3. Finally, the forum module is standalone and it
manages the forum database and provides data for
interaction between the multi-layer map and the
forum, again in XML format.
According to the REST style, the data exchanged
between server and client are represented in XML.
Inspired by SensorML, we develop a simpler three-
part XML schema to represent sensor-network data
and add in it the support of history and statistics. The
three parts are Operation, Sensor, and Statistics.
The Operation element defines the visualization
operation to be applied to the retrieved XML doc-
ument. In addition to the operation ID, a transac-
tion ID is also included in the element, to prevent the
client from performing redundant or wrong visualiza-
tion operations.
The Sensor element is used to represent all the in-
dividualsensor information, including history. A Sen-
sor tag has seven potential elements: sensorID, loca-
tion X, location Y, location Z, typeID, typeDesc, and
states. The first four elements are mandatory and cor-
respond to the database table LOCATION. The fourth
and fifth elements, typeID and typeDesc, are also re-
quired and correspond to the entity ROLE. The last
element, named states, is optional and corresponds to
the entities STATE and OBSERVATION. The states
tag may consist of multiple child tags if it is carrying
history data. According to the database query per-
formed, child tags will be appended adaptively to the
The third part of the schema is the Statistics ele-
ment, and it is for sensor group data including sum-
mary statistics. It has two child tags: Sensor List and
Observations. Sensor List records all the node IDs,
and Observations has multiple child tags that repre-
sent different group statistics retrieved from the OB-
SERVATION table in the database.
While the Operation element is mandatory, the
Sensor and Statistics elements are optional and mu-
tually exclusive. This exclusiveness results from each
XML response document only containing the result of
a single query. For example, an XML document con-
taining the current state values of a sensor does not
need to include the Statistics tag. Similarly, an XML
document including the statistics of a sensor does not
need the Sensor tag. Moreover, if an error occurs and
no sensor data can be returned, the XML document
will only include the Operation tag.
We described SensorGIS, an extendible service-
oriented architecture for managing and analyzing the
data collected by WSNs. SensorGIS aims to improve
productivity by providing a library of functions that
collect, archive, visualize, and analyze WSN data. We
have incorporated SensorGIS into two significantly
different WSNs: the Intelligent Mousetrap and the
Smart Condo, representing respectively an outdoor
and an indoor WSN. In the context of the first project,
we augmented traps, used by biologists to live-catch
small animals for study purposes, with switches and
a radio, and we visualized the network and the traps’
states within SensorGIS. Biologists can view the data
in SensorGIS, either in the field or via the Internet,
and then focus only on occupied traps. The inter-
ested reader can find more information about the latter
project at (Boers et al., 2009). Its integration with the
intelligent mousetrap and Smart Condo project pro-
vides strong support for its applicability to diverse
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies