prerequisite relationships to the local copy of the
given ontology is to create a property called
“requires” in the OWL file of the ontology directly,
and then add each prerequisite relationship between
two topics as a sub-property of property “requires”
with proper domain and range classes.
A problem will happen when the computing
ontology is updated. How can we keep the local
copy up-to-date without manual modifications? A
solution is to start with an empty local OWL file,
which then imports the remote computing ontology
into this local ontology. Then the addition of those
properties that represent the prerequisite
relationships will be preserved in the local OWL
file. When the remote ontology is updated, the next
loading of the imported ontology will be the latest
We expect to see more applications showing the
utilizations of ontologies by all kind of users and for
diversified purposes. It is certain that numerous
utilizations will in turn stimulate a fast growth of the
ontologies themselves. Compared to any other
industry, education would most benefit from the
applications of ontologies because knowledge
management and information retrieval are the two
central activities in education.
The reported three applications are in the
category of information retrieval. For these kinds of
applications, our tree-view browser has
demonstrated to be suitable. The tree-view browser
can comfortably load the current Computing
Ontology. The user will not be overwhelmed by the
large number of nodes (classes, or concepts) because
initially most of the nodes are folded. The user has
to open the choice of nodes and then the tree view
shows the result of drill down. Thus as the user
navigates in the ontology, she/he is also controlling
the visibility scope. Level by level, a user knows
where the current focus is. So far our tree-view
browser is capable of handling all the popular
The ontology can be so large that the computer
memory runs out, typically due to many direct and
indirect imports of other ontologies. For that case,
we have used Jena API’s database persistence
capability. That is, the ontology model is held in a
database rather than all residing in the memory. The
form of view will also be changed. We have
developed a multiple-column browser similar to
MSpace (
This work is partially supported by the United States
National Science Foundation grant CCF-0939108.
We sincerely thank Dr. Roy Ladner at Naval
METOC Command, U.S. Navy, for his technical
guidance in the METOC project.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education