Paweł Lenkiewicz, Małgorzata Rzeźnik and Lech Banachowski
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology (PJIIT), Warsaw 02-008, ul. Koszykowa 86, Poland
Keywords: e-Learning, Distance Learning, Online Learning, LMS, Platform EDU, Online Assessment.
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to present the development over the years of the tool for online assessment
along with its usage in the online studies at the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology (PJIIT)
(Banachowski and Mrówka-Matejewska and Lenkiewicz, 2004; Banachowski and Nowacki, 2007).
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology
(PJIIT) is a leading Polish university specializing in
Computer Science. It was founded in 1994 as a
result of an agreement between the governments of
Poland and Japan. The Institute offers
undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses in
the main fields of Computer Science. Since 1994 the
lectures at PJIIT have been gradually digitized. What
is more, the Internet has become a powerful medium
of communication between students and faculty and
between PJIIT and partner universities in Japan. In
the year 2001 we started teaching on-line courses on
an experimental basis in cooperation with the
University of North Carolina, Charlotte. The
participants of the courses were graduate students
from both the universities. In June 2000 the Senate
of PJIIT took a decision to start preparation for
online studies towards B.Sc. degree in Computer
Science. The new studies commenced in September
2002 supported by specially designed and built
dedicated LMS system Edu. In 2006 the studies
were extended by the addition of the studies towards
M.Sc. degree in Computer Science. Since 2008 we
have offered also online postgraduate studies in
Computer Science. These studies are directed
towards IT specialists as well as specialists in other
domains who want to use IT solutions supporting
their everyday activities at work, specifically in
conducting software projects. These studies
constitute the first step to promote continuing
education and life-long learning. This year we have
started developing an on-line system for supporting
processes of life-long learning of PJIIT's students,
graduates and academic teachers (Banachowski and
Nowacki, 2009).
Each online student has to come to the Institute
for one-week stationary sessions two or three times a
year. During these visits they take examinations and
participate in laboratory courses requiring
specialized equipment. The studies are based on the
educational, multimedia materials available on-line.
The courses run either exclusively over the
Internet or in the blended mode: lectures over the
Internet and laboratory classes at the Institute's
premises. Each course comprises 15 units treated as
lectures. The content of one lecture is mastered by
students during one week. At the end of the week the
students send the assignments to the instructor and
take tests, which are automatically checked and
graded by the system. The grades are entered into
the gradebook - each student can see only his or her
own grades.
Besides home assignments and tests there are
online office hours held once a week; seminars and
live class discussions. Bulletin boards, timetables,
discussion forum and FAQ lists are also available. It
is important that during their studies the students
have remote access to the PJIIT's resources such as
software, applications, databases, an ftp server, an e-
mail server. Partial grades obtained during the
semester (coming mainly from home assignments
and tests) contribute to the final grade for the on-line
part. Besides this grade we have always the second
grade resulting from the face-to-face examination
Lenkiewicz P., Rzenik M. and Banachowski L. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 362-366
administered in the PJIIT building.
Over the years enrollment in online studies has
been growing, as has the number of teachers using
the PJIIT’s e-learning platform to enhance the
quality of their stationary courses. At one point there
appeared the need for an effective and customizable
testing system. The old system did not allow
generation of multiple versions of a test, or ascribing
weights, or difficulty levels to test questions. The
present paper describes how the new system was
As we have mentioned in part 1, testing is closely
connected to assessment and in most courses is used
alongside other methods of evaluating students’
progress. Not all tests are done for the purpose of
assessment though (Bachmann, 1990) some quizzes
may only function as exercises providing training
opportunities (or the fun part of a course). The type
of test may also vary. While by the term test we
usually mean a set of questions requiring short or
multiple choice answers, some examinations may
involve essay writing, and they will still be called
tests (e.g. Test of English as a Foreign Language).
The system discussed in the paper follows the
standard meaning of the word test, i.e. it is a system
which allows generation of sets of questions which
would be characterized by parameters pre-defined
by the teacher or the examiner. The system is simple
enough to enable formative (ongoing) assessment
using short tests and sophisticated enough for the
purpose of summative (final) assessment which
requires the development of large, complex tests.
Modern teaching methodology stresses the
importance of incorporating technology into all
types of educational endeavors. The rising
popularity of e-learning and blended learning (the
mixture of the traditional and virtual classroom
environments) seems to prove that this is the right
course of action. Whilst nowadays there is a trend
towards more collaborative learning, involving
higher order information processing, testing,
preferably on a computer, is still a vital part of any
well-designed course. In fact the scale of automated
testing seems to be growing rapidly. There are
several reasons (Bednarek and Lubina, 2008; Chapelle
and Douglas, 2006; Paloff and Pratt, 2003):
1. Automated tests are checked quickly, and
learners (or their teachers) get almost instant
feedback. The importance of immediate feedback
cannot be overestimated. It is one of those
features which draw people to e-learning.
Automated tests are ideal for formative
assessment and course monitoring.
2. Automated tests are scalable the argument
crucial to educational institutions running
examinations. They may also allow creating
several different versions of the same test to
prevent cheating.
3. Computerized testing may allow tests’ self-
adjustment to the level of a test taker. That is
important in, for example, language
examinations, as it shortens the time a test would
take, while at the same time increasing its
4. They free the faculty from tedious test checking.
5. The can be easily modified and updated.
6. They are reusable, especially for formative
assessment. In the case of summative assessment
this is only possible if there is a large enough
repository of test questions to be chosen from.
7. They can be carried at a distance, or at the
school’s premises, depending on the purpose and
type of assessment.
8. Some people are shy or afraid of losing face
while being assessed by a human. Automation
lifts this constraint.
9. They are good for self-study purposes, hence the
proliferation of sites with quizzes, tests etc on the
World Wide Web.
The biggest downside of tests is the fact that the
widespread use of automatically checked tests has
led to the appearance of databases with exam
questions available from the Internet, and that
cheating is easier when technology is used. On the
other hand, there have appeared sophisticated
technologies for the verification of test takers’
identity. Moreover, an institution interested in
security issues can always make sure that the tests
are supervised by people - proctors, teachers or
assistants - in order to minimize the risk of cheating.
Another critical opinion concerning testing is
that it does not encourage high-level information
processing, and promotes guesswork rather than
learning. The quality of a test will always depend
more on the content of test questions than the
technology used. The technology itself is developing
rapidly to allow for even more sophistication. It is
now possible to automatically check quite complex
answers (essays, texts). According to data from
research, the agreement between scores awarded by
one such a system for automated scoring of essays,
called e-rater (the property of Education Testing
Services) and a human examiner is about 50+%
(depending on the type of essay) and is comparable
to the agreement between two human raters (Attali
and Burstein, 2006). One can only hope that systems
like e-rater become more refined and more easily
available on a larger scale and at an affordable price
Nevertheless, current practices show that even
the simplest true/false tests play a valuable role in
the process of education and, judging by the
proliferation of self-study quizzes and tests on the
World Wide Web, they are not likely to disappear.
In the initial versions of the Edu system a simple
testing module was created. It allowed generation of
simple questionnaires and tests. All students got the
same set of questions and answers. The module did
not offer too many configuration options. Very soon
it became not adequate to our needs. After many
discussions with the lecturers it became obvious that
the ideas about an ideal system of testing vary
widely. According to many requirements stated by
teachers, the module should be very flexible, should
offer diversified scoring systems, ways of creating
and selecting questions, with the possibility of
manual, as well as automatic, evaluation. Before we
started the implementation we tried to answer the
question: What should the ideal system of testing for
a technical university look like? We made efforts to
gather as many ideas from our lecturers as possible,
in order to create a system catering to diverse needs.
After a few months an initial version of the system
was developed. The system was created in ASP
technology with Microsoft SQL Server database.
Most of the data operations were moved to database
layer. It gave us very good system speed and
response time. Below we present the most important
options and features of the current version.
4.1 Creating Questions
One of the basic requirements was that questions
should be grouped into sets. When a lecturer creates
a test, he or she may define how many questions
from each set should be selected randomly. We
added the possibility of easy set management,
transferring and copying questions between sets etc.
A test author may define an unlimited number of
answers to each question, state whether a number of
answers will be defined on the level of the test or a
question. Each question has a level of difficulty.
Basing on that, the author of a test can decide how
many questions of at a given difficulty level will be
randomly selected to the test. Every answer can be
evaluated using simple correct / incorrect
information, as well as a number of points.
One of the key requirements was the option of
different formatting of questions and answers, as
well as supplementing them by graphics. We
implemented a web editor with the basic possibilities
of text formatting. The system of tags makes it
possible to include graphics and mathematical
expressions inside a text. We decide to use LaTeX
language for mathematical expressions.
4.2 Creating Tests
After the creation of the questions sets, the author is
able to define the test. The test’s basic parameters
are: title, dates of beginning and finishing, time limit
(optionally). A lecturer can also protect the test using
a password which will be known to some students.
The system has 3 ways of test evaluation:
- “big points” the student obtains 1 point for one
question, when all answers are correctly selected
or not selected.
- “small points” the student obtains 1 point for
every answer properly selected or not selected;
- “weights” every answer has a weight between -
100 and 100.
One of the most important parameters of the test
is random questions and answers selection. Apart
from the number of questions and answers for every
question (it can be also defined on the level of a
question in this case different questions may have
different numbers of answers), the author may
decide that each question contains at least one
correct answer. The lecturer may also define the
number of questions for each level of difficulty. The
author may include all parameters or only some of
them, for example: the test contains 20 questions, 5
of them should be easy, 5 should be difficult, and the
rest random. The author may also define that all or
only some of the questions will be single choice
questions. The system may show the test in two
ways. First, in which the students see the entire test
on the screen, and the second where only one
question is visible at a given moment. The lecturer
may decide whether the students can see the results
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Parameters of a test.
Figure 2: Questions’ statistics.
Figure 3: Example of a test.
after test completion, and if they are able to see
correct answers.
The last, optional stage is defining which sets of
questions will be taken into account in the test
generation. The author can define the sets and levels
of difficulty for all questions, or leave some of the
parameters empty. Then the system will select some
of the questions randomly.
4.3 Statistics
From the point of view of the person using the same
questions many times, it is very important to have
the possibility of analyzing the statistics of questions
usage. Therefore the author can observe each
question and see how many times it has been used,
as well as how many times each student has
answered this question correctly or not.
4.4 Results
The lecturer has full access to the numbers of points
obtained by students, as well as additional
information, for example IP addresses, or how much
time a given student spent on the test. The lecturer is
able to see the test details, for example for manual
evaluation or looking for errors in questions. From
this level it becomes possible to allow the student to
repeat the test (with the same set of questions or the
new, randomly generated test).
4.5 Algorithm of Random Test
Due to the large number of options for the selection
of questions and answers to the test, it was very
important to create a good algorithm of random test
generation, as well as validation of settings. The
lecturer will be notified if there are not enough
questions or answers for a given criterion. It was
also very difficult to implement an algorithm in
which some of the questions will not be preferred
and distribution of usage of questions will be
regular. The mentioned algorithm was implemented
on the database server in stored procedure. So far it
has allowed us to achieve acceptable performance,
despite the rapidly growing numbers of students
taking the e-tests, and the expanding base of
The implementation of the new testing module has
given our lecturers a very useful tool for evaluation
of the students progress. Thanks to active
participation of our lecturers during the process of
defining the requirements, the system became
adequate to the technical university needs. The
system is used very often, not only for Internet based
studies but also for stationary studies. A lot of tests
have been carried on using the system, including
small exercises checking knowledge of single
classes, as well as large tests of the exam rank. A
very important feature is the possibility of analysis
of questions usage statistics. Perhaps, the most
important advantage is that a uniform, systematic,
constantly developing database of test questions and
answers of different topics has been created as a
result of the development of the new testing tool. It
is now an essential part of the knowledge repository
for an on-line system supporting modern education.
Attali Y. and Burstein J., 2006. Automated essay scoring
with e-rater v.2.0 (PDF). Journal of Technology,
Learning, and Assessment, 4(3).
Bachmann L., 1990, Fundamental Considerations in
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Banachowski L., Mrówka-Matejewska E., P. Lenkiewicz,
2004. Teaching computer science on-line at the
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology,
Proceedings of IMTCI, Warsaw September 13-14
2004, PJIIT Publishing Unit.
Banachowski L. and Nowacki J.P., 2009. Application of
e-learning methods in the curricula of the faculty of
computer science, 2007 WSEAS International
Conferences, Cairo, Egypt, December 29-31 2007,
Advances in Numerical Methods, Lecture Notes in
Electrical Engineering, vol. 11, ed. Nikos Mastorakis,
John Sakellaris, Springer, 161-171.
Banachowski L. and Nowacki J.P., 2009. How to
organize continuing studies at an academic
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Conferences, Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 - June 1.
Bednarek J., Lubina E., 2008. Kształcenie na odległość.
Podstawy dydaktyki, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo
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Chapelle C.A., Douglas D., 2006. Assessing Language
through Computer Technology, series ed. Alderson &
Bachman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Paloff, R.M. & Pratt, K., 2003. The Virtual Student, San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education