were modelled before, and the profiles and the port-
folio of the users and actors. Furthermore, the actor
context must be taken into account. Therefore, we
first discuss the utilisation portfolio and then derive
its impact on the functionality required by the user.
The utilisation portfolio combines the actor or
user perspective to the WIS. We already know in-
tentions of users, their profiles, and their life cases.
Users are grouped to actors for which portfolios have
already been developed. Based on the portfolio and
the context specification life cases were extended.
The WIS utilisation portfolio cannot be described
in general for all different categories of WIS such as
e-business, learning and edutainment, communities,
etc., though these categories are mixed in real appli-
cations. The separation into categories eases, how-
ever, the description of the WIS utilisation portfolio.
In the following we will describe the development of
the WIS utilisation portfolio for learning WISs.
A large number of WISs provide learning and edu-
tainment services. Examples of technology-supported
learning include computer-based training systems, in-
teractive learning environments, intelligent computer-
aided instruction systems, distance learning systems,
and collaborative learning environments. The general
brand P
of a WIS (Moritz et al., 2005) has to
be specialised for edutainment WISs:
Provider P . For the time being providers are mainly
educational institutions or educational communi-
ties. Then the provider plays the role of a teacher.
Product W . Since control and assessment of learn-
ing progress is a still unsolved issue and appro-
priate presentation of complex information is of-
ten not feasible, edutainment WISs concentrate on
easy-to-understand information or easy-to-grasp
Users U . Users of edutainment WISs are mainly
students, people seeking for continuous educa-
tion, workers in companies with a specific portfo-
lio, people interested in auxiliary information, or
groups of such users. The main behavior of such
users is characterised by the role of the learner.
Activities A . Activities are mainly centered around
learning, searching for content, collecting content,
and solving exercises. Activities also include to
ask questions, to act in teams for problem solving,
and to discuss issues associated with the learning
Thus, typical learning WIS brands take the
form Teacher
, where W stands for
content chunks or knowledge, and A can be one of
{receive, respond, solve in teams,raise questions,
possibly apply}, {learn, validate, control, advice},
{recognise, listen, work on it, solve exercises,
ask urgent questions}, {discuss, get feedback,
work on it}, etc.
Edutainment WIS are currently mainly or ex-
clusively supporting student actors. Students ob-
tain knowledge through teachers, their schedules, and
their abilities; they need guidance, motivation, and
control. The behaviour of actors may, however,
be more complex, in particular in case of learning
groups, in which the collaboration of students de-
pends on a cooperation profile with rights and obli-
gations. Communication partners exchange content,
discuss and resolve questions, seek for hints or for
better understanding, supporting and motivating part-
ners are users with control, motivation and supporting
functions. Furthermore, teachers have various obliga-
tions and rights, and are involved in a variety of roles.
In order to derive the utilisation portfolio we anal-
yse the word fields associated with common verbs
in the learning context such as learn, know, master,
study and nouns such as skill. This gives rise to sto-
ries and consequently determines the functionality re-
Learn. Learning is a very complex activity that in-
cludes gaining knowledge, understanding, obtain-
ing skills, etc. by studying, instruction or expe-
rience. In addition, learning is associated with
memorizing, being able to perform some task,
and to know this ability. Learning is based on
obtaining content, discovering the concepts be-
hind them, annotation, ordering, and integration.
Learning is associated with the role of a learner or
student, who are usually supported by other actors
who teach and instruct. Learners determine con-
tent with certainty, usually by making an inquiry
or other effort. They check the content to find out
whether it is useful or whether additional content
is needed.
Know. As learning aims at improving skills, abilities,
and knowledge, the improvement should be mea-
surable and learning success examined. Knowing
means to be cognizant of a fact or a specific piece
of information and to possess knowledge or infor-
mation about. It may also include to know how to
do something. Learners obtain first-hand knowl-
edge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations,
and the change in knowledgeis acknowledged and
recognized by other actors.
Master. Learning usually intends to enable master-
ing problems and to become proficient and skilled
in some area. This mastership is closely related to
practising and experimenting with the new knowl-
PRAGMATICS OF STORYBOARDING - Web Information Systems Portfolios