Towards Instantaneous Recommenders
Armelle Brun and Anne Boyer
LORIA-Nancy University, 615, rue du jardin botanique, 54506 Vandœuvre les Nancy, France
Recommender systems, m-Commerce, Computation time, Real-time, Usage mining, Association rules.
Recommendation technologies have traditionally been used in domains such as e-commerce to recommend
resources to customers so as to help them to get the right resources at the right moment. The interest of model-
based collaborative filtering, as sequential association rules, in recommender systems has highly increased
over the last few years. These models are usually presented as real-time recommenders. In the last few years,
the m-commerce domain has emerged, that displays recommendations on the mobile device instead of the
classical screen of the computer. In this paper user privacy preservation is an important objective and one way
to be compliant with this constraint is to store the recommender on the mobile-side. Though model-based
recommenders are real-time, many of them require a significant time to generate recommendations to users
and may not be real-time anymore when implemented on a mobile device. Although some works focused on
the way to decrease the time required to compute recommendations, the computation complexity still remains
relatively high. We put forward a new incremental recommender to get instantaneous recommendations when
exploiting usage mining recommender systems in the framework of m-commerce.
The democratization of the Internet and network tech-
nologies has resulted in an increase in the volume of
information easily accessible. However, this profu-
sion of information leads to unsatisfied users as they
cannot get easily the information they search. A crit-
ical issue of Web applications is thus the incorpora-
tion of mechanisms for delivering information that
fits user attempts to increase their satisfaction. In e-
commerce or m-commerce environments, it is a way
to increase both customer fidelity and the selling rate
of the (web) stores.
Recommender systems (RS) are such a mecha-
nism, they provide users with personalized recom-
mendations on products based on either the knowl-
edge about users or their past behavior.
To build a RS based on users’ past behavior, one
can either analyze the content of the previously ac-
cessed resources by the active user (the content-based
approach) or use the information about which re-
sources have been accessed by which users, called
collaborative filtering (CF).
CF algorithms can be classified into memory-
based and model-based algorithms (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005). Memory-based RS face a scalabil-
ity problem. Model-based RS cope with this scala-
bility problem due to their off-line computation part.
In recent years, the interest of data mining models in
the framework of RS (Bozdogan, 2004) has highly in-
creased. In this paper we are interested in data min-
ing models and specifically the well-known associa-
tion rules.
In model-based approaches the computation time
is however still a question: can recommendations be
really provided within a small time?
Model-based and particularly data mining-based
RS are often presented as real-time RS (Huang et al.,
2006). What is a real-time system ? A real-time sys-
tem “updates information at the same rate as it re-
ceives data”
. In RS, the data received is the set of
user consultations. New data is thus available each
time the active user consults a resource. Thus, a real-
time RS is able to compute recommendations within
two resource consultations of a given user.
RS are usually implemented on the server-side,
they may however be implemented on the client-side.
In mobile-commerce (m-commerce) for example, the
Brun A. and Boyer A.
DOI: 10.5220/0002807801010106
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
RS can be implemented on the mobile. We consider
in thus work that privacy preservation is an important
feature to make users use a RS. Implementing RS on
the client-side has the advantage of preserving user
privacy, we thus choose to implement the RS on the
M-commerce can be defined as follows “m-commerce
applications not only cover the electronic commerce
applications, but also include applications that can
be performed at any time and from anywhere by us-
ing mobile computing technology” (Hu et al., 2006).
M-commerce is a recent application domain that has
emerged in the last decade, due to improvement of
mobile terminal capability, increase of bandwidth,
wireless and mobile networks. The research in recom-
mendation algorithms for mobile commerce has thus
also been accelerated (Tarasewich, 2003).
As m-commerce and e-commerce have a lot in
common, we are interested in studying the exploita-
tion of the well-known RS from e-commerce in the
m-commerce domain. Nevertheless, mobiles have
several limitations as a low computation capacity, in-
put/ouput facilities and memory. Due to the computa-
tion limitation, one can ask if RS are real-time when
implemented at client-side.
To answer this question, we specifically focus on
the exact way data mining models compute recom-
mendations and put forward a new incremental RS to
get instantaneous recommendations.
Section 2 presents RS in m-commerce and de-
scribes our scenario of application. Section 3 is an
overview of the SAR-based RS. Section 4 is inter-
ested in works about the improvement of the com-
putation time in data mining RS. The next section
presents the way recommendations are computed in
SAR-based RS. Then, we suggest a new incremental
RS that reduces the computation time. The last sec-
tion concludes and presents perspectives.
2.1 RS in m-Commerce
Related to the success of RS in e-commerce, person-
alized RS are now emerging in m-commerce. The
application domains are wide and varied, as tourism
or restaurant recommendations (Wan, 2009). M-
commerce has however some differences and speci-
ficities compared to e-commerce, such as mobility,
limited processing, transmission capability, size of
display, battery power, etc. (Zenebe et al., 2005).
In m-commerce, the RS can be implemented in
several ways. In (Wan, 2009), it is implemented on
the server side. The mobile registers information
about the users and transmits it to the server that
computes recommendations. These recommenda-
tions are then sent to the mobile that displays them.
This solution faces security (connection stability) and
privacy problems.
(Tveit, 2001) proposes a P2P RS to cope with the
scalability problem of RS. In that case, the number
of communications between mobiles and the com-
munication capability is a problem and the author
stresses the importance of the computation power of
mobiles. This approach is also sensitive to malicious
RS can also be implemented on the client side (Lee,
2004). Client-side RS face several drawbacks such as
computational capacity and memory size. However,
communication bandwidth, security and privacy are
no more a problem as there is no communication
between the server and the mobile.
2.2 Scenario
This paper focuses on RS in m-commerce in the con-
text of supermarkets. The RS observes the users be-
havior (the products the users have been interested in)
and suggests them relevant products (linked to previ-
ous interests, special offers, etc.).
Concretely, the products the users are interested in
are captured by the mobile and recommendations are
displayed on the screen of the mobile.
In our scenario, we propose to use the RFID tech-
nology. The mobile is the RFID reader. A RFID tag
is put on items and is detected when it is nearby the
reader. We use this technology to identify the items a
user puts in his caddy and those he takes in his hand.
2.2.1 Recommend to Users
Customers use a caddy that they fill with the products
they want to buy. A mobile device provided by the
store is placed on each caddy. Customers thus do not
need to use their own mobile (they can even not have
any mobile).
In that context, our priorities are user privacy and
computation time of recommendations. If the RS is
implemented on the server side, the number of com-
munications between the mobiles and the server is
huge. Moreover, quality and security of communi-
cations between the server and the mobile may be a
drawback, as presented in the previous section, lead-
ing to a non preservation of the privacy. To avoid
these problems, we choose to implement the RS on
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the mobile-side. The remaining problem is thus the
computation time.
Each time a user is interested in a product i.e.
when he puts it in his caddy or takes it in his hand,
this information is captured by the mobile and is ex-
ploited by the RS on the mobile to propose to the user
the products related to those he has been interested in.
The customers do not need to be identified and no in-
formation is explicitly asked to them, users’ privacy
is thus preserved. Moreover, the information auto-
matically collected about the user is only known by
the mobile, this information is not transmitted to any
other device or server when the user shops.
2.2.2 Train the RS
The mobile device registers all the items the users are
interested in. When the customer arrives at the cash
desk, the information in the mobile device is transmit-
ted to the server. If the user has no discount card, the
information transmitted is anonymous. The RS model
is then trained and built on the server side. The order
of purchase is important here to recommend items to
users that they will see next and not recommend them
items they have already seen.
The only information transmitted to the server is
the sequence of products the user has actually pur-
chased. Those he has only been interested in are not
sent to the server. Thus, the information stored on the
server is similar to those stored by classical systems
with discount cards.
As the user does not need to be identified, no pri-
vate information is stored, and users are more enthusi-
astic to use the system. Moreover, the model is stored
only on mobile devices that are owned by the store,
it cannot be picked up by other persons or stores and
users do not have to store a software on their own mo-
bile. Additionally, the transactions with the server are
limited, the system is thus more secured.
Many models have been studied in RS (Adomavicius
and Tuzhilin, 2005), among which we can find data
mining-based RS. Due to the success of these mod-
els, we are interested in their ability to be used in m-
commerce. We present here data mining RS.
Data mining refers to “discovering, extracting and
analyzing knowledge from a large amount of data”
(Han and Kamber, 2001). In the framework of e-
commerce or m-commerce, the data is made up of
the traces of usage (traces of navigation) and the data
mining algorithms are used to predict user’s prefer-
ence and future behavior.
Data mining RS proceed in two phases to perform
recommendations. In the off-line phase, regular us-
age patterns of users are extracted. The on-line phase
is devoted to the generation of recommendations. The
RS exploits both the active user’s session and the pat-
terns/relationship obtained from the off-line phase.
The active user’s session is matched against the pat-
terns of the model to compute the scores of the re-
sources. The recommendation process is thus made
on-line. The resources with the highest scores are rec-
ommended to the user.
Usage mining approaches have the advantage to
be used to compute recommendations without requir-
ing that the active user is identified, or to compute
recommendations to an unknown user, which is a very
common situation in practice. In e-commerce and m-
commerce, it is of high importance to provide users
with recommendations when they are not identified,
not only to recommend them resources as yet as they
arrive on the web site (to improve their satisfaction)
but also to attract potential customers.
Sequential Association Rules (SAR) (Srikant and
Agrawal, 1996) are are used to capture ordered rela-
tionships between resources within sequences of nav-
igation. A SAR is an expression of the form X Y ,
where X (called the antecedent) and Y (the conse-
quent) are sequences of resources. X Y is consid-
ered as a SAR if both its support and confidence are
above two thresholds that have to be fixed.
A SAR means that, when users consult the se-
quence of resources in X , they usually consult Y . SAR
are widely used techniques in RS to discover useful
links within or between user sessions of navigation.
The off-line part of SAR-based RS searches all the
SAR according to their support and confidence. Most
of the algorithms used to mine SAR are incremental
as GSP (Srikant and Agrawal, 1996), an APriori-like
algorithm, where SAR made up of k +1 resources are
deduced from the SAR of k resources.
SAR-based RS exploit the sequence of resources
in the active session of the user, and compare it to
the antecedents of the SAR discovered off-line. A
rule that matches the active session (called a match-
ing rule) is a rule with an antecedent that is a subse-
quence of the active session (as
) of the active user a.
The resources (r
) that are consequence of the match-
ing rules are then candidates to be recommended.
To compute the score of each resource
), the confidence of each matching rule
(confidence(X r
)) is used. As several matching
rules may have the same consequence, a resource
may have several scores. Several policies are used in
the literature to deal with this problem as max policy
or sum policy (Brun and Boyer, 2009).
At the opposite of memory-based RS, model-based
RS provide recommendations within a small time. Al-
though this feature is an advantage, many works have
been dedicated to the reduction of the computation
time required to suggest recommendations to users
(Yan et al., 1996; Nakagawa and Mobasher, 2003;
Brun and Boyer, 2009).
To reduce the computation time, one can focus ei-
ther on the off-line phase, or on the on-line phase.
4.1 Off-line Focus
Clustering is one way to reduce computation time. In
the framework of WUM, (Yan et al., 1996) performs
a clustering of sessions and a model is constructed on
each cluster. In the on-line phase, the active user ses-
sion is classified to the previously constructed clus-
ters, and resources are then recommended. Cluster-
ing of SAR is also performed. This model is not only
lighter than a general model, but also more relevant
for the active user, compared to the generation of a
single set of SAR.
We can also focus on the way to store the model
so as to the information of the model is accessible in
a short time. Many works (Mobasher et al., 2002)
propose to store navigation patterns in a suffix tree.
(Mobasher et al., 2001) presents a frequent item-
sets graph for all kth order markov models that is also
used in the framework of SAR.
4.2 On-line Focus
Some other works specifically focus on the on-line
phase to decrease the computation time.
A first way to decrease the computation time lies
in the reduction of the size of the active session con-
sidered, by using a sliding window (Mobasher et al.,
2001). This configuration assumes that only the last n
visited resources influence the choice of the next re-
source the user will consult (and thus influences the
recommendation). All the resources before the win-
dow are not considered, thus reducing the number of
resources to consider and the computation time. Ob-
viously, when mining SAR, a sliding window is also
used. (Nakagawa and Mobasher, 2003) stores sequen-
tial patterns in a frequent sequence trie. As a sliding
window is used, only frequent patterns of size equal
to the size of the sliding window are considered.
In (Brun and Boyer, 2009) we have proposed any-
time WUM RS to provide users with recommenda-
tions whenever they want, recommendations can thus
be generated even though small time is available.
Most of these works focus on the way to store the
model and access it to compute recommendations. To
our mind, the most critical part for computing recom-
mendations in these RS is the effective matching of
the active session against the patterns discovered off-
line, that can take time.
We now focus on the exact way recommendations are
computed in data mining RS, and show that this com-
putation is complex. Data mining RS may thus take
time to generate recommendations under some condi-
tions. We then focus on a new way to compute predic-
tions, by incrementally constructing the recommenda-
tion list.
To our best knowledge, no work has presented the
exact way the active user session is matched against
the model. We present here how this matching can be
performed and show that this task is complex.
Let a be the active user and as
= (r
, r
, . . . , r
his active session. The RS has to compute the score of
each resource r
R. To perform these computations,
the RS matches the active session against the model.
5.1 Classical Approach
In the framework of SAR, the model is made up of a
set of SAR. As shown in section 4, SAR are generally
stored in a tree to decrease both the space complexity
of the model and the access time to the rules.
Most of the works deal with non contiguous SAR
both off-line and on-line, i.e. there can be additional
resources between the resources of the SAR.
To compute the score of each resource in r
the system has to find all the rules in the model that
match the active session as
To perform this matching, the set of sub-
sequences of the active session as
is generated. Let
SubSeq be the function mapping as
to the list of its
sub-sequences. Let ss = SubSeq(as
) be the result-
ing set of sub-sequences. Then, given this set, each
sub-sequence is searched in the SAR tree. Assum-
ing that reaching a son node in a tree, when placed
in a node has a cost of 1, (Nakagawa and Mobasher,
2003) shows that the search of a sequence ss
in a tree
is performed in O(|ss
|) where |ss
| is the length of
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
. As there are 2
possible sub-sequences of size be-
tween 1 and n in the active session of size n, matching
the active session against the set of SAR is made in 2
searches. As the cost of each search is dependent on
its size, the overall cost is equal to n· 2
. This value
is under-evaluated as updating the score of r
(as sev-
eral SAR can lead to the same resource) is costly.
In e-commerce or m-commerce, the active session
may be large. For example, in supermarkets, a session
of 30 products leads to more than 1 billion searches
in the tree and thus more than 16 billions operations
in the tree. The number of operations exponentially
increases with the size of the active session.
Obviously, when using a sliding window, this
number decreases, as the size of the window is lower.
However, we have shown that, in the frame of web
navigation (Bonnin et al., 2009), the most accurate
recommendations are obtained with a sliding window
of 10 elements (5k operations).
In conclusion, using SAR in the frame of m-
commerce when implementing the RS on the mobile
requires a large computation time, and will probably
not compute recommendations in real-time.
5.2 Towards Incremental RS
Let a customer be searching in the supermarket the
products he is interested in. The recommendations
made at a given time are computed on products that
the user has accessed previously (the active session of
the user). The user then chooses a product that can
be in the recommendation list, or not. The RS has
then to present to the user a new list of recommended
products, etc.
When a user is interested in a product, at the exact
moment he takes it in his hand, the RS has to suggest
him products related to his interests (and also related
to this last product). If the computation time is high,
no recommendation may be available at that moment
and the user may take another product in his hand be-
fore the recommendation is computed. Thus, the sys-
tem is one phase late. If the user wants a recommen-
dation, he will have to wait and may be disappointed.
However, as previously noticed, in the frame of SAR-
based RS, when implemented on mobiles, the time
required to compute recommendations may be high.
To maximize the user satisfaction, the RS should
not be real time but instantaneous. Indeed, in the case
of real-time RS, recommendations can be made just
at the moment before the user takes in his hand an-
other product. This recommendation is made too late,
it should be made instantaneously just after the user
takes a product in his hand.
Let us recall that the RS exploits the sequence of
the products the user has been interested in (by using
SAR here). At a given time t, the recommendations
proposed are not independent of the recommended
items from the preceding time t 1. The history ex-
ploited by the RS at the time t is partially identical to
the one used at time t 1. The only difference is the
last item the user took in his hand, all the preceding
items considered are similar. We propose to take ad-
vantage of the previously computed recommendations
to compute new recommendations. We thus propose
an incremental recommender. We choose to update
the score of each product from the previous time t 1
by exploiting the new product of time t. The com-
plexity of the recommendation will thus be highly de-
creased (only the last resource consulted will be stud-
ied). The recommendations will be instantaneous.
Let us recall that at each step, only the resources
with the highest scores are recommended, but the
score of all the resources is computed.
In the case of max policy, if the confidence of a
matching rule is above the score of the resource of
the consequence part, then its score is updated and
replaced by the new confidence value. In the case of
the sum policy, whatever is the confidence value of a
matching rule, the score of the consequence resource
is updated: the confidence is added to the score.
The most commonly used mining algorithm (as
APriori algorithm), constructs the SAR set step by
step, by increasing the size of the antecedent: SAR
made up of k +1 resources are deduced from the SAR
of k resources. This feature allows us to store SAR in
a tree, as (Mobasher et al., 2002).
Based on this observation, at time t the set of SAR
that match the active session and contain the resource
are dependent of the set of matching rules from the
step t 1. The search of the set of matching rules at
step t can then be oriented as the candidate matching
rules can be partially deduced from step t 1.
Let two rules m
and m
with the antecedent of
included in the antecedent of m
, and the first
elements of the antecedent of m
are similar to the an-
tecedent of m
. The last element of m
is the only
difference between the two antecedent parts. If m
matches at time t 1, then m
will possibly match at
time t if the last resource the user has consulted is the
last element of the antecedent of m
In the SAR tree, the two SAR m
and m
stored in the same branch and m
is a son node of
. We thus propose to memorize, at each time t
1, the set of SAR in the tree that matches the active
session. Concretely, a pointer on the node of each
matching SAR is stored. At the following time t, these
pointers are used to search if the product actually seen
by the user is among the son nodes of each pointer.
In cases some matching rules are found, the score
of each product is updated and pointers are updated
too. The computation complexity of each time will be
highly reduced in that case. Classically, with a session
of size n, there were 2
possible sub-sequences. Here,
the number of sub-sequences studied is thus equal to
the number of sub-sequences from the preceding ses-
sion n 1. This value is thus at most 2
, the num-
ber of sub-sequences searched is thus divided by at
least 2. In terms of overall cost, the cost of each sub-
sequence is no more dependent on the length of the
sub-sequence but has a fixed cost: 1. The resulting
cost is thus 2
, compared to n · 2
in classical ap-
proaches. The cost is thus divided by n.
For example, with a session of size 30, the computa-
tion time is thus divided by 30. The recommendations
will thus be more likely made instantaneously.
Recommender systems have been a great success in e-
commerce applications. M-commerce is a recent ap-
plication domain that has emerged in the last decade.
M-commerce and e-commerce share many properties
and we proposed to study the exploitation of well-
known RS in the framework of e-commerce in the m-
commerce domain. We specifically focused on data
mining RS: sequential association rules. This recom-
mendation model has a high time complexity, but due
to its implementation on a server, it runs fast enough
to be a real-time RS. After having presented the con-
text of application of our research, and our focus on
privacy preservation we chose to implement the RS
on the mobile side. We have then detailed the SAR
model and showed that the computation of recom-
mendations is time consuming. We have then pro-
posed an incremental RS. This RS leads to a smaller
complexity and allows to implement SAR-based RS
on mobiles.
This work will be pursued by a study of other recom-
mendation models to propose incremental version.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies