An Architecture for Flexible Annotation in Iconographic Research
R¨udiger Gleim, Paul Warner
Dep. for Computing in the Humanities, Goethe University, Georg-Voigt Straße 4, Frankfurt, Germany
Alexander Mehler
Texttechnology/Applied Computer Science, Bielefeld University, Universit¨atsstraße 25, Bielefeld, Germany
Online resource annotation, Iconography, Crowd sourcing, Resource management, Image database system.
This article addresses challenges in maintaining and annotating image resources in the field of iconographic
research. We focus on the task of bringing together generic and extensible techniques for resource and anno-
tation management with the highly specific demands in this area of research. Special emphasis is put on the
interrelation of images, image segements and textual contents. In addition, we describe the architecture, data
model and user interface of the open annotation system used in the image database application that is a part of
the eHumanities Desktop.
Digital image archives play an important role as a
teaching aid in classrooms in many fields, includ-
ing biology, geography and chemistry. But image
archives also serve scientific research as well, for ex-
ample in the arts and in iconographic research in the
historical sciences. When speaking of a certain dig-
ital image archive the term is usually understood as
a combination of the images themselves and the soft-
ware system delivering them. This tight link is be-
cause the software systems are often specially de-
signed for a specific purpose or are an adaption of a
more general system for a specific purpose. In the
following we therefore distinguish between the Im-
age Database (Image DB) as a structured collection
of images and the Image Database Management Sys-
tem (Image DBMS) as the software system managing
the resources. Both Image DB and Image DBMS con-
stitute an Image Database System (Image DBS). We
focus on systems which are accessible online rather
than on offline variants.
Since image database systems are often developed
or deployed with a specific purpose in mind there are
a vast number of applications which can differ widely
in terms of functionality. Commonly this includes a
basic means to browse and explore images. Usually
some core meta data like name, artist or author, copy-
right information and keywords are included. In ad-
dition, open systems allow for uploading new images
and support tagging images with keywords. A pop-
ular example is Flickr
. There are also a number of
scientific systems like Medical Picture
or the Biol-
ogy Image Library
which fall under that category. In
many usage scenarios this functionality is sufficient.
For scientific research however more elaborate
systems are required which offer extensive meta
data and allow for expressing image interrelations.
Prometheus (Dieckmann (2008)) is a distributed im-
age archive for art history, archeology and the cul-
tural sciences. The project was developed at the
University of Cologne starting in 2001. Its main
target and strength is offering integrated access to
distributed, heterogenous image databases for re-
search and education. Prometheus offers a modern
web-based user interface to organize and search im-
ages. ConedaKOR
is a commercial web-based image
database system for archiving, managing and search-
ing image collections and meta data. It puts special
emphasis on the annotation of image interrelations
and dependencies which can be used for exploring the
Gleim R., Warner P. and Mehler A.
eHUMANITIES DESKTOP - An Architecture for Flexible Annotation in Iconographic Research.
DOI: 10.5220/0002803902140221
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Image database systems, especially very large
ones, require well-annotated images in order to sup-
port search and retrieval, and to avoid ”data graves”
(i.e. stored information that cannot be accessed or
discovered easily). The degree to which meta data
can be annotated depends on the underlying annota-
tion scheme. An annotation scheme defines the data
fields which can be used to describe a given image. In
most usage scenarios the annotation scheme is fixed
and chosen to fit a particular demand. In this article
we propose an approach which puts emphasis on flex-
ibility regarding the annotation schemes. Instead of
promoting a fixed annotation scheme the (authorized)
users of the system should be able to create custom
schemes. Furthermore the annotation schemes should
be extensible or editable as new requirements for an-
notating images arise. We also focus on resource
management. How can the degree of user access to
images, collections and annotations be managed?
Section 2 discusses the challenges of annotating
images in iconographic research. Section 3 intro-
duces the eHumanities Desktop, a web-based system
for resource management and analysis in the human-
ities. We focus on the annotating mechanisms which
the system offers to annotate arbitrary resources and
how they can be used to address the challenges in-
troduced in section 2. Section 3.2 presents the cur-
rent state of the eHumanities Image Database System
which already implements important parts of the pro-
posed functionalities. Finally we give a conclusion
and prospect of future work.
From the point of view of linguistic annotation any
sign aggregate (e.g., a sentence, a paragraph or a
whole text) can be annotated regarding two dimen-
We may segment the aggregate and annotate its
internal structure along various functional, se-
mantic or purely structure-oriented annotation
models. In this case, we deal with intra-aggregate
relations (e.g., intratextual relations as bridging
(Vieira and Poesio, 2000) or meronymic rela-
tions that span logical (e.g., document) structures
(Power et al., 2003)).
Alternatively, we may interrelate the aggregate as
a whole with other aggregates and their segments.
Table 1: The combinatorics of mono- and multimodal rela-
tions specified by intra- and inter-(sign )aggregate relations.
intra-aggregate inter-aggregate
monomodal intratextual relations; intertextual relations;
intrapictorial relations interpictorial relations
multimodal intratextual-intrapictorial text-image relations
segment relations)
In this case we deal with inter-aggregate rela-
tions (e.g., syntagmatic or paradigmatic relations
of lexical units (Hjelmslev, 1969; Barthes, 1977)
and, of course, intertextual relations that are es-
tablished between texts (Thibault, 1997)).
The small spectrum of sign relations that is fun-
damental for the build-up of sign systems (Hjelmslev,
1969) is complemented by the distinction of different
modalities of symbolic and iconographic signs (Kress
and Leeuwen, 1996). In this sense, we can distin-
guish, for example, intra-textual relations of a focal
text that relate its iconographic segments with its tex-
tual segments. Analogously, we may start with an
image to distinguish intra-pictorial relations that in-
terrelate textual segments of an image with some of
its pictorial segments. Finally, we have to distinguish
relations of sign aggregates as a whole that interre-
late signs of the same, or different, modality. In this
sense, we deal with text-text, text-image or image-
image relations (see Table 1 for a summary of the ma-
trix spanned by these options).
From this perspective we can distinguish the fol-
lowing challenges in research on iconographic anno-
Text segmentation: how to automatically seg-
ment texts into their constituents as instances of
functionally or semantically demarcated, recur-
rent segment types (e.g., rhetorical relations, ar-
guments, propositions etc.)?
Image segmentation: how to automatically seg-
ment images into their constituents as instances
of functionallyor semantically demarcated, recur-
rent segment types (e.g., emblems, logos, and less
conventional, but recurrent image components)?
Text linkage: how to automatically interlink texts
(and their segments) with each other along intra-
or intertextual relations?
Image linkage: how to automatically interlink
images (and their segments)with each other along
intra- or interpictorial relations?
Multimodal linkage: finally, how to interlink texts
(and their segments) and images (and their seg-
eHUMANITIES DESKTOP - An Architecture for Flexible Annotation in Iconographic Research
ments) with each other along intermodal rela-
Note that we conceive of image segmentation in
semantic or functional terms in that the resulting seg-
ments are seen to be semantic or functional units.
These are signs in terms of semiotics as they recur in
different texts or images to contribute to their mean-
ing constitution (Peirce, 1934; Eco, 1986).
To the best of our knowledge, these tasks are
still unsolved. That is, we cannot yet automati-
cally segment texts and images, nor can we auto-
matically identify and type their relations. Inter-
estingly, this especially holds for textual units (in
spite of recent advancements in text mining (Feldman
and Sanger, 2007) and text-technology). Although
there are promising approaches to text segmentation
(e.g., (Marcu, 2000)), the automatization of this ef-
fort beyond logical or layout structures is still out of
reach (Stede, 2007) (see Teufel and Moens 2002 for
a promising approach in this area). However, this is
what we need if we want to explore images and their
recurrent components by analogy to semantic text re-
trieval. Consequently, we conceive a kind of image-
related usage semantics, by analogy to a linguistic se-
mantics, in which significant co-occurrences of pic-
torial elements are explored as a reference point of
their paradigmatic relations of mutual substitutability.
Such an approach has been implemented successfully
on the level of words and multi-word units (Miller and
Charles, 1991; Landauer and Dumais, 1997; Rieger,
2001; Heyer et al., 2006). What we plan to do is to
transpose this approach onto the level of images and
text-image relations. That is, we conceive an image
semantics in which pictorial elements serve as types
whose syntagmatic contiguity (or neighborhood) as-
sociations and whose paradigmatic similarity associ-
ations are automatically computed. These are indis-
pensable ingredients of a semantics that can assign a
picture as a whole a meaning which, in turn, is the
starting point for interlinking this picture with a text
that has a similar (paradigmatically associated) or re-
lated (syntagmatically associated) meaning.
At the present time, the only way we see to mas-
ter this challenge is to support the human (i.e., non-
automatic) annotation by text-technological means in
order to gain test data by which machine learning al-
gorithms can be trained to foster the semi-automatic
annotation of these units. On the one hand, this re-
minds one of the paradigm of human computation
(von Ahn, 2006; von Ahn et al., 2006; von Ahn, 2008)
and games with the purpose of image segmentation.
On the other hand, we depart from this paradigm
in that we do not design games, but aim to enable
users to annotate any of the relations mentioned so
far, whether mono- or multimodal, reported in Table
1. The subsequent sections describe our current status
in preparing and supporting these efforts.
Even though computer-based methods are well estab-
lished in many areas of research in the humanities it is
still challenging to bring together resources for anal-
ysis with elaborate tools for information processing.
Often tools are fixed on an input format, are too com-
plex to be used by a broader public, or address a very
specific research problem and cannot be extended.
The eHumanities Desktop (Gleim et al. (2009))
aims at integrating an elaborate resource management
system with easy to use application modules for work
directly on the data. Its scope principally targets all
fields of research in the humanities including for ex-
ample linguistics, the social sciences, and the histor-
ical sciences. The design principle of the system is
to offer the full functionality of both established and
cutting edge processing and analysis methods while
keeping it usable for a broad public. The eHumanities
Desktop is in the line of systems which aim at the in-
tegration of resources and methods in different areas.
Chiarcos et al. (2008) presented ANNIS, a general
framework for integrating annotations from different
tools and tagsets. GATE (Cunningham (2002)) is a
system for flexible text categorization and engineer-
ing. Clarin V´aradi et al. (2008) aim at a large-scale
European research infrastructure to establish an inte-
grated and interoperableinfrastructure of language re-
sources and technologies.
The primary objective during the development of
the system was to achieve a light-weight core system
which is flexible enough to be adapted to virtually any
application, yet powerful enough to allow for mass
data and distributed, concurrent usage. The core func-
tions include user and group management, repository
and document handling and finally their interrelations
in terms of access permissions. The core layer of the
eHumanities Desktop provides a programmatic API
which offers means to control the authorities (users
and groups) and the resources they work on. It is
designed to abstract from internal representation and
storage details. All other components of the system
are designed around this core API. This allows for a
modular design and integration of new features into
the system which stem from various collaborations
and research projects.
Typical usage scenarios include distributed re-
search groups that work collaboratively on shared re-
sources. This requires fine-grained access manage-
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Diagram depicting the master data model of the
eHumanities Desktop.
ment on both resources and applications. Further-
more, sophisticated means are required to organize
documents and repositories. Figure 1 illustrates the
data model. The principal concept is that Authori-
ties have a certain level of Access Permission on Re-
sources. The access permission can be either read,
write, delete or grant, as commonly understood from
widely-used relational database systems or file sys-
tems. An authority can either be a user or a group.
Users can be members of an arbitrary number of
groups and inherit all permissions of those groups.
This allows the system to reflect the demands of com-
plex research teams which access and share resources
in different roles. Resources on the other hand can be
documents, repositories (which help to structure doc-
uments), or functions.
3.1 Architecture for Resource
Elaborate means for resource annotation and queries
are crucial for managing and retrieving resources. A
major challenge when conceiving an annotation sys-
tem for a general purpose platform is the wide range
of applications. Offering a static annotation scheme
like the well known Dublin Core
may be convenient
for specific solutions but not when the system is sup-
posed to be extensible to new requirements. Section
2 discussed the demands of annotating images for use
in iconographic research, which include, for exam-
ple, typed key-value pairs, hierarchical structures, or
typed image interrelations. This section addresses the
technical perspective of how a general purpose anno-
tation architecture could be designed to be extensible,
yet expressive and performant enough to be applied
to specific scenarios like image annotation. The con-
cepts being described are implemented as part of the
eHumanities Desktop.
In the following we distinguish between annota-
tion schemes defining the data fields which can be
used for annotation, and annotation documents which
are instances of specific schemes. The first question
regarding the definition of annotation schemes is what
level of expressiveness should be offered. The more
expressive the data model, the better the general us-
ability for different purposes. But expressiveness is
costly, with a drop in performance when doing re-
trieval, and it also makes it more difficult to offer the
user intuitive means to manage the annotations. A
self-evident option would be to rely on XML Schema
to define the structure of valid annotation documents.
XML Schema is a well-established standard and as
the annotation documents would be represented in
XML they could be processed by a wide range of
standard tools. The drawback of that solution is that
query performance of existing XML database sys-
tems is still not comparable to relational systems- at
least when it comes to data oriented structures. Thus
internally managing annotations as XML documents
would without question be elegant but would slow
down performance. Furthermore it would hardly be
possible to offer an intuitive user interface for defining
annotation schemes to a user who is not accustomed
to XML schemas and their complexity.
We decided on a compromise. The user is of-
fered a graphical interface to define typed data fields,
can organize them hierarchically into trees if desired
and store them as an annotation scheme. Annotation
schemes, which define what data fields are available
for annotating resources, are represented in XML and
based on the Annotation Document Definition
guage. When actually annotating a resource the user
first picks which annotation scheme to use and then
uses an automatically generated form to fill in the
data. Internally both annotation schema and anno-
tation documents are stored in a relational database
which offers good performance for retrieval. How-
ever it is also possible to export both into XML and
process them with other tools.
Now what level of annotation expressiveness is ef-
fectively being offered by the system? An annotation
schema in the eHumanities Desktop is composed of
data fields. A data field has a unique name, descrip-
tion and data type. The data types include strings,
numeric and boolean values, dates, and references to
other resources. Data fields may be filled with mul-
tiple values which can be used for representing key-
words for example. The multiplicity can be restricted
by specifying the lower and upper bound. In some
cases it may be desirable to define a value domain
for a data field. A value domain can be specified by
eHUMANITIES DESKTOP - An Architecture for Flexible Annotation in Iconographic Research
enumerating the possible values. Data fields can be
structured and organized into trees. Note that the pos-
sibility for multiple values for a given data field also
includes root nodes of a data field tree. In that case an
annotation document can contain multiple indepen-
dent instances of that data field tree.
Figure 2: Example of collaborative image annotation.
The master data model of the eHumanities Desk-
top (see figure 1) regards both annotation schemes
and annotation documents as resources. As a con-
sequence they are also subject to access management.
Thus it is possible to control who is able to access
annotations and who is allowed to edit them. Further-
more the data model allows for multiple annotation of
a given resource. That way it is generally possible for
each user to create a separate annotation document.
This approach generally allows for crowd sourcing
image annotations (for example in classroom) and
later on, users could combine or rate the annotations
using measures like inter-annotator agreement for ex-
ample. Figure 2 shows an example of an image being
annotated independently by two different users using
the same annotation document definition. In this ex-
ample the user ’Alice’ has also given ‘Clara’ access
permissions to her annotation.
Section 2 has put emphasis on the annotation of
image sections for subsequent analysis. How could
this be implemented using the annotation mechanisms
of the eHumanities Desktop? An image may contain
an arbitrary number of sections to be annotated. This
would be mapped onto a data field which can occur
multiple times and serve as a root node for all data
fields which are specific for a section. Possible data
fields for a section may include the coordinates defin-
ing the section as well as keywords and other fields
to describe the content. Another approach would be
to regard image sections as independent (sub)images
which can be annotated separately. The sub-image re-
lation would then be represented as a typed reference
between the two images which can also be realized
using the annotation system.
In order to search and retrieve annotated docu-
ments the user is offered a data grid in which he can
choose how to organize, sort and filter resources. An
application which offers managing images and an-
notations as part of the eHumanities Desktop is pre-
sented in the next section.
3.2 Image Database System
The eHumanities Image Database System (or Image
DB for short) is a means for organizing, viewing,
and annotating images. As a part of the eHumani-
ties Desktop, the Image DB benefits from a number
of other modules in the Desktop, such as the sys-
tem, user, and permissions control modules, as well as
the independent corpus management and annotation
modules. Since the eHumanities Desktop is struc-
tured in this way, with independent modules, these
features are then available to other modules as well.
The user and permissions control systems in partic-
ular make the Image DB ideal for use by groups of
collaborators, or in a classroom. Currently, the Im-
age DB is used for research in the field of historical
sciences and as a teaching aid in a university setting.
Images are organized in collections, which are
similar to computer file system directories. This
structure allows for a simple, easy-to-use applica-
tion interface, consisting of a window with three tabs:
start, collections, and images. The start page, viewed
by default when starting the application, displays sys-
tem or group messages, a list of featured collections,
and a display of featured images for the user. These
messages and lists can, in the case of groups, be set
by the administrator or instructor. There is also a list
of recently-viewed collections, so the user can return
easily to ongoing projects. Double-clicking one of the
thumbnail featured images brings up a larger view of
the image in a popup window for better study. The
popup can be resized to enlarge or shrink the image.
Clicking the collections tab opens a window in
two columns. On the left is a list of collections the
user has permission to view, in multiple columns, in-
cluding name, description and any number of anno-
tation attributes. The collections can be sorted or
filtered, or the attributes displayed/hidden, by click-
ing the attribute column header and accessing a drop-
down menu (see figure 3 below). Viewing and fil-
tering by a particular annotation can be done using a
drop down menu at the bottom of the collection list,
where the available annotations are listed. When a
user has many collections, the display is limited by
default to 25, and the rest are available via a pag-
ing toolbar at the bottom. The user can quickly cy-
cle through the complete list, viewing 25 at a time,
by clicking the next or previous buttons on the tool-
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: Screenshot of the images panel, showing the annotations tab and the sort/filter menu.
bar. It is also possible, via another drop down menu in
the pager, for the user to define the number of collec-
tions that are displayed at one time. Menu items, such
as ’new’, ’delete’, and ’share’ are available in a menu
bar at the top and via a contextmenu (opened by right-
clicking the mouse). Since permissions are graded in
the typical way (read, write, delete, and grant), what a
user sees or can edit is subject to fine-grained control.
A user with grant privileges can permit other users
to see or edit collections or images, including select-
ing some (and not necessarily all) images within col-
lections for sharing. Annotations are also subject to
permissions, and can be shared with, or hidden from,
other users.
In the right column, the user can view or edit
information or annotations for a selected collection.
Certain attributes, such as name, description, creation
date, and owner, are available for all collections or im-
ages, regardless of annotation. There are two tabs in
this column, Collection Details’ and ’Annotations’,
for ease of viewing and editing. Selecting a collection
in the left column causes its details to appear in the
right, so one can quickly scan through the collection
list viewing details or annotations, as desired. With
adequate permissions, the user can edit attributes in
these windows, as well.
Annotations are the means of applying search-
able meta-data to the collections (or images), defin-
ing them in user-defined terms or according to pre-
existing definitions. Annotations, as noted above, are
handled by an independent module in the eHumani-
ties Desktop, and are therefore available to any type
of document collection. Annotations are defined by
an annotation definition document (ADD), and mul-
tiple annotations, using one or more ADD’s, can be
applied to a collection or image. This way collabora-
tors or students can view the shared’ annotations of
others as well as their own, and use them for search-
ing and analyzing collections or images.
Searching, or filtering, is available via filters in
the columns in the collection list on the left side of
the page. As mentioned above, one can search by an-
notation attributes by selecting the desired annotation
from the drop down menu at the bottom of the list.
This then makes the attributes of the annotation avail-
able in the attribute columns. Not all are displayed by
default, since some annotations have many attributes;
however, the user can simply select which columns to
display or hide, and use those for searching/filtering.
Filters in multiple columns can be combined, and are
applied in the order selected, to quickly provide a re-
sult set for analysis. If the user selects ’none’ in the
annotations drop down menu, then only the general
attributes, such as name, description, owner, etc., are
available for display, sorting, or filtering.
The interface for the final tab, images, has the
same structure and facilities as the collections tab. Ev-
erything the user learns and becomes accustomed to
in the interface is then transferable between images
and collections. Images of course have the additional
component that they can be viewed and studied, and
they appear in the right side column as one of the
’attributes’ so to speak. Double-clicking the image
opens a popup window, as in the selected images on
the start page, so the user can adjust the image size
for analysis. Images that are too large for viewing in
eHUMANITIES DESKTOP - An Architecture for Flexible Annotation in Iconographic Research
the browser window are automatically resized to fit
the available window.
Other important facilities include easy creation of
collections with files uploaded from the user’s com-
puter, or with selected files from other collections. It
is also a simple matter to add uploaded or transferred
images to a collection, to remove images from collec-
tions (without deleting them from other collections),
or to delete images entirely from the database. A user
can also easily download images to his or her com-
puter, for analysis or advanced editing.
The eHumanities Desktop, within which the Im-
age DB ’lives’, so to speak, is currently used by 110
users organized into 9 groups. The focus of the appli-
cation lies in linguistic applications like PoS Tagging,
lexical chaining and text classification on the one
hand and iconographic research on the other. Users
include researchers (often working in groups), stu-
dents and classroom teachers. The system currently
manages about 10,000 documents of which about
1,700 are fully annotated images. The integration of
a larger image collection of about 50,000 annotated
images is planned in near future.
This article discussed the challenges of annotating im-
ages in the field of iconographic research and how
such requirements could be met using the annotation
system of the eHumanities Desktop. Furthermore the
Image DB has been presented as a snapshot of ongo-
ing work which already implements a good part of the
requirements. Finally we provided information about
how the system is currently used by researchers and
students. Future work will address the implementa-
tion of the graphical user interface for image section
annotation and the development of positional queries.
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