Figure 6: A screenshot of the current beta-version of the
online visual web site assessment tool. For this Dutch news
site the topic is correctly classified, its recency is misclassi-
fied as ’old’. The correctness of the aesthetic classification
(ugly) can be debated.
The web page is then retrieved and classified in three
dimensions, corresponding to those presented in sec-
tions 4-6. For this we use the best models learned
from the data presented here. The three classes are
presented to the user. An example output for an an-
alyzed page is: ”your website looks like a beautiful,
new celebrity website”, which depending on the ac-
tual type of the page might or might not be a good
We also included a feedback feature on the web-
site where the user can reinforce or correct the clas-
sifications. This information is then used to update
the models iteratively. We are currently looking at
possible expansions of this online tool. The analysis
of the visual appearance of a web page can be com-
bined with analysis based on textual content, techno-
logical implementation, functionalities or usage data.
Another possible expansion of the tool’s functional-
ity is that users can define their own web site topics.
Through this web site we are looking towards gaining
much more data and user evaluations of that data.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies