The CrossFlow project is pioneer in the area of
cross-organizational business process (Grefen et al.,
2001). Like some other earlier works, they use
metamodels to facilitate e-contract establishment.
More recently, Angelov and Grefen (2008b)
defined an e-contract metamodel with different
perspectives. The function perspective supports
designers in the specification of contract activities.
The communication perspective supports
information exchange between parties and defines
restrictions in activities execution. The negotiation
activities are part of the communication perspective.
Bacarin et al. (2008) put forth a negotiation
protocol with some primitive actions to assign
property values, to send offers, request for proposal
(RFP) and votes. They identify the following phases:
negotiation announcement, leader determination,
objective announcement, negotiation setup,
restriction announcement, core negotiation, commit
attempt, contract (re)construction.
Angelov and Grefen (2008a) define a reference
architecture to contract systems development, using
a component-based approach. This architecture
provides a component for each phase of electronic
contracting (information, pre-contracting,
contracting and enactment).
Hanson and Milosevic (2003) propose a
negotiation model that can be applied at different
levels: contract model, clauses and variables. During
negotiation, the contractual clauses can be modified
using insertions, updates or deletions. Values can
also be assigned to variables. The renegotiation
process is similar, but only clauses or variables can
be reassigned.
Some works use e-contract templates to facilitate
the reuse of previously established e-contracts
(Angelov and Grefen, 2008b) (Bacarin et al., 2008)
(Grefen et al., 2001) (Hanson and Milosevic, 2003).
Feature models are used in the present work to
generate the e-contract template and manage the
obligations, permissions and prohibitions of each
part. They facilitate e-contract information
organization and reuse through the use of common
and variable points.
In a general way, the renegotiation issue is still
not completely addressed in a proper way. Some
architectures and frameworks allow contract update
during process execution (Angelov and Grefen,
2008a) (Bacarin et al., 2008). However, none of
them specifies the actions to be performed in the
case of contract violation. The proposed framework
addresses this issue.
The BPM context involves providers and consumers
of e-services that can be composed into a business
process. This collaboration must be regulated by an
e-contract between the involved parties. In the
proposed infrastructure, the e-services are
implemented as Web Services and the e-contract is
called WS-Contract (E-Contract for Web Services)
according to the metamodel presented in Figure 1
(Fantinato et al., 2008). A WS-Contract is composed
of: parties, e-services, contractual clauses and a
business process.
Figure 1: WS-Contract Meta model.
WS-BPEL (Web Services Business Process
Execution Language) (OASIS, 2007) is used to
define the involved parties and the orchestration of
the e-services within the inter-organizational
process. E-services and QoS attributes are described
in WSDL and WS-Agreement (OGF, 2007)
respectively. A complete view of the WS-Contract
Metamodel can be seen in (Fantinato et al., 2008).
Since different e-contracts can be reused between
different cooperation opportunities, a useful strategy
explored in this approach is using contract
templates. E-contracts templates are defined only
once, and different – but similar – contract instances
can be created. To facilitate the creation of e-
contract templates, this approach uses feature
models that are used to represent in a high level of
abstraction the information to be provided by the
involved organizations and which will be used in
such templates.
The feature metamodel for e-contracts has been
proposed by Fantinato et al. (2008). It originally
consisted of two sub-trees, e-services and QoS-
attributes, but it has been extended to include a
Control-operations sub-tree. The feature diagram
structure and sub-trees are shown in Figure 2. Each
sub-tree is described as follows:
e-Services Sub-tree: this root feature is
mandatory. It contains features representing
the e-services offered by an involved