Shirley Hunter-Barnett and Sue Murrin-Bailey
The Business School, Edge Hill University, Ormksirk, Lancashire, U.K.
Keywords: Pedagogy, Audio, Feedback, Embed, Assessment, MP3, Digital, Recorded.
Abstract: This study explores student responsiveness to the use of audio feedback through the embedding of sound-
files into word processed documents. It reviews the creation and use of a tutor’s formative feedback on
assignment work within a taught module.
With the appearance of social software and Web 2.0
technologies, students today work in a digital age,
and although in the past accessibility to technology
for students has been considered problematic, this is
not currently the case. Therefore, how technology
can be harnessed to promote students’ learning and
whether it is used just because it is available or for
reasons of pedagogy, is nowadays often under
debate. One such technology is the use of digital
audio recordings, as previous studies have found that
students learning can benefit from its use. Results
from National Student Surveys show that although
students are on the whole, happy with their
experience in higher education, they are not satisfied
with the assessment and feedback process. To help
alleviate this problem, the Higher Education
Academy has identified a series of practices to
enhance students’ feedback on their assessed work.
One such suggestion is the delivery of feedback in
an alternative format.
Following the work of IMPALA (2008), the Sounds
Good Project at Leeds Metropolitan University
(2008/9) and other similar research projects, this
study sort to examine how digitally recorded audio
comments, could be used as an alternative method of
feedback to students currently studying within
higher education. It explored tutor and student
responsiveness to its use as a feedback tool and the
pedagogical impact it had on the student learning
experience. Although there has been a substantial
amount of research conducted into the use of audio
feedback, the embedding of sound files within
electronically submitted course work is not so well
documented. Therefore, the purpose of the study was
to evaluate the effectiveness and the effects of
embedding digital audio feedback within a Word
document whilst ascertaining what impact it would
have on pedagogy.
Assessment should be a positive process, where
students receive feedback that will assist their
further learning and acknowledge their
achievements, and it was hoped that the outcomes of
this study would begin to progressively change
approaches to the assessment and feedback process
by encouraging other tutors to engage with audio
feedback, helping to deepen and enrich students’
For the purposes of this study, a flexible design, with
an outcome and process evaluative research
approach was followed to evaluate the effectiveness
and the effects of digital audio feedback. A multiple
research methodology that incorporated techniques
from qualitative and quantitative methods was used
for empirical data collection.
Participants were students from Edge Hill
University in Ormskirk, West Lancashire, enrolled
in the second semester of the academic year
2008/2009 and studying a range of subjects, at levels
three, four and six. Tutor participants had a wide
variety of teaching experience and taught various
Hunter-Barnett S. and Murrin-Bailey S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 60-64
DOI: 10.5220/0002801500600064
subjects, at all levels.
Although outcomes had been predicted based on
other case studies, the uniqueness of this study
meant there was a need to determine if the
technology chosen to deliver the audio feedback was
pedagogically sound and could be used to enhance
students learning.
Therefore the research questions needed to
determine both tutor and student views, and answers
to the following questions were sought:
1. Will using audio enable greater flexibility in
the feedback process?
2. Can feedback be enhanced using audio?
The study was broken down into six individual
phases and a multi-method strategy used to examine
the relation between students, tutors and the use of
audio as a feedback tool. Analysis and interpretation
of the data collected was iterative and employed
throughout the length of the study. This ensured
that, if further questions arose, additional enquiries
could be completed.
Qualitative data was transcribed whenever
completed and two levels of coding employed to
ease information retrieval. An electronic self-
completion, questionnaire was made available to all
student participants and respondents were offered a
choice of alternative answers and open-ended
questions. Unsolicited qualitative feedback was
received and added to the data set as it gave
significant insight into students’ thoughts and
perceptions of audio feedback, several weeks after
receiving it and after completing the course. As
more than one method of data collection was used,
triangulation was implemented to check whether
differing sets of evidence supported and
complemented, or contradicted each other.
Given the short time frame for this project, a
longitudinal study could not be completed.
Therefore although the gathering of information
regarding the impact audio feedback had on student
achievement could have been a data rich source, for
the purpose of this study it was not deemed
practical. Likewise, the novelty effect of audio
feedback, could have implications for the validity of
the findings and further research would be needed to
clarify whether or not this was the case.
The use of audio feedback encourages self-
reflection, can be given to large classes without the
need for face-to-face contact and is an alternative
technology whose purpose is to “affect learning
rather than to transmit knowledge” (Bradley et al,
cited in Nortcliffe & Middleton, 2008, p.48). This is
because more information can be obtained from
recorded comments, including tone of voice (Rust,
2001). It is therefore seen to have good pedagogical
underpinning (Salmon, 2004). Participants in a study
conducted by Jelfs & Whitelock (2000) felt that the
use of audio created a feeling of tutor attendance,
which substantiated research conducted by Reeves
& Nass (1998) who concluded that the human voice
increases social presence. Using audio to deliver
feedback helps students to conceptualise it more as a
dialogue, even though this form of delivery is a one-
way communication and not interactive (Corbell &
Valdes-Corbeil, 2007). Yet results of research
conducted into students’ learning experiences and
their impressions of audio feedback have shown that
although it can be more time-consuming to receive
feedback in an auditory format (Ice et al, 2007)
some students prefer feedback to be given this way
and understand the advantages of it (Ice et al, 2007;
Nortcliffe & Middleton, 2008; Rotherham, 2009).
This is not true for all students, though, as some
have reservations about receiving audio feedback,
whilst others indicate a preference for both audio
and written comments (Still, 2006; Nortcliffe, 2007;
Salmon & Edirisingha, 2008; Rotheram, 2009). It
may be argued that other external factors have
influenced this preference, the main contributors
being the time the feedback was received (Gibbs &
Simpson, 2005; Nicol & Macfarland-Dick, 2006;
Hramiak, 2007; Rotheram, 2009) and the novelty
factor of audio in the feedback process (Oomen-
Early et al., 2008; Rotheram, 2009).
Statistics have been produced based on 28
questionnaires returned from a sample of 33 students
studying at Edge Hill University in the year
2008/2009, semester 2. The modal respondent was
male (78.6%). Statistics produced for the 17 tutor
respondents show the modal respondent was female.
Male 9 (75%)
Female 3 (25%)
12 14 2 28
Figure 1: Gender.
The students’ response to the development of their
future learning was good, with 26 students saying
they would either definitely or possibly listen to the
feedback more than once.
This was emphasised by some of the comments
made by the students regarding the use of audio
feedback. One student found:
PS6:“it interesting to hear the feedback again”
whilst others thought: PS14:“it was good to listen
through the feedback again” and PS6:“Its an
excellent way of reflecting back rather than just
Figure 2: Listen again.
Another student found it quite strange to listen to
feedback in an audio format at first. However, they
recognised the importance of listening to it again as
did other respondents. PU2:“Audio feedback you
can assess this and improve your work rapidly”
These findings demonstrated how digital audio can
be used to help student’s process information, whilst
encouraging them to become reflective about their
own learning (Crook et al., 2008).
In addition to this, students looking towards
furthering their learning stated that:
PS12:“I think this is the future”
PS14:“I think anything new that can help
develop our leraning should be used!”
This shows that whilst students are still looking for
“traditional approaches” (JISC, 2009, p.8) they are
willing to adapt and shape their personal
development by utilising the “best tools for the job”
As learning is both active and passive for a
student to become an active learner they must make
use of feedback obtained during the assessment
process (Burns & Sinfield, 2006). Comments from
one tutor confirm that the use of audio feedback has
encouraged students to become active in their
learning through the utilisation of feedback obtained.
PT17:“I believe it gave them the motivation to
actually go and do what I asked them to do far more
than a written comment…”
“Theoretically they should have been ones they were
looking at anyway within their lit review, if they
had’nt done it they certainly had for their final piece
of work”
The tutor later goes on to say:
“They have got quotes from that article within their
work and their final draft. So I could track, cos I’ve
still got the audio files, I could track if I said I want
you to go away and look at article I could see quotes
from it, and it’s in the bibliography that is some sort
of measureable”.
This was further evidence that students are able
to coordinate their own learning, if feedback is
received in a way which aids their progression.
However, what was not clear was whether it was the
provision of feedback in an alternative form, the
novelty factor of audio feedback or the precise
prescriptive comments received from the tutor that
increased the effectiveness of the feedback.
The novelty factor surrounding the use of audio is a
concern raised by Rotherham (2009) who suggests
that his significantly positive results about audio
feedback could be due to its novelty. Unsolicited
comments made by two students show these
concerns to be realistic.
PU1:“The method of feedback was a sound file
which was unique to other modules”
PU3:“The audio feedback was a first for me and
was actually quite a nice change”
Although the novelty factor of audio feedback
clearly requires further research, the above findings
strongly indicate that the use of embedded audio
feedback can facilitate greater flexibility in the
feedback process.
In addition to listening to their audio feedback more
than once further analysis was carried out to assess if
digital audio could enhance the quality of feedback.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Students were asked whether they thought
embedding a verbal commentary within the marked
text had been useful and if it had helped them
develop a better insight into what was required to
progress their learning in the future. Participants
responded positively to this with 25 students
agreeing or strongly agreeing that it had been useful.
Although the findings in this study imply that most
students and tutors showed an overwhelming
preference for the use of audio, despite it being a
one-way communication tool, some respondents still
felt a need for some sort of synchronous interaction
between student and tutor, which according to the
key findings of JISC (2009) is the traditional,
personal elements of study, which students still
require. Furthermore, these results contradict the
findings of Still (2006 p.18) who concludes there
were “no negative perceptions of the technique”.
Throughout this study, evidence has suggested that
there is the potential to embed digital audio feedback
within a Word document and that it seems to enable
greater flexibility in the feedback process. It is also a
method that tutors in higher education appear to be
prepared to use. This does not seem to be subject-
specific as there was no apparent relationship
between subject and tutor attitudes towards the use
of digital audio feedback. Students responded
favourably to the use of audio feedback, whatever
the discipline studied, and showed a preference for
the use of embedded audio comments as a feedback
mechanism as they thought its use enhanced the
feedback process. It is worth considering, however,
that students had not received audio feedback before
and this could account for the overwhelming
preference for its use. In fact several students
referred to its uniqueness, and what is cause for
concern, due to the limitations of the study, is
whether the novelty of audio feedback impacted on
student responsiveness.
Although this was a single case study of restricted
scope, it suggests a number of points that
professionals should consider before embarking on
the delivery of audio feedback:
Follow normal principles of feedback practice -
audio should not replace but enhance;
Ascertain what communication tool students are
using to receive the feedback as not all PC
operating systems allow an embedded sound file
to be opened;
Ensure students know where to access the sound
Become familiar with the hand held device and
embedding a sound file prior to delivery
Check the quality of the sound;
Check that the method of delivery is suitable;
And finally:
Do not use audio feedback just because it is
available – it should be used for reasons of
pedagogy, and thought must be given as to the
suitability of the feedback for certain students and
whether they would benefit from verbal, written or
both written and verbal commentary.
Although this study has achieved its aims, it has also
highlighted a need for further exploration. A clearer
understanding is needed of how students use audio
feedback and what part of the feedback increases
student learning. Furthermore, the majority of the
students said they would listen to feedback again;
additional research is needed to ascertain whether or
not this is really the case, or if the novelty factor
surrounding the use of audio has led to this
hypothesis. What impact audio feedback has on
students’ progression and learning should also be
further researched as should whether or not the lack
of interactivity in digital audio feedback has any
negative consequences. In addition, more research
is needed to determine which technologies students
are prepared to use to receive digital audio feedback
and whether they are suitable to retrieve embedded
sound files in word-processed documents.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education