Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll
Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Richard Petersens Plads, B321
Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Keywords: Course Evaluation Questionnaire, Exam Grades, Multivariate Analysis, Factor Analysis, Stepwise
Abstract: Course evaluation data from courses at higher education is often given by students. Commonly the
evaluations are given as questionnaires with discrete answers on a Likert scale. At the Technical University
of Denmark this is done on a constant basis. However, the data is not used optimally. The standard way of
displaying these data is as a histogram or frequency table of each question separately. The paper discusses
various ways of enhancing the amount of information, which can be extracted. We consider factor analyses
for grouping of the questions and regression analyses in order to relate questionnaire data to student
outcome in the form of exam grades.
Courses in higher education are commonly
evaluated by the participating students sometime
during the course or at the end of a course. Typically
such evaluations are performed by means of a
questionnaire with questions related to the course
curriculum, the learning outcomes, the teacher(s),
and the organisational aspects of the course.
Many studies have been performed on such
evaluations. Some have been on analyses and
interpretation of relationships in the questionnaire
itself. (Cohen, 1981) considers the analysis of data
from 67 multisection courses (same course given by
several instructors) in 40 studies. Defining a large
number of factors derived from the data, Cohen
found an association between overall ratings of
instructor ratings and student achievement. He also
found large correlations between “skill” (of
instructor) and student achievement and “Structure”
(instructors ability to structure course) and student
achievement. (Feldman, 1989) refined and extended
the synthesis of Cohen’s data. A main very
important conclusion is that students ratings of
teachers is correlated with student achievement.
(Abrami et al., 1997) performed confirmatory factor
analysis using including oblique rotation. They also
emphasise the analysis of multisection courses.
Based on a meta analysis of 17 studies they extract
what they call “common dimensions of teaching”.
Here 4 factors are identified. These have been
interpreted as: factor 1: “instructor viewed in an
instructional role”, factor 2: “instructor viewed as a
person”, factor 3: “instructor viewed as a regulator”.
For factor 4 no interpretation is offered. In a recent
study (Sadoski and Sanders, 2007) analysed student
course evaluations in medical school for 5 different
courses for students after 1 and 3 years of study.
These were analysed for “common themes” using
principal component analysis on each course. They
found the following consistent items which loaded
most heavily together with an “overall quality” item,
namely: “course organisation”, “clearly
communicated goals and objectives”, and
“instructional staff responsiveness”. Another such
study is (Althouse et al., 1998) who consider the
relationship between ratings of basic science courses
and the “overall evaluation” of these courses. Items
most often found to be significant were described as:
“engaged in active learning”, “quality of lectures”,
and “administrative aspects of course”. (Guest et al.,
1999) conducted a study where survey responses are
compared with the actual examination performance
of the student. The study found that student
perceptions of “value of curriculum” were poorly
associated with external measures of performance
like the grade. On the other hand, “perceived lecture
organization”, “stimulation to read”, and “interest in
Ersbøll B. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 313-318
DOI: 10.5220/0002801703130318
subject” was found to affect “perceived overall
learning” and “perceived value of lectures”. Finally,
an interesting validation study giving a word of
caution in interpretation of student evaluations is
(Billings-Gagliardi et al., 2004). They describe how
students think/interpret the course evaluation
questions. This was assessed by performing think-
aloud interviews with 24 students. Not all terms used
in a questionnaire turn out to be uniquely understood
or interpreted in the same way by the students. For
instance the term “independent learning” was
understood differently by different students. Also,
ratings for certain questions were “adjusted” (raised
or lowered) by the students when thinking of other
aspects like “effort of teacher”.
The overall conclusion from these and many
other studies show a good association between
student course evaluations and student outcome.
The present study considers student course
evaluations at the Technical University of Denmark
(DTU). Here an online course evaluation is usually
performed in the week preceding the final week of
the course. Effectively this means most courses are
rated after 12 out of 13 possible lectures and/or
exercises. The courses will typically be 5 or 10
ECTS points, corresponding to a nominal workload
of either 120 or 240 hours. The questionnaires are
used for courses at all levels from introductory to
advanced. Normally, the results from the
questionnaires are simply summarised as simple
histograms and percentages for each question. No
attempt is made to assess the multivariate structure
of the data. Hereby valuable information is lost,
because possible correlations between answers is
completely disregarded.
In this paper we will report findings related to a
course in Multivariate Statistics. Two different types
of analyses and interpretations of these are given.
The first considers grouping of the different
questions by factor analysis and investigates the
consistency between two different years. The second
relates the achieved grades to the questionnaire and
analyses which questions might be most informative
of student outcome.
2.1 Data
The current evaluation form at DTU which is
implemented and maintained by a university spin-
off: Arcanic A/S,, has been in use
since the fall of 2007. It is reasonably standardised
in that most of the questions are generic, but a
number of questions can be removed and/or further
questions can be included in the evaluation by the
course responsible before the students are asked to
perform the rating.
2.1.1 Questionnaire
The questionnaire has three parts: Form A contains
questions related to the course (one form per
course); Form B contains questions related to the
teacher (one form per teacher/instructor) Forms A
and B give answer possibilities on a 5 point Likert
Finally, form C gives the possibility of
qualitative feed-back to the three cases: “What went
well?”, “What did not go so well?”, “Suggestions for
changes”. An example of a questionnaire can be
seen in the appendix.
2.1.2 Exam Grades
By means of an anonymous code it is possible to
relate the grade obtained by the student to the
answers in the questionnaire. The present grading
system which complies with the European ECTS
grading scale has also been in use since the fall of
2007. The scale is numerical and designed to make it
possible to make grade averages. It takes the values:
“12”, “10”, “7”, “4”, “2”, “0”, “-3” corresponding to
“A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”. The last two grades: “0”
and “-3” both correspond to “fail”, “Fx” and “F”
respectively. A more detailed explanation of the
different grades is given in Tabel 4 in the appendix.
Questionnaire data from a course in Multivariate
Statistics at DTU for the autumn semesters in 2007
and 2008 are available. The course is generally taken
by students in the last half of their studies. For the
autumn semester of 2007 the grades obtained by the
students at the exam are also available for the
2.2 Types of Analyses
2.2.1 Factor Analysis
Factor analyses were performed using principal
factor analysis on the correlation matrix of the
questionnaire data. The number of factors retained
was determined by the commonly used rule of
having a variance greater than one. In order to assure
an easier interpretation this was followed by a so-
called varimax rotation. The varimax rotation tends
to simplify the structure and ease interpretation of
the resulting factors. A good general reference is
(Hair et al., 2006).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.1 Factor Analyses
The factor analyses are performed for the autumn
semesters of 2007 and 2008. We choose only to
analyse form A, which corresponds to the part of the
questionnaire concerned with the course itself.
3.1.1 Autumn Semester 2007
For the factor analysis for the autumn semester of
2007 29 form A questionnaires were available for
factor analysis. The analysis resulted in 3 factors
having the required minimum variance of one. The
resulting three varimax-rotated factors are shown
below with the variables associated with each factor
in order of importance judged by factor weight
(given in parenthesis).
Factor 1 (of 3).
A1.8 (0.87): In general, I think this is a good
A1.5 (0.86): I think the teacher/s create/s good
continuity between the different teaching
A1.1 (0.86): I think I am learning a lot on this
A1.2 (0.83): I think the teaching method
encourages my active participation
A1.3 (0.79): I think the teaching material is
This is interpreted as: “overall quality of the course”
Factor 2 (of 3).
A1.7 (0.93): I think the course description’s
prerequisites are
A1.4 (0.60): I think that throughout the course,
the teacher/s have clearly communicated to me
where I stand academically
This is interpreted as “academic standing”.
Factor 3 (of 3).
A1.6 (0.85): 5 points is equivalent to 9
hrs./week. I think my performance during the
course is
A2.1 (0.67): I think my English skills are
sufficient to benefit fully from this course
This is interpreted as “student involvement”.
3.1.2 Autumn Semester 2008
For the factor analysis for the autumn semester of
2008 31 form A questionnaires were available for
factor analysis. The analysis resulted in 2 factors
having the required minimum variance of one. The
two factors are shown below. Again the variables in
each factor are listed in order of importance judged
by factor weight (given in parenthesis).
Factor 1 (of 2):
A1.8 (0.91): In general, I think this is a good
A1.5 (0.85): I think the teacher/s create/s good
continuity between the different teaching
A1.2 (0.84): I think the teaching method
encourages my active participation
A1.1 (0.79): I think I am learning a lot on this
A1.4 (0.78): I think that throughout the course,
the teacher/s have clearly communicated to me
where I stand academically
A1.3 (0.54): I think the teaching material is
This is interpreted as: “overall quality of the course”
Factor 2 (of 2):
A1.6 (0.77): 5 points is equivalent to 9
hrs./week. I think my performance during the
course is
A2.1 (0.60): I think my English skills are
sufficient to benefit fully from this course
A1.7 (-0.57): I think the course description’s
prerequisites are
This is interpreted as “student involvement and
3.2 Grades
The grades are available for the 2007 autumn
semester only. By means of the anonymous code it
is possible to link the grades to the course evaluation
questionnaires. An initial illustrative overview of the
grades is displayed in Figure 1. Here the distribution
of the 48 grades is given depending on whether the
student answered the course evaluation or not. The
immediately obvious difference is the large
proportion of students who neither evaluated
(=“Silent”) nor took the exam (=“EM”). The
students who passed (grade 2 or above) and who
answered the course evaluation seem to have higher
grades on average, but this is not significant with the
present data.
Figure 1: Distribution of the 48 grades for the autumn
semester 2007: did not answer course evaluation
questionnaire (=“Silent”, left) vs. answered course
evaluation questionnaire (=“Answered”, right).
3.3 Stepwise Regression of Course
Evaluations on Grades
3.3.1 Form A
For the course related questions a stepwise
regression of exam grades vs. student ratings of the
course evaluations for form A gave the following
A1.2 I think the teaching method encourages
my active participation. (positive weight,
A1.3 I think the teaching material is good
(negative weight, however not significant)
It is encouraging to note that the significant item in
the questionnaire is related to “active participation”.
This corresponds well with current understanding of
good teaching and learning. The non-significant item
on “teaching material” relates to the fact that the
students find the lecture notes a bit difficult and too
concise. This is revealed by looking at the open
questions in form C.
3.3.2 Form A and B
If student ratings of the course evaluations for both
form A and B are included in the stepwise
regression, it turns out there is one significant
question as an outcome:
B2.2 I think the teacher is good at helping me
understand the academic content. (positive
weight, significant)
This result is also very encouraging, since it is well
known that a good teacher really makes all the
difference for student outcome.
4.1 Factor Analyses
The factor analyses from the two different years
show expected similarities. Regardless of the fact
that there are 3 selected factors selected in the 2007
data and only two factors selected in the 2008 data,
we note an interesting grouping of the questions.
For 2007 factor 1 might be interpreted as
“quality of course”. Similarly for factor 2
“understanding own standing”, and finally for factor
3 “students own effort”.
For 2008 factor 1 similarly can be interpreted as
“quality of course”. It is noted that factor one for
both years contain the same questions in nearly the
same order except for A1.4 on academic standing
which was not included in 2007. This is probably
due to the different number of factors retained.
Compared to 2007 factor 2 becomes less
comparable because of the different number of
factors. We can however, reasonably interpret factor
2 as “student involvement”.
In all cases we note a high degree of consistency
with the literature.
4.2 Grades
In Figure 1 an interesting difference between
students who answer or do not answer the
questionnaire is seen. From the data analysed one
may conjecture that students who do not respond to
the questionnaire also tend to avoid the exam. This
important finding was previously unknown, simply
because of the obstacle in merging the grade
database with the questionnaire database.
4.3 Grades and Questionnaire Data
The result of the stepwise regression of grades and
both form A and B confines with what may be
For the course evaluation against grade, question
A1.2: “I think the teaching method encourages my
active participation” was significant. It is well
known that active learning generally is preferable. A
runner-up is A1.3 “I think the teaching material is
good”. This comes in with a negative weight, but is
not significant. However, it can be related to the fact
that the students tend to find the lecture notes a bit
too concise.
Finally, relating both forms A and B to the
achieved grades resulted in a significant item from
form B related to the teacher.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The work considered concerns the analysis of
questionnaire data from student-course evaluations
from two time-periods, and also the connection
between course evaluations and student outcome in
the form of exam grades. We have demonstrated
consistency of such evaluation data over time.
Furthermore, we have shown relationships between
student outcome in the form of exam grades the
questionnaire data.
Christian Westrup Jensen from the administration of
DTU and the team at Arcanics A/S are gratefully
acknowledged for helping providing the data.
Comments and suggestions from the reviewers are
also kindly acknowledged.
Abrami, P.C., d’Apollonia, S, Rosenfield, S., 1997. The
dimensionality of student ratings of instruction: what
we know and what we do not. In: Perry, R. P., Smart,
J. C., editors: Effective teaching in higher education:
research and practice. New York: Agathon Press.
Althouse, L. A., Stritter, F. T., Strong, D. E., Mattern, W.
D., 1998. Course evaluations by students: the
relationship of instructional characteristics to overall
course quality. Paper presented at: The Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association; 1998 April 13-17; San Diego, CA.
Billings-Gagliardi, S., Barrett, S. V., Mazor, K. M., 2004.
Interpreting course evaluation results: insights from
thinkaloud interviews with medical students. Med.
Educ.; 38: 1061-70.
Cohen, P. A., 1981. Student ratings of instruction and
student achievment. Review of Educational Research;
51(3): 281-309.
Feldman, K. A., 1989. The association between student
ratings of specific instructional dimensions and
student achievement: Refining and extending the
synthesis of data from multisection validity studies.
Research in Higher Education, Vol. 30, No. 6.
Guest, A. R., Roubidoux, M. A., Blance, C. E., Fitzgerald,
J. T., Bowerman, R. A., 1999. Limitations of student
evaluations of curriculum. Acad Radiol.; 6:229-35.
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E.,
Tatham, R. L., 2006. Multivariate Data Analysis. 6
ed. Prentice Hall.
Sadoski, M., Sanders, C. W., 2007. Student course
evaluations: Common themes across courses and
years. Med Educ Online [serial online] 2007;12:2.
Available from
Table 1: Example of questions in evaluation form A.
Question Answer
1.1 I think I am learning a lot in this
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
1.2 I think the teaching method
encourages my active
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
1.3 I think the teaching material is
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
1.4 I think that throughout the
course, the teacher/s have clearly
communicated to me where I
stand academically
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
1.5 I think the teacher/s create/s
good continuity between the
different teaching activities
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
1.6 5 points is equivalent to 9
hrs./week. I think my
performance during the course is
Much less=5, 4, 3,
2, 1=Much more
1.7 I think the course description’s
prerequisites are
Too low=5, 4, 3,
2, 1=Too high
1.8 In general, I think this is a good
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
2.1 I think my English skills are
sufficient to benefit fully from
this course
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
Table 2: Example of questions in evaluation form B.
Question Answer
1.1 I think that the teaching gives
me a good grasp of the
academic content of the course
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
1.2 I think the teacher is good at
communicating the subject
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
1.3 I think the teacher motivates us
to actively follow the class
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
2.1 I think that I generally
understand what I am to do in
our practical assignments
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
2.2 I think the teacher is good at
helping me understand the
academic content
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
2.3 I think the teacher gives me
useful feedback on my work
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
3.1 I think the teacher’s
communication skills in
English are good
Strongly agree=5,
4, 3, 2, 1=Strongly
Table 3: Example of questions in evaluation form C.
1.1 What went well – and why?
1.2 What did not go so well – and why?
1.3 Which changes would you suggest for the next time the
course is offered?
Table 4: Definition of grades in the Danish 7-step grading
Description ECTS
12 For an excellent performance
displaying a high level of command of
all aspects of the relevant material,
with no or only a few minor
10 For a very good performance
displaying a high level of command of
most aspects of the relevant material,
with only minor weaknesses.
7 For a good performance displaying
good command of the relevant material
but also some weaknesses.
4 For a fair performance displaying some
command of the relevant material but
also some major weaknesses.
2 For a performance meeting only the
minimum requirements for acceptance.
0 For a performance which does not
meet the minimum requirements for
-3 For a performance which is
unacceptable in all respects.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education