Branko Kaučič, Dejan Sraka, Maja Ramšak
Department of mathematics and computer science, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana
Kardeljeva ploščad 16, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Marjan Krašna
Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Koroška cesta 16, Maribor, Slovenia
Keywords: Plagiarism, Source code, Teaching programming, Programming assignments.
Abstract: Plagiarism is a well known problem of today's society. Widespread of the internet, ease of data exchange,
Bologna reforms and individual circumstances influence on students to resort to plagiarism. Many courses
in computer science where students have programming assignments suffer from so called source code
plagiarism. Beside the internet, most common origins of solved assignments are fellow students from the
same or the previous generation.
In this paper the source code plagiarism is discussed. Main results from observing the plagiarism in
programming assignments are given showing to which extent students plagiarize.
Reproducing someone’s work without acknowled-
ging the source is known as plagiarism. Research
indicates that plagiarism is a significant problem in
today’s institutions of higher education (Austin,
1999; Baggaley, 2005; Bennett, 2005; Hammond,
2004; Moussiades, 2005). In most cases students
copy and paste without proper citing. In many cases
they are even not aware of committing a fraud,
because they are not aware how to use other
resources in their own work.
At present, educational institutions “fight” for an
increased number of students while reducing the
number of contact hours and preserving same staff
number. The opportunities for teachers to identify
the frauds and the students that need additional help
(Joy, 1999; Sraka, 2009) decreased. Many of
students end courses with insufficient knowledge.
Although the plagiarism is often committed with
written text, it is also regularly committed with the
software code. In most computer science courses,
programming assignments where students have to
write a piece or complete source code by given
specifications, are part of course obligations. Since
programming skills are not among easiest, and
mastering them requires a lot of practice and
understanding, some students resort to academic
dishonesty. At Faculty of Education at University of
Ljubljana we started a project of studying
plagiarism. Initially, we restricted the research on
source code plagiarism in computer science courses.
The organization of the paper is the following.
Section 2 presents the problem of plagiarism. In
section 3 the main results of observing the
plagiarism at specific programming course are
presented, and in section 4 the paper is concluded.
The term “plagiarism” has many definitions, sharing
the same idea as “a piece of writing that has been
copied from someone else and is presented as being
your own work” (www.websters-online-
dictionary.org). Some of the reasons why students
plagiarize can be found in the following categories
(Bennett, 2005): means and opportunity, personal
traits, and individual circumstances.
c B., Sraka D., Ramšak M. and Krašna M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 181-184
DOI: 10.5220/0002800701810184
2.1 Plagiarism in Programming
Plagiarism is a common problem in computer
science courses. In many cases, the completion of
programming assignments is a part of the course
requirements. In (Parker, 1989), source code
plagiarism is defined as “a program which has been
produced from another program with a small number
of routine transformations.” Changes can vary from
copy and pasting small amounts of program source
code to copy and pasting large chunks of source
code and masking everything with different
disguising techniques. Possible modifications range
in sophistication levels ranging from 1 to 6 (Faidhi,
1987). For the educational purposes it is more
important to identify the changes on lower levels.
Based on experiences we could also add level 0 at
which no changes are made to copied source code.
In programming courses there are usually two
sources of solved assignments: the internet and other
students. The second source, other students from
current and previous generations, is much more
frequent. Regardless of the source, detecting
plagiarized assignment can be difficult task. At high
number of students and assignments this is
sometimes even impossible; despite the effort the
assistant cannot thoroughly check all source codes.
Therefore, plagiarism is quite often not detected or
Since there is usually more than just a few
assignments, programming courses are in a
desperate need for an automated tool – the
plagiarism detection system. There are various
systems to detect plagiarism in source codes
(Ahtiainen, 2006; Clough, 2000), some are web
based applications (Bowyer, 1999; Prechlet, 2000).
2.2 WMajorClust Algorithm
Detection systems usually report which source codes
are similar to other source codes. Observing solely
these values one can see which students plagiarized
but it is not obviously evident which students also
participated in this and share the same code. To
overcome this, we can use the WMajorClust
algorithm (Niggemann, 2001) to perform clustering
of plagiarized source codes and authors,
respectively. In similar fashion the algorithm was
used as a second phase of PDetect system
(Moussiades, 2005). Note, that WMajorClust uses a
parameter “cut-off criterion” which represents the
minimum similarity between two source codes to
include them in clustering.
Students that will become teachers of mathematics
and computer science in elementary and some
secondary schools start to learn programming in two
courses: Computer practice and Programming. Some
of the obligations in Programming are programming
home-works and seminar works for Pascal, C and
PHP. In this paper we observed the occurrence of
plagiarism in Pascal assignments, which for specific
study year consisted of:
Homework 1: sets (78HW1)
Homework 2: arrays (78HW2)
Homework 3: recursion (78HW3)
Homework 4: records (78HW4)
Homework 5: files (78HW5)
Homework 6: pointers (78HW6)
Homework 1: sets (89HW1)
Homework 2: arrays (89HW2)
Homework 3: subprograms (89HW3)
Homework 4: strings and records (89HW4)
Homework 5: recursion (89HW5)
Homework 6: files (89HW6)
Homework 7: pointers (89HW7)
Seminar work: (89SW)
Homework 1: renewal (91HW1)
Homework 2: sets (91HW2)
Assignments differ each study year, and all
students always get identical assignments.
In total, we observed 102 students, 85 females
and 17 males. Table 1 shows numbers of them in
different study years. Some students appear in more
than one study year.
Table 1: Number of students for different study years.
study year female % male % students
07/08 44 88,0 6 12,0 50
08/09 36 85,7 6 14,3 42
09/10 21 72,4 8 27,6 29
Students’ assignments were sent to MOSS
detection system (Bowyer, 1999). Its quality is
positively observed in (Culwin, 2001) and
(Zeidman, 2006). Results of the similarity were then
used as the input to WMajorClust, cut-off criterion
was set to 50. Detailed view on plagiarism for
specific assignments shows table 2. It contains the
number of students that submitted assignments,
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
number of students that were detected as possible
plagiarists, percentage of them against number of
submissions. Last three columns show number of
clusters, maximal number of students in the biggest
cluster and average number of students in clusters.
Combined view in the number of plagiarized
assignments for each study year shows first four
columns in table 3. Percentage view over study years
is visualized in figure 1. Column “max” shows the
maximal number of assignments that were
plagiarized by the same student, the row
“continuous” shows how many students continued to
plagiarize after their first plagiarized assignment,
and the last row shows number of different students
that plagiarized in specific study year.
Table 2: Plagiarism by individual assignments.
78HW1 49 14 28,6 5 4 2,8
78HW2 48 21 43,8 10 3 2,1
78HW3 46 10 21,7 4 3 2,5
78HW4 45 20 44,4 9 3 2,2
78HW5 44 16 36,4 5 6 3,2
78HW6 39 17 43,6 7 4 2,4
89HW1 42 14 33,3 6 4 2,3
89HW2 42 19 45,2 7 4 2,7
89HW3 37 13 35,1 6 3 2,2
89HW4 50 26 52,0 12 6 2,2
89HW5 33 12 36,4 4 4 3,0
89HW6 33 22 66,7 6 9 3,7
89HW7 32 25 78,1 9 5 2,8
89SW 25 18 72,0 6 5 3,0
91HW1 28 2 7,1 1 2 2,0
91HW2 28 5 17,9 2 3 2,5
Table 3: Plagiarism over study years.
study year
07/08 271 98 36,2 6 7 34
08/09 294 149 50,7 7 2 38
09/10 56 7 12,5 2 2 5
It can be seen that in 2007/2008 one student
plagiarized all (6) assignments, in 2008/2009 one
student plagiarized all assignments except one (7)
and in 2009/2010 two students plagiarized both
assignments so far.
Figure 1: Plagiarism over study years.
As can be seen from the graph on figure 1, study
year 2008/2009 resulted in high percentage of
plagiarism which was even increasing over the
assignments. This year students were warned about
the plagiarism on lectures and laboratory exercises,
educated about the fraud and students were warned
that their assignments will undergo through
detection system. Positive results are evident on the
graph; only one student plagiarized so far.
Detailed statistics of how many students
plagiarized one, two, etc. assignments shows table 4.
In 2007/08 students mostly plagiarized one
assignment, and in 2008/2009 students mostly
plagiarized more than half of all assignments.
Although the grades of final exams are not given in
this paper, we can state that plagiarism reflected in
grades. Higher plagiarism ratio resulted in worse
grades and failures at the exams.
Table 4: How many assignments students plagiarized over
study years.
07/08 08/09 09/10
1 11 5 3
2 5 3 2
3 6 8 /
4 4 7 /
5 5 7 /
6 3 5 /
7 / 3 /
Table 5 shows the number of students that
plagiarized grouped by the gender. Columns with
percentages exhibit percentage of students against
total number of students (from table 2), for males
and females, respectively. Average percentage for
females is 58,7% and 59,7% for males from which
we can conclude that there is no significant
difference in plagiarism by the gender.
Table 5: Plagiarism by gender over study years.
study year females % males % plagiarists
07/08 30 68,2 4 66,7 34
08/09 32 88,9 6 100 38
09/10 4 19,0 1 12,5 5
Plagiarism is a common problem in programming
courses, especially in today’s copy-paste generation.
Its complexity demands serious approach at solving
it: by using appropriate detection systems, proper
regulation, proper assignments and education of
students about it. Several tips for practitioners and
for students how to deal with the plagiarism are
given in (Austin, 1999; Schiller, 2005).
The success of decreasing the plagiarism
problem heavily depends on formal regulations,
rules and procedures. Secondary aim of a proper
regulation is also to protect and guide the teachers
when accusation is started, and the students against
injustice accusation and sanctions. How delicate
cases can occur, can be seen in (Baggaley, 2005).
Reducing the plagiarism significantly depends
also from the teachers. Efficient advice is to choose
assignments that allow several interpretations and
reduce the probability to obtain identical or semi-
identical results. Each study year teachers should
also change assignments and prevent reusing of
source code between generations of students.
Important factor in reducing plagiarism among
students is in educating about it. Teachers and
students have to be educated about the importance of
authorship, intellectual rights, rules of proper
referencing and citing the resources. Different
approach in this study year, as stated in section 3,
already resulted in decreasing the plagiarism in our
programming course.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education