Understanding Customers Perceptions and Concerns
Ja'far Alqatawna, Jawed Siddiqi
Informatics Research Gruop, Faculity of Art Computing Engineering & Sciences
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, U.K.
Mohammed Hjouj Btoush
Al-Balqa' Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan
Keywords: e-Business security, Security socio-technical issues, Online customers’ security concerns, Security
stakeholders, Technological limitations, Qualitative study, Interpretive approach, Jordan.
Abstract: It has become apparent to many security researchers that traditional security approaches are not sufficient to
provide adequate security for today's pervasive electronic business environment. We and others argue that
security is a socio-technical problem in which its social components are not sufficiently addressed or
understood. Our contribution aims to overcome this problem situation, by developing a better understanding
of online customers’ security perceptions in Jordan. An interpretive approach is employed and general
inductive coding process is used to analyse the collected data. On the basis of these study's findings we
argue that many customers’ related aspects need to be considered in order to elevate e-Business security.
These aspects include perceptions and concerns as well knowledge of and interaction with other
E-Business security is a multi-faceted problem, and
understanding it is not an easy task. It’s not enough
to address only technical requirements
(Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability…etc) in
order to increase the security bar. E-Business
systems have interconnecting and interacting
components (people, software, hardware, procedures
and data) and should be looked upon as information
systems, with a technological infrastructure and
organisational framework, rather than pure
technological infrastructure (Katsikas et al., 2005). It
is argued in (Alqatawna et al., 2008a; 2008b) the
need for multidimensional framework for e-Business
security. Such framework should address the needs
and the roles of the different stakeholders who may
affect or be affected by online security. Our
contribution to this framework in this study explores
security issues surrounding online customers who
are important e-Business stakeholders. Customer
represents a direct and interested party who benefits
from e-Business in general and from security in
particular. Many studies have shown that Internet
users in general and e-Commerce customers in
particular are concerned about security and privacy
over the internet (Paine et al. 2007). In a developing
country such as Jordan, companies started to
conduct online business activities. Yet, surveys
show that customers concerns about security issues
are the major obstacles for e-Business diffusion in
the country (Alsmadi, 2002; Khasawneh et al.,
2009). In contrast to these previous studies, this
study provides a deeper insight into the customer
perspective of the problem and aims to answer the
question of how customers perceive security of the
electronic environment and its potential for
conducting commercial transitions. How much
people are aware about their online security and how
they perceive and deal with online risks are
important questions to increase our understanding of
e-Business security problem. Understanding the
customers’ social and psychological characteristics
could open the door for designing better socio-
technical security measures.
Alqatawna J., Siddiqi J. and Hjouj Btoush M.
SECURITY IN E-BUSINESS - Understanding Customers Perceptions and Concerns.
DOI: 10.5220/0002803503190324
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on the nature of the research question, we
have chosen the interpretive qualitative approach as
an epistemological and underlying assumption for
this study (Myers, 1997). We argue that the
exploratory nature of the study requires the use of an
approach which provides a deeper understanding of
the research situation that generates new ideas that
can help to overcome the problems associated with
e-Business security. This is best achieved through a
knowledge generating approach such as an
interpretive one. A purposive sample of Jordanian
citizens was recruited as participants in this study.
Participants have been chosen because they have had
previous experiences with the Internet involving
either buying, selling online or just using the internet
for online banking, communication and searching
for information. The researcher started with
convenient sample followed by snowball sample in
which the initial participants have been asked to
suggest other people who might participate in this
study. In total, 27 participants took part in this study.
The primary method of data collection was semi-
structured interviews. The interviews' purpose was
to explore customers’ perceptions and expectations
regarding information security in the country’s e-
Business environment. For analysing qualitative data
thematic framework analysis was applied (Ritchie et
al., 2003).
There was strong evidence grounded in the data
supporting the claim that customers value the notion
of e-Business. However, other evidence showed that
they have perceptions and serious security concerns
which prevented them from performing commercial
transactions over the internet. From the analysis
carried out five themes involving perceptions and
concerns emerged, they are; security and privacy
needs; limitation of technical solutions; building
trust with supplier; self capability to protect online
security and finally threats within the online
environment. The five conceptual themes depicting
customers’ security perceptions are discussed in
details below.
3.1 Security and Privacy Needs
Customers’ perceived need for security and privacy
emerged as a natural requirement that need to be
fulfilled to encourage them to use e-Business with
confidence. The values of security and privacy were
appreciated and requested by most of the study
participants who argued that these two aspects are
important for them and they will feel safe if these
aspects are ensured in e-Business environment. For
instance, it was argued that “security is important
and it should exist to protect users from any
malicious internet sites” and regarding privacy,
participant believed that “everybody should have
privacy on the is important
requirement”. Privacy needs were expressed in
terms such as “having control over personal
information”, “not being monitored over the
internet” or “to have your own online space”. Some
participants saw no difference between online and
offline privacy and believed that privacy should be
ensured in both cyber and physical worlds. They
argued that accessing or using personal information
should be based on the permission of the person who
owns this information. Additionally, violation of
online privacy was considered unwanted and
uncomfortable. In addition, participants emphasised
the need to have secure online environment to
protect customers. They believed without security it
is difficult to use the internet with confidence.
Moreover, it was argued that security is important
for building trust with the other side of the
transaction. Security was understood by them as a
mean to “protect the end users from online threats
and to prevent any attempt of malicious act”.
Notably, many participants were able to
distinguish between privacy and security as two
different constructs. Few used the term privacy to
define security or the opposite. This highlights the
point that e-Business systems should pay attention to
both security and privacy aspects as in some
implementation ensuring one can imply
compromising the other.
3.2 Limitation of Technical Solutions
Another point revealed in this study was related to
the customers' perception about the security of the
internet technologies and the ability of the technical
security solutions such as personal anti-viruses,
firewalls and anti-spywares to provide them with
adequate level of security. Many of them believed
that internet technologies, which are the backbone
for e-Business, have their limitations and not
without deficiencies which could lead to many
security implications. Based on that, they argued that
their level of trust in these technologies is limited.
This perception was also fostered by their belief in
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
imperfections of the people developing these
“…Technology provides us with many benefits; speed,
convenience...etc. But still technology may contain faults
because it is designed by humans who usually make
Many participants saw that the available security
technical controls are unable to completely prevent
security threats. They mentioned many cases in
which their computers get infected by viruses or
hacked despite the fact that they were using all the
possible security solutions. This problem was
understood by some participants as a result of rapid
advancement of internet related technology which is
not paralleled with similar advancement in security
which gives a window of attack for an attacker to
exploit security weakness before they get fixed:
“The personal security applications are incapable to
protect you completely. Technology is evolving very
quickly and once a new application is deployed, hackers
figures out how to break it”.
In summary, this leads us to conclude that
technological solutions have their limitations.
Moreover that technology and security are moving at
two different speeds, in that security is lagging
behind thereby leaving technology vulnerable all the
3.3 Building Trust with the Supplier
Participants raised the issue of establishing trust with
the other part of e-Business transaction. Some of
them argued that online transactions are intangible
and it is difficult to trust the other side of the
transactions. Accordingly, they considered face to
face transaction more reliable as they could
physically verify the identity and assess the
trustworthiness of the other side. In one instance, it
was argued that this issue has its roots in the offline
world where people used to carefully assess and
establish trust relationships because of many past
incidents which created a lack of trust culture.
On the other hand, there were many participants
who considered B2C e-Business potentially very
useful. This group included participants who showed
their willingness to try it and others who already
started using it. While those customers were
concerned about security and trust, it was necessary
to explore what affects their decision to transact with
particular online merchant and what role security
plays in their decision making process. From the
study it became apparent that customers depended
on number of concerns to help them to assess the
security and trustworthiness of online merchants.
Some of the findings suggested that the existence of
security measures and information about them in the
merchant's online portal were used by some
participants as trust and security assurance concerns:
“…Before I use their e-commerce systems I like to read
how much security they have and what is going to be if
something happed..Also you should check their digital
However, the majority depended on other
concerns which were not necessarily related to the
real security of the website or the merchant's actual
security practices. For instance, it was stated that “if
the design of the website is nice it could encourage
the customer to buy from it. Another participant
stated that the site appearance gives him/her the
feeling how much effort the company had put into
the website and this affected his/her decision to buy
from the site. Others talked about the quality of the
service and how much information is available on
the website about the products they intended to buy.
One participant mentioned that s/he could phone the
company to make sure it is really existed. Two
concerns were frequently cited by participants as a
method to assess online trustworthiness. First,
company reputation which was expressed in terms
such as the “online company should be well-
known”, “it should have brand name” and “it
should be recognised”. Some participants also
believed that if the company is new in the market, it
is unlikely to succeed over the internet, as it first,
needs to build a name in the offline world. The
second frequently cited antecedent was
recommendations of friends and people who tried to
transact online with particular merchant. Many
stated that they referred to somebody who already
used the website they intended to buy from, to check
if that person experienced any problem and based on
that they decide to transact with it or not.
Although, customers seemed concerned about
security, these finding suggested that they appear to
be unaware of many security controls and features
(third party certificates, encryption, privacy
policy…etc) which online merchant usually use to
increase customer trust and ensure security.
Consequently, they depended on other factors such
reputation and recommendation of other to get some
kind of online assurance.
3.4 Self-capability to Protect Online
When asked about their capability to ensure their
online security, participants seemed not confident
about this matter and perceived themselves as
lacking competence in protecting their security.
SECURITY IN E-BUSINESS - Understanding Customers Perceptions and Concerns
They discussed many factors which they believed
contributed to this lack of competency. For some of
them, there were factors which are out of the online
customers' control. In additional to the technical
limitation discussed in the previous section, they
stressed that the online environment is not controlled
and full of unexpected events that could affect their
online security. For example, one participant
discussed how the popup windows or some links in
one website could redirect you to another website
that you are not intended to visit, which could be a
malicious one. They also thought that whatever they
do to ensure security, there are always “bad guys”
equipped with superior knowledge and skills who
can violate their online security:
“…but still there are hackers who are very expert, I don’t
know everything about their tricks”.
Other participants related their inability to ensure
their online security to their lack of security
knowledge. This has been expressed in terms such as
“don't know everything to protect online security”
and “my security knowledge is limited”. In other
instance it was argued that customers can't protect
their online security because there are not educated
from the security point of view:
“I don't have enough expertise to protect my online
security. Everything I know about that is just small
personal effort. We don't have any course or training
about that”.
Also it seemed that many were convinced that
only experts could gain the knowledge that can help
them to protect their security. Another point
emerged from discussing this topic was related to
the role of the other stakeholders in relation to
customers online security. For instance, it was stated
that if the other parties involved in e-Business don't
secure their side it will not be enough to secure the
customer side. Another aspect of stakeholders that
emerged was related to the role of parties such as
government and regulatory bodies in helping
customers to protect their online security.
3.5 Threats within the Online
When asked about buying or selling over the
internet, customers’ responses showed that the idea
was in principle acceptable, moreover, they were
able to identify several potential advantages for e-
Business such as saving time, effort and money.
However, exploring their actual online behaviours
gave the indication that many of them could use
internet for many activities expect those involving
financial transitions. The study results showed that
this reluctance to engage in real e-Business
transaction was partially due to customers’ fear of
being subject to the various security threats
associated with the internet environment. Table 1
shows the list of customers’ perceived threats of the
online environment. Despite the fact that participants
believed the internet is useful, most of them were
unwilling to provide sensitive information over the
internet as they perceived the internet as open and
insecure environment which could expose their
information to different security risks. The following
quote demonstrates this perception:
I don't like to give personal information over the
internet...I like to keep my personal data secret...I believe
that the internet is vulnerable and this could make my
personal information subject to risk”.
Table 1: List of perceived security threats associated with
Threats Description
Online Fraud
A threat of losing money in
transaction includes dishonest
Unauthorised access to
customer’s computers and
Pretending known legitimate
online merchant in order to
deceive customers.
E-mail Theft
Unauthorised access to customer
e-mail account
Credit Card Theft
Gaining access to customer’s
credit card or its information by
unauthorised party.
alicious Software
Harmful applications such as
viruses, spyware, and Trojan
Information Abuse
Using customer’s information in a
way that could lead to unwanted
The study also revealed that this perception was
not only a general fear of the internet environment,
but based on awareness of specific security threats,
as shown in Table 1, that customers fear when
carrying online commercial transactions. In addition
to the common security threats such as hacking
attempts, spying and virus attacks, it was also argued
that there are possibilities for online impersonation,
and deception. One participant argued that “anybody
could create a website and claim that it is
representing a company”. Other expressed their
fears of transacting with dishonest merchants who
might not deliver items, send faulty ones or charge
more that the price shown in the website. These
perceptions were not always based on the customer
personal experience with the merchant, but also on
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
stories of other people who tried to buy product over
the internet.
From the analysis it became clear that both
personal experience with online security threats and
the recommendation/anecdote of other people who
have unpleasant experience with e-Business services
have played an important role in shaping customers
risk perceptions. This online risk perception formed
a barrier which made customers reluctant to provide
personal information online in general or participate
in e-Business transactions in particular.
Absolute security could be unattainable (Audestad,
2005). Yet many actions can be taken to raise its
level in e-Business environment. This research
argues for identifying and understanding the
different security stakeholders, what they are
required to know and what actions need to be taken
to increase security in away that provides
trustworthy e-Business environment. In such an
environment, customers represents a human element
that interacts with technological elements which
have been designed and secured by technologists
who usually don’t pay much attention to understand
the human element and its social setting (Odlyzko,
2003). In contributing to overcome this problem, this
study has aimed to understand the customers’
security related issues. On the basis of the study's
findings it can be argued that many customers’
related aspects need to be considered in order to
elevate e-Business security. These security aspects
include perceptions and concerns as well as
knowledge of and interaction with other
As the study showed, security is considered by
customers as important requirement for e-Business.
This appreciation of the value of security is fostered
by the perceived threats of the electronic
environment and the fear of being subject to these
online threats. The study found that these security
concerns are the major factor for customers reluctant
to engage in e-Business transactions. Prior research
(Flavián & Guinalıú, 2006; Suh & Han, 2003)
acknowledges the strong relation between security
and customers trust feelings which in turn reflect on
their willingness to engage in real online
transactions. Notably, many other factors such
reputation, ease of use and usefulness may affect the
customer trust and decision to transact with
particular online merchant or not. Although the
study acknowledges the important of these factors, it
suggests that security is considered a prerequisite
that needs to be fulfilled before customer considers
the other factors. This conforms with other findings
that security has greater influence on the customer
intention to purchase from e-commerce websites
than ease of use and usefulness of purchasing
products (Salisbury et al., 2001; Lee, 2002).
At the technical level, the limitations &
complexity of the human-made technologies as well
as inability of security systems to provide ultimate
protection for these technologies are one of the
factors that contribute to increase customers’ e-
Business security concerns. All the recent security
reports suggest that vulnerabilities in software are
increasing dramatically. For instance, SANS
@RISK public vulnerabilities database has reported
during 2006-2007 more than 4000 vulnerabilities in
Web applications and other commonly used
applications such as operating systems, office
software and even anti-viruses (SANS, 2009).
Several explanations for this continuous growth
of the software security problems have been
provided by the security research communities.
Security researchers assert that software developers
still lack awareness of secure programming
techniques and secure software design principles,
therefore, vulnerabilities continuo to appear
(Ahmad, D., 2007; Howard, M., 2008). Other
researchers highlight the negative effect of growing
software complexity on security. McGraw (2004)
argues that software security represents a critical
aspect of the security problem. Moreover, he argues
"internet software applications present the most
common security risk encountered today, with
software’s ever-expanding complexity and
extensibility adding further fuel to the fire”. Schneier
(2004) describes complexity as “the worst enemy of
security” because it makes it harder to analysis and
test software which increases the chance that
software will contain security flows. Thus it seems
that all the advances in e-Business applications and
their interesting features, offered to online
customers, are a result of the increased complexity
which in turn affects security.
Our findings show that a specific aspect of
customer's knowledge that needs to be considered is
awareness of companies’ mechanisms to provide
online security. Several security protocols and
components such as digital certificate and secure
socket layer (SSL) have been developed to secure
online transactions. In additional to the protection
that these mechanisms provide, it is assumed that the
existence of these security controls in the company
website will positively affect customers’ security
SECURITY IN E-BUSINESS - Understanding Customers Perceptions and Concerns
perceptions and elevate their trust levels (Srinivasan,
S., 2004). Unfortunately, when customer is unaware
of such controls it is unlikely that they will affect his
security perception. In this case he will have limited
amount of information to assess security and
trustworthiness of online merchant and in case he
decide to make online transaction with particular
merchant, he might depend on other concerns -
appearance, brand name, or just word of mouth -
which are not necessarily related to the actual
security practices of the merchants.
These findings lead us to conclude that
customers concerns about the security of internet
applications are legitimate because they still suffer
from these technical vulnerabilities which create a
barrier to the full engagement in e-Business
transactions, this should/must increase the
motivation on technology vendors to develop their
security skills and practices in order to reduce
security holes in e-Business applications.
These findings confirm Turner (2003)’s study
which suggests that because customers don’t
understand technical security controls their
perceptions of the website security are formed based
on factors such as reputation and recommendation.
However, Turner’s study didn’t highlight the novelty
of our findings. These are the need for
communicating security to customers and building
their awareness of such security controls which
arguably could improve their security assessments in
two significant ways. First, customers' concerns
might be alleviated when they are made aware of
these security controls, and furthermore their
existence might increase their perception that
merchant is secure and trustworthy. Second, we
argue that this knowledge empowers customers' to
have real controls which can be used alongside with
their anecdotal recommendations and common sense
perceptions to assess online merchant security.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies