A general multi-tier system architecture is shown in
Figure 1; the lowest level encompasses a set of intel-
ligent sensors, the second level is the personal server
(central device) which could be an Internet enabled
PDA, a cell-phone, or a home computer. The third
level encompasses a remote health care server with
a set of its possible related users (Physician, Clinic,
Emergency). Each level represents a fairly complex
subsystem with a local hierarchy employed to ensure
efficiency, portability, security, and reduced cost. The
personal server, running on a PDA or a 3G cell phone,
provides the human-computer interface and commu-
nicates with the remote server.
Figure 1: Wireless Health Monitoring Platform.
There are several projects implementing platforms
for medical supervision at a distance. BASUMA (BA-
SUMA, 2006) is an example of such a platform of
which Philips is the consortium leader. Another simi-
lar platform called CodeBlue (CodeBlue, 2008) is be-
ing developed at Harvard University. However, these
platforms are typically installed in homes of patients,
and therefore limit patients’ mobility because they
must constantly be close to their Internet connection
for transmitting real time data. Secondly, security is-
sue has not been addressed in these platforms.
Our purpose in this work is to propose an archi-
tecture that combines several wireless technologies
(WiFi, ZigBee, GPRS) allowing patients to transmit
data in a secure manner to the remote health care
server regardless of their location.The proposed plat-
form will address the following issues:
• A Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) com-
posed of various wireless sensors ultimately con-
nected to a retransmission device and commu-
nicating using wireless technologies like Blue-
tooth (Bluetooth, 2009) and ZigBee (Zigbee Al-
liance, 2009).
• A retransmitter device (central device), which
could be a cell-Phone or a PDA. This compo-
nent will implement the functions of active patient
monitoring, especially in the case of connection
loss with the remote server. It will serve as the
bridge between the WBAN and the global Inter-
net network and will also ensure the security and
confidentiality of that route.
• A remote server that collects all data from various
sources and stores it in database. It will gener-
ate statistics, information for doctors and alarms,
if any, that may be transmitted to a personal care
• The doctor or, generally speaking, the medical
staff will be the privileged consumer of platform
provided information. Due to this, user can have
multiple interactive interfaces:
– Standard web Interface: interactions with the
platform are done using a conventional web
– Mobile Interface: this interface will be de-
signed for personal digital assistants (PDAs) or
However, the establishment of such an architec-
ture requires solving certain scientific problems at all
the platform levels. Under this project, we concen-
trate our analyses on the patient side and we focus
on three key issues related to wireless body area net-
works: routing between sensors and the central de-
vice, sensors auto-configuration, and secure transmis-
Several studies have shown that multi-hop routing
in WBAN result in non-negligible lifetime increase
of sensors as compared to direct communication be-
tween sensors and the central device. In this case, in-
formation dissemination between sensors and the cen-
tral device requires an ad hoc routing protocol.
Some other studies, however, argue contrarily.
They show that direct communication between sen-
sors and the central device considerably increase the
lifetime of a wireless body area network. They show
that executing a multi-hop adhoc routing protocol on
embedded sensors consumes more energy.
In this paper we are exploring both information
dissemination techniques in a WBAN scenario. Our
objectif here is to find a tradeoff between the number
of hops in the network and the energy consumption.
Energy consumption for various scenarios is evalu-
ated through simulations.
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics