the browser window are automatically resized to fit
the available window.
Other important facilities include easy creation of
collections with files uploaded from the user’s com-
puter, or with selected files from other collections. It
is also a simple matter to add uploaded or transferred
images to a collection, to remove images from collec-
tions (without deleting them from other collections),
or to delete images entirely from the database. A user
can also easily download images to his or her com-
puter, for analysis or advanced editing.
The eHumanities Desktop, within which the Im-
age DB ’lives’, so to speak, is currently used by 110
users organized into 9 groups. The focus of the appli-
cation lies in linguistic applications like PoS Tagging,
lexical chaining and text classification on the one
hand and iconographic research on the other. Users
include researchers (often working in groups), stu-
dents and classroom teachers. The system currently
manages about 10,000 documents of which about
1,700 are fully annotated images. The integration of
a larger image collection of about 50,000 annotated
images is planned in near future.
This article discussed the challenges of annotating im-
ages in the field of iconographic research and how
such requirements could be met using the annotation
system of the eHumanities Desktop. Furthermore the
Image DB has been presented as a snapshot of ongo-
ing work which already implements a good part of the
requirements. Finally we provided information about
how the system is currently used by researchers and
students. Future work will address the implementa-
tion of the graphical user interface for image section
annotation and the development of positional queries.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies