Maciej Gawinecki, Giacomo Cabri
Department of Information Engineering, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Marcin Paprzycki, Maria Ganzha
Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Web service, Discovery, Matchmaking, Collaborative tagging, Evaluation.
One of the key requirements for the success of Service Oriented Architecture is discoverability of Web ser-
vices. Unfortunately, application of authoritatively defined taxonomies cannot cope with the volume of ser-
vices published on the Web. Collaborative tagging claims to address this problem, but is impeded by the lack
of structure to describe Web service functions and interfaces. In this paper we introduce structured collabora-
tive tagging to improve Web service descriptions. Performance of the proposed technique obtained during the
Cross-Evaluation track of the Semantic Service Selection 2009 contest is reported. Obtained results show that
the proposed approach can be successfully used in both Web service tagging and querying.
The key benefit of utilization of the Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA) is a high degree of reuse of
components, available as readily deployed Web
services (Weerawarana et al., 2005). To achieve this
goal, it is necessary to make Web services discover-
able. In the traditional SOA vision, service providers
register services using a service broker, while service
requestors use the same broker to discover them.
For the registered services to be usable, service
broker must provide all necessary information about
their functionality (Hagemann et al., 2007). Until
January 2006, the role of service brokers was played
mainly by the UDDI Business Registries (UBRs),
facilitated by Microsoft, SAP and IBM (SOA World
Magazine, 2009). Afterward, a large number of
services has been published on the Web (in the form
of WSDL definitions) and current service brokers,
like SeekDa (SeekDa, 2009), use focused crawl-
ing to help facilitate their utilization (Lausen and
Haselwanter, 2007; Al-Masri and Mahmoud, 2008a).
However, no “central authority” categorizes indexed
services according to their functionality (as it was in
the case of UBRs). Therefore, WSDL definitions and
the related documentation remain the only explicit
information defining functionality of Web services.
Unfortunately, methods based on the WSDL match-
ing suffer from the vocabulary problem (Furnas et al.,
1987; Dong et al., 2004; Wang and Stroulia, 2003)
and the intention gap (Fern´andez et al., 2008).
In this context, it is often claimed that the col-
laborative tagging of Web services, used by the Pro-
grammableWeb (ProgrammableWeb, 2009) and the
SeekDa service broker portals, has potential to ad-
dress these issues. Here, the community of users
is provided with mechanisms for annotating indexed
Web services with keywords called tags (Meyer and
Weske, 2006). It is a collaborative process because
users can see how others tagged the same service and
hence the semantics of a service emerges from anno-
tations of the community. The main advantage of this
approach is its simplicity. Users do not need to struc-
ture their annotation according to multiple, complex
features of a service (as it is the case in formal seman-
tic annotation models; e.g. OWL-S (OWL-S, 2009),
However, for a class of services (including data-
centric services, i.e. services that only provide or
manipulate data) it would be useful to structure an-
notation and to explicitly split the functional catego-
rization from the description of the service interface.
Specifically, to differentiate between tags describing
input, output, and behaviour of a service. We call this
Gawinecki M., Cabri G., Paprzycki M. and Ganzha M.
DOI: 10.5220/0002809200700077
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
approach structured collaborative tagging.
The paper is organized as follows. We describe
the addressed problem in Section 2, and we formalize
our approach in Section 3. In Section 4 we describe
how the proposed approach can be used for service
retrieval. In Section 5 we report results of the Cross-
Evaluation track of the Semantic Service Selection
2009 contest (S3, 2009), where the proposed retrieval
mechanism took the first place for its effectiveness
and for its short query response time. In Section 6 we
conclude the approach and present issues for further
research in collaborative tagging of Web services.
We define the Web service matchmaking as a task of
finding services that match user-specified criteria. We
are looking for a Web service classification schema
that supports this process.
2.1 Matchmaking Criteria
Inspired by the relevance judgment criteria for the
Web service matchmaking (K¨uster and K¨onig-Ries,
2009), we identify the following user-specified crite-
Functional Equivalence Criterion. A user is
looking for a specific functionality, for instance,
a service that “geocodes” US city names. Such
service may take the city name and the state code
as input and return the geographic location of the
city (longitude and latitude) as output. However,
a service that provides geocoding of zip codes still
approximates the desired functionality.
Functionality Scope Criterion. A user is look-
ing for a service realizing quantitatively all the
required functionality. For instance, geocoding
must be done not only for US cities, but for all
countries around the world.
Interface Compatibility Criterion. A user is
looking for a service with a specific interface (not
only of required functionality). For instance, ser-
vice inputs and outputs should be available in the
requested format; e.g. input utilizing zip codes.
Web service matchmaking heuristics should support
finding a service with respect to these criteria.
2.2 Web Service Classification Schema
Service categorization is a way to find services of
similar functionality or functionality scope. For in-
stance, the aforementioned service for geocoding
of US cities may belong to the Geocoding, US or
Geocoding US category. Note that it may be not triv-
ial for a user to guess the right category for a required
service. Alternatively, a user may define a service
request in the form of a required service interface.
In this case, it is assumed that services of similar
interfaces realize similar functionality. This heuris-
tics is called function signature matching (Zarem-
ski and Wing, 1995) and used, for instance, by the
Merobase software components registry (Merobase,
2009). Here, two services returning a distance in
miles, for given zip codes, should realize the same
functionality. Independently, for services that provide
or manipulate data, the scope of functionality can be
also described by their input or output, e.g. the US-
City name of an input parameter. However, if ser-
vice X provides the driving distance, whereas service
Y delivers the straight line distance, they may have
compatible interfaces but realize different functional-
ities. Alternatively, two services providingthe driving
distance—one for zip codes, and another for cities—
are not interface-compatible, but still functionally
equivalent. This is because a service interface does
not capture the complete semantics of service func-
tionality (Dong et al., 2004). Summarizing, catego-
rization and function signature matching can be seen
as complementary heuristics. However, no classifica-
tion schema exists to provide data for both of them.
2.3 The Vocabulary Problem
When searching for a service, a user may need to
know the right keyword(s) for the category this
service should belong to, or the right keywords for
the input and output parameters. Using the wrong
word may result in failing to find the right service.
This is the vocabulary problem (Furnas et al., 1987).
It relates not only to variability of words used to name
the same thing. Users may also perceive service func-
tionality differently than how the service provider
expressed it in the documentation (Fern´andez et al.,
Categorization was initially thought as a way to
classify re-usable software components. Software
components were classified according to authori-
tatively defined controlled vocabulary. Similarly,
UDDI Web service registries and specialized Web
service portals (e.g. XMethods) used authorita-
tively defined taxonomies of business categories
(e.g. (UNSPSC, 2009)). Both controlled vocabulary
and taxonomies introduce common understanding
of service functionality between a service provider
(or broker) and a service requestor (user), but still
does not resolve the vocabulary problem. The way
that objects have been classified by an authority is
very often not obvious for the user (Shirky, 2005).
Moreover, hierarchical taxonomies do not allow an
object to belong to more than one category. This
leads to dilemmas such as: Whether a service on
geocoding of USA addresses should be put into the
geocoding or the USA category. Hence, unless the
user gains some intuition on how a particular tax-
onomy is designed, she needs to drill down through
the hierarchy of categories, or guess the right name
for it. Finally, an initial vocabulary may become
incomplete as the collection of software components
grows (Prieto-D´ıaz, 1991), while most taxonomies
are not flexible; e.g. for the UNSPSC taxonomy used
by the UDDI registries, it took up to 5 years for a new
category to be added (Meyer and Weske, 2006).
The vocabulary problem applies also to the func-
tion signature matching heuristics based on the
WSDL definitions. This is because, first, WSDL def-
initions are often sparsely documented (Al-Masri and
Mahmoud, 2008b). Second, keywords of input and
output parameter names are usually assigned by con-
vention or by the preference of the provider. Hence,
they can have related semantics but still be syntacti-
cally different (Dong et al., 2004). As a result, differ-
ent approaches fail when trying to identify parameters
meaning the same thing. Introducing a controlled vo-
cabulary (in the form of shared ontologies (Paolucci
et al., 2002)) to annotate both a service offer (i.e. de-
scription of a service in the registry) and a service re-
quest raises the same problems that the classification
3.1 Addressing the Vocabulary Problem
The vocabulary problem and related issues occur in
the context of Web services, because of: (1) large
domain of objects to be categorized, (2) categories
difficult to define, (3) lack of clear demarcating
lines between them, and (4) lack of categorizing
authority(ties). To address these issues, (Shirky,
2005) argued that collaborative tagging may be “bet-
ter” than utilization of taxonomies and ontologies.
Specifically, it was claimed that collaborative tagging
allows for non-hierarchical categorization, solving
the dilemma of the right category for an object. It
also addresses the vocabulary problem, because users
may generate large number of tags for an object, and
they do it in a similar way they formulate queries
(think about the objects) when searching for the
object (Furnas et al., 2006).
3.2 Specifying Classification Schema
We follow the idea of (Meyer and Weske, 2006) to
use collaborative tagging for classifying Web services
but we allow both the behavior and the interface to be
described by tags—to provide data for both function
signature matching and categorization heuristics.
However, an unstructured annotation does not specify
if a given tag describes input, output or a behavior of
a service. For instance, for a given service, tags find,
location and zip are ambiguous. They do not specify
whether the service finds a location for a zip code or
a zip code for a location. To assess the way people
handle such cases we have asked colleagues to tag
a number of similar services from the geographic
domain. Some resolved this problem by mimicking
the interface structure in tags: location to zip, coordi-
nates2ZIP, location from sentence and find city. Such
“free patterns” can be very difficult to be processed
by a machine.
We address the problem by introducing structured
collaborative tagging. Here, structured tagging im-
plies: categorization of service functionality (behav-
ior tags), description of a service interface (input and
output tags) and identification of additional service
characteristics, like the functionality scope (behavior,
input and output tags). The proposed structure
explicitly implies which facets of a service can be
tagged, and give a uniform pattern for describing the
interface. Note that in the proposed approach, two
facets of a service can be tagged with the same tag.
For instance, a user may tag both behavior of a service
and its output with the distance tag. Hence, the sharp
distinction between the behavior and the output, or
the behavior and the input is not necessary. Moreover,
the larger the number of facets by which a service
has been tagged the more likely a user will be able to
recall the tagged objects in retrieval (Xu et al., 2006).
3.3 Structured Tagging Model
Formally, we model service functionality utilizing
three facets: input, output, and behavior. We describe
each of them using formalization of emergent seman-
tics introduced by (Mika, 2005) and adapted for Web
service annotation by (Meyer and Weske, 2006).
Definition 1 . A folksonomy F A× T× S is a hy-
pergraph G(F) = (V, E) with
vertices V = A T S, where A is the set of ac-
tors (users and the system), T the set of tags
and S—the set of services described by service
descriptions (service landscape).
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
hyperedges E = {(a,t,s)|(a,t,s) F} connecting
an actor a who tagged a service s with the tag t.
In this way we have specified three folksonomies
, F
, F
for input, output and behavior. We call
an annotation a single hyperedge (a,t,s) of a folk-
sonomy. To manipulate relations F
, F
, F
we use
two standard relational algebra operators with set
semantics. Projection (π
), projects a relation into
a smaller set of attributes p. Selection (σ
), selects
tuples from a relation where a certain condition
c holds. Hence, π
is equivalent to the
clause in SQL, whereas σ
is equivalent
to the
clause in the SQL.
3.4 Quality Tags
In social bookmarking systems, like,
users are responsible for adding new objects to the
system. On the contrary, for Web services, the sig-
nificant contribution comes from focused crawling of
Web and UDDI registries (Lausen and Haselwanter,
2007; Al-Masri and Mahmoud, 2008a). The role of a
user limits to tagging services and bookmarking those
she found relevant for her task. As a result, the sys-
tem may contain a number of services without tags,
which in turn cannot be recommended by a match-
maker. This is called a cold-start problem (Montaner
et al., 2003). To address the problem services may
be initially assigned with system tags. For instance,
SeekDa generates system tags both (1) automatically,
based on generic features that can be guessed from the
endpoint URL of a service (Lausen and Haselwanter,
2007), and (2) manually, by a uniform group of peo-
ple (authors of SeekDa portal and their colleagues).
As a result, there is a minimal overlap between user
queries and popular tags; and many services are de-
scribed by the same combination of tags (Gawinecki,
2009a). We propose to assign system tags manually
by a service broker either on the base of parameter
names (input and output tags), or of the WSDL doc-
umentation (generic functional categories), like ge-
ographical (behavior tags). Usage of specific facets
may lead to more specific and varied system tags.
The second issue we address is steering the
community to provide quality tags. The difference
between simple keyword annotation and collaborative
tagging is the social aspect of the latter. Users can
see how other people tagged the same object and
can learn from that. (Sen et al., 2006) observed that
pre-existing tags affect future tagging behavior. Un-
fortunately, some users do not tag because they cannot
think of any tags or simply do not like tagging. Offer-
ing tag suggestions is thus a way to encourage more
people to participate in tagging. Specifically, the sys-
tem presents top 5 tags for a service; that have been
already provided by at least two actors (including also
the system). During tagging each user is also shown
a set of tags she has already used. In this way we try
to help user to utilize the same, consistent vocabulary.
A user may describe a service she searches for in
terms of interface it exposes (input, output query
keywords) and the category to which it belongs (be-
havior query keywords). Hence, we model a service
request q as a service template: q = (q
), where
, q
, q
are sets of query terms describing three
facets: input, output and behavior, respectively. The
proposed matchmaker, called WSColab, (a) classifies
service offers as either relevant or irrelevant to the
service request, and (b) ranks relevant service offers
with respect to their estimated relevance to the
service request.
Note some coupling between users annotating
services and users formulating queries is necessary to
grant that the latter share the vocabulary used by the
former ones. Query expansion is a recall-enhancing
technique to satisfy this need. The query is expanded
using a query autocompletion mechanism. As a user
types query keywords, the system suggests matching
tags (completions) for the given facet (maximally the
top 15 commonly used tags).
4.1 Service Binary Classification
The matchmaker classifies a service offer as relevant
to a service request if they share input and output
tags (function signature matching), or if they share
behavior tags (categorization). Formally, the results
r(q, (F
)) of the query q for the folksonomies
, F
, F
contain only service offers that satisfy the
following condition:
r(q, (F
)) = r(q
) r(q
) r(q
where r(q
) = π
) =
)), q
S, q
) =
)), q
S, q
Empty set of query keywords for a given facet
means that a user does not care about values for this
4.2 Ranking Services
The matchmaker should rank higher those service of-
fers that are both functionally equivalent and interface
compatible to the service request. Service offers that
satisfy only function signature matching heuristics or
only categorization heuristics should be ranked lower.
Degree to which a service offer satisfies signature
matching heuristics is the similarity of input and
output tags and input and output query keywords. De-
gree to which a service offer satisfies categorization
heuristics is the similarity of behavior tags and behav-
ior query keywords. Hence, combination of those two
heuristics can be represented as the weighted sum:
sim(q,s) = w
· sim(q
+ w
· sim(q
)) + w
· sim(q
of similarity scores for single facets: sim(q
)) and sim(q
)). Our initial ex-
periments have shown that categorization heuristics
is more sensitive to false positives, because it may
classify as relevant those services that have similar
scope of functionality (USA), but are not functionally
equivalent. Hence, we give more weight to the in-
put/ouput facets (w
= w
= 0.4) than to the behavior
facet (w
= 0.2).
Similarity for a single facet is measured in the
Vector Space Model (VSM). Specifically, tags/key-
words for a facet of a single service offer/request are
represented as an m-dimensional document vector
(m = |T|). Tags are weighted using the TF/IDF
weighting model (Salton and Buckley, 1988). Sim-
ilarity between the query keywords and the tags is
a cosine similarity between their document vectors.
For instance, for the input query keywords q
and the
input tags σ
) of the service offer s we define the
similarity as:
)) =
where w
= t f
· id f
, W
t f
, id f
= log
1+ |S
where n
is the number of actors that annotated an
input of the service s with the tag t (|π
and N is the number of annotations all actors made
for the input of the service offer s (|π
))|). |S|
is the number of all registered services and |S
| is the
number of services having input annotated with the
tag t (|π
))|). Term frequency (t f
) promotes
service offers with tags that many actors used to
describe them. Inverse document frequency (id f
promotes service offers annotated with more specific
tags (i.e. tags that have been used for description of
a small number of services). The similarity score
)) promotes service offers sharing more
tags with the query. Normalization of similarity
measure by W
allows the similarity score to be
unaffected by the number of tags used to describe
a facet of a given service offer.
An experimental evaluation has been performed
during the Cross-Evaluation track of the Semantic
Service Selection 2009 contest (S3, 2009). The
goal was to compare performance of matchmakers
using different formalisms to describe the same test
collection—Jena Geography Dataset (JDG50).
5.1 Experimental Setup
Below we briefly report the experimental setup of
the contest and describe how the test collection
has been annotated in our approach. The complete
experimental setup is described in (K¨uster, 2010).
Performance Measures. Matchmakers have been
evaluated using the Semantic Web Service Match-
maker Evaluation Environment (SME
) (SME2,
2009). The relevance of Web service responses has
been checked against binary relevance judgments
and graded relevance judgments (K¨uster and K¨onig-
Ries, 2009). Both types of judgments considered
functional equivalence of the answer, functional
scope and interface-compatibility. Due to limited
space we report only the results for graded relevance
judgments. Note, however, that the results were
stable—the position of WSColab in the ranking of
compared matchmakers does not change with respect
to the binary relevance judgments.
The performance against the graded relevance
judgments has been measured using the nDCG
a normalized Discount Cumulative Gain at the rank
(cut-off level) i (J¨arvelin and Kek¨al¨ainen, 2002). Let
be a gain value that the i-th returned service gains
for relevance. We define
,i = 1
+ G
(i+ 1) ,i 2
The Discount Cumulative Gain (DCG) realistically
rewards relevant answers in the top of the ranking
more than those in the bottom of the ranking. Calcu-
lated DCG
is then normalized by the ideal possible
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: The normalized Discount Cumulative Gain (nDCG) curves for the six different matchmakers averaged over 4
different graded relevance judgments. Shown courtesy of the S3 contest organizers.
to make the comparison between different
matchmakers possible.
The discount factor of log
(i + 1) is relatively
high, to model an impatient user who gets bored
when she cannot find a relevant answer in the top
of the ranking. We also plot the nDCG curve,
where the X-axis represents a rank, and the Y-axis
represents a nDCG value for a given rank. An ideal
matchmaker has a horizontal curve with a high nDCG
value; the vertical distance between the ideal nDCG
curve and the actual nDCG curve corresponds to the
effort a user wastes on less than perfect documents
delivered by a particular matchmaker.
The efficiency of matchmakers has been measured
in terms of average query response time on an Intel
Core2 Duo T9600 (2.8GHz) machine with 4GB
RAM running Windows XP 32bit.
Test Collection. The test collection provided by the
organizers contained service offers and service re-
quests. The 50 service offers have been annotated by
the community using our structured collaborative tag-
ging model (see Section 3).
System tags were generated manually by the or-
ganizers of the S3 contest. To collect community tags
we developed a collaborative tagging portal (Gawi-
necki, 2009b), where incoming users were given one
of 10 prepared software engineering tasks. For each
service in the portal each user has been asked to:
(a) tag its behavior, input and output, and (b) classify
it as either relevant for the task (potentially useful in
the context of the task) or irrelevant. The tagging pro-
cess has been completed in the open (non-laboratory)
environment, where users could come to the portal
any number of times, at any time. We invited to
participate our colleagues, with either industrial
or academic experience in Web services, SOA or
software engineering in general. Furthermore, we
have sent invitations to the open community, through
several public forums and Usenet groups concerned
with related topics.
The annotation portal was open for 12 days be-
tween September 16 and 27, 2009. Total of 27
users provided 2716 annotations. Our colleagues (17)
have tagged 50 services, providing 2541 annotations
(94%). The remaining 10 users have tagged 10 ser-
vices, providing 175 annotations (6%). The contribu-
tion of users was significant: 46% to 61% (depending
on a facet) of tags were new (not system).
The nine service requests have been annotated in
the following way. Each service request was a natural
language (NL) query that needed to be translated into
a system query. However, our query language is not
very restrictive and the same NL query can be trans-
lated into different system queries, depending on the
query translation strategy used by a user. The choice
of a user may have an impact on the final evaluation
results of the whole system. Picking up a single neu-
tral user formulating system queries for all the match-
makers (as it is done in (TREC, 2009) approach)
addresses this problem. However, it introduces also
potential variance in the performance of a single neu-
tral user in using different systems formalisms. This
is because for some matchmakers it is far from easy to
formulate queries in their formalism. Therefore, we
collected query formulations from as many users as
possible and the performance of our matchmaker has
been further averaged over all query formulations.
The collection process has been performed in a more
controlled environment than tagging of service offers,
to avoid participation of persons who already have
seen service descriptions. We extended our annota-
tion portal with a functionality of presenting service
requests and collecting system queries from users.
A user could not see any services in the registry nor
results of her queries. The only information was
shared by means of query autocompletion. Addi-
tionally, a user could also see the whole vocabulary
that has been used during tagging phase to describe
service offers. The vocabulary has been presented
in the form of three tag clouds, one for each facet of
the annotation. No information has been given about
which service has been described by which tags.
We collected query formulations from 5 different
users. Average length of a query per user ranged
from 4.2 to 11.2 words. System queries of different
users provided for the same service requests differed
from 50% to 100% of words. We observed that users
found non-system tags very valuable for describing
service requests—the query keywords were system
tags, for only 22% for the behavior facet, 26% for the
input, and 34% for the output.
Matchmaker Implementation. WSColab indexes
terms for each facet of a service using in-memory
inverted files, implemented with the
standard JDK (JDK, 2009) class. It uses Document-
at-a-Time query evaluation algorithm based on
accumulators (Zobel and Moffat, 2006).
5.2 Experimental Results
WSColab has been compared with ve other match-
makers tested over the same test set and all the
results reported here are courtesy of the S3 contest
organizers. The competitors included 3 matchmakers
based on the SAWSDL formalism, requiring each
service to be annotated manually by ontological con-
cepts: SAWSDL-MX1 (Klusch and Kapahnke, 2008),
SAWSDL-MX2 (Klusch et al., 2009) and SAWSDL-
iMatcher3/1. Two another were the IRS-III (Dietze
et al., 2009), which uses the OCML (OCML, 2009)
rules, and the Themis-S (Knackstedt et al., 2008)
ranking service offered over the enhanced Topic-
based Vector Space Model (eTVSM) and using the
WordNet as its domain ontology.
Figure 1 shows the nDCG curves for the com-
pared systems. The performance of the WSColab
is the closest to the performance of an ideal one
(with respect to the nDCG measure). It has a relative
performance of 65-80% over most of the ranks while
(except for the first two ranks) the remaining systems
have a relative performance less than 55-70%. Here,
the intuition is that a user needs to spend less effort to
find relevant service with WSColab than using other
The average query response time of the WSColab
is below 1 millisecond. The second top-efficient
matchmaker is the SAWSDL-iMatcher3/1 with
170 milliseconds of average query response time.
WSColab is very fast thanks to the simple indexing
structure (inverted files). This can be vital for large
volume of indexed services and can foster active
interaction between a user and the system.
In the context of software component reuse, the
thoroughness of component description is limited by
the user’s willingness to formulate long and precise
queries (Mili et al., 1995). We have shown that
our model of Web service description and retrieval
is a good trade-off between complexity of annota-
tion and query language, and the retrieval quality.
However, it is difficult to estimate annotation effort
and scalability. First, because tags were generated
for a small and specific collection of service offers.
Second, because evaluation of collaborative tagging
process in the open environment is a difficult prob-
lem. Nevertheless, the fact that most of annotations
(94%) have been provided by our collegues, not
by the open community, may be symptomatic for
the Web services on the Web; e.g. 87% of services
harvested by the SeekDa are without any tags at
all (Gawinecki, 2009a). The process of tagging only
selected services may be the sign of filtering only ser-
vices that are valuable for the community. Whether
this is the case must be validated in further research.
We would like to thank to: Ulrich K¨uster (for the or-
ganization of the Cross-Evaluation track), Patrick Ka-
pahnke and Matthias Klusch (for their general support
and organization of the S3 contest), Holger Lausen
and Michal Zaremba (for providing SeekDa data), M.
Brian Blake, Elton Domnori, Grzegorz Frackowiak,
Giorgio Villani and Federica Mandreoli (for the dis-
Al-Masri, E. and Mahmoud, Q. H. (2008a). Discovering
Web Services in Search Engines. IEEE Internet Com-
puting, 12(3).
Al-Masri, E. and Mahmoud, Q. H. (2008b). Investigating
Web Services on the World Wide Web. In WWW.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Dietze, S., Benn, N., Conconi, J. D., and Catta-
neo, F. (2009). Two-Fold Semantic Web Service
Matchmaking—Applying Ontology Mapping for Ser-
vice Discovery. In ASWC.
Dong, X., Halevy, A. Y., Madhavan, J., Nemes, E., and
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