models handle the limitation of the previous group
but may not generalize well across product
Our method differs from these approaches as
follows. First, we use a hierarchy of product features
based on domain knowledge, in contrast to flat lists.
Second, we use local lists of trigger terms based on
term occurrences for every element of a constructed
feature hierarchy, and use explicit features to
identify potential opinion phrases. Third, we
compute opinion sentiments on three levels: word
sentiment level, chunk sentiment level and context-
dependent chunk sentiment.
There are three generic tasks that an opinion mining
system needs to fulfil: identification of the product
features, discovery of opinion phrases, and
sentiment analysis (see Popescu and Etzioni, 2005,
Scaffidi et al., 2007). In our method, the first of
these tasks is performed using domain knowledge
and data from popular websites offering semi-
structured car reviews. We identified and organized
a list of all features of potential interest to
customers. The list was evaluated in a study with 28
subjects who were interested in buying a car and
organized into a hierarchy based on the domain
knowledge available.
The second task was implemented using a
modified version of the technique presented in Aciar
et al. (2007). The hierarchy was extended with the
list of “trigger terms” (phrases that symbolize
features). As product features are typically nouns or
noun phrases, we eliminated the infrequent and
irrelevant phrases from the set and used association
mining (performed with ARMiner software) to
identify potential bigram features. The set of trigger
phrases was later extended using bigram features,
similarly to Aciar (2007), organized into a hierarchy
and expanded to other parts of speech, for example:
driving (noun) -> drive (verb).
3.1 Opinion Mining
To extract opinion phrases and to select sentences
containing potential opinions, we used term
matching with terms in base morphological form of
a given speech component, using WordNet to
improve accuracy. Sentences containing potential
opinions were annotated with POS tags using the
GATE tagger, due to its accuracy on our corpus in
comparison to other available taggers. We used the
shallow-parsing method based on a set of rules that
extract potential opinions as chunks of text. The
rules are constructed to extract a consistent fragment
of the sentence that contains a feature (opinion head)
and the sentiment about the feature (opinion
content), similar to other common approaches (see
Aciar et al., 2007). The advantage of our method is
that not only nouns and noun phrases are considered
as features and not only adjectives are considered as
opinions. Thus, our method allows dealing with
context examples (e.g. “This car handles like a
dream.”). The method we used is similar to
approaches based on term proximity windows (Hu
and Liu, 2004), involving the computation of
syntactic dependencies (Popescu and Etzioni, 2005).
However, our approach accommodates language
structure, in contrast to Hu and Liu’s (2004)
approach, and is more efficient than that proposed
by Popescu (2005).
3.2 Sentiment Analysis
Our approach deals with sentiment analysis of three
levels, word level, chunk level, and context
dependant chunk level. To assess the sentiment of a
given opinion we used a lexicon-based method first
proposed by Kim and Hovy (2004). The initial list of
sentiment words with known sentiment was enlarged
with synonyms and antonyms based on WordNet.
As proposed by Ding et al. (2008), lists adjectives,
nouns, verbs and adverbs with positive and negative
sentiment were created - word sentiment is based on
the sum of all sentiment values. Using utility theory
(Butler et al., 2001), and to avoid the negative
effects of context, the features were divided into
three classes: Cost-type – features with preference
toward lower values (e.g. fuel consumption);
Benefit-type – higher values are preferred (e.g
reliability); Neutral – the character of a feature is
context-dependent. Similarly, sentiment words were
assigned to cost and benefit categories. Thus,
occurrence of a cost-type sentiment word (e.g.
“low”) with a cost-type feature (e.g. “price”) resulted
in positive sentiment. Conversely, the same word
occurring with a benefit-type feature resulted in
negative sentiment (e.g. “low quality”).
Sentiment of an opinion chunk describing a
feature was computed based on all the sentiment
words identified in the chunk. It is important to note
here that our method dealt with negation by
changing the sentiment of a word to its opposite. To
exploit full potential of our lexicon-based method
we considered chunk context. In our method
dependencies between chunks are assessed. If two