Devices as required for Qualified Signatures in sec-
tion 3. Section 4 discusses ways of integrating the cre-
ation of Qualified Signatures with applications. The
minimum-footprint middleware concept and it’s refer-
ence implementation MOCCA is discussed section 5.
The EU directive on electronic signatures
(1999/93/EC, 1999) defines special requirements
for advanced electronic signatures, secure signature
creation devices (SSCD), qualified certificates (QC)
and certification service providers issuing qualified
certificates. The requirements aim at high level of
Advanced electronic signatures based on QC and
which are created by a SSCD—commonly referred to
as Qualified Signatures—are required to
. . . (a) satisfy the legal requirements of a sig-
nature in relation to data in electronic form
in the same manner as a handwritten signa-
ture satisfies those requirements in relation to
paper-based data; and (b) are admissible as
evidence in legal proceedings. (1999/93/EC,
1999, Article 5)
Studies by the European Commission (e.g. (IDABC
6485, 2007)) show that corresponding legislation and
infrastructure is available in a majority of the EU
member states. However, Qualified Signatures have
not yet found widespread use beyond specific appli-
cation areas such as e-government.
(Roßnagel, 2009) studies the reasons for the slow
adoption ratio of Qualified Signatures. As electronic
signatures do not provide much benefit by themselves,
their dissemination is largely dependent on availabil-
ity of corresponding applications. On the other hand,
the effort required for integration of electronic signa-
tures with applications must usually be justified con-
sidering the potential usage ratio. Hence, the adop-
tion of electronic signatures currently suffers from a
chicken-and-egg problem. The problem is intensified
by the fact, that currently there is a significant effort
required by application providers for integrating and
deploying the means required for the creation of qual-
ified signatures.
Almost all SSCDs provided for the creation of Qual-
ified Signatures are based on smart-card technology.
They are either implemented as chip-cards in credit-
card size with an interface according to ISO/IEC 7810
and ISO/IEC 7816, use a contactless interface accord-
ing to ISO/IEC 14443 or are directly integrated with
a corresponding terminal device to be used as USB
token. Therefore almost all SSCDs share at least a
common low level interface defined by ISO/IEC 7816
parts 3, 4 and 8. In practice however, this just means
that communication with an SSCDs is based on the
exchange of Application Protocol Data Units (AP-
DUs). To be able to access the functions of an SSCD a
lot of additional information is required. Smart cards
implementing ISO/IEC 7816 part 15 try to provide
this required information in a standardized way. How-
ever only a few SSCDs implement ISO/IEC 7815–15
and even if they do, it remains rather impossible to in-
terface SSCDs in a complete generic way. Therefore,
either applications have to know how to access a spe-
cific SSCD or need layer of abstraction and another
component doing so.
has become the de facto standard for in-
tegration of smart cards and smart-card readers into
mainstream operating systems, with other technolo-
gies such as CT-API
losing importance. PC/SC al-
lows for communication with smart-cards on the ba-
sis of APDUs. On the contrary, a number of com-
peting solutions exist for the abstraction and integra-
tion of electronic signatures and other cryptographic
functions based on smart cards into operating systems
and applications. To name just a few, there are op-
erating system dependent solutions like Microsoft’s
, Keychain Services
in Apple OS X and
more operating system independent solutions such as
. All these solutions have in common, that
they require a module implementing the specifics for
each particular SSCD they are going to support. Of
course, these modules look quite different for any of
the solutions. Thus it is not surprising, that none of
them is currently able to support all or even most of
the available SSCDs. In fact, there is also a number
of SSCDs for which not any such module is available.
Additionally, the installation and update of specific
modules can also be a challenging task for end users
if this is not performed by the operating system or ap-
plications automatically.
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