Wolfgang Heiden
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Grantham-Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany
Eric Fassbender
Macquarie University, North Ryde, N. S. W., 2109, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Edutainment, Digital Storytelling, Hypermedia.
Abstract: In this paper, we describe an approach to academic teaching in computer science using storytelling as a
means to investigate to hypermedia and virtual reality topics. Indications are shown that narrative activity
within the context of a Hypermedia Novel related to educational content can enhance motivation for self-
conducted learning and in parallel lead to an edutainment system of its own. In contrast to existing
approaches the Hypermedia Novel environment allows an iterative approach to the narrative content,
thereby integrating story authoring and story reception not only in the beginning but at any time. The
narrative practice and background research as well as the resulting product can supplement lecture material
with comparable success to traditional academic teaching approaches. On top of this there is the added value
of soft skill training and a gain of expert knowledge in areas of personal background research.
It is a well-known fact that people memorize facts
and ideas better when they are emotionally involved
(Aristotle, 1885). For example, Davies says that "the
hemispheres of the brain work together when
emotions are stimulated, attention focused and
motivation heightened" (Davies, 2000). In addition,
learning is supported by reception of content through
multiple sensory channels (Dryden and Vos, 2000;
Wallace, 1994; Yates, 2000). This common
understanding is supported by neurological studies
(Hurlemann et al., 2005). Various E-Learning tools
make use of this knowledge, although emotional
involvement, if combined with personal affection or
sympathy, can also interfere with objective
understanding of the related information (Gaskins,
1996). However, the success of E-Learning often
suffers from a lack of motivation for self-conducted
studies (Hamada, 2006, Keith 2006).
The reception of a well-told narrative can result
in a high degree of emotional involvement. It also
often triggers the motivation to learn more about the
background facts, especially in a historical,
scientific, or technological context. Current
documentary productions on TV tend to mix the
presentation of facts and dramatic scenes to keep the
spectator interested (and emotionally involved). This
means that TV and often video games use this
emotional involvement to engage and motivate users
to continue watching or playing, yet contemporary
classroom teaching methods are lacking this factor.
Or, as James Paul Gee puts it, "Educators often
bemoan the fact that video games are compelling
and school is not" (Gee, 2003, p. 68). Hypermedia-
based E-Learning environments can fill this
emotional and motivational gap and are well-suited
to fulfill the desire for background information that
is directly related to narrative content.
Active research of literature as well as
demonstrations and interviews with experts also
enhances learning. Davies states that "once a person
is motivated and actively involved, learning is
optimized" (Davies, 2000). Gee, who advocates
active learning in video games as opposed to passive
perception, says that "active and critical learning" is
essential and "may well relate to later learning in
domains like science, at least when we are talking
about teaching and learning science as an active
process of inquiry and not the memorization of
Heiden W. and Fassbender E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd Inter national Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 126-131
passive facts" (Gee, 2003). This is particularly valid
with respect to background research for narrative
writing. Even for most fictional stories authentic
details have to be included (Friedman, 2006) and
authors always have to know much more about the
background of a story (including the facts behind the
fiction) than they eventually tell the recipients. In
addition, developing narrative content is a highly
creative process, filled with emotion and maybe
even more important in terms of motivation fun.
Fun "create[s] relaxation and motivation" and
"relaxation enables a learner to take things in more
easily, and motivation enables them to put forth
effort without resentment" (Prensky, 2001, p. 111).
The potential of story-authoring in educational
environments has been discussed earlier (Aylett,
2006). The existing authoring systems do, however,
not include an iterative approach, as they allow only
the production of single, finalized stories. Most
edutainment products aim at children of primary or
secondary school level, while little attention has yet
been paid to academic teaching, in particular in
combination with active storytelling.
The integration of modular story authoring and
non-linear story reception in a Hypermedia
environment (i.e. an environment that combines
multiple forms of media like text, video, audio, 3D
animation - in one presentation) therefore seems to
be a promising concept for edutainment because it
effectively links narrative and informational content
in an approach that uses multiple forms of media.
Thus, the production process as well as its product
serves as an edutainment system that remains open
to active as well as passive use at any time. Active
use in this context means authoring of additional
narrative modules and passive use refers to the
consumption of narrative content.
Digital storytelling is currently almost always
discussed in terms of interactivity. While non-
linearity of reception is usually not considered
interactive, alternative approaches offer options
from simple branching to immersive role-playing
games in a simulated environment that are inhabited
by artificial intelligence (AI) characters. A flexible
switch from passive reception to active authoring
and back has not yet been included in the discussion
within the community either because this also does
not fit to the purist definition of interactivity, or
maybe just because it has not yet been realized.
In an open modular narrative environment with
multimedia components it is possible to passively
consume a story and if inspired for own ideas to
add new modules that show different views on the
existing content, add supplemental information,
open new branches not yet told or offering
alternative paths, thereby contributing to a growing
narrative network.
As an extension to previous storytelling paradigms
combining several media (e.g.), the Hypermedia
Novel (HyMN) has been introduced as a generic
concept for digital storytelling (Heiden et al., 2001),
as well as a platform for narrative edutainment
applications (Heiden, 2006). The HyMN paradigm
integrates different user roles like receptor, author,
and publisher in a single environment, allowing
personalized as well as distributed story reception
and storytelling.
Two approaches to HyMN structuring have been
described so far (Heiden and Ostovar, 2006). Both
define a combination of serial and parallel structure
elements for the organization of Narration Modules
(NarMo) as semantic units. Atomic Narrative Units
(ANU) resemble the “movement” as defined by
Sharda as basic narrative building blocks (Sharda,
2005). In a Hypermedia Novel (as shown in Figure
1), however, an ANU is distinguished from media
units (Content Modules CM), which are often, but
not always, identical. A Narration Module can either
be atomic (and therefore an ANU), representing a
particular part of the story through the use of a
single form of media (e.g. a movie sequence or a
section of written text a CM) or contain a sub-
structure of its own. Serial Containers (SC) represent
a logical order of reception, while Parallel
Containers (PC) offer alternatives, which are equal
in narrative content but are different in regards to
media, viewpoint, level of detail, etc. Depending on
the choice among these alternatives, several different
paths lead through a single story. Branching threads
offer the possibility for the recipient to make
decisions that may change the plot (thereby
strengthening the interactive aspect) and also of
relating information material to the story. (The latter
aspect becomes particularly important for
edutainment applications.)
The recipients can either choose from a pool of
pre-defined paths for a consistent sequence of
Narration Modules, or find their own path,
navigating via a graphical representation of the story
The relationship of the different structural
elements of a Hypermedia Novel is depicted in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Hierarchical structure of a Hypermedia Novel,
showing different types of NarMos (SC, PC,
CM)(including threads plus paths and thread links):
SC = Serial Container (sequential scenes, vertical)
PC = Parallel Container (alternatives, horizontal)
CM = Content Module (atomic narrative media unit).
The structure is written to a custom built XML
format for generic modular storytelling, which
contains links to the Content Modules as URL
references. For maximum exchangeability all CMs
are integrated in HTML files, although this is not
necessary if the player/editor can handle the various
multimedia content elements directly.
A typical HyMN offers at least one path with
short textual descriptions, supplemented and/or
augmented by alternative modules using different
media like audio, video sequences or interactively
explorable 3D scenes, more detailed substructures or
different viewpoints for transmitting the same
narrative content.
Given an interface that can easily change from
player to editor in an offline environment or a client-
server structure (such an interface is currently being
developed), every recipient can instantly switch
from recipient to author by producing additional
Narration Modules and placing them at the
appropriate point in the existing structure. Such an
environment offers the possibility for everyone to
contribute to a growing story universe within one’s
own skills and temporal limitations without the
overall story losing consistency.
3.1 Edutainment Concept
Students were asked to produce multimedia content
for narration modules extending an existing story
given by an exposé. The story was designed such
that topics related to the teaching content were
covered by essential stages of the plot, thus requiring
deeper investigation of the subject in order to tell the
story consistently. Different research topics were
distributed across several groups of students. The
research results were reported by these groups in
project-internal workshops, supplemented by
additional lectures and educational documents.
Visits and discussion with experts from cooperating
research institutes offered additional insight into the
For those students with less creative interest
there was a more technical work package devoted to
the development and improvement of the HyMN
platform itself.
Figure 2 shows a screenshot of the resulting
Hypermedia Novel “Butterfly Dreams”. The
structure is encoded in an XML file and the user
interface and CMs are rendered by a Flash plugin in
a frame-based HTML context using the most widely
spread platform for interactive multimedia
documents available. Work in progress replaces the
Flash plugin with JavaScript.
Figure 2: User interface with story structure navigation
view of the Hypermedia Novel “Butterfly Dreams”.
3.2 Teaching Content
The lecture subject “Advanced Hypermedia” (AHM)
included advanced hypermedia application
development and immersive virtual environments
(VE) as a special hypermedia interface.
3.2.1 Content units
The teaching content (in the VE area) was related to
several chapters of a science fiction story (“Butterfly
dreams”), covering the following aspects of VE
technology and research:
Virtual TV studios (VTV)
Immersive Virtual Environments (IVE)
Human Perception and Simulators (HPS)
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The story was designed particularly for this
course and describes the quest of a journalist in the
year 2020 who suspects that a live transmission from
a manned mars exploration team might be a fake.
Looking for clues that may either support or
contradict his doubts, he investigates leading
research institutes (which really exist and have
supported the project) and learns about the
possibilities and limitations of virtual TV studios
and immersive virtual environments. Finally, testing
an ultimately convincing simulation environment he
finds out that all his earlier experiences have been
virtual. Eventually he seemingly manages to escape
from the simulation. But can he be sure?
For those who have become curious: The title
“Butterfly Dreams” refers to an ancient Chinese
poem of the Taoist philosopher Zhuangzi (370 to
301 BCE) where he uses the metaphor of a dream to
in a way question the nature of reality (Watson,
Supplementing the VE topic, students were required
to acquire knowledge from the following areas:
Hypermedia technology, including XML,
compression formats for multimedia data, etc.
Storytelling theory (STT)
Cosmology and space travel (CST)
This sums up to six units of teaching content. The
distribution of content among the narrative and
practical area is displayed in Table 1.
Table 1: Teaching content.
3.2.2 Teaching Channels
Teaching content was imparted through several
different channels:
background research for narrative content,
including interviews with scientists at leading-
edge research institutes
practical use of technology for production of
multimedia and hypermedia documents,
seminaristic presentation of research results,
supplemental information (demand-oriented) on
all topics via traditional lecturing,
edutainment approach by interactive reception of
the produced Hypermedia Novel.
A visualization of the input and output from a
student’s point of view in terms of teaching channels
and student’s activity, respectively, is given in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Input and output within a project cycle defined
by one study term.
Some topics were learned only on a theoretical basis,
through research, internal workshop presentations,
classical lectures, online material, and
demonstrations visiting research labs. Others were
handled more practically, working on improvements
of the HyMN platform software.
3.3 Observations
The test participants were a group of 16 computer
science (CS) students in their second last term, all
with the chosen major discipline “Media
Informatics”, plus 4 students from the technical
journalism (TJ) area. The latter group was assigned
to work on the project as a simulation of a
professional media production remittance work. For
the CS students it was a regular unit integrated with
the BSc curriculum of Computer Science at Bonn-
University of Applied Sciences.
At the end of the term the CS students had to
pass an oral exam. The results of this exam were
evaluated in comparison to another examination of
the same group of students within the same time
period and an identical amount of teaching time, also
in the media informatics domain (subject:
“Advanced Computer Graphics” ACG). The
second exam was conducted by the same examiners
as an oral exam in a comparable style and at a
similar level of difficulty. For a comparative chart of
both exam results see Figure 4, showing the results
of 16 individuals. Marks range from 1.0 (excellent)
to 5.0 (fail). Figure 4(b) shows statistics with
average and standard deviation.
Figure 4: Performance in Edutainment teaching AHM
(blue/left) vs. traditional teaching ACG (red/right).
The figure shows no significant difference in
average performance between both teaching
methods, indicating that traditional and HyMN
method work equally well.
Special consideration was given to the
preparation of the exam, e.g. whether a topic was
primarily learned through background research,
traditional teaching material, or from the resulting
HyMN. Each student was assigned to one work
package related to the teaching content units named
above (3.2.1). The six content units were assessed
separately, each one rated from 0 to 4 points. The
performance of the subjects in their area of expertise
(i.e. the topic on which they worked in their
particular work package) related to their overall
rating is given in Figure 5. Figure 5(b) again shows
statistics with mean value and standard deviation,
which favour the own research topic slightly, yet the
overall difference is not significant. It can be seen
that some students achieved the best rating in their
own research area, while most performed almost
equally well in all areas. Remarkably, two of the
participants performed significantly better outside
their work topic (which was not the same in both
Figure 5: Performance in own research area (blue/left)
vs. other topics (red/right).
3.4 Second Term Evaluation
The experiment was repeated with another group of
students as a follow-up project based on the results
and output of the first cycle. Overall results (again
compared to a parallel traditionally taught course)
support the observations described above.
As in this second cycle the HyMN product of the
first one although in a prototypic state was
available from the beginning as an additional
resource of learning content, now a focus was placed
on the evaluation of how students made use of the
different teaching channels.
When students were questioned which portion of
their preparation time for the exam was spent on
which source of information, they stated that the
provided lecture material was still most important,
while all other sources used for exam preparation
(including the edutainment product of the course
itself) had more or less equal parts. The average
evaluation results for the use of resources is
displayed in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Use of different information resources for exam
preparation. Lecture material covers almost 44%, followed
by active research (17%), HyMN (15%), and literature
(14%). About 10% of other resources have been used.
Although results from an evaluation with 16
participants in a single unit over one semester with 8
hours per week cannot be considered a
representative result (the second cycle has not yet
been analyzed completely), observations have been
made that allow preliminary conclusions. However,
further evaluation is desperately needed. In
particular future experiments will require a
comparative assessment of different teaching
methods with identical content rather than different
All participants (with one exception who was
uncertain because he had expected more from the
final product) expressed their preference in terms of
motivation for the described edutainment approach
to academic learning as compared to traditional
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
lecture-and-practice units. The result indicates that
this form of teaching seems to perform equally well
as traditional academic teaching in terms of gaining
knowledge and skills on a technical level, with some
added value provided by the non-technical content
(e.g. storytelling theory) learned on the way together
with the training of soft skills through teamwork in a
project-oriented context. However, the expected
improvement of results, in particular for weaker
students, as a consequence of enhanced motivation,
could not be observed. Therefore, there is still much
potential for improvement. Probably the most
promising target is the improvement of the HyMN
story, which in its current state is not yet sufficient
as a learning platform for VE technology. It is,
however, one central element of the HyMN concept
to always remain open for modular expansion,
which is expected to take place in similar future
units. In this regard, we are currently working to
extend the present HyMN concept by means of two
immersive virtual environments (i.e. display systems
like CAVE™ (Cruz-Neira, 1993) or Immersion
Square (Hetmann et al., 2002)) that are connected
via the Internet. We strive to create a virtual
environment that can be explored together with
others. With this collaboration in an immersive 3d
environment we aim to foster collaborative learning
in groups, similar to how teenagers already solve
tasks in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing
Games like World of Warcraft, Lineage 2, Diablo 2,
etc.. With our approach we want students to
experience a topic, rather than routinely memorize
Our thanks to the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent
Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS) and the
German Aerospace Center (DLR) for support in
interviews and excursions.
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