A Perspective from Integrability in Information Systems
Beatriz Pérez-León and M. Mercedes Martínez-González
Department of Computer Science, University of Valladolid, Campus ’Miguel Delibes’ s/n, Valladolid, Spain
Thesauri, Thesauri tools, Software integrability, SKOS, RDF, Semantic web.
The Semantic Web has brought a renewed interest in thesauri as support for semantic searches and other
added-value services. Tools that manage thesauri permit to create, edit, and query thesauri. But there is also
the possibility to import thesauri and to integrate thesauri. In fact, integrability at the information level has
also received an important push with the stabilisation of the SKOS standard as a W3C Recommendation. In
this paper several thesauri tools are evaluated and compared.
Thesauri are conceptual tools that permit to organise
topics from a domain in a hierarchy of concepts and
subconcepts (topics and subtopics). This permits nav-
igation through topics and concept-based searches,
which are so valued in the Semantic Web context.
The W3C SKOS (Standard Knowledge Organi-
zation System) standard (Alistair Miles and Sean
Bechhofer, 2009) has stabilised very recently. But
even before its stabilisation, numerous initiatives have
been proposed to represent various thesauri with RD-
F/SKOS (Lacasta et al., 2007; Faro et al., 2008; Polo
et al., 2008). SKOS and RDF are the two Seman-
tic Web standards that will permit thesauri to get into
the integration arena, so important in web information
While traditionally thesauri were created manu-
ally or with text editors, new thesauri tools permit to
create, edit, or use (manage) thesauri. Previous re-
views of thesauri tools (Martinez and Leiva, 2001),
(Gilbert and Butler, 2003) focused on software fea-
tures, like creation and management of thesauri and
features related to software output (visualisation of
thesauri on the screen, printer, etc). In this paper we
review a set of thesauri tools, but we focus on com-
patibility with Semantic Web standards (RDF/SKOS)
and integrability or reusability of software. We define
a set of criteria for comparison, which include pur-
pose and functionality, interoperability and integra-
tion at the information level, and reusability of soft-
ware as components of third-party applications in in-
formation systems.
In this section we present a brief introduction to
the main characteristics of thesauri, and the crite-
ria used for evaluation (and comparison) of thesauri
tools. In section 2 we present the tools evaluated and
the results of the evaluation. Section 3 summarises the
conclusions obtained from the comparison of these
1.1 Thesauri
Thesauri are controlled vocabularies that collect and
organise terms from a domain. Terms are grouped
into concepts and relationships (equivalence, hier-
archical, associative) are established among them.
Notes are used to clarify their meaning.
The Equivalencerelationship divides terms in pre-
ferred, which will be used for the indexing and re-
trieving process, and non-preferred terms. The hier-
archy of concepts is indicated by Broader Term and
Narrower Term relationships. The Associative rela-
tionship is established between terms that are con-
ceptually related, but their relationships are neither
hierarchical nor equivalence relationships in nature.
These are referred to as Related Terms. Finally, Notes
serve to clarify the meaning and application of a term
in relation to other terms in the thesaurus. Notes
can be divided in scope notes, historical notes, editor
notes, usage note, etc.
Perez-Leøsn B. and Mercedes Martà nez-Gonzà ˛alez M.
A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THESAURI TOOLS - A Perspective from Integrability in Information Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0002800502030206
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1.2 Methodology Applied
The methodology followed is inspired on the one pro-
posed by (Martinez and Leiva, 2001). It organises the
work in six steps:
1. Define criteria and tests
2. Search on the web for software of management of
thesauri that provide evaluation versions
3. Download the software
4. Read documentation
5. Perform the tests
6. Perform the analysis of results and draw conclu-
sions based upon the tests
1.3 Criteria for Evaluation
In this part we present the criteria used for the eval-
uation of the tools considered in section 2. Criteria
4 and 5 are related with compatibility with Semantic
Web (RDF/SKOS), integrability and extensibility of
software. The criteria for thesauri tools’ evaluation
1. Purpose. Purpose for which the tool was created.
2. Functionalities. We have selected functionali-
ties considered relevant in some previous analysis
about what thesauri tools should offer (Severino,
2007). In this paper, because of space limits, we
will only consider the most relevant functionali-
ties: creating and editing thesauri, searches and
retrieval in thesauri, and navigation.
3. Thesauri Structures Supported. The the-
sauri structured considered in this study are:
terms (Preferred/descriptor, Non-preferred/non-
descriptor), equivalence, hierarchical, and asso-
ciative relationships. Notes (scope, historical, ed-
itor, ...) complete this list.
4. Formats Supported. The ability to import and/or
export thesauri represented with different formats
(including the Semantic Web SKOS standard) is
an important one for the aim of interoperability.
5. Provision of Software as Packages or Services.
Software integration is achieved by means of soft-
ware packages that can be used by other tools (.jar
packages for Java applications, widgets, services
that exchange XML messages, ...).
Except in the case of PoolParty. In this case we could
not have access to the software despite the fact that we regis-
tered for evaluation, and the tests were performed by check-
ing in its documentation if test operations were supported.
1.4 Tests Performed
The set of tests we have prepared to compare and
draw conclusions are:
Test 1. To create a new Thesaurus from scratch.
Test 2. To insert terms, relationships and notes.
Test 3. To create a term which is at the same time
a narrower and broader term of other.
Test 4. To search different terms.
Test 5. To import a Thesaurus.
Test 6. To export a Thesaurus.
Checking automatically thesaurus integrity is con-
sidered an important function of thesauri tools by ex-
perts in thesauri creation ((Sánchez, 2009), (Martinez
and Leiva, 2001)). For this reason, we included some
tests to check this capability (test 3).
2.1 ThManager
is distributed under the terms of the
GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation. It was first released in
Purpose. ThManager is a thesaurus editor tool
that facilitates the creation and management of
thesauri using the SKOS format.
Functionalities. ThManager has two modes of op-
eration, the Thesaurus Viewer and the Thesaurus
Editor (which guides the user through the edition
process). Terms can be added in the thesaurus one
by one or imported from files in RDF/SKOS for-
mat.The main limitation of this editor is that in-
tegrity checks are not automatically done by the
tool, which means that it did not pass Test 3.
The Thesaurus viewer is used to navigate through
concepts. In this tool it is not possible to per-
form an advanced search as a combination of log-
ical operators (AND, OR, NOT). However, "Ex-
act match", "Starts with" and "Contains" searches
are provided. To encourage re-use of thesauri,
ThManager offers a metadata profile (title, lan-
guage, etc) of its thesauri based on Dublin Core.
Thesauri Structures Supported. ThManager sup-
ports the three most important relationships in a
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
thesauri, the equivalence, the hierarchical, and
the associative relationship. Regarding notes,
ThManager only supports scope notes.
Formats Supported. ThManager supports RD-
F/SKOS as a format not only to import but also
to export data.
Provision of Software as Packages or Services.
Although ThManager is supposed to use an API
to access the thesauri stored in its repository (La-
casta et al., 2007), it is distributed as an ’off-the-
self application, with which this API is not pro-
vided. As well, its interface is not included in
the documentation provided with the tool. So, we
could not access or know the methods that this
API offers.
2.2 TemaTres
is a web application to manage documen-
tation languages. In August 2009 the 1.032 version
was released.
Purpose. TemaTres is oriented to the develop-
ment of hierarchical thesauri, on which several ed-
itors can be working at the same time.
Functionalities. When creating a new term in
a thesaurus, TemaTres defines a workflow with
three states for a term, Candidate, Active and Re-
jected. These states define what actions can be
performed with the terms. Validation is left to the
user, as the tool does not automatically check the
coherence of the thesaurus.
TemaTres presents both a systematic and an al-
phabetical list of terms. It offers different op-
tions to perform searches: simple search, ex-
panded search through related or hierarchical
terms, search terms suggestion (Did you mean:...).
Thesauri Structures Supported. The relationships
allowed are the equivalence, the hierarchical, and
the associative relationship. Other relationships
can be established between terms of different the-
sauri. Any term can be annotated with scope
notes, historical notes, bibliographic notes or pri-
vate notes.
Formats Supported. In TemaTres there is no op-
tion to import a thesaurus from any format, but
any thesaurus in TemaTres can be exported to text
format, Dublin Core, SKOS-Core, Zthes, MADS,
TopicMap (XTM 1.0), SiteMap 0.8, RSS.
Provision of Software as Packages or Services.
TemaTres provides web services since version
2.3 Term Tree
Term Tree
was first released in 1999.
Purpose. TermTree is a specialised thesaurus soft-
ware for creating and maintaining complex the-
sauri and taxonomies.
Functionalities. In this application, a thesaurus
can be created inserting terms one by one, or im-
porting terms from different file formats, such as
ASCII structured tag file or MultiTes database.
When creating a relationship between terms the
validity of the requested link is checked.
Term Tree offers a powerful tool for searching.
The user may choose to search terms, fields asso-
ciated with a term, search by relation, or search by
date ranges (creation and modified dates). Stan-
dard wild cards, "*" and "?" are supported.
Thesauri Structures Supported. Term Tree sup-
ports the three most important relationships in a
thesauri: the equivalence, the hierarchical, and
the associative relationship. Regarding annota-
tion, Term Tree supports the scope note and usage
Formats Supported. A thesaurus can be exported
to several text formats, Microsoft Excel spread-
sheet, HTML, XML, and others. However, the
formats used in the import process are restricted
to Term Tree tagged, MultiTes database and Aka
Provision of Software as Packages or Services.
According to Term Tree documentation, there is
an API available for custom application devel-
opment. However this API is not distributed in
the demonstration kit or documented elsewhere,
which means that we could not have access to it.
2.4 PoolParty
is a thesaurus management system for the
semantic web. We selected it because it is the first
tool in which software integration in third-party ap-
plications and Semantic Web goals are basic pillars
of its design.
Purpose. PoolParty can be used to build and
maintain multilingual thesauri providing a simple
user interface.
Functionalities. PoolParty is a web based appli-
cation. The interface of PoolParty displays the in-
formation in two areas: the Concept hierarchytree
http:/ /www.termtree.com.au
A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THESAURI TOOLS - A Perspective from Integrability in Information Systems
and the Concept details view. A thesaurus in Pool-
Party can be created by manual editing. When
creating a term or setting relationships among
terms there are drag and drop and autocomplete
facilities to help the user. PoolParty has the abil-
ity of extracting words and phrases that charac-
terise a document automatically. The only type of
search referred in the manuals is search based on
Thesauri Structures Supported. PoolParty sup-
ports the three most important relationships in a
thesauri, the equivalence, the hierarchical, and the
associative relationship. Regarding annotation,
PoolParty only supports the scope note. Pool-
Party is compliant with most of the elements of
the SKOS standard. To avoid building a thesauri
which violates SKOS, it provides quality queries
to check the thesaurus’ integrity.
Formats Supported. PoolParty is able to import
existing SKOS thesauri, which meet certain pre-
requisites, and to export to different formats such
as RDF/XML, N-Triples, Turtle, N3, TriX and
Provision of Software as Packages or Services.
According to its documentation, PoolParty offers
Web Services to access data via SOAP and REST.
There are not many free thesauri tools available. We
evaluated four tools that can either be downloaded for
free, either offer an evaluation version for free. Basic
functionalities are supported in all the tools evaluated
in a similar manner. All the tools revised permit the
construction and management of thesauri. However,
validation is only provided in some of them (Term
Tree and PoolParty). There are also differences in
the provision of advanced search. All of them sup-
port basic thesauri structures, with some differences
on the range of notes supported.
Interoperability has received the main attention at
the information exchange level. Almost all the tools
studied support thesauri import/export by means of
plain text formats or standard formats. SKOS/RDF
Semantic Web standards are not yet supported in all
tools. We think that this will change in the future with
the spread of RDF/SKOS.
Despite some tools are supposed to be designed
in layers that include APIs for thesaurus management
(Lacasta et al., 2007), (Ferreyra, ) they do not provide
a public API or package that can be reused indepen-
dently. Thus, interoperability at this level seems to be
the weak aspect of free thesauri software.
This work was partially supported by the Conse-
jería de Educación de la JCyL research projects
VA010B06 and VA012B08.
Alistair Miles and Sean Bechhofer (2009). SKOS
Simple Knowledge Organization System Refer-
ence. W3C Recommendation 18 August 2009.
Faro, S., Francesconi, E., Marinai, E., and Sandrucci, V.
(2008). Eurovoc studies lot2 d2.3 -report on execu-
tion and results of the interoperability tests. Technical
Report 10118, Publications Office of the EC, Institute
of Legal Information Theory and Techniques ITTIG.
Ferreyra, D. Tematres: software libre para gestión de
tesauros. URI: http://www.r020.com.ar/tematres/
Gilbert, J. and Butler, M. (2003). Review of existing tools
for working with schemas, metadata, and thesauri.
Technical Report HPL-2003-218, Digital Media Sys-
tems Laboratory, HP Laboratories Bristol.
Lacasta, J., Nogueras, J., Lopez-Pellicer, F. J., Muro-
Medrano, P., and Zarazaga-Soria, F. (2007). Thman-
ager: An open source tool for creating and visualizing
skos. Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL),
Martinez, G. M. and Leiva, I. G. (2001). Evaluacion de
softwares de gestion de tesauros. Ciencias de la In-
formación, pages 32(3), 3–23.
Polo, L., Alvarez, J. M., and Rubiera, E. (2008). Promoting
government controlled vocabularios for the semantic
web: the eurovoc thesaurus and the cpv product classi-
fication system. In ESWC 2008, 1-5 june 2008, Tener-
ife, Spain, volume 50212 of Lecture Notes in Com-
puter Science, pages 111–122. Springer.
Severino, F. (2007). What thesaurus to define eu/acp rela-
tions? European journal of developmental research,
n 2, pages 327–351.
Sánchez, J. P. (2009). Diseño de un sistema colabora-
tivo para la creación y gestión de tesauros en internet
basado en skos. Master’s thesis.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies