Collaborating in the Development of Teaching-oriented Applets
F. Almeida, V. Blanco
Dpto. Estad
ıstica I. O. y Computaci
on, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
J. Regalado, A. Santos
Galotecnia R. S. S., Tenerife, Spain
Java Applets, Simulation, Data structures, Algorithmics techniques.
In this paper we present the CoEDApplets tool, a web application intended to facilitate the teaching/learning
of programming and algorithmics in engineering. Like its predecessor, EDApplets, it is based on Java Applets
technology and is animation and display oriented through the use of data structure and algorithm traces. In
contrast to the static nature of its predecessor, CoEDApplets is presented as a cooperative portal in which
different educational professionals can dynamically incorporate Applets that pursue the same objective. The
portal also provides for the internationalization of the Applets, also dynamically. Collaborators will be able to
contribute not only with code, but also their translations into various languages, thus helping the collaborative
process to transcend beyond borders and into countries where a different language is spoken. CoEDApplets
thus introduces elements aimed at supporting diversity within the new teaching framework of the European
Higher Education Area, which is expected to create a highly mobile student body.
The learning of subjects involving algorithms and
programming represents perhaps one of the most dif-
ficult subjects to learn in the field of engineering. Stu-
dents have always had problems in assimilating ab-
stract mathematical notions, in particular when these
include the dynamics of how algorithms manipulate
data. In (Almeida et al., 2004), the EDApplets tool
((EDApplets, 2003)), an interactive tool intended to
teach the topics of data structures and algorithms, was
introduced. This model aims to bridge the gap cre-
ated by the dichotomy between different teaching and
learning styles.
Montgomery (Montgomery, 1998) asserts that this
dichotomy is present throughout each academic year,
a conclusion that is supported by an analysis of the
dimensions of learning styles proposed by Soloman
(Felder and Soloman, 2009) (processing, perception,
representation and comprehension) within the context
of engineering. He concludes that the vast distance
present between the learning styles observed in stu-
dents and the teaching styles commonly used only
serves to exacerbate learning difficulties (see Table 1).
Clearly, one way to individually reconcile students
with different teaching/learning styles is through the
use of multimedia software for specific subjects
((no Garrido and Lecanda, 1997), (Rodr
ıguez and
Caro, 2003)), in which applet-based technology plays
a vital role (Wie, 2001), (Sosa and de Sande, 2004). In
the specific case of data structures and algorithms, it is
common to find various animations scattered online,
often under a public use license (Borowski, 1999),
or as supplementary multimedia material associated
with textbooks ((Rowe, 1997)). This type of approach
is backed by over two decades of development. A
summary of the state of the art can be found in (Ker-
ren and Stasko, 2001).
Our proposal is rather similar to that used by
(Kucera, 2009) and his Algovision tool. Our goal is to
present the display and animation alongside the code
associated with the data structure or algorithm. At the
present time we are unaware of any initiatives in the
field of data structures or algorithms that allow the
user to work cooperatively from the perspective pre-
sented here.
The EDApplets proposal starts with the concept
of displaying the algorithm in the broadest sense. The
Almeida F., Blanco V., Regalado J. and Santos A. (2010).
CoEDApplets - Collaborating in the Development of Teaching-oriented Applets.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 458-463
DOI: 10.5220/0002799804580463
Table 1: Results on learning styles observed by Montgomery.
Dimension Learning Teaching
Processing 67% of students learn better by
Most classes are typically taught in a passive and re-
flexive way
Perception 57% of students learn
They are normally taught intuitively
Representation 69% of students learn visually Classes tend to be oral
Comprehension 28% of students learn globally Rarely is the global view of a system emphasized
algorithms and their animations are introduced using
varying levels of abstraction in an integrated hyper-
media environment. In EDApplets, as the students
provide the inputs, the display shows the execution of
the algorithm step by step, a representation of its most
representative code traces and elements (variables,
data structures, etc.) and a display of the algorithm’s
behavior through graphical animations. EDApplets
was conceived as a web application based on the tech-
nology provided by Java Applets, and is available to
the public at
In this paper we present the CoEDApplets portal,
which is an improvement on the previous version and
is shown as a cooperative-type portal in which differ-
ent education professionals can dynamically incorpo-
rate Applets that pursue the same objective: to display
data structures and algorithms in an engineering con-
text. Moreover, the dynamic/cooperative nature of the
contributions extends to the internationalization pro-
cess, since features are included to ease the interna-
tionalization, also dynamic, of the Applets. Collab-
orators can contribute not only with codes, but also
with their translation into various languages. This
will allow the cooperative project to cross borders
into countries where a different language is spoken.
The portal has been translated by the authors into
English. Several students enrolled in the Socrates
program have selflessly contributed to the project by
translating the portal into German and Danish.
In addition to touching on various teaching as-
pects that can be aimed at different learning styles (ac-
tive/reflexive, methodical/intuitive, visual/oral, etc.),
the project now includes elements intended to sup-
port diversity within the new framework of the Eu-
ropean Higher Education Area (EHEA), which is ex-
pected to provide for a highly mobile student body.
(Almeida et al., 2004) also presents those method-
ological aspects that should be considered when intro-
ducing the tool into the classroom as an instructional
supplement. The paper is structured as follows: the 2
section makes a quantitative analysis of the use of the
EDApplets tool and lays some of the groundwork for
the new CoEDApplets tool; the 3 section describes
the interface and general design used in developing
the tool and the cooperative mechanisms offered to
every type of user. In the 4 section we introduce the
technology used to develop the portal, emphasizing
the aspects involving internationalization. Finally, the
conclusions are presented in 5.
The EDApplets portal has enjoyed success over the
three academic years it has been in use, which saw the
development of virtual teaching projects for courses
in Computer Data Processing for Statistics majors
and Advanced Programming for Industrial Engineer-
ing majors specializing in Electronics, both offered at
the University of La Laguna (ULL). A study was con-
ducted on the use of the tool (Figure 1), in which we
noted that it is not only used by ULL students, but
by those in various universities within Spain and also
in Latin America, who access the portal on a regular
Our experience in recent years has revealed some
difficulties inherent to the classroom use of EDAp-
plets, mainly as a result of the monolithic nature of
the tool which prevents, for example, its expansion
through the use of new Applets for instructors not
involved in the project. Another particularly rigid
aspect in the design involves the internationaliza-
tion mechanisms. This option is of special interest
within the framework of the European Higher Educa-
tion Area (EHEA). These reasons led us to redesign
EDApplets so as to address these two issues. The re-
sult is the CoEDApplets presented here.
The CoEDApplets portal has only just been placed
into use. We hope to be able to evaluate its usage at
the end of this academic year.
Figure 2 shows the main CoEDApplets por-
tal. This portal is being temporarily hosted at Since it is a
CoEDApplets - Collaborating in the Development of Teaching-oriented Applets
Figure 1: Usage statistics: 2007/2008 Academic year.
teaching-oriented portal, it was decided to moderate
the types of contributions received. There are three
user types: anonymous, registered and supervisors.
Anonymous users can access and execute all of the
Applets available in the system and see the source
code if desired (see Figure 3). This will be the nor-
mal option for students and teachers. Anonymous
users will be able to register via the portal. Registered
users can also provide new Applets (Upload option)
or translations to existing Applets. The uploading of
new or translated Applets is moderated by supervi-
sory users. The object of this supervision is no other
than to try to ensure coherence in the system, to avoid
inconsistencies in the Applet model and to minimize
the presence of errors in the portal.
To upload an Applet to the system, an Applet ti-
tle and description must be provided in either of the
two basic languages (Spanish or English), along with
the corresponding Applet code (.class, .jar and source
code), as well as the necessary information for its in-
ternationalization. The user must also provide a cate-
gory in which to include the Applet. Once an Applet
is uploaded, it is queued with other Applets await-
ing moderation. An administrator will be tasked with
evaluating the various contributions, approving those
that are deemed valid and discarding the rest. The
moderator will ensure that the Applet is in keeping
with the CoEDApplets design model so that it can be
adjusted to the teaching methodology behind the Co-
EDApplets concept. This aspect requires a specific
interface design style so as to maintain consistency.
Each applet will simulate the execution of an algo-
rithm. It presents the algorithm’s code and the student
inputs the data for the simulation run. The student
interacts with the Applet through the speed buttons.
Every Applet must include the fine panels or work ar-
eas (see Figure 4): the data entry panel, the execution
speed control panel, the code display panel, the ani-
mation panel and the output panel for the trace vari-
Each is described below:
Data Entry Panel. Used to input the values to be
simulated by the algorithm. The simulation com-
mences once the ’Start’ button is pressed.
Speed Control Panel. Features two buttons,
’Continue’ and ’Step by step’, which allow alter-
nating the simulation between a continuous and
a stepwise execution of the code. In the step by
step execution mode, it is necessary to press the
’Step by step’ button whenever a new algorithm
instruction is to be executed. For the continuous
execution model, when so required by the algo-
rithm, a scroll bar is used in the Applet that allows
the execution speed to be increased or decreased
(see Figure 4).
Code Display Panel. This panel shows the algo-
rithm code to be simulated. All of the codes in
CoEDApplets are shown as pseudocode that fol-
lows the style of the C programming language.
Each line of code is numbered for ease of refer-
ence. During the entire simulation process the line
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Main page of CoEdapplets portal.
of code being executed is highlighted. At that in-
stant, in the animation panel, the animation action
associated with the highlighted line is executed,
while the new values assumed by the variables are
simultaneously shown in the output panel.
Animation Panel. Shows a graphical display of
the algorithm simulation. When so required by
the algorithm, the Applet unfolds the panel into
as many panels as are necessary to adequately dis-
play the simulation, thus increasing the animation
capacity. Note in the Applet in Figure 4 how pan-
els have unfolded for the input, output, speed, etc.
Output Panel. Shows the values of the variables
that are being traced. The value shown represents
the content of these variables before the line high-
lighted in the code panel is executed.
Figure 4 shows a screen capture during the exe-
cution of the Applet For (III). This Applet simulates
the assigning of values to an upper triangular matrix.
The code used two nested loops with upper limits N
and M. The values for the loop execution limits are
input and the execution shows which piece of data is
accessed at every instant and what value it assumes.
This design is intended to provide a channel for
the instruction of active and intuitive students through
the use of animation and graphical elements, while
also adapting to the skills of methodical and reflexive
students through the use of reasoning about the code
or about its execution trace. The overall integration of
techniques and structure allows for a global vision of
the objectives when necessary.
In the case of the translations, the cooperative pro-
cess is similar: a registered user can decide to provide
a new translation, in which case a new view would be
provided with the translation keys on one side and an
empty space to be filled in on the other. Once the pro-
cess is complete, it is sent and, as was the case with
Applets, queued alongside other translations awaiting
moderation. Once a translation is approved, the pro-
cess of regenerating the .jar file for the Applet in ques-
tion is started.
Technically, the project consists of a web applica-
tion implemented using the Python programming lan-
guage and the Django rapid development framework
(Django, 2009). This framework includes a library
set that implements the controller view model and the
DRY principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself).
In addition to using this technology, it was nec-
essary to solve certain problems inherent to the auto-
mated handling of the applet translations. Java pro-
vides the developer community with a set of libraries
that allow internationalization features to be incorpo-
rated into those applications that use its libraries (Mi-
crosystems, 2009). These libraries require modify-
ing the code to be internationalized, replacing literal
chains with calls to a method that is charged with han-
dling its translation. By way of example, below we
show a code before and after being internationalized:
// Before internationalization
sum = new JButton("sum");
// After
sum = new
In this code, the messages variable is an in-
stance of the ResourceBundle class, which repre-
sents a repository of text strings. The proviso lies
in the fact that this repository is sensitive to the lo-
cation of the setting in which the code is executed.
Therefore, in a system configured for use in Span-
ish, the chain that will output the getString method
CoEDApplets - Collaborating in the Development of Teaching-oriented Applets
Figure 3: Structure of Applets listing grouped by category.
Figure 4: Applet showing a FOR iterative control statement.
will be the translation into said language of the sum
key. These text repositories correspond to files lo-
cated in the file system. A master file has to be
created ( where the
keys and translations are defined for the default lan-
guage (normally English). Similarly, for each lan-
guage that is to be supported, a file has to be cre-
ated ResourceBundle in which the
chain XX is replaced by the ISO code of the language
in question. This file will contain the translations as-
sociated with each key defined in the application.
Making use of the internationalization features in
Django, both for chains generated in the code and for
those stored in the database, enables the interface to
be adapted to the user. The mechanism for doing the
translations in the case of literal chains present in the
code is similar to that mentioned earlier for Java, and
involves the use of GNU (GNU, 2009) libraries get-
text that are based on translation files (.po file exten-
sion) and on their compiled versions (.mo file exten-
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
sion). In the case of chains present in the database,
we resorted to the Django transdb application, which
expands the database scheme to include the different
translations for each of the text fields.
In this paper we presented the CoEDApplets tool, a
web application for the teaching/learning of program-
ming and algorithmics in Engineering. The most no-
table facet versus previous versions is that CoEDAp-
plets is presented as a cooperative portal in which dif-
ferent educational professionals can dynamically in-
corporate Applets that seek the same objective. This
cooperation also encompasses the internationalization
aspect and provides an added value within the new
European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The portal
we developed can clearly be conceived as an environ-
ment that can be adapted to all types of Applets, not
just those intended for the teaching of data structures
and algorithms.
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry
of Science and Innovation through TIN2008-06570-
C04-03 projects. Moreover, it has been developed in
the framework of the European network COST-ICT-
0805 and the Spanish network CAPAP-H.
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CoEDApplets - Collaborating in the Development of Teaching-oriented Applets