us F. Rodr
on, Vidal Moreno Rodilla, Bel
en Curto Diego
Fco. Javier Serrano Rodr
ıguez, Ra
ul Alves Santos and M. Jos
e Polo Mart
Computer Science and Automatic Department, University of Salamanca, Pza. Los Ca
ıdos S/N, Salamanca, Spain
Indoor location sensing, Bayesian networks, Positioning algorithm, Wifi location.
This paper describes a solution for the indoor location in the context of wireless local networks. Firstly, the
processes of sampling and training are done by off-line scene analysis. Secondly, the mobile entity can be
localized in a self-positioning fashion according to the Bayesian Network based method.
At present, indoor location systems have created ex-
pectations in certain environments. To mention some
examples, we make reference to locating people in
hospitals or nursing homes (both medical staff and pa-
tients), locating products in a warehouse or guidance
systems in museums (Segvic et al., 2009). The over-
whelming growth of the use of wireless technology in
recent years has been due mainly to the appearance of
low cost products on the market that let us create an
indoor wireless network easily. Almost every public
building has a wireless network that can be used as
the basis of a tracking system.
Wireless location techniques can be classified ac-
cording to the method used for signal measurements:
Time of Arrival (TOA), Angle of Arrival (AOA) and
Received Signal Strength (RSS) (Liu et al., 2007;
Kanaan and Pahlavan, 2005).
The first of the three techniques has been the most
investigated up to date. However, problems are still
unsolved due to the difficulties of predicting the signal
propagation indoors. This same happens with AOA,
since AOA is based on TDOA (Time Difference of
Arrival) which also depends on the signal propaga-
tion. Radio propagation suffers from multipath effect
(Alavi and Pahlavan, 2003). The method described
in the present paper is found among the ones that
use RSS to calculate current position based on a prior
scene analysis, since RSS method doesn’t depends on
multipath effect.
This work focuses on developing a self-
positioning indoor location algorithm based on
the ratio of RSS loss/position from different visible
access points (AP) in a specific area. In the present
case, the environment is a public building with a
wireless network structure, so that issuers (Wifi
access points) already exist, i.e. it’s not necessary to
build a new infrastructure, and the detector (simple
or multiple devices with a wireless network card) is
the one that moves on the environment.
Each position has a range of possible signal
strength losses of near visible APs. Using statistical
techniques (Ladd et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2003), we
can infer a number of possible positions from a mea-
surement of signal strength loss of visible APs. The
more APs providing information, the greater reliabil-
ity of the prediction will be achieved.
In this sense, we make a proposal for uncertainty
treatment similar to (Ladd et al., 2004). In order to
improve the accuracy of the algorithm, we perform
several data processing prior to infer a possible result.
Each of the processes composing the indoor loca-
tion system based on wireless networks is described
in this paper. Firstly, the sampling method is detailed
and then the training and location processes are de-
fined. Finally, a detailed description of the particular
implementation of the algorithm is shown, as well as
the results obtained.
2 WLAN IEEE 802.11
An 802.11 WLAN is based on a cellular architecture
(the system is subdivided into cells). Each cell, called
F. Rodrà guez-Aragøsn J., Moreno Rodilla V., Curto Diego B., Javier Serrano Rodrà guez F., Alves Santos R. and JosÃl Polo Mar n M.
DOI: 10.5220/0002808001070112
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
BSS (Basic Service Set), is controlled by a base sta-
tion, called AP (Access Point). An 802.11 WLAN can
be composed of a single AP, and therefore, for a sin-
gle cell.
The whole interconnected WLAN, including the
different cells with their respective APs, is considered
as a 802 single network by the upper levels of the OSI
model, and it is called ESS (Extended Service Set).
Beacon frames are one of the management frames
in the 802.11 standard. An access point periodically
sends a Beacon frame to broadcast its presence and
network information to the client stations in its envi-
ronment. Stations can get a list of available access
points looking for Beacon frames continuously in all
802.11 channels. Beacon frames contain the neces-
sary information to identify network characteristics
and to be able to connect to the desired access point.
Some of the fields contained are: AP MAC address,
SSID (Service Set IDentifier), RSSI (Received Signal
Strenght Indicator), supported rates, timestamp (used
in synchronization), etc.
Classical inference models avoid considering any a
priori information. However, in certain occasions the
use of a priori knowledge can be a very useful contri-
bution to the process of inference. Models including
a priori information are based on the Bayes Theorem
(Equation 1).
E, c) =
c ) ·P(E
H, c)
where P(H
E, c ) is the probability that an hy-
pothesis H is fulfilled after considering the effect of
evidence E in the context c (a posteriori probabil-
ity); P(H
c ) is the probability that an hypothesis H
is fulfilled in an isolated context c (a priori probabil-
ity); P(E
H, c ) is the probability of occurrence of evi-
dence E assuming the hypothesis H as true in the con-
text c (conditional probability); P(E
c ) indicates the
probability of occurrence of evidence E in the context
In our case, the hypothesis H is being in a partic-
ular cell; the evidence E is the current measurement;
and the context c is the path previously done until the
current measurement is taken and it provides informa-
tion on the following possible positions.
All these are conditional probabilities, i.e., they
specify the reliability of an hypothesis based on the
assumption that some other initial hypothesis be true.
Therefore, theory makes no sense if there are no a
priori values of previous probabilities.
Signal strength values received from different vis-
ible APs are the main data source in this work. A sig-
nal strength value is linked to the position where the
measurement has been obtained. Therefore, a poste-
riori probability is the probability of receiving a par-
ticular signal strength value for an AP conditioned on
being at a particular cell.
In this work, we consider three main processes
throughout the workflow for the location method:
sampling, training and location as shown in Figure 1.
During the sampling and the training process, an of-
fline scene analysis is performed, and during location
process, the mobile receptor is online localized from
a particular measurement.
Figure 1: Location Workflow.
4.1 Signal Strength Map Creation
Initially, the sample area is represented by a grid map
which is discretized into cells. Each position is iden-
tified by three values: (x, y, θ), where (x, y) are planar
spatial coordinates of the cell and θ is the orientation
with which the sample has been taken. Figure 2 shows
graphically these three values. Signal strength of ev-
ery visible AP is measured in each cell.
Figure 2: Sampling area.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Information about the different visible APs in the
sampling area is collected and a study in order to re-
move those APs that provide unusefull information is
Unlike (Ladd et al., 2004), sub-sampling is per-
formed at lower resolution for each cell, i.e., the cell
is divided into 9 possible positions in order to have a
more complete probabilities distribution. Thus, mea-
surements are taken at the center of the cell and they
are also taken away from the center (in two configu-
rations, × or +, as shown in Figure 3).
Figure 3: Possible sub-sampling configurations.
Therefore, the sampling process consists of sets
of 10 measurements with × configuration and others
with + configuration. These sets of measurements are
performed with the greatest possible randomness, tak-
ing place at different times in a day in order to com-
pensate variations in the environment that may occur,
as the difference of network users, greater number of
obstacles in the measurements (due to more people
walking through corridors, etc). Each of the sets are
stored in a data structure for each position, in which
the visible APs and measures (central and unfocused)
are specified.
4.2 Generating an Heuristic Matrix
The analysis of the scene also includes the calculation
of an heuristic in order to take into account the prob-
ability evolution depending on distance between two
positions A and B. If position B is far away from po-
sition A, the probability of moving from one position
to another will be less than if position B is adjacent to
position A.
To define the evolution of probability depending
on the distance between two positions, an exponen-
tial function is used, since the probability of moving
from one position to another decreases exponentially
depending on the distance traveled (Equation 2)
P = e
where d is the distance between positions. For
determining the distance between two positions, we
consider the number of cells of separation plus the
number of changes in direction. λ is a constant that re-
flects the importance of distance between positions in
the heuristic. When d > 6, we consider the probabil-
ity is zero. The heuristic is implemented by a square
matrix of dimensions D × D, where D is the number
of locations in the sampling area.
4.3 Training Process
Once all the measurements have been completed,
there is a set of values of signal strength for each of
the visible access points at each cell. The probability
of being in a cell is conditioned to the signal strength
measurement of an AP. For each AP in each cell con-
ditional probabilities are calculated using
p =
where L
is the number of samples of a same sig-
nal strength value, and N is the number of total sam-
Figure 4: Grouping of probabilities.
To prevent the frequencies of certain signal
strength values are zero around the maximum fre-
quency zone, ranges for the evidences are defined.
Each group contains n probabilities of signal strength
values (Figure 4).
The schema of the location algorithm used is shown
in Figure 5.
The location algorithm calculates an estimated po-
sition of the receiver agent from a vector R of signal
strength measures that contains a measure for each of
the visible APs taken in an unknown position.
R =
, R
, . . . , R
Figure 5: Schema of the Location Algorithm.
5.1 Calculating the Conditional
Probabilities Vector
From the measures vector, we now proceed to calcu-
late the conditional probabilities vector, CPV, which
represents the location probability for each cell. This
vector has as many components as cells considered.
Each component of CPV is calculated by the follow-
ing expression shown in Equation 5.
, R
) (5)
where AP
refers to the ith AP; R
is the current re-
ceived signal strength from AP
; and P
, R
) is the
probability of receiving the signal strength R
while being at the jth cell. This probability is
found in the Bayesian network obtained during train-
ing process.
Once CPV is calculated, we can infer the current
position based on the cell with the greatest probability
within the vector. However, it is possible to process
the data in order to obtain a more reliable result, incor-
porating the neighborhood function. What is sought is
to select the candidate cell using a criterion different
from only maximum probability. The new criterion
takes into account that candidate cells will be found
in those areas having a higher accumulated probabil-
There were cases where the cell with the highest
probability was most likely without context, i.e., there
are more or less contiguous cells whose probability is
high, but on the other hand, there is an isolated and
remote in distance cell whose probability is the high-
Figure 6: Neighborhood error.
est. Noting Figure 6, it suggests that the isolated cell
is surely not the candidate cell.
5.2 Calculating the Neighboring
Probabilities Vector
To avoid such errors, we recalculate the entire vec-
tor of conditional probabilities, influencing the prob-
ability of a cell with the probability of adjacent cells.
Thus, the new vector, called neighboring probabilities
vector, NPV, is calculated by Equation 6.
= αCPV
+ βCPV
+ αCPV
where NPV
is the ith component of the neigh-
boring probabilities vector, i.e., the probability
of the ith cell of being the current position;
are the conditional probabili-
ties of the immediately preceding, current and imme-
diately following cells, respectively; and α and β are
weighting constants. Figure 7 shows the neighboring
probabilities vector for the example shown in Figure
Figure 7: Neighboring Probabilities Vector.
Current position may again be inferred from this
new vector. However, we apply an heuristic to obtain
a more reliable result.
5.3 Calculating the a Priori
Probabilities Vector
An a priori Probabilities Vector, PrPV, is generated
with as many components as possible cells. Each
component represents the probability of that cell be-
ing the candidate cell. In short, PrPV provides a pre-
diction of the final result. This vector is updated each
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
run. On the first run, all components have the same
, where S is the number of cells of the sam-
ple area. This means that the initial prediction is the
same for all cells in the sample space. This is logical
because there is no prior information.
5.4 Calculating the a Posteriori
Probabilities Vector
The vector from which the final results are calculated
is the a posteriori Probabilities Vector, PoPV, that
is calculated from Neighboring Probabilities Vector,
NPV, and a priori Probabilities Vector, PrPV, using
the Equation 7.
· PrPV
· PrPV
where PoPV
is the jth component of the a pos-
teriori probabilities vector; NPV
is the jth compo-
nent of the neighboring probabilities vector; PrPV
the jth component of the a priori probabilities vec-
tor; S is the number of cells of the sample area; and
is used in order to normalize the re-
Figure 8: A posteriori Probabilities Vector.
Current position is now inferred based on the cell
whose probability is the greatest (Figure 8).
5.5 Update the a Priori Probabilities
Having obtained the estimated cell, the algorithm has
to be prepared for the next execution. At this point,
current position is known and it provides heuristic in-
formation about the next possible cell, assuming the
continuity of the path. For that purpose, the heuristic
matrix generated during the training process is used.
This matrix provides information on the probability
of moving from one cell to another.
Dismissing discontinuities in the path, cells that
are found within a certain distance from current cell
may be removed from the set of possible candidate
cells. The update of the a priori probabilities vector
is performed using Equation 8.
(t + 1) = H · PrPV
(t) (8)
where H is the heuristic matrix; PrPV
(t) is the ith
component of the current a priori probabilities vector;
and PrPV
(t + 1) is the ith component of the a priori
probabilities vector which is being calculated.
Using the wifi network infrastructure available in the
Science Faculty of the University of Salamanca, the
sample area was situated on the second floor and is
compound by two perpendicular corridors and dis-
cretized in cells of 2.40m×2.40m. Cells are identified
with three values: (x, y, θ), as was shown in Figure 2.
Sample space is compound by 43 cells with 2 possible
orientations, and a central cell (located at the intersec-
tion of the two corridors) with 4 possible orientations.
Our experiments were conducted by a human op-
erator carrying a HP iPAQ H3850 with a PCMCIA
Compaq WL110 wireless Ethernet card. This particu-
lar card uses an Orinoco chipset. An Acer C500 PDA
with Windows Mobile 5.0 was also used in our exper-
iments. The access to the device was implemented in
C/C++ after performing a study of the Orinoco Linux
In our case, the number of visible APs used dur-
ing the training and location process was 24. A prior
study was done in order to remove APs that don’t pro-
vide relevant information.
Having established the visible APs, we started
with the sets of measurements. In this work, data used
to train the Bayesian network consist of 10 sets of 10
measurements each. These measurements were per-
formed at different times and on different days, so that
the presence of extraneous factors were reflected in
the data: in a college building, there are more people
in the morning than in the afternoon, there are some
rush hours between lectures, etc.
During the sampling process, measurements per-
formed away from the center of the cell have been in-
corporated in order to achieve a more accurate distri-
bution of the data. Proposed sub-sampling at a lower
resolution was reached by dividing each cell in differ-
ent positions as shown in Figure 3. Thus, 6 central
measurements and 4 unfocused measurements were
performed for each set. 5 sets, with 10 measurements
each, were taken with × configuration and another 5,
with 10 measurements each, with + configuration.
The heuristic matrix used in the location algorithm
is a matrix whose dimension is 90 × 90, since there
are 90 possible positions in our sample space. Rows
and columns are the different possible cells located
in the same order. The function used to generate the
heuristic matrix is defined by Equation 2. In our case,
using λ = 0.3, the results are satisfactory.
During the bayesian network training process, sig-
nal strengths values are grouped, so that conditional
probabilities are calculated in groups composed of 3
signal strengths values. Before calculating the loca-
tion from a particular measurement is necessary to
find the group of that measurement.
In the location process, a data post-treatment has
been performed, as the usage of the neighborhood
function and the actual usage of the heuristic matrix
to update the a priori probabilities vector.
The neighborhood function used in our case is de-
fined by Equation 6 taking as weighting factors α =
and β =
, so that neighboring probabilities vector is
defined by Equation 9.
In order to check the accuracy of the proposed al-
gorithm, we take a testbed of 100 different paths. The
results improve considerably once traversed the first
positions (5 - 6) of each path, when heuristic is being
taken into account. Testbed results provide an algo-
rithm accuracy close to 60%.
Figure 9 shows the implemented application dur-
ing the location process of a person carrying a PDA
and walking through the corridors.
Figure 9: Application during the location process.
Due to the included optimizations and, after analyzing
the results of the algorithm, that can be considered
efficient for location with cells of 2.40m × 2.40m.
The sampling process is performed trying to in-
clude a more accurate data distribution, including
different cases to add more information into the
sampling. The location algorithm uses statistical
techniques and, therefore, during sampling process,
fullest possible information must be collected. Com-
pared with the method proposed in (Ladd et al.,
2004), data processing has been performed in order
to achieve a better effectiveness for the position in-
ference. Heuristic information is used, assuming that
movements are continuous and great distance move-
ments between two measurements are not real. Cur-
rent position provides information about the next fu-
ture position.
Working lines of research are open in the opti-
mization of the sampling process collecting more in-
formation about the nature of the measures: indepen-
dence of the environment, periodical behavior, etc.
so that the result is based not only in terms of sig-
nal strength loss/position, but adding new informa-
tion, date, time, temperature, etc. Improvements can
also be achieved in the location algorithm itself, with
heuristic optimizations, etc.
The work has been carried out within projects fi-
nanced by the Junta de Castilla y Le
on SA030A 07
and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
DPI2007 62267. The main author has also worked
under the support of a Junta de Castilla y Le
on fel-
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies