perceptions and elevate their trust levels (Srinivasan,
S., 2004). Unfortunately, when customer is unaware
of such controls it is unlikely that they will affect his
security perception. In this case he will have limited
amount of information to assess security and
trustworthiness of online merchant and in case he
decide to make online transaction with particular
merchant, he might depend on other concerns -
appearance, brand name, or just word of mouth -
which are not necessarily related to the actual
security practices of the merchants.
These findings lead us to conclude that
customers concerns about the security of internet
applications are legitimate because they still suffer
from these technical vulnerabilities which create a
barrier to the full engagement in e-Business
transactions, this should/must increase the
motivation on technology vendors to develop their
security skills and practices in order to reduce
security holes in e-Business applications.
These findings confirm Turner (2003)’s study
which suggests that because customers don’t
understand technical security controls their
perceptions of the website security are formed based
on factors such as reputation and recommendation.
However, Turner’s study didn’t highlight the novelty
of our findings. These are the need for
communicating security to customers and building
their awareness of such security controls which
arguably could improve their security assessments in
two significant ways. First, customers' concerns
might be alleviated when they are made aware of
these security controls, and furthermore their
existence might increase their perception that
merchant is secure and trustworthy. Second, we
argue that this knowledge empowers customers' to
have real controls which can be used alongside with
their anecdotal recommendations and common sense
perceptions to assess online merchant security.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies