messages, consisting of 1215 offline messages and
8177 chat messages from online team conferences.
The variables for team and individual evaluation
were based on message analysis and derived
indicators. The analysis showed which indicators
were important to tutor, but undervalued by self-
analysis and vice versa. The correlation analysis of
the variables showed the strongest relationship
between tutors’ grade to the number of messages of
organizational type and submitting individual tasks.
Therefore, grade could not reveal the efforts of the
learner in the sphere of offering ideas or helping to
realize them inside the team. These characteristics
were better noticed by the team members and
expressed by self-evaluation characteristics. The
selected weight for self-evaluation was set to 60%.
The experimental research of the variables,
measured during the teamwork gave wider spread of
marks between the 40 individual learners, than by
applying conventional evaluation approach.
The project grade of the 7 teams varied from
6.536 to 9.786. The teamwork compound, which
involved factors of the virtual team work dimension,
was evaluated from 5.681 to 9.321. The individual
evaluation coefficient, consisting of inputs, efforts
and role acting components, weighted by 40% and
self-evaluation component (weight 60%) varied
among members from 0.514 to 1.444 (average=1).
The final individual marks of team members varied
from 0.292 to 1.33, and it allowed to conclude, that
the evaluation of the individual members of the
virtual team project by the suggested approach of
balanced evaluation revealed more sensitively the
efforts of the learners, than by sharing the project
result for all team and adjusting it by individual
grade, expressing active efforts of the learner.
The suggested evaluation method helped learners
to understand both his individual impact to the team
work and his acceptance by the team members and
lead to deriving final grade with the clearly
described quantitative measures of the four
The suggested method is based on the balanced
scorecard concept, applied for virtual teamwork
evaluation along analysed dimensions of the
teamwork. It allowed us to estimate performance
indicators, not only by measuring efforts of teams or
individuals by finding specific variables of virtual
communication., but also by revealing their causal
relationships to the final outcome of the virtual
project work. The balanced values are included to
the compound grade for individual performance
evaluation, which is designed by calculating the
teamwork grade and multiplying it to individual
performance coefficient.
These evaluation compounds consist of grades,
not only assigned by tutor, but also by estimating
individual and team input variables and the results of
internal self-assessment of the virtual team
members. The experimental data of the real virtual
teamwork was applied for analysis of the quality of
suggested method, aimed to ensure that the final
grade of the project assessment reveals the
individual progress of each learner related to team
The four compound approaches helps to solve
the difficult problem of forecasting of the project
outcome, as the team grade is put only after
completing whole project. As the individual
indicators are accumulated starting from the
beginning of the virtual project, they can encourage
learner to spread efforts during all project period for
getting both better individual and team grade. The
suggested assessment procedure leads to deriving
final grade with the clearly described quantitative
measures. The virtual team members' can realize his
impact to the team work and his effort acceptance by
the team members.
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