Marios Poulos, Nikos Skiadopoulos and George Bokos
Laboratory of Information Technology, Department of Achives and Library Sciences, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
Keywords: Data mining, AR model, Semantic web, Information retrieval.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new identification technique based on an AR model with a complexity of size
O(n) times in web form, with the aim of creating a unique serial number for texts and to detect authentic or
similar texts. For the implementation of this purpose, we used an Autoregressive Model (AR) 15
and for the identification procedure, we employed the cross-correlation algorithm. Empirical investigation
showed that the proposed method may be used as an accurate method for identifying same, similar, or
different conceptual texts. This unique identification method for texts in combination with SCI and DOI
may be the solution to many problems that the information society faces, such as plagiarism and clone
detections, copyright related issues, and tracking, and also in many facets of the education process, such as
lesson planning and student evaluation. The advantages of the exported serial number are obvious, and we
aim to highlight them while discussing its combination with DOI. Finally, this method may be used by the
information services sector and the publishing industry for standard serial-number definition identification,
as a copyright management system, or both.
A challenging issue rising from the phenomenon of
the enormous increase of data and the requirement
of data integration from multiple sources is to find
near duplicate records efficiently. Near duplicate
records create high similarity to each other;
however, they are not bitwise-matching. There are
many causes for the existence of near duplicate data:
typographical errors, versioned, mirrored, or
plagiarized documents, multiple representations of
the same physical object, spam emails generated
from the same template, etc. (Xiao et al, 2008). In
recent, years many systems have been developed in
order to solve the above problems. Furthermore, in
the internet approach with these strongly dynamic
features, many times articles are published and after
a short period, they are removed from the URL
location. This phenomenon many times lead to
plagiarism practices. For this problem, (Phelps &
Wilensky 2000) propose a less burdensome solution:
compute a lexical signature for each document, or a
string of about five key identifying words in the
document. However, while this idea seems quite
practical, this calculation is very complex and as
shown, the observed complexity is achieved O(n2)
times (Klein & Nelson, 2008), where n is number of
the compared characters. The algorithm of the above
case is dependent upon the intention of the search. In
further detail, these algorithms weighted for Term
Frequency (TF: “how often does this word appear in
this document?”) were better at finding related
pages, but the exact page would not always be in the
top N results. Algorithms weighted for Inverse
Document Frequency (IDF: “in how many
documents does this word appear?”) were better at
finding the exact page but were susceptible to small
frequency changes in the document such as a fixed
spelling (Klein & Nelson, 2008). A common
statistical approach is the structure of text vectors
based on values relating the text, like the frequencies
of words or compression metrics (Lukashenko, et al.
2007). Based on statistical measures, each
document can be described with so-called
fingerprints, where n-grams are hashed and then
selected to be fingerprints (Lukashenko, R., et. al
2007). In brief, the above techniques can be
approximately grouped into two categories:
attribute-counting systems and structure-metric
systems (Chen, et al., 2004).
However, this approach causes many problems
due to the pair-to-pair comparison that increases the
Poulos M., Skiadopoulos N. and Bokos G.
DOI: 10.5220/0002803600890094
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
complexity of the algorithm. Moreover, the lexical
signature or fingerprint marks lead to many
statistical errors. In particular, the similarity ‘s’
measuring between documents (clone detection), a
procedure known as “mental templates” (Baxter,
1998), is an example of a typical error. Briefly, these
algorithms are also implemented using suffix trees,
dynamic pattern matching (DPM) and hash-value
comparison (Chanchal et al., 2009). In detail, the
clones’ software detection deal with the problems of
superfluous brackets which are added in the copied
fragment as it compares only the sequence of tokens
and does not remove brackets before comparison.
In this study, we introduce a new approach for
clone and plagiarism detection using a set of
augmented linear model parameters as features for
improved comparison procedure. The augmented set
of linear model parameters, estimated from the
document, is used as the feature vector upon which
comparison procedure is based.
The objective of this paper is to extract
individual-specific information from a document and
to use this information in the form of appropriate
features to develop a comparison clone detection
method. The advantages of this method are focused
on the decreased complexity of the method; in our
case, this complexity is calculated in the order of
O(n) times. However, the spectral linear filtering of
the document data yields 15 orders’ vector which is
carried by all the features included the superfluous
brackets and symbols. Also, we considered that the
participation of these symbols in processing
procedure influence the semantic interpretation of
each document.
In the comparison stage, we adopted a
conventional cross-correlation procedure in order to
calculate the relation significance between the
vectors. We called the degree of relation of these
vectors the degree of similarity. Thereinafter, for
accurate and verification reasons we published this
algorithm in the web in particular URL location.
Finally, the proposed method was divided into
the following parts:
Pre-processing stage: the characters of a text were
submitted in a conversion to numeric values and a
numerically singular size array (vector) was
Processing stage: analysis of the numeric array via
a well-fitted AR model in order to extract AR
Comparison procedure: the degree of similarity
between the investigated documents are extracted
using cross-correlation technique
Internet implementation of the above stages in
Internet online testing.
2.1 Pre-processing Stage
In this stage, we suppose that a selected text forms
an input vector
(, , , )
, which
represents the characters of the selected text. Then,
using a procedure which converts a symbolic
expression to American Standard Code for
Information Interchange (ASCII) characters in string
arithmetic values, we obtain a numerical value
( , , ... )
, with values ranging
from 1 to 128. In our example, an array of characters
were trialled, and we achieve this conversion by
using the double.m function of the Matlab language.
This function converts strings to double precision
and equates itself by converting an ASCII character
to its numerical representation.
For better comprehension, we provide the
following example via Matlab:
>> S = 'This is a message to test the double
>> double(S)
ans =
Columns 1 through 12
84 104 105 115 32 105 115 32 97
32 109 101
Columns 13 through 24
115 97 103 101 32 116 111 32 116
101 115 116
Columns 25 through 36
32 116 104 101 32 100 111 117 98
108 101 32
Columns 37 through 46
34 99 111 109 109 97 110 100 34
2.2 Processing Stage
The methods employed for signal analysis and
feature extraction, along with the comparison step
by appropriate cross-correlation algorithm are
presented in this section. The section is divided into
four main subsections. In the first subsection, the
choice of an AR model and the estimation of its
parameters are considered. In the second subsection,
“Identification Procedure” the comparison between
selected pairs of texts is developed. Finally, in the
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
third and four subsections, the Internet
Implementation and Experimental Part are
2.2.1 The AR Model – Type and
In order to model the linear component of a text-file
numeric conversion is implemented via a linear,
rational model of the autoregressive type, AR (p), is
fitted to the digitized numeric text (t)
(GEP Box, et al.,
1970). This signal is treated as a superposition of a
signal component (deterministic) plus additive noise
(random). Noise is mainly due to imperfections in
the recording process. This model can be written as
, (1)
is an independent, identically distributed driving
noise process with zero mean and unknown variance
and model parameters {a
, i = 1, 2,..., p} are
unknown constants with respect to time.
It should be noted that the assumption of time
invariance for the model of the text vector can be
satisfied by restricting the signal basis of the method
to a signal "window" or "horizon" of appropriate
The linear model can usually serve as (more or
less successful) approximations, when dealing with
real world data. In the light of this understanding,
the linear is the simpler among other candidate
models in terms of computing spectra, covariance’s,
In this work, a linear model of the specific form
AR(p) is adopted. The choice of the order of the
linear models is usually based on information theory
criteria such as the Akaike Information Criterion
(AIC) (Stone, 1977)
which is given by:
() ( )log 2
AIC r N M r
=− + (2)
N is the length of the data record; M is the maximal
order employed in the model; (N-M) is the number
of data samples used for calculating the likelihood
function; and r is the number of independent
parameters present in the model. The optimal order
r* is the minimiser of AIC(r).
We have used the AIC to determine the order of
the linear part of the model in i.e. the optimal order p
of the AR part of the model. For each candidate
order p in a range of values [pmin, pmax], the
AIC(p) was computed from the residuals of each
record in the ensemble of the EEG records available.
This is because we deal with recordings of real
world data rather than the output of an ideal linear
model. We have thus seen that AIC(p) takes on its
minimum values for model orders p ranging between
10 and 15, record-dependent. In view of these
findings, we have set the model order of the AR part
to p = 15, for parsimony purposes
2.3 Identification Procedure
In this stage the extracted sets of the 15 order AR
C of the vector text are submitted to
the cross-correlation procedure (Morrison, et al.,
1976) see equation (4).
()( )
ii i i
Cx Cx Cy Cy
Cx Cx Cy Cy
In particular, the extracted cross-correlation
coefficient of this procedure is a number between -1
and 1, which measures the degree to which two
variable sets are linearly related. This number we
adopted as a degree of similarity between the
compared texts. The procedure of this comparison is
described as follows according to the following
algorithmic step:
1. Two texts are imported
2. The smaller extent text is selected
3. The degree of similarities (Cross correlation
procedure) of the selected text is tested with equal
size parts of the bigger text using a slight moving
4. The greater degree of similarity is selected of
these multiply comparisons.
2.4 Internet
Implementation-Experimental Part
2.4.1 Internet Implementation
For implementing the algorithm into a widely
accessible web application, we used a Common
Gateway Interface (CGI) (
Robinson, et al. 2004) to
interface the functions (packaged and compiled into
a matlab-executable file) with the web server
running on the Information Technology Laboratory.
The algorithm was compiled and packaged using
Figure 1: Using Matlab’s Deployment Tool to produce a
windows standalone application.
Figure 2: The Web Application.
Matlab’s compiler (see figure1), producing a
Windows 32-bit executable file, which was copied
to the server.
The proposed algorithm was used to produce the
executable file, which handles two separate text files
and compares their serial numbers.
The CGI script was implemented to allow the
user to input the two texts to be identified. It
produces two different serial numbers, the similarity
and outputs them to the user in a suitable HTML
form (see figure2). Through the following Perl
function, the application manages to get the two text
files that the user inputs and saves them in the
server’s directory. Then the Perl script calls the
matlab-executable file, produced earlier, and outputs
the results in a suitable HTML form.
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
my $cgi = CGI->new();
print $cgi->header('text/html');
print $cgi->start_html('Clone and
Plagiarism Text Detection'),
$cgi->h2('Clone and Plagiarism Text
$cgi->p ('Laboratory of Information
Technology ©2009'),
'text1: ',
name=>'text'), $cgi->br,
'text2: ',$cgi->textarea(-
COLS=>100,-ROWS=>10), $cgi->br,
$cgi->end_form, $cgi->p,
open (MYFILE3, ">sample1.txt")or
die $!;
print MYFILE3 $cgi->param('text');
close (MYFILE3);
open (MYFILE4, ">sample2.txt")or
die $!;
print MYFILE4 $cgi->param('text2');
close (MYFILE4);
print "<p>Processing please
my @a = (1);
for my $p (@a) {
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
} elsif ($pid == 0) {
exec ".\\nics.exe" or die
"cannot exec program";
while (wait() != -1) {}
print $cgi->br;
print "<p>\ndone!\n</p>";
print "<p>\nLaboratory of
Information Technology - Ionian
University - Corfu Greece\n</p>";
Finally, the implementation of this application is
available in the URL location http://lit.ionio.gr/
2.4.2 Internet Implementation
In this stage, we distinguish between three (3)
different overlap measures per text:
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
1. Authentication Text - the complete overlap
(degree of similarity =100%) between two equal size
2. Similarity Text - the partial overlap (degree of
similarity>80%) between two equal size texts
3 Different Texts - the partial overlap (degree of
similarity<80%) between two equal size texts.
In the first experiment, we used 50 different texts
for Reuter’s database and for authentication
purposes, we tested a part (sentence) of these texts
and submitted for the original text for example (see
Figure 3)
Figure 3: Comparison test between authentic parts of texts
In this way, we tested the ability of this method
in order to discover the same phrase of an original
text. In total, we tested 100 different cases which
yielded 100% successful results.
In the second experiment, we examined the 50
texts in combination in different pairs each time.
Totally, we executed 2450 tests of the above
combination and all the results gave results less than
In the third experiment, we manually examined
some similar texts per pair. In example, we
examined texts missing a word, or similar
documents differing only by typos, punctuation, or
additional annotations running time. (see Figure 4).
Generally, the entire test showed that the method
has specific sensitivity of the differences of words
which it deals with.
In conclusion, by conducting this study, evidence
appeared that the proposed system recognized the
authentication and the degree of similarity between
pair of texts in different contexts. This method may
Figure 4: Comparison test between similar parts of texts
(with differences in the red words) (http://lit.ionio.gr/
be used in many cases for the existence of near
duplicate data: such as, typographical errors,
versioned, mirrored, or plagiarized documents,
multiple representations of the same physical object,
and spam emails generated from the same template.
As a possible future application, the extracted
feature vector of the proposed spectral analysis may
be used as serial number for identification purposes.
For example, this can be embedded into the suffix of
the DOI system to enable the text retrieval
capabilities through Open-URL queries. This
solution was adopted because the DOI cooperates
perfectly with such metadata information services as
the CROSSREF and the protocol Open-URL.
Specifically, it is known that an Open-URL consists
of a base URL, which addresses the user's
institutional link-server, and a query-string, which
contains the data of this entry, typically in the form
of key-value pairs. Another point of comparison that
may yield guidance addressing issues in lack of
similarity may be to involve the management bodies
of knowledge. Future research, therefore, should be
focused on further investigating the properties of the
method, through experiments with large collections
of documents. This way it will be possible to
extensively evaluate its validity of the algorithm
against a larger sample base and examine the
utilization of DOI as a metadata platform-
cooperation model with other information networks
such as neural networks. Our long term goal is the
adoption of the proposed model as a strategic
component for organizations and libraries for the
identification and control of the authenticity of
electronically published documents on the web.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies