized that letting students propose and
define a community of their preference motivates
them in the solution of the problem. In particular,
four groups of students have continued working in
their communities as venture projects after the end
of the course.
Figure 1: Levels, thematic axes, and problems.
4.4 Learning by Examples
The last component is Learning by Examples. This
component enforces the development of examples to
enrich the learning process. These examples are
transversal methodological elements in our approach
and they must show the applicability of best
practices and common solutions (Villalobos, 2009a).
In RIAS, we have developed two examples per
level. These examples are internet Applications that
support two online communities in an incremental
approach. An important aspect of the development
of these examples is that a standard conceptual
model for them was needed. Otherwise, students
would become confused when changing between
levels since it would be difficult to localize concepts
again in another example.
The standard conceptual model in RIAS
considers examples as applications constructed
following a client/server basic style: A client that
sends requests to a server through a communication
channel using a standard protocol, and a server that
attends several of these client requests. In addition to
this, examples include an attractive graphical
interface that considers a set of usability patterns, a
common architectural document, a set of test cases,
a well-documented code, and a strategy to solve the
RIAS is the first course focused on Internet
applications that has been included in the curriculum
at our University. In the first time we taught RIAS,
35 students took the course. The second, this
quantity grew by a 100%, making necessary to teach
two sections of the course. After this, the number of
students has normalized, and we now usually teach
two sections that totalize between 50 and 65 students
every time the course is taught. Among other 10
established and older elective courses, RIAS is the
one with the most number of students taking the
course. This represents a great success considering
we began teaching the course just three years ago.
The course has been always subject to
quantitative and qualitative evaluations by the
Computing department. In quantitative evaluations,
the department measures the satisfaction of students
in terms of the overall course, the course materials,
and the pedagogical methodology. In these three
years, the course has been qualified with a
satisfaction average of 82%, 84%, and 82% in terms
of the corresponding criteria. In qualitative
evaluations, the department asks about the very
positive aspects of the course as well as the negative
ones. In summary, very positive comments are found
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
about the methodology and the appropriateness of
learning objects in several class sessions. Students
appreciate the great quantity of course material
available for them during class sessions and when
they are studying at home. On the other side,
negative comments about the contents of the course
have been reported. In particular, some students are
not satisfied following the course with a Java
perspective and others want to augment or detail the
scope of the topics covered. This is an issue that we
are trying to solve currently, and our hypothesis is
that we have to reinforce and make explicit the
generation of high-level skills, and develop learning
objects in other technologies following the
examples’ conceptual model defined within our
approach. In addition, we are going to let students
decide their own technology when solving problems.
This way, we can check the learning process of
different groups when solving problems in different
technologies and measure exactly the impact that
this particular issue has in the learning process.
Several related works that aim at finding approaches
to design and develop courses on Internet
applications have been proposed. Some of them
have been oriented to technology. This is the case of
(Yue, 2004) where Kwok-Bun Yue et al propose the
design and evolution of an Internet applications
course based on their eight years of experience in
teaching such course. Particularly, they propose a
syllabus that covers an ordered set of available Web
technologies and establishes a mechanism to select
them based on their popularity and maturity.
Together with this mechanism, they propose an
incremental approach to include new emerging Web
technologies in the course as instructors gain
expertise with them and the technologies augment its
maturity and support. The main problem with this
approach is the high risk of generating frustration in
students since the syllabus structure is not explicitly
conscious about the abilities they can generate in
other axes. This suggests that building Internet
applications is all about learning a programming
language, leveraging the importance of the field and
in some cases decreasing students’ motivation.
Another problem is the high dependence on the Web
technologies. Considering the number of current
different technologies and the rate at which they
grow currently, there will be always a large set of
relevant technologies that will be left aside because
they do not fit into one semester. Again, students
will feel that they are not covering the complete set
of subjects, generating frustration in them. In our
case, our approach is totally different. We focus in
the balance of several basic fundamental concepts
and the generation of different skills to use those
concepts effectively in problem solving. This
problem solving could include the adoption of new
Web technologies or the usage of new languages.
Other related works have been oriented to
concepts. This is the case of (Lee, 2003) and
(Klassner, 2000) where an approach based on the
teaching of enough fundamentals to solve the
challenges around teaching/learning Internet
application courses is described. The premise of
these approaches is that students should gain the
necessary abilities and core conceptual concepts in
the course so that they can effectively apply them in
a productive environment. In particular, we follow
the same premise. The difference with them is that
they lack of an integral pedagogical model supported
by collaborative tools that facilitates the
management and evolution of course material as
well as the teaching of the course by means of an
adequate pedagogic methodology.
Another set of related works have been oriented
to the use of tools to facilitate teaching. This is the
case of (Hu, 2004) where a teaching tool called ETE
is described. Several dimensions were not covered in
that article, suggesting a lack of pedagogic elements
within the course that are needed in order to solve
the challenges around the teaching/learning Internet
application courses. In particular, we believe that the
solution cannot be found in just one element. On the
contrary, these challenges need to be solved from
different dimensions within an integral
methodological approach that considers different
dimensions such as students, instructors, Computing
departments, pedagogic methodology, tools, course
materials, etc.
In this article, we have presented an integral
pedagogical approach to design and teach a course
on Internet applications. This approach is part of a
larger project called Cupi2, and it adopts,
customizes, and extends some elements from a
previous pedagogical experience in CS0, CS1, and
CS2 courses.
Our approach considers three well-known
aspects that challenge the task of designing and
teaching such a course. First, large bodies of
knowledge around Internet applications are
supported by a balance among several thematic axes
and the generation of high-level programming skills.
This way, students can acquire core fundamental
knowledge from six different thematic axes and
generate skills to apply that knowledge effectively in
similar situations. Second, rapidly changing
technologies are supported by a set of more than 100
learning resources along with tools that facilitate the
management and evolution of them. Particularly,
different types of course materials were developed
and are currently managed in an online community
that facilitates their evolution. And third, classic
methodological difficulties in computer
programming courses are supported by a
pedagogical active learning model that helps
instructors teach in a systematic way based on
levels, problems, and examples.
Students have evaluated the course and although
they report good and promising results, we have to
improve some issues that were identified. We will
also continue with the developing of learning
objects, which represent one of the most important
course’s strengths according to students, as well as
with the nurturing of the online community around
the virtual book of the course.
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