A Dynamic Infrastructure to Develop Knowledge-based Recommenders
in Cross Domains
Mustafa Azak and Aysenur Birturk
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Inonu Bulvarı, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: Web Personalization, Recommender Systems, Cross Domain Recommendation, Recommendation
Frameworks, Recommender Engines.
Abstract: We propose a dynamic framework that differs from the previous works as it focuses on the easy
development of knowledge-based recommenders and it proposes an intensive cross domain capability with
the help of domain knowledge. The framework has a generic and flexible structure that data models and
user interfaces are generated based on ontologies. New recommendation domains can be integrated to the
framework easily in order to improve recommendation diversity. We accomplish the cross-domain
recommendation via an abstraction in domain features if the direct matching of the domain features is not
possible when the domains are not very close to each other.
Over the last decade, several researches have been
made to improve the recommendation methods and
user modeling techniques in order to extend quality
of recommendations and provide maximum user
satisfaction (Anand & Mobasher, 2003).
Therefore, exploiting the user profiles of Web
2.0 style sharing platforms (Szomszor et al, 2008)
and applying advanced recommendation methods,
recommender systems have achieved remarkable
practical and commercial success.,, Netflix and MovieLens are the most
successful and popular examples of the
recommender systems. Although web-based social
and commercial networks provide variety of
interests for users in various domains such as books,
movies, music and games; most recommendation
systems currently provide recommendations within a
single domain based on the domain specific
knowledge. The current infrastructures of the
recommender systems cannot provide the complete
mechanisms to meet user needs in different domains
and recommender systems show poor performance
in cross-domain item recommendations. Generally,
they only consider the statistical analysis on the
cross-selling markets and try to make use of
relations between popular items without
personalized recommendations. Therefore, there is a
lack of cross-domain recommenders which can
make successful personalized recommendations in
cross-domains. Moreover, there is no framework to
develop cross-domain recommender systems.
In this paper, we propose a dynamic framework,
which enables addition of new recommendation
domains and provides the development of
knowledge-based cross-domain recommenders as
well as single domain recommenders. The addition
of a new recommendation domain is crucial because
it enables to improve the recommender system’s
capability and evolve the system according to new
user needs. In order to provide dynamic domain
additions to framework, our system considers each
domain as a pluggable component that provides the
required domain data via well defined interfaces.
Providing accurate predictions and useful
recommendations among these integrated domains
are the other important capabilities of the proposed
framework. The framework provides knowledge-
based recommender development with a hybrid
approach for generating recommendations. Our
recommendation engine has different types of
recommendation strategies which are applied
depending on the available data about the user and
the items in domains. Collaborative and content-
based strategies use feature-weighted models in
similarity calculations. In addition, we have also
high level abstractions and relations between
domains. The relational information about domains
can be dynamically added to the framework by
Azak M. and Birturk A.
CROSSING FRAMEWORK - A Dynamic Infrastructure to Develop Knowledge-based Recommenders in Cross Domains.
DOI: 10.5220/0002807901250130
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
defining the rule sets which provide inter-domain
knowledge between two specific domains. The
inter-domain knowledge is used for feature mapping
between domains and it affects the weights of
features in target domain while generating a cross
domain recommendation.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. In the next section, we overview the related
work, then we present the overview of our proposed
framework in the section 3. Then, the
implementation process is described in detail in the
section 4. Evaluation process is explained in the
section 5. Finally, the future work and concluding
remarks are presented in the last section.
There has been much research done on the possible
extensions of current recommenders systems. In this
section, we briefly mention some related work in
recommender systems architectures, cross-domain
and multi-content recommendation approaches.
(Loizou, 2007) introduces a framework outline for
achieving multi domain recommendation by
providing detailed user representation with a
universal vocabulary and community experts’ data
during the addition of new domains. (Chung et al,
2007) discusses another framework for individual
functioning in multiple domains. (Gonzalez et al,
2006) analyzed the cross-disciplinary trends from
human perspective to develop ambient recommender
systems by introducing smart user models.
(Berkovsky et al, 2005) represents mechanisms to
develop cross-domain user modeling by mediating
and integrating partial user models stored in
different resources and knowledge bases.
There are few framework approaches to meet
users’ needs in multiple domains. Our framework
approach differs from the previous works as it
focuses on the easy development of knowledge-
based recommenders and proposes an intensive
cross domain capability with the help of domain
knowledge. Our aim is to develop reasonable
recommenders and generating useful and
personalized cross-domain recommendations. We
accomplish the cross-domain recommendation via
an abstraction in domain features if the direct
matching of the domain features is not possible
when the domains are not very close to each other.
The objective of this study is to provide a framework
for recommender systems that is capable of
integrating new domains dynamically, creating
semantic relationships between existing domains and
extending traditional recommendation approaches to
provide more accurate and useful recommendations
in cross domains. The capability of adapting new
domains and creating useful cross domain
recommendations result in offering a bundle of
related items from different domains and thus
improve the possibility of user satisfaction. The
adaptive and flexible infrastructure also provides the
capability to integrate variety of new and existing
systems to framework easily. In addition, the cold
start problems of new domains can be minimized by
providing domain knowledge and assigning features’
weights as accurate as possible in user models. The
dynamically provided inter-domain knowledge helps
us to determine the domains’ relationships and
features mapping in different domains. In order to
achieve the above goals, we designed our framework
in a modular way, shown in Figure 1. The details of
the framework and its components are explained in
the rest of the section.
Figure 1: Overview of the Framework.
3.1 Profile Management
Creating a comprehensive and detailed user model is
very important to analyze user interests and needs
correctly. Our profile management component is
responsible for creating and maintaining the user
profiles. It has two main parts to support the
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
recommenders in the system. “Data” part provides
required knowledge about user preferences while
“Actions” part enables users to edit their profiles.
3.2 Recommender Engine
Our framework provides knowledge-based
recommender development and provides a hybrid
approach for generating recommendations. The
recommendation engine has different types of
recommendation strategies which are applied
depending on the available data about the user and
the items in domains. The system starts with the
simple recommendation techniques and move to
more complex algorithms with user’s experience.
3.2.1 Recommendation Strategies
Most Popular Items strategy is the simplest
technique in the system but it helps us to generate
useful prediction when no data available about users.
The algorithm finds the most popular items in
integrated domains by sorting the item scores. This
strategy also used with other strategies to find the
popular items for a specific set of users.
Demographic Filtering is similar to collaborative
filtering but it uses the demographic information of
user in order to find the similar user profiles. User’s
demographic information is represented as feature
vector and each feature has weights for each domain.
Content Based Filtering recommends similar items
to the ones that user preferred in the past. The
candidate items compared with the previously rated
items and best matching items are recommended as
described in (Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, 2005).
Collaborative Filtering recommends the items that
people sharing the similar preferences with the user
prefer. It assumes that user likes the items that are
highly rated by similar users. The similarity between
users is calculated based on commonly rated items.
Our system uses Pearson correlation coefficient to
measure the user similarity (Adomavicius &
Tuzhilin, 2005).
Surprise strategy is used to overcome
“Overspecialization Problem” and “Sparsity
Problem in Rating”. Our framework generates one
surprising recommendation randomly among the
newly added items, popular items or few rated items
Knowledge-Based recommendation is not used
standalone but it helps other recommendation
strategies. The knowledge base is used by our
system to retrieve rules about the users, features,
domain relations and feature mappings. These rules
help us to create user groups in domains and define
the relations between user groups and item features.
The rules for these relations are defined as 6-tuples
,, ,,,
GroupRule d uf ufv if r status
> where
d represents the domain,
defines the user
feature name and
ufv is the value of the given
feature in
uf , if indicates the item feature name,
is the value of that item feature and status
determines whether this rule affects rating prediction
positively or negatively.
For instance, we can define a group rule such as
“Observer people like Animation movies”. It is
based on “personality” feature of user and it uses
“genre” feature of items in “movie” domain. It also
states that if this rule holds for a user, it affects the
rating positively.
GroupRules < Movie, Personality,
Observer, Genre, Animation, Like >
The group rules directly affect the predicted ratings
of a user on items by using the formula below:
knowlege effect ( if conditions holds)
0 (otherwise)
ik ik
r is the final rating calculated where
r is the
rating by user i on item k determined by
Collaborative Filtering or Content-Based filtering
algorithm. The value of knowledge effect is
between 0 and 1. It is calculated experimentally and
can be configured.
3.2.2 Recommendation Generation
When a new user logs in to system and there is no
information available about user, recommendations
are generated using the “most popular item”
strategy. If the demographic information is
available, “demographic filtering” is also applied.
Recommendation generation evolves with the user
experience in the system. In the case of having
enough rating history for a domain but not having
required number of co-rated items with other users
in target domain, “content-based filtering” is used.
When the user has enough number of co-rated items
with other users in target domains, “collaborative
based filtering” is used to generate
recommendations. “Knowledge-Based”
recommendation is used with Collaborative Filtering
or Content-Based filtering algorithm. “Surprise”
Strategy is always used but it only generates one
random recommendation at a time.
3.3 Domain Management
The domain management component mainly deals
with the integrated domains and their relationships.
It includes the “Domain Knowledge” of all domains
which is required by knowledge-based
CROSSING FRAMEWORK - A Dynamic Infrastructure to Develop Knowledge-based Recommenders in Cross Domains
recommendation. Domain management component
also contains the general ontology interface with
XML schema of the framework. General ontologies
of framework have the specifications of features and
relationships between features of different domains.
They provide the uniformity and knowledge
exchange between different domains.
3.4 Code Generation Module
Code generation module generates the code for all
dynamic graphical user interfaces based on the data
models defined in ontology files. When new
domains are integrated to framework or data models
are updated, the changes can easily be applied to
system by this module.
3.5 Items Module
Items are the elements of domains such as books,
movies, or songs that are recommended to user
according to the user preferences. Our items module
is responsible for retrieving and maintaining items
from integrated domains.
3.6 Test Suite
It is one of the most important components of the
framework. Test Suite provides an environment to
test, evaluate and verify the algorithms of
recommender engine. It also allows us to observe the
effects of the knowledge base on the integrated
3.7 Common Vocabulary Adapters
Each domain data has its own data structures and
ontology but in order to integrate a domain to
framework, we have to transform its domain
information to a common vocabulary and structure.
Therefore, for each domain, a common vocabulary
adapter is needed to be developed. Considering the
general ontologies and XML schema of the
framework; a common vocabulary adapter deals
with ontology mapping and type conversions of the
3.8 Target Domains
Recommendation domains are the specific fields of
interests and constitute of knowledge about users,
items, concepts and relationships in a field. We
divided domain information into four categories:
User data is a feature vector that represents the
user preferences. User data has also transaction
history and item ratings which constitute the
knowledge about user actions history that help us
predict user attitude to new items and new domains.
Items are the elements of the domains which have
certain features based on the domain structures and
specifications. Domain knowledge stores the
structured knowledge about the domains which is
retrieved and used to determine weights of factors
which have effects on items during the
recommendation process. Domain ontology
represents the meanings of the terms in user data,
community data and item features. The concepts and
relationships are defined by ontological categories.
A prototype of the framework has been developed to
evaluate the proposed structure in the Figure 2. It is
an online cross domain recommender system which
will be available at
The main purposes of the prototype are to test
applicability of the framework, provide interaction
with real world users, observe the performance of
inter-domain knowledge rules and prepare an
environment to evaluate the recommendation
strategies. The core of framework was developed
with Java programming language. Dynamic and
flexible data interaction is provided over the
ontology files with XML interfaces. Common
vocabulary adapters are developed for target
Figure 2: The Prototype Implementation of the
domains such as movie and book domains.
Ontology files are required for the generation of
the data structures in the system and creation of
tables in the database. They consist of features with
the description and other required attributes for
system. All dynamic graphical user interfaces of the
framework are generated automatically based on
these features.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
When a new domain is needed to integrate with
the framework, the corresponding data files should
be created according to the following ontology files:
Domain Ontology, Item Ontology, User Ontology,
Rating Ontology, User Profile Similarity Ontology
and Item Similarity Ontology.
The framework has different interfaces and
perspectives for end users and administrators.
Automated testing is not applicable for cross-domain
testing because there is no dataset available for our
target domains. Therefore, we focus on the single
domain testing and defer cross-domain tests until the
deployment of the prototype of the framework and
beta testing with real end users. For each single
target domain, recommender engine is tested with
framework’s test suite and we observed the effects
of group rules on collaborative filtering algorithm.
Besides the evaluation results, our aim is to show
that our framework enables easy development of
knowledge-based recommenders and it also facilities
a testing environment to test, evaluate and verify the
algorithms of recommender engine and its
knowledge base. For their evaluation process, we
follow the steps explained below.
5.1 Knowledge Acquisition
In order to form a knowledge base about the target
domains ‘movies’, ‘music’ and ‘books’, we prepared
an online survey and 100 people from 10 different
countries were participated. The purpose of the
survey is to learn users’ preferences and needs in
target domains and their personality features. Some
example questions from the survey are as follows:
Would you sort the following MOVIE features
considering the importance for you?
"Title, Actor, Actress, Producer, Director, Year,
Genre, Tags, Language, Country”
Which types of MOVIES you like?
“Action, Animation, Comedy,…, Other”
How do you define yourself?
“Perfectionist, Helper, Performer, Romantic,
Observer, Questioner, Adventurer, Boss,
For personality types we chose the nine types of
the Enneagram of personality given above which are
useful in classifying characters. The results of the
survey are analyzed statistically with the SPSS
(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)
software by the help of two professional
statisticians. The feature relations and rules about
users’ preferences and tendencies such as
“Observers dislike Romance movies” and “Helpers
like Romance movies” are obtained.
We tested each rule’s effects on the collaborative
and content-based recommendation algorithms.
5.2 Metrics
In order to determine the prediction quality of our
knowledge-based approach which extends
collaborative and content-based algorithms, Mean
Absolute Error (MAE) metrics (
Sarwar et al, 2001)
was used. The MAE is computed by first summing
the absolute errors of the N corresponding ratings-
prediction pairs and then averaging the sum. A
smaller value of MAE indicates a better accuracy.
5.3 Data Sets, Common Vocabulary
Adapters and Data Preprocessing
In order to test our approach we developed common
vocabulary adapters for the movie, music and book
domains using the datasets available datasets. For
this work, we present the dataset for movie domain.
We used a popular database, the MovieLens
dataset by the GroupLens Research group. The data
set contains 1682 movies, 943 users and 100,000
ratings (1–5 scales), where each user has rated at
least 20. We matched the movie’s information with
the IMDb dataset to extract extra features.
To compare our approach with the state of art
collaborative algorithm, we chose the cross
validation technique with holdout method and
performed the experiments under the different
As our knowledge base rules make use of user’s
personality features, some preprocessing is required
in order to determine the active user’s personalities
in these configurations. We used Weka (Waikato
Environment for Knowledge Analysis) which is a
popular suite of machine learning software in order
to classify users via Decision Trees.
5.4 Evaluation Results
Because of space limitation, we present two
different knowledge base performances against a
state-of art collaborative filtering technique (CF)
(Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, 2005) on movie data set.
We prepare the knowledge bases with the following
Knowledge Base 1 (KB1)
“Observers like Animation movies”
“Observers dislike Romance movies”
CROSSING FRAMEWORK - A Dynamic Infrastructure to Develop Knowledge-based Recommenders in Cross Domains
Knowledge Base 2 (KB2)
“Helpers like History movies”
“Helpers like Romance movies”
The number of nearest neighbors in collaborative
filtering is set as 35 and the knowledge effect
variable is set to 0.4 in all configurations since it is
best value shown in Figure 3.
Table 1: MAE comparison of methods.
Given5 Given10 Given20
CF 0.8605 0.8461 0.8591
KB1 0.8628 0.8482 0.8606
KB2 0.8619 0.8474 0.8612
CF 0.8528 0.8357 0.8453
KB1 0.8541 0.8365 0.8461
KB2 0.8533 0.8358 0.8454
CF 0.8490 0.8430 0.8377
KB1 0.8500 0.8433 0.8383
KB2 0.8493 0.8432 0.8376
In table 1, we can observe that our prediction
approach cannot improve the quality of the state-of-
art collaborative filtering algorithm in any
configurations. The only improvement is in the
Movie300Given20 with KB2 but the difference
between Collaborative filtering is not significant.
Although the initial results do not seem very
satisfying, we can assume that our framework
infrastructure and testing suite is working and group
rules have effects on the predictions. The results can
be better with different rule combinations.
Additionally, we had some disadvantages about
determining the users’ personality in the survey and
the dataset. The participants might make mistakes
about deciding their real personalities in the survey
and there is an error rate at the decision trees used in
In order to examine the sensitivity of the
knowledge effect variable, we varied the value of the
variable and computed the MAE for each variation.
The Figure 3 shows that 0.4 is the optimum value for
the knowledge effect variable.
Figure 3: Impact of Knowledge Effect on MAE.
In this work, we proposed a dynamic framework for
developing knowledge-based cross-domain
recommender systems. The framework has a generic
and flexible structure that data models and user
interfaces are generated based on ontologies. New
recommendation domains can be integrated with the
framework easily in order to improve
recommendation diversity. In addition, knowledge
base helps to generate useful recommendations in
cross-domains and maximize user satisfaction.
We can conclude that cross-domain
recommendation approach will gain more attention
in near future and our framework can be used to
develop successful recommenders.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies