A New Approach by State Space Modelling
Samuel Nowakowski, Armelle Brun
LORIA – KIWI, UMR 7503 - BP 239 54506 Vandoeuvre Cedex, France
Anne Boyer
LORIA – KIWI, UMR 7503 - BP 239 54506 Vandoeuvre Cedex, France
Keywords: Kalman filtering, State space modelling, Recommender systems, State prediction
Abstract: This position proposes an original approach based on a new formulation of a recommender system. This
formulation uses state space description for users and web resources. Then states and parameters are
predicted and estimated with two stages algorithms of a Kalman filter. In this paper, we give the main
theoretical results of this original approach.
In Web-based services of dynamic content,
recommender systems face the difficulty of
identifying new items and providing
recommendations for users.
Personalized recommendation has become a
desirable feature of Web sites to improve customer
satisfaction and customer retention.
Recommendation involves a process of gathering
information about site visitors, managing the content
assets, analyzing current and past user interactive
behaviour, and, based on the analysis, delivering the
right content to each visitor.
Recommendation methods can be distinguished
into three different approaches : rule-based filtering,
content based filtering and collaborative filtering.
Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most
successful and widely used recommender system
technology. CF analyzes users ratings to recognize
commonalities between users on the basis of their
historical ratings, and then generates new
recommendations based on like-minded users’
The main idea of this paper is to propose an
alternative way for recommender systems. Our work
is based on the following assumption: we consider
Users and Web resources as a dynamic system
described in a state space. This dynamic system can
be modelled by techniques coming from control
system methods. The obtained state space is defined
by state variables which are related to the users. We
consider that the states of the users (by states, we
understand « what are the resources they want to see
in the next step ») are measured by the grades given
to one resource by the users.
In this paper, we are going to present the
effectiveness of Kalman filtering based approach for
recommendation. After a short introduction, we will
detail the backgrounds of this approach i.e. state
space description and Kalman filter. Then, we
expose the applied methodology. Our conclusion
will give some guidelines for future works.
This part is devoted to the presentation of the
theoretical backgrounds of the used techniques.
2.1 State Space Modelling
A state space representation is a mathematical model
of a physical system having a set of input, output
and state variables related by first-order differential
equations. Inputs, outputs and states are expressed as