Mario Ivkovic and Martin Centner
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK), Graz University of Technology, Austria
Affirmative statements, Citizen cards, e-Government, Identity metasystem, Information cards.
E-government services require strong methods of identification and authentication in order to protect personal
rights and to comply with corresponding laws. The requirements for the authentication process can be ful-
filled by electronic signatures. Identification in e-government applications often relies on government-issued
identifiers provided by electronic identity (eID) cards. An eID card with signature creation capabilities is
typically called Citizen Card. The Information Cards technology, a recently introduced user-centric identity
management framework, gains more and more importance if the field of eID. Expecting a high importance
of Information Cards in the future, it would be very reasonable to utilize them for e-government services. In
this paper we present an approach to use Citizen Cards together with Information Cards for identification and
authentication in e-government services.
The Identity Metasystem concept gains more and
more importance in the field of eID. For several rea-
sons we think that Information Cards and the Identity
Metasystem will play an important role in the near
future. The first reason is that Information Cards is
an open standard which is the basis for a wide distri-
bution. OASIS published version 1.0 of the Identity
Metasystem Interoperability (IMI) standard in July
2009. The second indicator for a possible success is
the increasing number of implementations. Despite
Microsoft’s CardSpace, which was the first available
implementation on the market, several other vendors
released their commercial and non-commercial Iden-
tity Metasystem products (e.g. Novell’s DigitalMe
IBM’s Higgins
, Azigo
, etc.). The third important
reason is the industry interest. On the one hand, some
editors of the OASIS standard represent big market
players and on the other hand, the so-called Informa-
tion Card Foundation
including industry leaders with
the aim to advance the use of Information Cards has
been created.
Expecting the wide distribution of the Identity
Metasystem in the future, it would be very reason-
able to utilize it for e-government services. Iden-
tification and authentication in e-government appli-
cation often relies on government-issued identifiers
provided by eID cards with signature creation capa-
bilities. This combination of eID card and signature
creation device is typically called Citizen Card. The
goal is now to combine identification and authenti-
cation mechanisms provided by Citizen Cards with
the Information Cards technology. Unfortunately, for
several reasons this cannot be done directly. Some
e-government services for example, call for written
statements signed by the user with a qualified elec-
tronic signature which is not supported by the OASIS-
IMI specification. Furthermore, in some countries it
is not intended that providers of government-issued
identifiers are directly involved in the identification
process. In other words, because of several reasons
some countries don’t want to conduct an IdP as de-
fined in OASIS-IMI. OASIS-IMI supports self-issued
identifiers and identifiers issued by an IdP during
the identification process. However, the IMI pro-
tocol does not support the required pre-issued gov-
ernmental identifiers. Additionally, OASIS-IMI only
describes the usage of the RSA signature algorithm.
Many Citizen Cards (e.g. the Austrian Citizen Card)
use other algorithms, which would result in interoper-
ability issues.
In this paper we show how this issues can be
solved by our new introduced Affirmative Statement
Ivkovic M. and Centner M.
DOI: 10.5220/0002804203330339
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Claim. The Affirmative Statement Claim contains a
statement in natural language signed by the user with
a qualified electronic signature. The signed Claim
also contains the required government-issued identi-
fier. The Affirmative Statement Claim can be added
like any other Claim without the need to change the
existing specification or implementations. To verify
our approach we have extended an existing imple-
mentation and successfully tested with existing ser-
vice providers and a self-written service provider.
Having solved these problems, Information Cards
can help to improve or enhance existing solutions. On
the one hand we consider general aspects of Informa-
tion Cards where existing eID solutions can benefit
from and on the other hand we consider features and
characteristics that could enhance the Austrian eID
landscape in particular.
Same Look&Feel for Users: The Austrian eID so-
lution, like other national eID implementations, is
partly based on specially developed identification
and authentication protocols (see Section 2). If
the Information Card technology could be used
for e-government purposes, people would have
only one means for identification and authenti-
cation. They could then use the same technol-
ogy for Austrian e-government services as well
as for private-sector services already utilizing the
OASIS-IMI protocol.
No Additional Software for Users Required: Not
least because of mobility reasons (e.g. access to
services in internet cafes or at kiosks), it is very
appropriate to avoid the need for specific software
on the client side to access a service. Identity
Metasystem implementations that are already
integrated into the operating system, could help
to clear this hurdle.
No Additional Software for Relying Parties
Required: A Relying Party (RP) offering a ser-
vice usually wants to have wide appeal, but do
not want to implement a wealth of identification
and authentication protocols. Moreover, it is
not very likely that global service providers will
implement national solutions. Therefore, the
application of Information Cards could be a way
towards the propagation of national eID solutions.
Card Roll-out: In Austria the penetration of cards
that can be used as Citizen Card is very high
(e.g. approximately 8.5 million
social security
cards and more than 7 million bank cards
). If
the Austrian eID solution could be combined with
According to
According to
the OASIS-IMI protocol, service providers would
have a high number of potential users.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In the
next section we describe the requirements on elec-
tronic signatures to fulfill the needs for identifica-
tion and authentication in e-government applications
and we briefly explain the Austrian Citizen Card con-
cept. The third section of this paper describes the con-
cept of Information Cards and the underlying Identity
Metasystem. Starting from the idea and the evolution
of the Identity Metasystem, we explain the main con-
cepts behind it and describe the protocol flow of a typ-
ical authentication process. In the fourth section (Af-
firmative Statements), we present how the Austrian
Citizen Card could be used with Information Cards
for identification and authentication in e-government
services. In the last section, we finalize the paper with
some conclusions.
E-Government services such as services that pro-
vide access to personal and sensitive data usually
require strong methods of identification and authenti-
cation in order to protect personal rights and to com-
ply with corresponding laws.
Electronic signatures provide this means of iden-
tification and authentication in many electronic au-
thentication schemes. The EU Directive on electronic
signatures (Directive 1999/93/EC, 1999) defines a le-
gal framework for electronic signatures. This Direc-
tive has been adopted into national legislation by all
EU Member States. It defines special requirements
for advanced electronic signatures, qualified certifi-
cates and secure signature-creation devices. Ad-
vanced electronic signatures based on a qualified cer-
tificate created with a secure signature-creation device
(hereafter referenced to as qualified signatures) sat-
isfy the same legal requirements as handwritten sig-
natures and are admissible as evidence in legal pro-
The EU Directive on services in the internal mar-
ket (Directive 2006/123/EC, 2006) requires Member
States to ensure that foreign service providers wish-
ing to provide their services in the respective Member
State are able to complete all procedures and formal-
ities at a point of single contact. As the Service Di-
rective calls for providing electronic means for com-
pleting procedures and formalities, the recognition of
qualified signatures by foreign EU Member States is
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
of ever-growing importance.
Considering the above mentioned EU Directives
qualified signatures can be a very strong instrument
for identification and authentication with recognition
by foreign EU Member States. They are therefore
very well suited for identification and authentication
in e-government services.
Identification in e-government applications usu-
ally relies on government-issued identifiers. Such an
identifier may be based on the social insurance num-
ber, the tax account number, the number in the register
of residents, etc. – whatever allows to uniquely iden-
tify a citizen or legal entity. The identifier provided
to a particular service may also be a derived identifier
that uniquely identifies a citizen within a specific sec-
tor of public administration but is different from the
identifiers used in other sectors. Such sector specific
identifiers were introduced in some countries (e.g. in
Austria) to prevent systematic correlation of personal
data from different sectors of public administration.
Government-issued identifiers may be provided
by electronic identity cards. Such electronic identity
cards are often implemented as smart cards that also
act as secure signature-creation device for creating
qualified signatures. The combination of electronic
identity card and secure signature-creation device is
often called Citizen Card.
The Austrian E-Government Act (EGov-Act,
2004) defines a Citizen Card as a logical unit, in-
dependent of its technical implementation that com-
bines qualified electronic signatures with an Identity
Link. The Identity Link provides a mechanism for
electronic identification by linking a qualified certifi-
cate to the citizen’s government-issued identifier (the
so-called source PIN derived from the citizen’s num-
ber in the register of residents). The source PIN may
never directly be used as identifier in e-government
services. Instead, a sector-specific personal identifier
has to be derived from the source PIN.
Two major types of Citizen Cards are currently
available in Austria: Citizen Cards based on smart
cards such as the electronic health insurance card,
bank cards and other electronic signature cards and
Citizen Cards based on mobile phones for authoriz-
ing a server generated electronic signature.
All Austrian Citizen Card implementations pro-
vide their functions via a common interface (Security
Layer) specified in the Austrian Citizen Card spec-
ification (Hollosi and Karlinger, 2004). Smart card
based implementations require a software (called Cit-
izen Card Environment) to externally offer the Secu-
rity Layer interface. Such software is available from
different vendors and has to be installed on the citi-
zen’s PC. In addition, one implementation is available
that does not require the installation on the citizen’s
PC but is provided by a server and uses a lightweight
component, executed in the citizen’s browser, to ac-
cess the smart card.
The Security Layer interface is designed to be di-
rectly accessible by applications on the citizen’s PC
or by web applications via the citizen’s web browser.
For this purpose the Security Layer interface provides
a simple XML based protocol over an HTTP inter-
Identification and authentication with the Austrian
Citizen Card involves two steps:
1. Deriving a sector specific identifier, reading and
validating the Identity Link.
2. Creating and validating a qualified signature.
The first step serves as method for electronic iden-
tification based on sector specific identities as dis-
cussed above. The second step provides authentica-
tion, based on a qualified signature.
The Austrian Electronic Signature Act (Sig-G,
1999) demands that the secure signature-creation de-
vice must not prevent the signatory from viewing the
data to-be signed. Therefore, for any data to-be signed
a meaningful way of displaying it to the signatory
must exist. Authentication based on Austrian Citizen
Cards fulfils this requirement by requesting the citi-
zen to sign a text written in natural language. The text
may look like this:
I name and date of birth apply for access to
the service with my electronic signature.
Sector specific personal identifier
Date and time instant
Some e-government services have additional legal re-
quirements that must be fulfilled. Some services for
example call for written statements. As discussed at
the beginning in this section, qualified signatures are
able to fulfil the same legal requirements as hand-
written signatures. Therefore, electronic applica-
tions signed with qualified signatures are able to meet
the requirements of written form. The needs of E-
Government services that require written form for ac-
cess (e.g. services that provide access to personal and
sensitive data) could be met by providing appropriate
text to be signed with a qualified signature.
The idea to develop a new identity system was born
in order to banish the use of passwords together with
all its disadvantages from the Web. Therefore, Kim
Cameron, nowadays the Chief Architect of Identity
in the Identity and Security Division at Microsoft,
started a blog
to publicly discuss the issues and
requirements for a possible solution. Out of this
long and extensive discussion he extracted the widely
known 7 laws of identity and described the concept of
the Identity Metasystem, a user-centric identity man-
agement framework (Cameron, 2005).
From a user’s point of view, the Identity Meta-
system serves as digital equivalent of a wallet which
is filled with various types of documents represent-
ing the user’s identity (e.g. identity card, driving li-
cense, credit card, . . . ). During an identification pro-
cess the user is able choose which identity document,
and thus, which identity data to disclose. The digital
equivalent of an identity document within the Identity
Metasystem is called Information Card.
The Identity Metasystem has been designed as a
system of systems and it is not based on any specific
technology (Cameron, 2005):
”We need a unifying identity metasystem
that can protect applications from the inter-
nal complexities of specific implementations
and allow digital identity to become loosely
coupled. This metasystem is in effect a sys-
tem of systems that exposes a unified interface
much like a device driver or network socket
does. That allows one-offs to evolve towards
standardized technologies that work within a
metasystem framework without requiring the
whole world to agree a priori.
The concept of the Identity Metasystem has been then
taken up by OASIS
and the Identity Metasystem
Interoperability (IMI) technical committee has been
formed to develop an open and public standard. Ver-
sion 1.0 of the Identity Metasystem Interoperability
standard has been published in July 2009 (OASIS-
IMI, 2009). All remaining descriptions and deliber-
ations of this paper refer to the OASIS standard.
In the following, the basic concepts and involved
parties that are necessary for the following protocol
description and this paper in general are described.
Subject. A Subject is a person or entity that wants to
use a service offered by an RP. A subject owns a
Digital Identity.
Identity Provider. An Identity Provider (IdP) is an
entity that issues Digital Identities to Subjects.
An IdP could be a government agency that issues
Digital Identities to the citizens, or a credit card
provider for example. It is also possible that a
OASIS, Organization for the Advancement of Struc-
tured Information Standards,
Subject issues a Digital Identity to itself, which
is then called a self-issued identity.
Relying Party. An RP is an entity offering a service
to Subjects and relies on Digital Identities.
Information Card. An Information Card is a visual-
ization of a Subject’s Digital Identity.
Claim. A Claim is a specific information about a
Subject asserted by an IdP. Typical Claims are a
person’s given name, last name or date of birth.
Digital Identity. A Digital Identity is a set of Claims
concerning a particular Subject.
Security Token. A Security Token is basically the
representation of an asserted Digital Identity that
contains a set of Claims. Typically, a Security To-
ken is encoded as a SAML v1.1 Assertion
Figure 1 shows the basic communication steps of an
authentication process using the OASIS-IMI protocol.
In this example a Subject wants access to a restricted
service offered by an RP
1: WS-Mex
5: WS-Security
3: WS-Mex
2: Select
4: WS-Trust
1: WS-Mex
4: WS-Security
2: Select
3: Create
Figure 1: Illustration of the OASIS-IMI identification pro-
tocol flow.
In Step (1), the Subject and the RP negotiate the pol-
icy that should be applied for this authentication pro-
cess using WS-MetadataExchange (K. Ballinger et
Security Assertion Markup Lan-
guage (SAML) v1.1, http://www.oasis-
Please note that this protocol description relates to the
generic protocol flow using WS-* protocols between all par-
ties. In case a user wants to access a restricted Web site us-
ing a Web browser, which typically doesn’t support WS-*
protocols, the protocol flow differs from this one. In such a
case the communication between browser and RP would be
plain HTTP or HTTPS, respectively (OASIS-IMI, 2009).
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
al., 2006). The policy itself is in turn defined using
WS-Policy (S. Bajaj et al., 2006). Based on the re-
ceived policy the Subject selects an Information Card
and thus the Digital Identity that should be disclosed
in Step (2). The component that holds the Informa-
tion Cards and allows to choose which identity should
be disclosed is called Identity Selector or Card Se-
lector. The selected card, in case it is not a per-
sonal card (a card representing a self-issued digital
identity), contains the information that is necessary
to contact the responsible IdP. In Step (3), the Sub-
ject, or to be precise the Identity Selector on behalf
of the Subject, negotiates the policy with the IdP,
again using WS-MetadataExchange and WS-Policy.
The Subject requests a Security Token based on the
previously received policy using WS-Trust (OASIS
WS-Trust, 2007) in Step (4). In order to request
the token, the Subject needs to authenticate to the
IdP. In the OASIS-IMI standard, four different au-
thentication mechanisms are defined. These are user-
name and password, kerberos v5 credential, X.509
certificate credential, and a self-issued Security To-
ken (OASIS-IMI, 2009). A self-issued Security To-
ken is a Security Token issued by the subjects Card
Selector using a personal card and not by an IdP as
in case of a managed card. In Step (5), the Subject
transmits the received Security Token to the RP using
WS-Security (A. Nadalin et al., 2004). After receiv-
ing the Security Token the RP verifies the token and
grants access to the desired service.
The previous sections gave an introduction to Infor-
mation Cards, identification and authentication in e-
government and the Austrian Citizen Card. In this
section we will present our approach to use a Citizen
Card together with Information Cards for identifica-
tion and authentication in e-government services.
Our aim is to combine the strong means of au-
thentication attained by qualified electronic signatures
and identification provided by a Citizen Card with
the common user experience of Information Cards.
Therefore, it is desirable to have the user’s Citizen
Card appearing as just another card in the Card Se-
lector, such that the Citizen Card may be used in a
manner similar to the use of any other information
A Citizen Card carries the same information that
is also typically available with Information Cards.
Given name, family name and date of birth are Claims
often required by RPs. In addition the qualified cer-
tificate on the Citizen Card often includes the signa-
tory’s e-mail address – another Claim that is typically
required by RPs. For RPs providing e-government
services, the most important Claim will however be
the government-issued identifier (or an derived iden-
tifier as discussed in section 2).
As already mentioned Citizen Card based identi-
fication relies on pre-issued identities. The only third
party interaction required upon identification and au-
thentication is obtaining revocation status informa-
tion for the qualified certificate. There is no identity
provider involved in the identification and authentica-
tion process.
The Information Card model introduces the con-
cept of self-issued Security Tokens for authentication
without third-party IdP interaction. In the Information
Card model, as defined in OASIS-IMI (OASIS-IMI,
2009), self-issued Security Tokens always base on
self-asserted identities. We are however going to use
self-issued Security Tokens to provide government-
issued, and therefore government-asserted and not
self-asserted, identity to the RP.
Security Tokens are signed by the issuer before
they are used for authentication at the RP. As our aim
is to use qualified electronic signatures for authentica-
tion, at a first glance it seems obvious to apply a qual-
ified electronic signature directly on the self-issued
Security Token. Considering the following issues we
have however chosen to follow a different approach.
OASIS-IMI does not describe the usage of signa-
ture algorithms other than RSA. However, many
Citizen Cards use different signature algorithms
(e.g. ECDSA). Therefore, using such signature
algorithms would most likely result in interoper-
ability issues with existing RP implementations.
As discussed in section 2, national implementa-
tions of the Signature Directive require that the
signatory must have the ability to view the data
before signing. However, there is no standard rep-
resentation of a Security Token in a form mean-
ingful for an end user. Transformation of the Se-
curity Token in an end user readable form before
signing would violate the OASIS-IMI specifica-
tion and would therefore again result in incom-
patibility to existing RP implementations.
For the given reasons we have decided to define a
new Affirmative Statement (ASt) Claim. The Claim
includes a statement in natural language similar to the
one shown at the end of section 2 and has to be signed
by the user with a qualified signature for the following
authentication process. The ASt Claim also includes
the government-issued identifier (either the identifier
itself or a derived identifier thereof). This generated
Claim is added to a self-issued Security Token, which
is then signed as specified in OASIS-IMI (see Figure
2). Therefore, a token-signing key has to be derived
from the secret master key of the corresponding infor-
mation card. If this master key in turn is derived from
a secret property of the Citizen Card, there is no need
to store any information about the Citizen Card in the
Card Selector. Thus, a Citizen Card backed Informa-
tion Card behaves just like a roaming card, which may
be easily used with different Card Selectors without
the need to transfer information.
Self-Issued Security Token
E-Mail Address
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Affirmative Statement
I Max Mustermann, born
11/11/1911 apply for
access to the secured
service with my electronic
10/23/2009 11:36
Qualified electronic
signed according to IMI
Figure 2: Self-issued Security Token with an Affirmative
Security Tokens with the additional ASt Claim can
be processed as regular tokens by standard RP imple-
mentations.The Affirmative Statement Claim can be
retrieved from the RP implementation like any other
Claim. It is now the responsibility of a Citizen Card
aware service to validate the Affirmative Statement
Claim and extract the government-issued identifier.
Of course this moves some responsibility to the ser-
vice implementation. However, RPs which do not re-
quire this additional Affirmative Statement Claim can
simply ignore it and treat the token like a regular self-
asserted Security Token.
Card Selector implementations must be extended
to support the introduced Affirmative Statement
Claim. They need to be able to retrieve the required
information from the Citizen Card and means for re-
questing the user to sign the Affirmative Statement
with a qualified electronic signature. To verify our
approach and to gain experience we have extended
a Card Selector provided by the Higgins Project.
Higgins offers several Card Selector implementations
(e.g. GTK and Cocoa Selector, Firefox-Embedded
Selector, iPhone Selector, Android Selector, . . . ). Be-
cause of existing Java libraries for the required Citi-
zen Card interaction, we have decided to extend the
Higgins Java RCP Card Selector
Figure 3: Citizen Card as Personal Card within the Higgins
Card Selector.
To adapt the Higgins RCP Selector for our needs,
we have implemented an additional Personal Card,
in our case called Citizen Card, (see Figure 3) that
supports the ASt Claim. If an RP requests an ASt
Claim, the extended selector highlights the Citizen
Card Information Card as supported card. In case
the user selects this card, a Security Layer request
(see Section 2 is submitted to retrieve the first name,
last name, and date of birth stored on the user’s Cit-
izen Card. After retrieving this information the user
can decide whether to transmit this card or not. If
the user then decides to transmit this card by pressing
the submit button, a second Security Layer request is
generated and sent to the Citizen Card. With this re-
quest the user creates an Affirmative Statement with
an applied qualified electronic signature as described
above. This Affirmative Statement is then packed into
the Security Token which in turn is signed according
to the OASIS-IMI specification and transmitted to the
RP. Figure 4 illustrates the protocol flow described
1: WS-Mex
5: WS-Security
3: WS-Mex
2: Select
4: WS-Trust
1: WS-Mex
4: WS-Security
2: Select
3: Create
Figure 4: Protocol flow with Affirmative Statements.
11 Selector 1.0
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
With the presented approach it is possible to use In-
formation Cards for identification and authentication
with a Citizen Card without requiring any changes to
the underlying protocols. RP implementations do not
need to be aware of the Affirmative Statement Claim
but need only to be able to hand it over to the applica-
tion for further processing. Card Selectors however,
must be extended to support Citizen Card backed In-
formation Cards. While such integration is not pro-
vided in standard Card Selectors, the user may de-
cide to install an extended Citizen Card enabled Card
Selector as discussed above. However, it would be
possible to integrate standard support for Affirmative
Statements in Card Selectors on the same bases as sig-
nature creation devices in different operating systems.
Our concept of an Affirmative Statement Claim
that solves the issues with existing e-government ser-
vices has been proposed to the OASIS-IMI techni-
cal committee. OASIS added this Claim to their list
of issues and the need for an Affirmative Statement
Claim has been discussed and perceived in the techni-
cal committee.
The reliability and trustworthiness of an IdP is es-
sential for the security of authentication schemes re-
quiring IdP interaction. The approach we presented
does not involve IdP interaction but uses qualified sig-
natures for authentication. Thus, it relies on a well
established legal framework as well as a system for
accreditation and supervision of certification authori-
ties. Therefore, RPs do not need to establish trust to
any further parties.
The presented approach also provides Information
Cards with a high degree of portability. A Citizen
Card may be used with any supporting Card Selector
without the need of prior information transfer.
A. Nadalin et al. (2004). Web Services Security:
SOAP Message Security 1.0. http://docs.oasis-
Cameron, K. (2005). The Laws of Identity.
Directive 1999/93/EC (1999). Directive 1999/93/EC
of the European Parliament and of the Coun-
cil of 13 December 1999 on a Community
framework for electronic signatures. http://eur-
Directive 2006/123/EC (2006). Directive 2006/123/EC
of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 12 December 2006 on ser-
vices in the internal market. http://eur-
EGov-Act (2004). The Austrian E-Government Act
Federal Act on Provisions Facilitating Elec-
tronic Communications with Public Bodies.
Hollosi, A. and Karlinger, G. (2004).
The Austrian Citizen Card.
K. Ballinger et al. (2006). Web Services Meta-
data Exchange (WS-MetadataExchange), Version
OASIS-IMI (2009). Identity Metasystem Interoperability,
Version 1.0, OASIS Standard. http://docs.oasis-
OASIS WS-Trust (2007). WS-Trust 1.3, OASIS Standard.
S. Bajaj et al. (2006). Web Services Policy Framework
(WS-Policy), Version 1.2. http://
Sig-G (1999). Bundesgesetz
uber elektronische Signaturen
(Signaturgesetz SigG). available in German only,
http:// GeltendeFassung.wxe?
Abfrage = Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=