The model we presented is addressed to that actors
that intend to use learning methodologies; it would
be useful to helps teachers in designing learning
solutions by using different opportunities offered by
During the development phase of our research, we
proposed some innovative learning experiences
regarding methodology and technological tools
Due to the lacking of a theoretical framework based
on e-learning pedagogy, we don’t impose particular
constraints to teachers either regarding aims,
teaching methodologies and technological choices to
adopt, because we aim to obtain an experimental
To enhance the aspects related to the learner, we
propose methods that are not substitutive but
additional to existing learning offer; so, the activities
to realize are intended not “instead of” but “together
with” the existing.
To give a set of possible usage scenarios of used
tools, we analyzed different forms. In particular, the
one regarding teaching models and the one regarding
technological tools.
3.1 Teaching Models
To focus on basic teaching models, we refer to three
main paradigms of learning and in particular :
Rational – informational;
Systemic – interactional;
Constructive – social.
Rational-informational paradigm refers to a teaching
model based on contents transmission which use a
learning process that consist in an actor who
transmits contents to another who receive these
contents. Thus the students read and use contents in
passive way; in this model is not foreseen much
interaction between students and teacher or between
students and students and the student’s evaluation
usually consists in some tests.
On the other hand, Systemic-interactional paradigm
refers to a cooperative teaching model. The lessons
consists not only in supplying and using contents
but, especially, in exchanging and comparing
experiences and competences. Learning is done by
teams and every member of a team give an
important contribution to the learning process. It is
the most diffused and effective model.
Constructive-Social paradigm consists to a teaching
model based on laboratory approach. Work by team
becomes very important. It aims to interaction
willing to realize a product creating a learning
community able to operate beyond time and space
bounds of the physical class.
Starting from this paradigms we found that the
different types of interaction, in presence or at
distance, between actors involved in learning
solution are:
Teacher – student/s;
Student/s- Student/s;
Educational aims to reach the object to help students
to learn are:
learn to retrieve, organize and analyze
activate critical thinking;
stimulate students to be involved to
help to realize what learned in theory
(deductive approach);
promote learning-by-doing (inductive
In table 1 [S. Genone, C.Matri, L.Mari, 2002] are
presented all the entities mentioned before and their
relationships. In particular :
in columns EDUCATIONAL AIMS and
INTERACTION TYPE are reported entries
mentioned before;
in column TYPE OF TOOL are reported
type of tools that can be used;
in column USAGE METHODS is
described how instruments can be used,
explaining time/space dimension (in
presence/ at distance, in
synchronous/asynchronous way).
3.2 Technological Tools
Employment of technological tools in e-learning
determine often a digital divide between users
regarding the available band, the higher familiarity
in the use and the “integration” of these tools in
daily life.
To limit mentioned digital divide is necessary to
design every decision:
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education