Daniel Avila Vecchiato, Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo
Institute of Computing, State University of Campinas, Av. Albert Einstein, 1251, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Marcelo Fantinato
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo, R. Arlindo Béttio, 1000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes
Department of Informatics, State University of Maringá, Av. Colombo, 5.790, Maringá, PR, Brazil
Keywords: Business process management, e-Contracts, Contract negotiation/renegotiation, e-Services, Quality of
Abstract: Electronic contracts (e-contracts) usually describe cross-organizational business processes defining
electronic services to be provided and consumed as well as constraints on service execution such as, for
instance, Quality of Service (QoS). Due to market dynamism, it is common that organizations involved in a
cooperation need to do some adjustments in a pre-established e-contract. These changes should be allowed
through renegotiation of contractual clauses after the e-contract is already signed and being enacted. In this
paper, feature modeling is used to represent electronic services (e-services), QoS attributes and control
operations to be applied when QoS attribute levels are not met. In addition, an execution environment is
proposed to support contract establishment, business process execution, service monitoring and contract
The current Business Process Management (BPM)
scenario includes: i) one or more organizations that
provide and/or consume electronic services (e-
services) using internet; ii) negotiation and
establishment of electronic contracts (e-contracts),
including quality of service (QoS) attributes and
levels; iii) definition, enactment, monitoring, and
auditing of business process; and, iv) process
analysis and optimization. The competitiveness and
increasing demand have driven organization to the
adoption of organizational models and business
processes increasingly complex and interconnected,
which requires the computational support provided
by BPMS.
E-contracts between two or more partners
interested in an inter-organizational business process
establish the activities to be performed and the
obligations, permissions and rights related to each
involved party. During contract enactment, if a party
is unable to fulfill contractual clauses, a contract
renegotiation may be triggered.
In this paper, a complete BPM infrastructure is
proposed comprising the e-contract life cycle from
negotiation, establishment and enactment to
renegotiation. The main contributions of this paper
are: i) an extension of a pre-existent feature
metamodel to include the control operations to be
performed in case of e-contract violation (Fantinato
et al., 2008); ii) an extended infrastructure to support
e-contract negotiation and renegotiation; and, iii)
more efficient management, organization and reuse
of information necessary for the establishment and
renegotiation of e-contracts.
The feature modeling technique is used for the
representation of e-services and QoS attributes.
Some advantages of this technique are (Fantinato et
al., 2008): flexibility in the use of rules for e-
services specification; modularization facilities
Avila Vecchiato D., Beatriz Felgar de Toledo M., Fantinato M. and Maria de Souza Gimenes I.
DOI: 10.5220/0002800203130318
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
particularly for QoS attributes specification; and,
structured representation of the optional and
mandatory WS-contract elements. Taking these
concerns into account, feature modeling may also be
successful applied in the representation of control
operations for contract renegotiations.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
briefly discusses the basic concepts of this work; in
Section 3 some related work are presented; the
extended feature metamodel is presented in Section
4 and the BPM infrastructure approach is showed in
Section 5; Section 6 presents some lessons learned;
and, finally, Section 7 concludes the paper.
This section presents basic concepts related to Web
services, e-contracts, contract negotiation and
feature modeling.
2.1 Web Services
Web Services have spread as a promising
technology for the effective automation of cross-
organizational interactions (Alonso et al., 2003)
(Papazoglou, 2007). The major benefits of this
technology is the wide standardization including: a
language to describe service interfaces (Web
Services Description Language – WSDL) (W3C,
2006), a service directory structure and APIs for
service publication and discovery (Universal
Description, Discovery, and Integration – UDDI)
(OASIS, 2004) and a communication protocol
(Simple Object Access Protocol – SOAP) (W3C,
2007) for exchanging structured information in the
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) (W3C, 2008).
2.2 e-Contracts
It is common to find organizations that are acting in
a cooperative way to reach business objectives
through the implementation of cross-organizational
processes. The organizations interested in internet
business partnerships must define details of the
business process to be enacted. This could be done
with e-contracts (Fantinato et al., 2008). An e-
contract defines details about the collaborative
organizations, the activities to be executed and the
contractual clauses that must be met during process
enactment (Grefen et al., 2001).
The clauses could be of three distinct types:
obligations, rights and prohibitions (Fantinato et al.,
2008). The obligation clauses include QoS of e-
services within the inter-organizational process. In
addition to the functional aspect of e-contracts, there
is also the legal aspect that will not be considered is
this paper.
2.3 Contract (Re)Negotiation
The negotiation process consists in agreeing about
structure and properties of the contract model, as
well as property values (Bacarin et al., 2008). These
properties and values can be predefined in the
model, negotiated or even set during contract
enactment. In the latter case, a range of values must
have been previously agreed.
The e-contract establishment has to aggregate
some process value to the involved organizations.
Contract negotiation requires offers and counter-
offers between partners disposed to collaborate
(Hanson and Milosevic, 2003). This process can be
initiated by either sides, the receiving part interprets
the offer and may refuse, agree or generate a counter
proposal (Angelov and Grefen, 2008b).
Negotiation can include aspects about the model,
clauses and variable values. Many protocols have
been proposed to achieve automatic contracting
establishment such as bargain, auction and ballot
(Bacarin et al., 2008).
Renegotiation may be used when some
contractual clauses are broken or when changes in
the business process are required. Instead of
applying renegotiation, other possible alternatives
are: termination and/or rollback of the process and
judicial dispute. This paper mainly addresses
2.4 Feature Modeling
Feature modeling captures and manages common
points and variabilities in software product lines
(Czarnecki et al., 2005). A feature model represents
properties of some entity of interest. It can denote
any functional or non-functional property in the
requirement, architectural or other level. Features
can be mandatory, optional or alternative. They are
organized into a tree-like diagram in which a node
represents a feature and each feature can be
described by a set of sub-features represented as
descendant nodes.
A feature model describes a system family. A
family member can be configured by selecting the
desired characteristics from the feature model within
the variability limits of the model. This process is
called feature model configuration.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The CrossFlow project is pioneer in the area of
cross-organizational business process (Grefen et al.,
2001). Like some other earlier works, they use
metamodels to facilitate e-contract establishment.
More recently, Angelov and Grefen (2008b)
defined an e-contract metamodel with different
perspectives. The function perspective supports
designers in the specification of contract activities.
The communication perspective supports
information exchange between parties and defines
restrictions in activities execution. The negotiation
activities are part of the communication perspective.
Bacarin et al. (2008) put forth a negotiation
protocol with some primitive actions to assign
property values, to send offers, request for proposal
(RFP) and votes. They identify the following phases:
negotiation announcement, leader determination,
objective announcement, negotiation setup,
restriction announcement, core negotiation, commit
attempt, contract (re)construction.
Angelov and Grefen (2008a) define a reference
architecture to contract systems development, using
a component-based approach. This architecture
provides a component for each phase of electronic
contracting (information, pre-contracting,
contracting and enactment).
Hanson and Milosevic (2003) propose a
negotiation model that can be applied at different
levels: contract model, clauses and variables. During
negotiation, the contractual clauses can be modified
using insertions, updates or deletions. Values can
also be assigned to variables. The renegotiation
process is similar, but only clauses or variables can
be reassigned.
Some works use e-contract templates to facilitate
the reuse of previously established e-contracts
(Angelov and Grefen, 2008b) (Bacarin et al., 2008)
(Grefen et al., 2001) (Hanson and Milosevic, 2003).
Feature models are used in the present work to
generate the e-contract template and manage the
obligations, permissions and prohibitions of each
part. They facilitate e-contract information
organization and reuse through the use of common
and variable points.
In a general way, the renegotiation issue is still
not completely addressed in a proper way. Some
architectures and frameworks allow contract update
during process execution (Angelov and Grefen,
2008a) (Bacarin et al., 2008). However, none of
them specifies the actions to be performed in the
case of contract violation. The proposed framework
addresses this issue.
The BPM context involves providers and consumers
of e-services that can be composed into a business
process. This collaboration must be regulated by an
e-contract between the involved parties. In the
proposed infrastructure, the e-services are
implemented as Web Services and the e-contract is
called WS-Contract (E-Contract for Web Services)
according to the metamodel presented in Figure 1
(Fantinato et al., 2008). A WS-Contract is composed
of: parties, e-services, contractual clauses and a
business process.
Figure 1: WS-Contract Meta model.
WS-BPEL (Web Services Business Process
Execution Language) (OASIS, 2007) is used to
define the involved parties and the orchestration of
the e-services within the inter-organizational
process. E-services and QoS attributes are described
in WSDL and WS-Agreement (OGF, 2007)
respectively. A complete view of the WS-Contract
Metamodel can be seen in (Fantinato et al., 2008).
Since different e-contracts can be reused between
different cooperation opportunities, a useful strategy
explored in this approach is using contract
templates. E-contracts templates are defined only
once, and different – but similar – contract instances
can be created. To facilitate the creation of e-
contract templates, this approach uses feature
models that are used to represent in a high level of
abstraction the information to be provided by the
involved organizations and which will be used in
such templates.
The feature metamodel for e-contracts has been
proposed by Fantinato et al. (2008). It originally
consisted of two sub-trees, e-services and QoS-
attributes, but it has been extended to include a
Control-operations sub-tree. The feature diagram
structure and sub-trees are shown in Figure 2. Each
sub-tree is described as follows:
e-Services Sub-tree: this root feature is
mandatory. It contains features representing
the e-services offered by an involved
Figure 2: Feature Metamodel for E-services, QoS and Control Operations.
QoS-attributes Sub-tree: this root feature is
optional. It contains features that represent the
QoS attributes. These attributes are attached to
e-services defined into the E-Services sub-
tree. It includes choices of QoS attribute
Control-operations Sub-tree: this root feature
is optional. It specifies control operations to
be executed when QoS attribute levels are not
met. Some of the control operations may be:
Contract Renegotiation of clause, variable or
price, Process Terminate, Process Rollback,
Process Suspend, Administrator/User
Notification or Penalty Application.
The control operation sub-tree can be associated
directly to an e-service or to specific QoS attributes
of the e-service. The former case is used as a default
option whereas the latter case is used as a
specialization option. When a QoS attribute is not
met, if there are control operations settings defined
specifically for it, they are triggered to answer its
non-fulfillment; otherwise, it is verified if there are
control operations settings defined generically for
the associated e-service which should be triggered.
With this feature structure support, a unique set
of control operations options, defined only once, can
be reused by all the QoS attributes and levels
associated to all the e-services. During feature model
configuration, specific control operations options
can be selected for each QoS attribute or for each e-
When the Contract Renegotiation operation is
chosen, a negotiation protocol must be specified. It
will be performed after a notification is sent by the
monitor to the collaborating parties. Other
operations such as Process Terminate, Process
Rollback and Process Suspend will be executed by
the WS-BPEL server. The monitor and WS-BPEL
server are elements of the proposed infrastructure
described in section 5.
Figure 3 presents an example of a feature model
configuration elaborated through the feature model
plug-in (Antkiewicz and Czarnecki, 2004). This
example is related to flight services provided by an
airline company to a travel agency.
Figure 3: Flight Services Example.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The control-operations sub-tree is associated to
the e-service flight-purchase and its QoS attributes
availability and reply-time. The renegotiation of
price is defined as the default control operation for
the flight-purchase service, which must be triggered
if any QoS attribute – for which there is no
specialized control operation – is not met.
Specifically for the availability attribute, there is a
control operation specialization: if this attribute is
not met, the business process must be terminated.
The proposed BPM infrastructure is shown in Figure
5. It comprises four organizations: consumer,
supplier, negotiator and monitor. The Consumer
Organization include: i) a structure called WS-
Contract Definition responsible for negotiation and
establishment of WS-Contracts based on features; ii)
a structure WS-Contract Execution responsible for
the business process execution; and, iii) a SOC
System necessary if the consumer services are part
of the business process to be executed. In the
Provider Organization, the SOC System control
the Web Services subcontracted by the consumer.
The Monitor Organization has one structure WS-
Contract Monitoring that follows the business
process execution using a set of web services
monitors. The monitors use the QoS terms contained
in the WS-contract for service monitoring. The
Negotiator Organization has one structure WS-
Contract Negotiation that uses a set of predefined
protocols responsible to negotiation/renegotiation of
contracts between providers and consumers
To establish cooperation (Figure 4), a negotiation
is initiated between the Consumer and Provider
generating the feature model diagram (1) and the
WS-contract defined according to those feature
models and their respective feature model
configurations (2). Contract parts are sent to the
interested organizations (3 and 4). The WS-BPEL
server interprets the business process (5), and
invokes local (6) or contracted (7) Web Services. If
monitoring is specified, the monitor organization is
notified (8) and QoS terms, represented by WS-
Agreement, in the WS-contract are identified (9).
The monitor services will follow the invoked
services execution to ensure that the contracted QoS
levels are met (10 and 11). If any contracted term is
not satisfied, the control operation, as specified in
the contract, is performed. For negotiation/
renegotiation (12), the WS-Contract Negotiation
uses a set of predefined protocols (13), if the
contract has to be finalized the WS-BPEL server is
informed to stop the enactment (14).
Figure 4: The Proposed Infrastructure.
Some prototypes have already been developed to
support this infrastructure. For the WS-Contract
Definition, the FeatureContract toolkit (Fantinato et
al., 2008) uses the feature plug-in (Antkiewicz and
Czarnecki, 2004) – a tool developed by other
research group. The Negotiator Organization support
tool is being treated inside the scope of this work.
Moreover, another work is dealing with the WS-
Contract Monitor tool.
The use of feature models during the renegotiation
of e-contracts makes this process easier to
understand, simple and systematic. The approach
improves information and artifact reuse. Common
points and variabilities provided by feature modeling
represent control operations, triggerable in case of
contract violation, in a controlled and structured
way. As well as in the original approach (Fantinato
et al., 2008) which was extended here, distinct
stakeholders, at different levels, can benefit from the
proposed approach.
However, some disadvantages or limitations of
the approach can be pointed out: i) necessity of
knowledge about the feature modeling technique; ii)
lack of direct support for agreements between more
than two parties; and, iii) negotiation is made in an
offline way; negotiation protocols have not yet been
included to automatically perform negotiation.
This paper has presented an infrastructure that
supports e-contract negotiation, establishment,
enactment and renegotiation. More specifically, the
approach advantages are: i) more efficient
information management, organization and reuse
that is necessary for the negotiation and
renegotiation of e-contracts; ii) better understanding
of the renegotiation process through identifying all
possible alternatives to dynamically adjust the e-
contract; and, iii) better information organization
and presentation of e-services and QoS attributes
linked with control operations using feature
Future works, besides focusing on the
weaknesses cited in Section 6, include: full
implementation of the WS-Contract Negotiation
element with some example protocols; extension of
the WS-Contract metamodel to include the control
operations elements already supported by the feature
models; and integration with the WS-Contract
monitoring tool which has been developed by the
same research group.
This work was supported by The State of São Paulo
Research Foundation (FAPESP) and The National
Council for Scientific and Technological
Development (CNPq), Brazil.
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