prefix tree solution is 57% faster and 10% more
accurate, on average, than the heuristic solution. In
comparison to Brute Force, it is 10 times faster.
The resulting solution improves the speed and
quality of web-page georeferencing and removes
one bottleneck for creating efficient location-based
search engine as the prototype MOPSI search.
Table 4: Average search times for the address detection.
Time (s)
Number of
Rural municipalities
Brute-Force 3.01 2.43 3.7
Heuristic 1.54 1.15 2.5
Prefix Tree 0.51 0.35 3.7
Urban Municipalities
Brute-Force 10.18 7.11 19.8
Heuristic 1.70 1.24 18.6
Prefix Tree 0.87 0.85 19.8
Brute-Force 6.59 6.40 11.8
Heuristic 1.62 1.20 10.5
Prefix Tree 0.69 0.68 11.8
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